A sign at the entrance to the campus reads ‘Center for the Scientific Advancement of Women’s Sexual Health’. The facility itself is shielded from the street and entrance by a privacy fence which also surrounded the various parking areas. Pulling up to the ‘client’ lot, I am met by a guard who asks to see my paperwork. As he confirms the papers I have given him, he asks “Will you have any visitors joining you today?” and then without letting me reply, he continues “If so, they will need to park down in the other lot and will have to be on an approved list. This is your last opportunity to get someone added you may have forgotten.” I tell him that there will be nobody else and he nods handing me back the paperwork with a parking pass on top. “Place this pass in your windshield and park in the space designed. The spaces are color coded and numbered so please ensure you are in the proper spot or you risk having your vehicle towel. Please leave all valuables locked inside the vehicle, all you will need is the paperwork I handed back and one form of ID. There are absolutely no recording devices allowed in the facility.”
The facility is huge and very modern. Walking through the door and taking it all in, I’m greeted by the receptionist. “Hello Ms. Yates, I am Sabrina and I will be your sponsor this morning. May I call you Jennifer?” I give a simple smile, “Yes, that is fine”.
As she comes from around the desk, I instantly feel over dressed. Her masculine haircut conflicts the soft girl face and her large breast fighting against the fabric of her dress. She is in a gray zip front sweater dress that appears to be two sizes too small and hugs her body. She has a petite frame that is absent of curves with the exception of her breast.
Picking up a clipboard and analyzing it briefly, “If you’ll please follow me, we will get you all set up and start the process”. She grabs a key card and leads me to an office. With a quick swipe of the card, the lightson the reader flash and she opens the door. “Please, have a seat and we’ll get all the legal stuff finalized. This is the boring part but we should be able to get through it quickly.”
“It was explained to you that this is a research center with emphasis on women’s sexual health and that you will be exposed to an experimental drug, delivered in gas form? You will be compensated very fairly for taking part in These trials which are in their last phase of testing before being sent to market.”
I nod, “Dr. Weiss explained briefly in her referral.”
“We’ll go over more in a second, but before we progress I will need you to sign this non-disclosure agreement. You may read it if you wish but I will summarize. The privacy and confidentiality of therapies and treatments received by our clients are our utmost concern. There is a very real possibility of recognizing other clients, to include celebrations, while on our grounds. Additionally, we are a part of a very competitive markettplace. Other companies would love to get any information possible about our products and treatments to gain an advantage. With all that said, and what to take away is, what happens in these walls stays in these walls. There is absolutely no recording while on site, nor discussion of what happened while at the facility with anyone outside of our staff. Violation of this agreement will result in loss of compensation and subject you to financial penalties to cover our losses up to $5 million. If you understand and agree, please sign.”
Nervously, I print, sign and date the agreement sliding it back across the table.
“The next form is the one titled ‘Agreement of Treatment and Consent Form’.
You will witness and participate in consensual sexual acts while at this facility. It is also noted these acts may include staff, other clients, and male guest. At any time, you may halt acts in which you are a physical participant of and at any time you may terminate treatment. Should you terminate your treatment early, the NDA still applies and we reserve the right to withhold monetary compensation for your participation in these trials.
Prior to being admitted into the common areas, we will give all individuals a thorough medical and psychological evaluation. Sexual contact between multiple individuals has risks. We have done everything possible to eliminate these risk but they still exist. Condoms and dent dams are provided and located in many locations. They are not mandatory but recommended. Our male guests waive rights to any child that may be conceived on the grounds and you waive the rights to any financial or emotional support from the potential father.
The camera’s you see throughout the facility are for your protection. In advance with our strict no recording policy, these cameras only provide live feeds to Our security and medical personnel.
You will remain on our grounds for 72 hours. While here, you will be well accommodated with everything you need will be provided by our staff. The dress code for women is a robe, optional bra and panties and sandals, all of which we provide.
You will be provided with a wrist band that has a two-way communication chip which will contact me at any time as well as grant you access to your authorized areas. Any manipulation of this band is grounds for removal and forfeiture of compensation.”
