Carol’s story branches here. This chapter can be read both here in the BDSM section, and in Loving Wives. The two are quite different. One is much closer to the truth. You might be surprised by which one that is. — Dora.
“John?” Carol spoke quietly to her husband as he sat at his drafting board, completely involved in his complex engineering work.
Her husband didn’t react, but continued to tote up a column of figures on a pad beside the drawing he was working on. “John?” Carol said, more loudly. “Can we talk for a minute?”
John continued what he was doing for a second, then turned to smile at her. “Sure,” he said. “If you can talk while I’m working! Go! I’ll listen!” Then he went back to what he had been doing. Carol thought he had totally tuned her out.
“John I had the strangest experience this afternoon!” No reaction.
“I went over to Jess’s house to grade papers, and I met her husband, Tony, finally,” she said.
“Uh-huh.” John said. “He’s, what, a policeman or something?”
“A fireman! Tony’s a fireman, John,” she said, a little louder.
“Oh, yeah, right,” John said. “That IS interesting!”
Carol knew that John was hearing her but not really listening. “No, it wasn’t THAT, John. They were getting ready to have a party this Evening! They are going to show movies tonight at their party, and Tony showed me the movie!”
“Cool,” John said.
“It was a porno movie!” Carol admitted.
“That’s nice,” said John, transferring some numbers from his pad of calculations to his drawing, carefully lettering them on with his drawing lead holder and the edge of his little triangle. Carol just waited.
After a long period of silence, John became aware that Carol was no longer talking to him, and he looked away from his work to meet her eyes. “I’m sorry, hon! What did you say?”
“I was saying that Jess Spinelli and her husband Tony have a film club that meets every couple of weeks. They invited us to come next time and have dinner with them and some of their friends, and see some art movies at their house. Do you want to go?”
John’s eyes scanned back toward his work without him turning his head; he was clearly feeling a compulsion to return to the line of concentration he had interrupted for whatever it was that Carol was saying. He looked back at his wife. “Oh, no Carol! You know how I hate those things! And I can’t take a whole evening right now to socialize with your friends from school.”
“Okay! I was just asking. It’s just, I think the idea of a movie club like they have, is really interesting, is all. Do you think I could just go on my own?” Carol asked, all innocent.
“Sure, honey!” John said. Relieved to realize that the conversation was drawing to a close without his having committed to any new social obligations. “You go on and have a lot of fun!”
“Okay, thanks!” Carol said. To herself she said, ‘You betI’ll have fun, you busy little beaver. Fuck you! Too bad you won’t be coming along, you’d have a lot of fun, too. But, I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself just as much here at home working on your projects. Well, maybe you won’t have QUITE as much fun!’
Carol was the first guest to arrive at the party three weeks later. The schedule of these parties was irregular, set by when everyone in the group cycled through their duty cycle and their time off corresponded. The parties were planned for the evening of the first day everybody had off, so they could stretch into the next day if they wanted, and everyone had a chance to rest up before they had to go back on duty at the fire house.
Tony told Carol that he had created quite a stir when he told his buddies that there would be a married college girl attending without her husband. He said everyone would probably be getting there early, if he knew how these guys’ minds worked. Carol was fLastered and excited.
The infamous 16mm projector was already set up in the middle of the living room, but the screen was set off to one side, leaving the fireplace and heartth open at the center of the tidy and stylish living room. Carol helped Jess set out the buffet dinner that everyone would nibble way at all evening as their desires and need to refuel demanded. Tony set up a well-stocked bar with wine and beer, but he said most of them avoided too much drinking of alcohol, because it “dampened their endurance.” He said most of the guests would be drinking sodas or seltzer water all night.
Sure enough, at about 4:30, the other couples started arrival.
First were Jim Francis and his wife, Alice.
Jim was the exact opposite of Tony, blond and fair where Tony was dark, tall and lean where Tony was short and stocky. But, like Tony, Jim was clearly well-built, his muscles pulling the fabric at the chest and shoulders of his shirt and the thighs of his trousers taut. Jim must have been six-feet six inches tall. Jim wore his hair in a crew cut, and had the chiseled jaw and lean face of a young, strong, rugged man. He wasn’t exactly handsome, but he looked fit and healthy, so he was very attractive.
