The Fall Ch. 03

A/N: Some of this is an area that I am unfamiliar with. Don’t worry though; I did a ton of “research” before writing this. 😉 As always, a big thank you to Brenda for beta-ing my mental sewage.

Warnings: Femdom, drug use, abduction, anal play, urethral play, and nonconsensual sex acts in this work of fiction.

Please also note: This is a work of fiction that takes place in the Victorian era. That means I skipped over a lot of important steps regarding sterilizing, etc. Do not try any of this at home without proper preparation and sterilization!


Overhead, Jonathan heard Eliza snicker as she pinched his left nipple causing him to close his eyes and exhaust slowly though his nose. He was beginning to get an erection from her gentle touches. Due to the opium flowing though his veins, he found himself not really caring that he was currently drugged and bound; the anger would come later. What he needed right now was more of whatever she was willing to give.

“Now Dr. Maxwell, you stated that I have below average intelligence in your notes. I think you need to be punished for that.”

He opened his eyes and looked at his captor questioningly. What was she playing at? His gray orbs widened considerably when she produced two clothespins from a tray from shelf. What on earth was she going to do with…OH GOOD GOD! She attached one to the stiffened peak of his left nipple, and flicked it lazily back and forth. The weight of the wood caused both pleasure and pain to spark up and down his spine, bringing his manhood to full attention. She then pinched his right nipple a few times causing him to squirm in the chair before repeating the same actions with the other clothespin. He tossed his head and groaned, saying something unrecognizable into the clothes covering his mouth.

Eliza stepped back and surveyed her struggled captive. It had been years since she had a man prone and begging for her touches. At least he looked like he was beginning. It was hard to tell. She frowned; unfortunately she would not be finding release with the good doctor today. No, her needs would have to come later; there was work to do first. Dipping her hands in the warm oil that she left out for this occasion, she grasped his erection and began a slow languid stroke. Once his eyes closed, and he began to understand from the stimulation, she then began stroking his testicles with her other hand in the same lazy rhythm before gradually moving downward.

Jonathan’s eyes snapped open in fear when he feel her oiled fingers tracing slow circles around his pumped entrance. She wouldn’t try to perform a pelvic massage on him, would she? He was a male! As the tip of her digit began to breach him, he began to buck to try and get away from the invasion. No! This was wrong! This was a sin!

“If you keep stiffening up, this is going to get very painful for you.” Eliza drawled, “I’d really rather not hurt you, but we *do* have to cureyou of your madness.”

To punctuate her point, she reached up and flicked one of the clothespins. That action caused pleasure to dance along his nerves as she resumed the stroke of his erection with one hand. The other hand was prodding at his anus again, but between the opium and the mind-numbing bliss of her touch, he lost his will to fight. He was restrained anyhow. It was pointless, she was going to have her way no matter what.

“See? This isn’t so bad.” She stated as she began pumping a single digit in and out of his flexing hole, going deeper with each stoke, “However, this might be a little uncomfortable for a minute. Just breathe and relax.”

He felt a burning sensing in his backside, and Jonathan could feel her pushing two small fingers into the tight ring of muscles, stopping at the second knuckle then pulling out only to enter once more.

Eliza alternated between occasionally flicking a clothespin and struggling his now rock hard erection as she pumpedher fingers in and out of his ass. With every thrust, she sunk her digits deeper into him until finally deeming him ready for her to move on to his prostate. Upon feeling the small protrusion, she then began to rub the pads of her fingers lightly against it to stimulate a response. Well, more of a response than having him moaning and struggling on the table. He would do that regardless.

Finally she knew she had made progress when he began struggle and trying to arch his back off of the chair. Perfect! She began hitting the now overly sensitive spot mercilessly while she pumped his cock, causing his manhood to leak a good amount of pre-come all over his stomach while he thrashed about. When she noticed his testicles tightening further and his stomach muscles begin to tense, she pulled her fingers almost all the way out. She also slackened the hand stroking him, denying his release. However, she absently continued to scissor the two digits still partially in his flexing hole asshe looked down at his sweat-drenched face.

“Are you enjoying your pelvic massage Dr. Maxwell?” she smiled. She didn’t really expect an answer, but judging by the nearly purple erection and the way he trying to buck into her loosened hand, he was damn well enjoying it.

