The Fall Ch. 04

This chapter is available in two different versions. The one here in “BDSM” and one in “Loving Wives,” which is not quite as rough. Carol chose. You choose.


Carol lay in a heap, her body nestled in the crook of Mike Burke’s knees, her right arm draped over his pistoning butt, her head on the arm of the love-seat, and her legs hanging off the sofa, one knee on the floor. Next to her, and partly under her, was Mike, thrusting away into Alice Francis, who was kneeling with her head on the opposite bolster. Mike seemed to be aware of what it was that suddenly landed on him, as, before Carol could completely get over her shock and catch her breath, he wordlessly reached back and jammed a couple of his fingers into Carol’s pussy, which was sore as hell and leaking the runny combined fluids of her cum and that of Jeff Wilson, who had just brutally thrown her off the “stage” at the front of the room.

Mike started making a pinche shout, “Fuck! I’m coming!” He pushed his hand into Carol hard, and froze in position deep in Alice’s cunt. Alice responded, “Keep going, asshole! I’m almost there!”

Carol shook her head lightly to clear it, and feel a hand grab her left arm and pull her roughly away from the climaxing couple, which yanked Mike’s hand out of Carol, to her relief. Carol pushed herself up in concert with the tug from behind her, and, once she had gained her footing, turned to see Tony Spinelli grinning at her.

“Are we having fun yet?” Tony asked. “C’mon! You gotta see this!”

Tony tugged Carol through the maze of furniture towards the back of the house. Carol glanced over to her right and saw that Jeff had completely forgotten her, and was mixing himself a drink at the make-shift bar, his limp cock dripping on the carpet.

As they nearly the master bedroom, Carol could hear repeated sharp “snaps,” each followed by a woman’s yelp. It sounded like there were two, or maybe three women in the room.

Tony tugged her through the doorway of the large room, and curled his arm around her waist. The two of them stood there, looking at Jim Francis standing, nude (everyone in the room was naked) with a huge hard-on at the side of Tony and Jess’s big king-sized bed, wilding one of those cheap wooden yardsticks they give away at hardware stores and lumber yards. He was smacking it flat side down, sharply, on the stomach of Tony’s wife, Jess, who was lying on her back on the near edge of the bed, and she let out a short yelp with every hit.

But Jess wasn’t alone. Lying beside her was Judy Wilson, cross-wise at the head of the bed, face down, with her legs hanging off the edge of the bed, and from time to time, Jim would slap the yardstick down hard on Judy’s ass, which was already cherry-red from his blows. Judy’s ass must have been much more sensitive because of the abuse she had already taken, because her howls were much louder, almost continuous, and she was crying softly in between swats. Carol could see Judy’s slit slightly between her tights, and it seemed to be oozing white fluid down her legs.

On the other side of the bed was young Gennifer Burke, her trim athletic body looking incredibly sexual, lying silently on her back, one leg bent up, and with her arm over her eyes as if shielding them from the harsh overhead light, her other arm crossed over her tummy. She was breathing deeply, almost gasping.

“I’m with Gennifer,” Tony said. “Watch!”

Tony walked around to the other side of the bed, his stubby, erect cock bouncing as he walked, and tugged Gennifer’s arm down from in front of her eyes. Gennifer looked up at Tony and tried to smile, but her smile seemed more like a grimace, as she knew what was coming. Without prompting, she moved her other arm off of her stomach and stretched her arms above her head to arch her back slightly, which lifted her torso up off of the bed a bit. Carol could see that Gennifer, too, likeCarol shacked her whole crotch bare. Even to Carol’s eyes, she made an inviting target – although why a man would choose to beat her instead of fuck her was a mystery to Carol.

Although, she was learning.

Tony grabbed a shorter flat stick, maybe one of those 14″ long paint stirrers that stores also give away, and placed it gently across Gennifer’s breasts, resting it lightly on her erect nipples. He lifted it up maybe eight or ten inches, then slapped it down HARD on Gennifer’s breasts. The blow landed squarely on her nipples, and she let out a scream of pain. Tony immediately repeated his action, and Gennifer was unable to scream again, as she had no breath left. But she kept her arms above her head and her back arched, making no move to protect or defend herself.