“Do you have any questions?”
“The dress code – why is it so limited? That’s hardly anything at all.”
“We are here to assist you in overcoming your sexual inadequacies. By limiting the clothes available, we have found that this assistants in the therapy. It also ensures that there is no contrast of any type in the facility.”
I print, sign and date the form sliding it back to Sabrina.
Fifteen minutes later, we have completed all the necessary paperwork. She takes the paperwork I brought and gathers it with the forms I have just signed and places them in amail cute. Opening a drawer, she pulls out a yellow wristband and slides it to me. “Please, put this on. This is what will be used to authorize you to areas in which you are allowed. It has a RFID chip installed, just hold it next to the readers you see around and it will grant you access when authorized. The button on the side will contact me and I will respond immediately. It also tracks basic vitamins in which our staff monitors.”
I watch as she stands and walks behind me, making her way to another door in the room, “If you’ll follow me, we’ll get you compliant with our dress code. We’ll also test out your wristband.” Joining her at the door, she takes my wrist and runs the band over the sensor on the wall. There is a hissing noise and then lights on the sensor flash. Roughly thirty seconds later the green light stays lit and the door opens.
“Wow” is all I could manage to say when I see the room.
“This is where you will be staying while you are our guest. My room is on the other side of the office but I will only have access if you call for me.”
Decorated in my favorite color purple is a room that can only be described as luxurious. Art on the walls is unoffensive but clearly symbolizes human anatomy. The fruit in the paintings is arranged in that specific way, the flowery art is tulips and lilies and others I can’t name all resembling women parts. The only privacy found in the room is the toilet, separated by a simple curve. A large jacuzzi tub which fits at least three people sits next to an over sized shower with a rain fall faucet and glass walls on two sides. Everything has electronic controls to operate the many different features. A king sized bed with plus exotic lines fills the middle of the room. It too has its own controls. A huge flat screen TV is mounted at the foot of the bed over a dresser. The closet is filled with robes. Styles and fabrics vary, but nothing but robes. The dresser and night stands have readers attachedto each of the drawers.
“We have a large selection of amenities that you can choose from if it is not already provided. We tried to match your questionnaire as best we could but we may have substituted items we did not have. You can use the tablet by the bed to make desired changes once you get in processed and settled in. Now for a part you may find uncomfortable but I believe I will enjoy greatly, let’s get you changed.”
My heart races, what does she mean by that?
“Any and all items you brought with you will need to be stored in that safe. This includes clothes which should be all you have if you listened to our guard. Only when you leave will you be able to access the safe again; once it is opened for the second time you will be prohibited from any area other than the lobby and exit. Please understand, our security is very high but that is for the protection and confidentiality of our clients. I will need to be present when you undress and ensure that everything is stored.”
I become tense and feel myself shake. Even with the two boyfriends I’ve had, sex with, I have never been naked in front of somebody else. ‘Clothing on until the lights are out’ is my philosophy. Not that there was ever much sex anyway but I made sure they would never be able to identify my nude body. Then there was her comment moments earlier.
My current emotional state must have been blatantly obvious. Sabrina grabs my hand and pats the bed, motioning for me to sit.
“You’re nervous? Have you ever been undressed in front of another person; a boyfriend, doctor, anybody?”
I shake my head no. My voice shakes, “I was raised sex is for babies only. My body is to create and grow children, not to be lusted after or desired.”
She squeezes my hand, “But you’re here, so something has changed.”
“Without sex, relationships didn’t last. Even with sex, they didn’t last much longer but I learned I have to be willing. With time, my head began wanting it…needing it. My body has just never accepted this. I don’t get aroused and have to use lubrication.” I can feel my eyes water, my body still shaking. “I don’t even know if I have ever had an orgasm.”
Her hand rests on my thigh just above the knee in a comfortable way. “About two years ago I was in your position, in a room much like this feeling the same way you are now. I was a part of the first human trials which made it even scarier. I understand how you are feeling.”
There is silence for a few moments, “But you work here now? You were a client who got hired?”