Removing both of her hands from his person and ignoring the noises of protest, she reached over to gather the last tools of her debauchery. She really didn’t need to use them, as the doctor would probably be able to release easily by being stoked alone. But Clinton always admired her creativity in matters such as this, and Dr. Maxwell admired Clinton, so why not?

While his eyes were closed and he seemed to be trying to gain control of his senses, Eliza dipped the metal rod into the bowl of oil. She then brought it up to his face and said, “I’m sure you know what this is, correct?”

He looked at the instrument nearly cross-eyed, since it was so close to his face. Then nodded slowly, with fear creeping into his mind again.

As if he never answered he continued, “It’s a dittel sound, a uterine dilator, and it’s not going to hurt you. If anything it’s another way to stimulate your prostate, which is what I was just doing a few minutes ago.”

Jonathan could only draw in air through his nose, as he started to shiver. When he was in university, he had seen these used on men who had episodes of syphilis. The only way to open the scarred tissue was by dilation with the various sized steel rods, one of which, albeit thin, was currently being held by his torqueor. His tongue poked against his gag as he tried to protest, but she was already gripping his erection and teasing his slit with the metal tube.

“Relax and don’t move, otherwise you will hurt yourself” she warned before beginning to apply a slight pressure to the handle, sliding it in painstakingly slow.

Jonathan was frantically trying not to move as he felt the thin rod begin to slide into his cock. His handsclnched as he still completely and took deep breaths to keep the blind panic from bubblering up in his chest. As the insertion progressed, he began to realize that he was in no pain, and while the feeling was strange, it was not entirely bad. It was just intensity. Everything since he woke up was intensity, and he was mindless from not only pleasure but also exhaust from struggle mentally with what was happening. Taking a few deep breaths, he will himself to go slack. He did not want this part of his anatomy to get damaged.

Once Eliza felt the tension leaves his body, she slide the sound all the way in until she met with the barrier at the end of his passage. Stilling for a moment, she allowed Dr. Maxwell to get used to the intrusion. She then slide it slowly up and down his shake to insure he was more comfortable. Honestly, she was surprised, it was obvious that he had never used this instrument before. How he managed that with the type of practice he ran completely baffled her.

Mentally shaking her head, she began to focus on the task at hand. Holding the sound in place carefully with her thumb and forefinger, she grinned as she reached up and loosened the knot in the back of his gag, pulling the fabric down and around his neck. Maxwell licked his lips and continued panting, his eyes knitting together again in apparent confusion. He really was adorable; she was glad that she was going to be keeping him.

She smiled down at him and pushed back the hair stuck to his sweaty browser. “I want to hear every delicious sound you are about to make.”

Turning her attention back to the tray, Eliza reached over and grasped a small tuning fork while maneuvering Dr. Maxwell’s penis to point slightly downward for better access to his already over sensitive prostate. She struck it gently on the side of the chair and held it to the side of the sound — the result was instantaneous.

Jonathan began crying out between his clenched teeth and mumbling incoherent half words. Every nervous in his groin had electric sparks shooting outward towards his limbs, and he was unable to control his shaking. His chest was heaving and his upper torso configured painfully backward as the straws holding him down bit into his skin painfully. The clothespins on his nipples danced with his movements, making the pressure worse. He desperately needed to come.

“Pleaaase…nnngghhhah!” It came out half garbled, but she understands as she hit the tuning fork forcefully one last time against the chair and held it against the sound. As soon has he shrieked and his body wronged upwards again, she removed the rod quickly. Heat tore its way up from his tightened balls, through his twitching shake covering his stomach, chest, and even his chin, with thick white strands. He fell apart at the seams as wave After wave of euphoria continued to assault him, tears cascading down his temples and mixing with his hair.

Eliza was beside herself. She never had sucha responsive male! And it was obvious he hadn’t released in a long time. Scooping most of the seed off of his body with her fingers, she poked out her tongue and tasted it before sliding the rest into his still open mouth.

“My, you are delicious. Now be a good boy and eat up.”

Any concentration Jonathan still possessed after the drugs was now gone after his orgasm, so he did as he was told and swallowed his salty cum with only a small whimper.


I’m aware that the Dittel sound wasn’t invented until 1880 or so by Leopold Ritter von Dittel (May 29, 1815 — July 28, 1898). They were invented to increase the inner diameter of the urethra and to locate observations within it, observations usually caused my STDs and kidney stones.

Tuning forks were supposedly used to diagnose problems with the central nervous system and hearing in the Victorian era, but I cannot find a date as to when this began. They were invented in 1711.



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