Alice Francis was what might later be called a trophy wife. Carol could see why the other men would be excited to have Jim and his wife in these parties. She She had a full bosom, and was wearing a sort of harem-pants outfit with a bloused top that was slightly see-through and showed off her breasts without really revealing anything. Her flat midriff and smooth, toned back were left bare. She was a blond, too, like her husband, and her long, lustrous hair was a cascade of gold falling down her shoulders to the middle of her bare back. She had fashion-model looks, her face very lean with prominent cheese bones and a fine, slender nose. Carol almost wanted to fuck her herself.
Jim and Alice were introduced to Carol, and they got drinks and just chatted like it was the most normal of cocktail parties.
Next to arrive were the Wilsons and the Burkes, who came together in one car.
Jeff Wilson seemed a little older, but he had the severe, serious gaze of a former Marine, which in fact, he was. Jeff had a prominent vertical scar over one eyebrow and down his cheek that Carol just thought was amazingly sexy. He, too, had his grey hair short, even shorter than Jim’s crew cut, more like just a day’s worth of stubble after shaving his head bald. Jeff was about Carol’s height, but obviously much more massive, and he clearly didn’t have an ounce of fat anywhere on his well-defined body.
Jeff’s wife, Judy, reminded Carol instantly of Sheila, her friend and lover at College in Nebraska. Judy was much younger than her husband, about the age of the rest of the crowd, which was maybe ten years older than Carol’s twenty-one years. Like Sheila, Judy was a tiny red-headed woman, butunlike Sheila, Judy’s bust was very prominent, and she had dressed tonight to show it off, with a neckline so deeply cut that Carol thought her boobs might spill out at any second. Jeff was the first one to say anything sexual to Carol; with Judy holding onto his arm, he said in his low, soft voice that just melted Carol’s heart, “Oh, Carol, you’re just fantastically beautiful! I can hardly wait to see you naked!” After that comment, their conversation went on to normal small talk, leaving Carol in a diploma, her cunt already almost dripping with anticipation.
Mike Burke was the joker of the crowd. He had a big, bushy mutton-chops badache, made all the more outrageous by the sandy-red color of his hair. Mike was the only one of the men who had a full, bushy head of hair, kind of piled loosely on The top of his head and then just falling off the top onto his neck. He looked like he was due for a haircut. Mike was heavily freckled and was the only one there (other than Carol, whowas trying to figure out if anyone else was maybe wearing contacts) who wore glasses, which in Mike’s case were big, attention-getting horn-rims. Mike, being a fireman and required to be in good shape, was not fat, but seemed to be a naturally heavy-set man, maybe some like her husband, John, but he looked like he was way more fit than John, and had enormous strength in his arms and torso. Mike was joying around with everyone as soon as he walked in the door with his wife, Gennifer.
Gennifer looked like the typical middle-class suburban housewife, what we now would call a soccer mom. She was dressed almost like Carol, in a button-down Oxford shirt under a snug sweater-vest, with a tweedy wool skirt, knee-high stockings and penny loafers. Gen looked like she had obviously dressed like a school girl to give Carol a run for her money, and she did. Gennifer’s body was trim and compact, like Carol’s and she seemed to Carol to move with the grace and agility of an athlete, as ifunder those clothes were well-developed long swimmer’s or runner’s muscles. Well, Carol thought, I’ll guess we’ll see about that!
All told, there were four couples, plus, of course Carol. Nine beautiful specialists of the human race, gathered together for the specific purpose of fucking one another senseless for as long as they could. Carol could hardly wait. The sexy depravity of this situation was almost more stimulating than she could stand, and her cunt was literally leaking out onto her thighs in anticipation. But Carol couldn’t quite see how the evening was going to transition from a normal dinner and cocktail party to the sex orgy she was looking forward to.
Her question was answered when Tony rapped a knife on a glass, and stepped up onto the hearth of their fireplace, which actually only made him about as tall as the rest of the crowd. “Before we start our movie this evening, I’m sure everyone is eager to see Carol naked and getting fucked!” Carol was shocked and thrilled by the outlandish frankness of his words. Laughter, and a chorus of “Hear, hear!” ran through the crowd, not entirely from the men, and several people smiled at her embarrassment. Carol realized that this outlandish statement had actually been made to put her more at ease in this awkward situation, and she smiled back, accepting being the butt of the joke.