Carol had the urge to step over to pull Tony away, but she knew that this is what these people had come here for. And, despite her revulsion for what she saw, Carol also felt a thrill of excitement and dangerr, and preciously found herself enjoying watching these women’s torture.

Tony’s third blow was a swing from below Gennifer’s breasts, catching her right breast from the bottom with the full force. Gen’s breast obscenely jumped up toward her neck, then rebounded and jiggled back into place. She had resolved enough breath to let out a yelp with that one, which apparently was not as painful as the blows directly to the nipples.

Carol noticed that Gennifer had moved her right arm, the one opposite from Tony’s side of the bed, so her hand could reach down to fondle herself between her legs. While she was being beating by this muscle little man, she was masturbating herself. Carol finally understands that although Gennifer was ending a lot of pain from Tony’s blows, she was also so turned on by them that she felt the need to pleasure herself at the same time!

Carol glanced to the other side of the big bed. Judy was still lying there face down, crying quietly. Jim had crawled up onto the bed and was kneeling between Jess’s wide-spread legs, aiming his cock in preparation to entering her. He still had his yardstick in his hand, its length resting on Jess’s sternum, its tip lying along her cheek. Carol suddenly had a vision of Jess’s high-school students seeing what she was seeing now, and felt the rush of the secret sexual knowledge that Jess must feel as she stood before those classrooms of girls, and God Help Her, horny teen-aged boys, every day at school. Carol knew that her student-teaching sponsor must frequently entertain herself with thoughts of her obscene behaviors and just how much those gorgeous boys looking back at her, probably also fantasizing, would like to be part of this perverted scene.

Tony said, “Carol! C’mere!”

Carol turned her head and saw that Tony was holding another yardstick out to her, offering her an opportunity to deliver some blows to the luscious body of Gennifer Burke lying there gasping on the bed in front of him. ‘Why not,’ Carol thought. ‘I’ll be the one on the bed soon enough, and maybe Gennifer will have her chance on me!” The idea appealed deeply to Carol’s sense of self-destructiveness and sinful pleasure. God, she wished John could see this!

Carol stepped over to the bed, and Tony handed her the stick. “Flat side, honey,” Tony said. “The narrow edge’ll break the skin!”

Gennifer looked at Carol, but her eyes were glazed over as her fingers were digging hungrily into her cunt and her hips were still being held up off the surface of the bed. Carol held the stick in both hands, lifted it over her head, and yanked it down with the entire strength of her arms. Ironically, the yardstick was so thin that air resistance from trying to move it too fast dampened the force of her blow. The stick bent upwards seriously as she brought it down, and although it smacked Gennifer fairly smartly, Carol had missed hitting anything very sensitive, landing on her upper stomach, and the blow wasfar from the hay-maker Carol had wanted to deliver.

Gen just moaned from the swat. Carol was angry that she had done so poorly, and tried again, getting a feel for the implementation. The second blow was both more accurate and much more severe. The stick landed absolutely flat across Gennifer’s swollen nipples, making a loud “thwack!” Gennifer barked out a sharp scream, and her hips rose even further, her hand between her legs yanking up tightly against her as she had a powerful orgasm. Carol was extremely appalled at what she had done, proud of her accomplishment, and thoroughly turned on by the idea of ​​giving another sexy woman an orgasm this way. Carol felt a tiny orgasm of her own thrill her cunt.

Carol stood, shaking with the gravity and perversity of what she had just done. Gennifer was still writing on the bed, now fallen onto her side, and beginning to fold into a fetal position, but clearly still in the throes of an orgasm. So Carol knew that, although what she had done was far, far from her idea of ​​making love, or even of just sexy, raunchy fucking, Gennifer and the others here somehow found pleasure in it, enjoyed it. They seemed to crave it!

But inside, Carol realized that she herself teetered on the edge of complete sexual dissolution, a total abandon of her “other” life as a wife, and perhaps someday, a mother. She knew she would have to very careful, or she could Easily fall into this pit of depravity and lust. She knew she had been toying with that potential for years, relishing it, playing the slut in her mind and in her secret rendezvous, while also living as the virtual student, daughter and wife in public. Now, she was at an intersection: would she slide further down this slippery slope that was so exclusive, to a point of no return, or would she turn aside to something simpler, calmer, more “normal”?

