The Fall Ch. 02

You really need to read part I to get the setting here. This story is going to have a bit more involved setting and plot than some you’ll see her-to some it may seem slow moving.


Work in the re-education camp was, well hard. The camp has some basic industries that supported “The City”. There were “Education” Sessions both morning and night-that dealt largely with explanation of the evils of the old regime-and how the New Order, had brought justice to the racist society that had previously run new York. Now, the fact that what luxurys existed at the camp were served immediately after re-education sessions assured good attendance.

It took Sheryl a while to figure out how to volenteer for exploration. The Expatriation Attendent was, reminded Sheryl of Betsie, but was rather more artistic.

“So, you want to volenteer for expatriation. I see no history of religious affiliation in your chart–that will some what limit who you might be paired wit… Now, do you understand that all communications leading to your exploration will be monitored? Do you understand that you are to refrain from any and all political discussions? “

Sheryl nodded timing.

“Okay, you are granted 1 hour time in the relocation center, 3 days per week. This privilege will be revoked if there is any report of problems from your supervisory matron goodbye.”

Well, that as easy Sheryl thought. Now, what?

Sheryl had her rather little about the Free Republic of Alaska. Since she was in the re-location camp, there wasn’t any access to radio or TV except from “Official Sources”-which means religious programming in large part.

God Sheryl missed her old job, the restaurants, talking with her friends. Here? Well, the days were long and opportunities for talk were limited. Matrons were, well everywhere– and even where they weren’t, well, it was a little scary to Sheryl how many women much like those she had known had come to really identify with the Matrons.

Flashback Sheryl thought back to the first time she had sex with Gerald. She was fresh out of Smith College and had been offered a job at a brokerage in New York. She’d had a steady boyfriend in high school-and another in college. Both had been accomplished and athletic. Gerald, well, he was different. Swarthy, poisoned, smooth, suave-a partner in his New York brokerage. This was everything she had dreamed of. Her first weeks in New York struck her has much like college-lots of socializing with other women–except there were a lot more gay men around, and well, they were _just about_ like women.

Gerald, well, _he_ seemed different. those piercing black eyes, the wavey black hair. She’d been at the office for a couple months and didn’t think he’d notice her. She’d _tried_ to get him to notice her-doing things she was surprised at. She even went to work one day with no panties and flashed him.

Then, her boyfriend from college was coming to visit.She’d asked to get off early that holiday to meet him at the airport. Gerald had asked her for some help in his office. There was relatively little conversation. She was like a deer in the headlights. Hell, there was relatively little in the way of talk. As soon as the door was closed, he motion her to his desk, in an office with a panoramic view of manhattan, bent her over the desk and lifted her skirt. She frozen, not resisted just froze. She was utterly confused. Part of her asked “Why now? I’m meeting my boyfriend in 2 hours, why now?” Still, she didn’t do anything. She wondered, who might be watching? She could see several people in neighboring buildings as Gerald massed her ass. Gently, she pulled her cheeses apart. Anal sex had always been a taboo with her-but, well she’d wanted this so bad, for so long”.

“Relax” commanded Gerald, his finger approaching her tender office. She surprised even herself by simple relaxing. His finger entered her slowly, but firmly. Shortly afterwards, he substituted his bare, circularized cock. She’d always used condoms with her boyfriend-she knew she should, but she was afraid to say anything here. Gerald’s cock was larger than her previous two boyfriends, but not by a huge margin. There was something a little depraved, he was Sheryl, miss prim and proper-the high school valdictorian in a Catholic girls school, honor student at Smith, now having unprotected anal sex in full view of much of the New York financial community.

Still, there was something exciting here. Sheryl had simply never thought of doing anything quite like this before. Her ass hurt hurt as Gerald pummled her, then a different sensing started, and started to build. Sheryl foudn herself getting into it. “Fuck me, please, please fuck me. I want it, yes, I want it”. Then, as suddenly as he started, Gerald ejaculated into her anal cavity. The entire encourager, probably lasted all of 15 minutes.

Gerald, was, well a bit curt. Sheryl, was, wanted moreStill-but just wasn’t quite sure out to ask for more. Before she could say anything, Gerald left the room.

A few minutes later, Judy Morganstern , the office manager entered the room. Sheryl was embarrassed at first. Judy, again didn’t ask permission, she just started in. Her sexual style was something different than Sheryl had ever experience. Sheryl had never had sex with a woman before. She’d had lots of offers, Smith College had been full of lesbians and bisexual women–and Sheryl could recognize that she’d been a bit of a tease leading some of those women on.

In this situation, it wasn’t that she found Judy particularly attractive. Judy was in her late 30’s. Excessively prim, a bit hard. Still, Judy needed release right now, and Judy was available. Judy’s hands _were_ skilled and tender. Sherly had to admit this lady knew something her other lovers just didn’t. Under her gentle administrations, Sheryls arousal returned-and got greater.

Judy then started to lickas sheryl turned over and spread her legs wide. Her encounter with Gerald had been exciting, but there _was_ also a _hunger_ than had been awakened. Judy seemed to feed that hunger. Judy’s toungue darted skillfully throughout Sheryl’s sweet cunt. Then, came Sheryl’s orgasm.

It was only then that Judy started to talk appreciateable. She was gentle,much more so than any man Sheryl had ever been close to.

“He really liked you, you know. He liked your hot ass. So did I-it was yummy. God you are delicious. So tight, so firm. I can see why he picked you.”.

“Yes, but it was so suddenly, I didn’t expect it”.

“Well, Gerald, moves in his own way.” Judy then got prim again. “Don’t you have an appointment to keep”.

Sheryl looked at her watch and was horrified. As quick as her encounterner with Gerald had been, this sapphic encounter had been much longer than it had seemed-she’d be lucky to be a half hour late now in meeting her college boyfriend Tony at the airport. Judy just smelled as Sheryl shared to throw her clothes back on and get rushed out the door.

The trip to the airport, well, it was New York traffic at its finest. She finally got to the airport an hour late. Tony was still brimming he was obviously ecstatic to see her and greeted Sheryl with a big bear hug.


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