“I had everyone drop their car keys into this bowl,” Tony said as he lifted up a soup bowl and rattled it, “including me of course … Mike there dropped in his house keys in since he didn’t drive.” (“Sorry!” Mike said, to a general laugh.) “What we’re going to do is have Carol draw out one set of keys to determine who’s going to be the lucky guy to be the first to “do the deed” with her tonight. The happy couple will do their thing right up here on the heartth under the down-lights, so we can all watch Carol be welcomed to our little club!” There was a smattering of applause and comments of approval.
Carol’s heartwas pounding with excitement. Everyone was going to be watching her and one of these men while they stripped down and then, while she was being screwed by some other woman’s husband right up there at the focus of the room. She was both terrified and over the top with delight.
A couple of voices started calling, “C’mon, Carol,” and “Go pick mine … it’s the long one!” and similar light-hearted comments. Tony held up the bowl, and Carol weaved her way through the other guests to the front of the room, completely self-conscious and electrically aware of all the little grabs and feels she was given on the way there. Carol reached up her hand, and fished around in the puddle of keys and key-chains for a bit before grabbing one and lifting it out. She handed it to Tony.
“Jeff Wilson, you son of a bitch!” Tony announced. While Jeff threaded his way from the kitchen, through the others and the furniture, all the other men were griping, “Christ, Jeff, don’t use this one up! Leave some for the rest of us, huh?” and “Crap, Jeff, go a little easy this time, okay? We wanna play all night!” and so on.
Tony asked Jeff, “What do you want, Jeff?”
As he arrived next to Carol, and put his arm around her waist, he said, “A chair, I guess, one of those big old kitchen chairs so everybody can see.” Tony stepped away to get a stout chair, and Jeff Just started removing Carol’s clothes. No kiss to start things out, no “Hi, again!,” nothing. He just started to get her ready to fuck as the start of the evening’s entertainment for the other seven people.
While Carol followed Jeff’s example, and began unbuttoning his shirt, she noticed that the others were shuffling around, and were finding places to sit where they could get a good view of what was going to happen, no one with their own spouse anymore. Since there was an extra woman, Jim was sitting with both Jess Spinelli and Judy Wilson. Mike was paired up with Alice Francis on a love seat adjacent to the hearth, and Gennifer was waiting on a recliner for Tony to finish bringing the chair to the front.
By the time Tony had left the over-sized old wooden kitchen chair set up on the elevated heartth, Jeff and Carol’s tops were off, and Carol was reaching back behind herself to remove her bra. Jeff just reached behind her with one hand, batted her hands away, and quickly squeezed her bra fastener, snapping it open with the ease of long practice. The elastic rebound of the suddenly released halter, and the natural resiliency of her own ample breasts made her bra straps slide off of her shoulders, and the brassiere fell to the floor. Jeff just murmured “Gorgeous,” to her. She smiled at him.
From that point on, there were several minutes consisting of everyone including the couple in the front of the room just getting naked, and in a short while, all the other couples (and one trio!) were lounging comfortable together, typically with the men’s hands on the women’s breasts, and the womenwith theirs on the men’s growing ections. Carol’s vision was overloaded by the novelty and lewdness of the sight.
Jeff got up onto the elevated heartth and sat down in the old wooden chair. Carol marveled at the fluid grace of his muscled body, and also was intrigued to see that the scar on his face jumped down and streaked down across his chest and tight strumach, even extending a little onto his upper thigh. She could see the scars of hastily-applied stitches across it there. Jeff gestured by patting his thighs for Carol to come up and sit in his lap, from which she could see projecting a nice-sized penis with a good-sized hard-on. Carol felt the familiar stirring in her groin that told her that she was on more familiar ground, now, and that she was going to really enjoy herself tonight.
She stepped up gingerly, checking to be sure that there was sufficient room for the chair on the hearth so they didn’t fall off (there was plenty), and turning to sit in Jeff’s lap. Everyone got quiet, but from time to time there were a few murmurs here and there around the room.
Looking the other way and seeing seven sets of eyes glued on her and Jeff there on the little “stage”, Carol was suddenly terrified again. This was the most far-out thing she had ever done, and she didn’t know what to expect. She felt extremely self-conscious and tense, although the hyper-sexuality of the situation had her very aroused already, and even her anxiety about doing this in front of all these people added to the thrill for her. She thought briefly about John back at home working on his engineering project and what he would think if he could see her now. Would he have enjoyed sitting on one of these modern leather couches, fondling some stranger’s wife while he watched his bride of only a few months up on stage getting ready to be fucked by some other stranger? She guessed not, but who knows?