Carol’s thoughts were interrupted by the force of strong arms grabbing her around the waist. She was pulled back against the slight paunch of Mike Burke’s stomach and heard his voice as he spoke to Tony, “Get her off the bed!”

Carol saw Tony tuck his arm into the coil of Gennifer’s body, and simply pulled at her until she rolled off the edge of the big bed and fell to the carpeted floor with a thumb. She saw Tony then pull Gennifer up to her knees, still tucked into herself as he positioned his huge, bizarre stumpy cock at her glistening slit and began to massage it around, working to force it inside of her.

Mike pushed Carol onto the bed. She fell backwards, her knees bent over the edge of the bed, her head landing near where Judy Wilson was still lying face down, quietly sobbing. Fearing her own torque was about to begin, Carol suddenly felt shade at her own cold negative of the other woman’s suffering, and reached over to brush Judy’s damp hair away from her face, gently caresing her face. Judy’s blood-shot eyes opened and tried to focus on Carol but failed as she just moaned quietly, “It’sso good! So fucking GOOD!”

Carol’s mind recoiled again, and she began to panic. Her every instinct told her to jump up and flee this instant, yet Judy’s words also stirred something in some lustful dark place in Carol’s soul. Some manic, insane craving in her heart, some evil self-destructive urge, combined with new jolts of lust, kept her from rising and running out. And then, Mike’s strong hands on her naked body ended her chance to escape. The choice of what to do, whether to run home to safety or to willingly succumb further to her own degradation and torque, was taken away from her.

Or so she thought.

Mike had one of the little paint-stirrer sticks in his other hand. Carol could see that his cock was hanging limp under his hairy, slightly flabby gut between his legs, and he had an evil, delighted grin on his face, made almost comical by his ridiculous mustache. Carol knew what lay in store for her, now.

When Mike had convinced himself that Carol wasn’t going anywhere, he stood up and prepared to use his wooden flail on her body. Before Carol could tense against the blow, Mike swatted her sharply on her left breast, narrowly missing a direct hit on her nipple.

But the blow was plenty painful enough. Carol’s eyes flew open, as she got a much better idea of ​​what she had just done to Gennifer. To Carol’s amazement, even though her attention was Totally concentrated on the cute pain in her breast, and to resisting the instinctive urge to clap her arms over herself in defense, she was also aware of new, powerful and sensitive stirrings in her sex, a tightening as if she were about to be penetrated there.

Mike’s next blow was perfectly aimed, and landed directly on her right breast’s nipple. Carol couldn’t help screaming out in her exhaustive pain, or from covering herself to try to stop further blows. She felt strong but small hands grab her arms and tug them away, pulling them upward across the bed, opening her nude torso yet again to Mike’s assault. Carol turned her head and saw that Judy Wilson was now on her knees next to Carol’s head, and was straining against Carol’s body to assist Mike in his attack.

But Mike paused, and for a few seconds, Carol thought her torque might be over. Perhaps Mike would just fuck her right now, which she found herself intensely craving.

Real, Mike knelt next to Carol on the bed, and, speaking first to Judy, said, “Let go of her!” Carol felt herself released; she was now lying there, sprayed on her back, but in no way restrained. Free again to leave, if she wanted.

Mike spoke then to Carol. “Okay, you beautiful thing. You gorgeous slut cunt whore of a cheating wife. What I want you to do now is spread your legs. I’m going to fuck you, but not right away. You know what I want to do! If you want, you can get up now and go home to hubby, or you can spread your fucking legs, so I can get this stick in there, and after a while, if you’re a good girl, I promiseyou, the four of us will take turns fucking you until none of us can take any more!”

And then, Mike stepped away, his penis now rock-hard again as he smiled and studied Carol’s naked form.

The only sounds in the room were the grunting, gasping, and liquid “fuck, fuck, fuck” of Jim thrusting into Jess on the bed behind her and Tony fucking into Gennifer on the floor in front of her.

Carol had never been in a more exciting, more decade sexual atmosphere – she had never even imagined the awful and wonderful things she had seen and felt tonight. And she loved it, but she also still felt the remnants of the pain that had been inflicted on her and she feared the pain that Mike told her was still in store. What did he mean to “get this stick in there?” Would he actually rape her with it?