“It works. It did miracles for me and I see it every day with other women.”
I stand up and start to undress. A smile forms across her face, and soon I am naked with my clothes laying on the bed. Instinctively I cover what I can with my hands. I feel my legs go weak and a wave of nausea overcome me. I sprint to the toilet and lose whatever I had in my system, then everything goes black. When I come to, I’mlaying on the bed with a towel covering me and Sabrina wiping my forehead with a cool washcloth.
She is smiling at me, “Welcome back. You had a panic attack and passed out. The good news is that I did the checks needed while you were out and we can get you covered up. I also have some pills here to help you with your nerves.”
Holding the towel, I sit up and take the pills and water she hands me. I still feel dizzy and nausea but manage a smile. “You mentioned covering up?”
“Of course. If you swipe your wristband over the sensor on the top two drawers, they are filled with a wide variety of panties and bras. The robes are there in the closet.”
Wrapping the towel around me I go to the dresser and reach for the sensor. I see lights flash and then hear the drawers unlock. So many different styles, all in purple and in my size. The first pair I pick up has an opening at the crotch. I blush as it dawns on me why and quickly put them back. I settle on a pair of boy shorts, sliding them up under the towel.
“I can understand why you were raised the way you were,” she says breaking the silence, “if I were your parents I’d be afraid too. You must be fighting the boys off left and right.”
I move to the other drawer, filled with the same association of styles in bras. I settle on a longline bra that provides a good amount of coverage. “I don’t understand what you mean” I reply as I cover myself.
“Jennifer, you are beautiful and have an amazing figure. You should be proud! I already can tell that you will be very popular here.”
I feel myself blush, afraid to turn around and look at her and dart for the closet. I pull out a robe and wrap up, finally feeling some relief. Still blushing from her previous comments, I turn and see her smiling.
“Alright, let’s get you on to medical and then psychiatry. Standard procedure, everybody goes through it. Once you get a clean bill of health then we’ll provide a limited dose, about 30 minuteses, of the gas to ensure you have no reactions. After that, you’ll be free to explore.”
She takes me back to the office area where she makes a call and within a few minutes, I am escorted to an exam room. There is no waiting; the doctor and staff are in the room when I arrive.
Having received the report of my anxiety attack, he allows me to remain covered exposing only the areas he is checking while he Checks. The whole process takes about an hour and then I’m escorted to another room where the therapist is waiting on me.
Entering the room, I am met by a middle aged woman who is very professionally dressed. I am caught off guard by the decorations and video monitors on the wall. The art work is all sexually explicit and the screens are playing live feeds from around the facility. “Am I in the right place?” I ask nervously.
“Is this where you were escorted to, Miss Yates?” she replies with an authoritarian tone. “Please, have a seat.”
Each of the monitors show individuals in various states of sexual acts. One screen has a woman who seems to be in control with three men standing around her. All are masturbating. On another, there is a woman who is between two men having sex with both. Each screen, sex. I am, however, distracted by one in particular.
I am brought back to the room by a firm, “Miss Yates, I asked you a question. You are here because both yourself and your doctor feel you have sexual inadequacies, correct?”
“I…I guess. I don’t know ma’am.” My eyes wander back to the screen as I continue talking, “I have had sexual relations with two men.” I lose my thought and am distracted by the feed. I can’t believe what I am seeing but can’t stop watching.
“What are they doing, those women.” I point to the screen and she briefly looks back and then back to me. “It appears as if they are performing cunnilingus, now back to this session or do you want to just spend the time watching them?” The women are in a circleon the ground, intertwined with their face to the others crotch. I try to focus but it’s so difficult. I knew lesbians were a thing but I have never seen it, let alone like this.
“Why are you here? Is there an issue or not?”
“There is,” I reply softly focusing on the conversation again, “I don’t get sexually aroused. My mind wants it but my body won’t comply.”
“Explain. Give me more detail. And since you can’t seem to keep up with the therapy, you can knee for the remainder of our time together.”
Is this how it’s supposed to go? Confused, I ask “I don’t understand”.