“Just relax, sweetheart!” Jeff said, too quietly for the others to hear. “We’re all friends here, and this is going to be a lot of fun, I think.” Carol turned to Jeff and smiled, then he pulled her towards him and gave her a big, wet, open-mouthed kiss, sensitively sliding his open hands down her back, up over her ripe buttocks, dipping the edge of one hand into the damp crack there, then lingering to fondle her ass. Carol relaxed into his arms, and soon forget about their audience. She feel his cock alongside her thigh, growing even larger, pushing up against her like a growing plant. Jeff moved one arm around her waist to secure her to him on the chair, and moved his other hand to her front to gently care her luscious breasts.
With a louder voice, for the benefit of everyone, Jeff asked her, “How old are you, sweetheart?”
“I’m twenty-one,” Carol said. “Louder!” someone from the back shouted out. “Twenty-one!” Carol said again, this time, too loudly. She was embarrassed.
“I’m forty-eight years old. I could be your father!” Jeff said. “Your mom like you, Carol? She like to fuck around with lots of men?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Carol said, trying to keep concentration on the conversation while Jeff was manipulating her nipples. He slide his own butt to the front edge of the chair, and had rolled her around a little so she was facing their audience and lying back against his chest, with her head laid back and her ear next to his mouth. “My mom likes to play around a bit!”
“Well, hell honey,” Jeff laughed, “maybe I really AM your father! I fucked a lot of pretty girls twenty-one years ago!” Here, he pinched one of Carol’s nipples really hard, and it started her. She stiffened in his graps and arched her back a little. “Oh yeah? Bring HER next time!” came a male voice from somewhere in the living room. “Tell me, Carol, if I WERE Your father, would you fuck me anyway?”
“Yes!” Carol said, her answer abrupt and again too loud as Jeff had suddenly moved his hand down to her pussy, sliding easily over the smooth, shamen skin. “Yeah, I’d fuck my own father if he looked like you!” Carol said, breathily.
Jeff laughed. “Thanks for the compliment.” Jeff went quiet for few moments while he explored Carol’s well-lubricated slit, sliding his fingers around in there, finding and caressing her cliporis, pinching gently her inner lips, pushing his fingers back, back along them until they joined again, and then until she could feel that they had reached her ass crack, spreading her natural lubrication there in the snug slot between her cheeses as she sat on his lap.
“How long you were married, honey?” Jeff asked, moving his hand out of her crotch to find and twist her wedding ring, smearing it with the sticky goo from her own cunt.
“Three months,” Carol answered, “almost four!”
“Almost four months!” Jeff’s hand was now back between Carol’s legs, and he had leaned her back against the high arm of the chair, her body now more or less lying along his lap, chest, and the chair, her legs extended out over his to the very edge of the raised heartth. The arm he had around her waist, he now slid up a bit to cares one boob and fondle its nipple. He urged her legs further apart, and pushed his other hand to delve there more deeply. “Four whole months you kept your sacred vow to honor and obey your husband before you decided, what? Too boring? Enough is enough? Time to get busy and get something going with some other guys?”
Carol was starting to understand with both his words and the sensitivity of Jeff’s cares of her breast and pussy. “Yeah! That’s right, you bastard! I NEED someone like you to fuck me HARD, and it’s been too long since I had it!” She turned her face to his, and swirled her tongue all over his mouth until he captured her tongue and sucked it into his mouth and pinned it There by lightly biting down on it. Carol felt the middle two fingers of his hand enter her vagina, the knuckles of his outer fingers lying in the struggles between her inner and outer lips on each side, while his thumb lightly stroked her oily cliporis. She spread her legs yet wider, eager to be sure that everyone had a great view of this man debauching her.
Suddenly, Carol screamed in terrible pain, as Jeff bit down on her tongue, rammed his hand as hard as he could up into her cunt, basically punching her there, his thumb digging into the top of her opening and smoking her sensitive clip, the knuckles of his outer fingers pumping deep into the tender flesh along-side of her inner lips. At the same time, the hand which had been caresing her distended nipple pinched down with all the power Jeff had in his strong hands, his fingernails digging into her tender, sensitive flesh there. Carol couldn’t recover her breath, the pain was so extreme.
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