From somewhere else in the house, she could dimly hear Alice Francis scream out in what Carol now recognized as pain and orgasm at the same time. With that, Carol knew she really had no choice. She spread her legs and leaned back on her elbows to watch whatever it was that Mike Burke wanted to do to her.

“Oh, you stupid fucking girl! You’re as sick as the rest of us!” Mike said almost laughing. “I’m really going to enjoy THIS!”

Judy Wilson leaned over Carol’s upper torso and began tenderly licking and sucking on Carol’s sore, bruised right nipple, caresing it with the moist warmth of her tongue, restoring it with the balm of her saliva. Carol closed her eyes, relishing the sweet relief that Judy provided.

But the soothing of her breast was of no help against the sudden pain of Mike’s next blow. With a sharp “smack,” the stick snapped down on Carol’s projecting mons, the flat of the board parallel to the length of her slit. Carol screamed again with the most exciting pain she had ever felt. Totally out of control, Carol felt urine surging down her legs. But she also could feel that she was on the verge of a massive, powerful climax. Still,Judy continued her attention to Carol’s sore breasts.

Twice more Mike’s blows landed squarely on Carol’s cunt, the singing tip not making contact, but the flat of the implementation intensity enough to drive her to the edge of consciousness with the pain. Dear God, why hadn’t she fled when she had the chance?

Why? Because now, the pain melded and was enveloped in the consuming fire of the most extreme orgasm she had ever experienced.

The pain didn’t disappear; it was included, it became one with the joy of her climax. Carol’s body compromised on the edge of the bed, and she felt Judy applies her teeth lightly to her nipples, one after the other. The pulses of orgasm continued through Carol’s body and through her consciousness. Dimly, remotely, Carol felt Mike insert his penis into her tormented vagina, and another wave of orgasm jolted through her.

Mike managed only a few strokes into Carol before he grunted his perverted pleasure in fucking his willing victim, and they both felt spurt after hot spurt of his jism shoot up into this married college girl’s cunt.

Somewhere out in space as Carol’s body compromised in ecstasy, she found the answer to the question she had asked herself about these sadistic firemen and their ageized wives: Did these men hate women so much? Why did these women accept this abuse, apparently coming back time after time for more? How could Jess, her meek, friendly student-teaching advisor, also be part of this twisted torture club? Why the hell hadn’t she herself left earlier when Jeff told her what was in store for her?

As she continued to spasm with wave after wave of combined pain and excite pleasure, she knew.

Because, as Judy Wilson had said, “It’s so good! So fucking GOOD!”


As Carol was driving her little VW bug through the dim pre-dawn morning, three thoughts kept her awake.

First, she knew she had descended (or was it ascended?) to a new level of deviantsexual pleasure and had created an appealite that she knew she could never satisfy. But she also knew she would try.

Second, she knew there would be a confrontation with John, now. There was no way she could fabricate a plausible, innocent excuse for being at a “film club” until dawn, and coming home with welts, bruises, tender swollen nipples, a split lip, bite marks, an inflamed asshole, and a vagina puffy and distended with abuse and overuse. Her marriage was over.

Finally, Carol mentally released every incredible moment of what had happened to her at her student adviser’s house. She recalled with perverted joy that every man there had taken a turn with her, each abusing her in some new and novel way, each impaling her with his fantastic cock, one after the other as she watched the other women being treated with equal cruelty and password. She turned the memories of her pain and pleasure like someone irresistably toying with a painful tooth, relishing the pain, and unable,unwilling, to let it go.


Carol pulled into the parking lot of the married student housing complex just as the sun broke the horizon. Frost began to drift away as steam as she walked, every step a painful reminder of her debauchery.

When she quietly entered the apartment (Why quietly? There would be no avoiding the explosion that was coming!), she saw lying on the table, a note from her husband:

“Carol –

Sorry, but I’m going to be up in the studio all night again. I’ll try to get home tomorrow to see you and maybe grab a little sleep. There’s some left-over spaghetti in the fridge if you’re hungry.

I hope you had fun. Jess and Tony’s club sounds interesting, you should keep going if you enjoyed it!

Hopefully we’ll have some time together after I turn in this project.

I love you so much –



Carol was like a zombie, over-tired, over-stimulated, her emotions a jumble and her abused body exhausted. She somehow managed to take a hot bath and crawl into bed, where she instantly fell into a dreamless sleep.



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