“What don’t you understand, Miss Yates? You are no longer welcome to use my chair and will knee until we’re done here.”
I feel myself began to cry but do as I’m told. “Very good, now go on.”
The session last for about 45 minutes and I maintain my focus for the remainder of my time there. I am given permission to leave and as I do, Sabrina is waiting for me. I feel relieved to seea kind face and she gives my hand a little squeeze. “Let’s get back to my office.”
“I need to review these notes, but it’s time for lunch. Would you like my company or would you prefer to go back to your room? I will be a little distracted setting up for the next phase but I’ll leave the choice to you.”
I choose to eat in my room so she can get her work done. She shows me how to use the tablet to order and heads back to the other room. After eating, I lay back on the bed trying to relax.
I am started awake by a violation in my wrist and hear knocking at the door. “One second.” I use the time to gather myself then open the door.
Sabrina is standing there with her warm smile. She is accompanied by a man in medical scrubs holding some equipment. “Please, come sit down while we talk about this next phase.”
“In the next few minutes, we are going to expose you to the gas. Eric and I will be physically present and a medical team will be monitoring live over a camera. Eric is a PA and will be closely watching your vitals to ensure nothing goes wrong. In the more than two years we have been testing, there has not been a medical emergency but we take these drastic steps just in case. The side effects we have seen through tests have been headaches, fatigue and general weakness, dry mouth and in cases of extreme over exposure we have had cases of nymphomania develop. It is also Important for you to understand, we are still in the testing phase and these are what we have seen to this point. So far, do you have any concerns?”
“Extreme over exposure?” I ask.
“We now have limits on how much exposure a client has in a 24 hour period as well as during their entire stay. After the first phase of trials, we lifted these limits and there were two cases, where the clients were exposed to the gas in excess of 14 hours a day, they showed signs of nymphomania.”
“What are the limits now and how is it enforced?”
“You are limited to four hOurs of exposure and will be denied access to rooms after that time has elapsed. In cases where you are in an area already, we will physically escort you out.”
“We will be in the comfort of your room for this process. Eric will attach sensors and then stand off to the side keeping an eye for anything concerning. At any time, you can also stop the process and the room will clear within 10 seconds if an emergency abort is started. The gas has a milk flowery smell, so you will know it is present. There will also be the noise of fans which will quiet down but will also pick back up when we clear the room out. It is the noise you hear when we first went into your room earlier. While the gas is present and shortly after as it remains in your system, you should expect to feel a very high level of sexual arousal. The gas itself has no mental effects; it will not make you do things you do not want to do or act in any certain way. The sexual arousal, however, may open you up to doing things you wouldn’t see or think you were capable of. It will not make you a lesbian if you do not have sexual attractions to women, it will not make you straight in the opposite case.”
“I understand”, I say nervously.
“If you are ready, we can make our way to your room. I will be joining you on this ride, taking it all in along side you.”
I am led to my room, where she sits me on the bed and she brings a chair with her. “If you’ll undo the sash on your robe, Eric will apply the sensors.”
My hands shake as he stands over me with the sensors in hand. I untie the sash and the robe falls open. I can feel his eyes linger on my body before he applies the sensors in various locations. The gel is surprisingly warm, and the sensors are small enough that I barely notice them After a few seconds. He steps back taking one more look then goes to his system.
Sabrina looks to Eric and nods, then looks back to me “When you’re ready, swipe your wristband to that sensor thereon the nightstand.”
I take a deep breath, holding it while I reach for the sensor. I run my shadow wrist over it and it displays a light and then there is the sound of fans turning on. The noise quiets quickly but there is a draft in the room. I watch as Sabrina takes in a deep breath, her eyes shut and a giant smile crosses her face. I turn to see Eric, watching the machine and the codes it gives him. I finally inhale, the smell of roses. A warm feeling washes over me followed by a tingly feeling from my breast to my knees. I’m filled with a need I can’t quite pinpoint, a hunger I can’t define. The smile is gone from Sabrina’s face and she looks at me with lust.
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