Brenda was a 23-year-old bank teller at First National Bank. Her black hair went down to her bra strap and made her dark green eyes stand out even more. She was 5 feet 6 inches and liked to wear small-heeled shoes to make her slightly taller. She had small breasts, which matched her tight, round, small bottom. She figured she got her nice ass from standing and walking all day. Brenda enjoyed her job at the bank. There was just one problem. She wasn’t very good as a bank teller. On more than one occasion she would give the customer more money than they asked for, bad news if you are in the banking business. In addition, to banking transaction errors, Brenda had been caught reading spanking stories on her smartphone. Therefore, when Brenda arrived at work Monday morning, she was not looking forward to her Disciplinary meeting with Sarah. Sarah was in her late 40’s. She had blonde hair, which hid her gray hair nicely. She was stern and no nonsense. It took a woman of a certain backbone to conquer the banking world, which was still dominated by men even in 2013. Sarah knew Brenda had done more than enough to earn termination, but the Sarah’s bank had recently landed big account. A few months back, The Facility opened. To everyone’s surprise, it did terrific business. The owners of The Facility shopped around to various banks, and finally decided on First National. The owners, Robert and Carol, liked Sarah’s straight shooter approach to banking and in dealing with employees. Carol mentioned in passing to Sarah, that if Sarah had any employees, who need a spanking, The Facility would give Sarah’s employee a spanking session on the house.
Brenda sat nervously in conference room, awaiting the arrival of Sarah. Brenda was dressed in a white blouse, hair in a ponytail, a knee length black skirt and sheer pantyhose. Brenda loved how these felt against her skin, especially after she would freshly shake her legs and pussy. Brenda ‘forgot’ to put on panties or a thong. Her thinking was if she were fired, she would go home and masturbate through the stockings to make herself feel better. And if she wasn’t fired she would get to spend the day at work feeling her stockings rub against her bare pussy and then go home and masturbate. Either way, she would win. Brenda was shocked back to reality when Sarah walked in with a laptop. Sarah didn’t even look at Brenda. Sarah opened her laptop, the clicking of the keys of the keyboard were the only sounds in the room. Finally, Sarah spoke, without looking at Brenda.
“It seems you are having a rough few days here at the bank. “
“Well…” stammered Brenda.
“Not only have you make numerous errors in standard banking transactions, resulting the a loss of $1000 for the bank. You were also caught reading spanking stories on your phone. Mind you, I don’t pay you to lose money. Nor do I pay you to read such things while at work,” Sarah said sternly.
Brenda looked down. She felt like she was a small child being scolded.
“Therefore, as a result of your errors and inappropriate behavior at work, First National Bank has no choice but to cut ties with you as our employee. Clear out your desk,” Sarah said.
“NO! Please I really need this job. I’ll do anything! Please give me another chance,’ sobbed Brenda.
Sarah smiled. She turned her laptop and showed Brenda the website for The Facility.
“Since you are so desperate to keep your job, you may pay for your translations with a visit to The Facility. Where you will be stripped naked, paraded around naked, spanked and put on display for everyone to see. At the end of your spanking, you will have to stand with your freshly spanked bottom on display with a sign around your neighbor telling everyone that you are the worst employee of the month at First National Bank. You will then report to my office where you will show me your paid bottom and show how grateful you are for your spanking,” explained Sarah.
Brenda stared at Sarah, her mouth open, shocked at what just translated. She wanted to say something, say that she will sue the bank for harassment or something. Instead, Brenda said nothing.
“Take 5 minutes, and look at the website for The Facility. Think over the deal on the table, which I think is more than fair, and let me know your decision at the end of business today,” stated Sarah.
With that, Sarah slip the laptop to Brenda. Sarah got up and left Brenda alone in the conference room with the laptop.
“Be fired or take a spanking? How can I find a new job, if they know why I was fired? I have no choice, I need to take the spanking,” thought Brenda.
Brenda explored The Facility’s website. There were testimonials from ‘satisfied’ Clients as well as a description of various spankings offered. It seemed like The Facility could do just about any type of spanking the client needed. Lastly, there was a meet the spankers section. It gave a short bio for each of the 3spankers at The Facility. Brenda closed the laptop and left the conference room, her head was spinning with everything that had happened. She was thankful she was having lunch that day with her good friend, Laura. Brenda could at least get some advice from her.
******Lunch time**********************
Brenda slide into the booth of a restaurant, Laura was already there waiting. Laura was slightly older, with short brown hair. She was nearly 5 feet 10 inches tall with C cup breasts and a flat ass.
“So? How did your meeting go with Sarah?” inquired Laura.
“Terrible. I have to either have an appointment at The Facility or I am fired.”
“You mean to tell me your boss wants you to get spanked?”
“Yes and after I have to show her my spanked ass I have to thank her for allowing me to get paid. What do you gather that means?”
“Well, if you were my employee I would spank you everyday, but that’s just because I know you have a secret fetish for it.”
Brenda kicked Laura’s leg under the table, causing the glasses, plates to jump.
“See? It’s that type of naughty behavior that earns bratty girls a red bottom. And I think it’s about time your pale bottom finally got some color,” teased Laura.
Brenda could feel her pussy tingle with delight. Laura was right, she had longed for a spanking, but never had the courage to ask for one. Maybe she acted out in the hopes someone would give her what she deserved?
“Laura, what do you think Sarah means by me showing her gratitude for my punishment?” asked Brenda.
“She probably wants you to lick her to orgasm. You do have a talented tongue. Don’t pretend you didn’t lick my pussy when we were in college,” Laura said seductively.
“So you are saying that after I am spanked and humiliated at The Facility, I will have to go back to the bank and eat out some cougar’s pussy?!” excerpted Brenda.
“Pretend you don’t love it. Just think, if your tongue is good enough, maybe you willget a raise,” said Laura.
“You are so funny,” un-amused Brenda said.
Brenda throw some cash on the table and quickly left the restaurant before Laura could tease her anymore. Deep down in Brenda’s inner being, she knew this is what she had craved for years.
Upon returning to the bank, Brenda knocked on Sarah’s office door.
“Come,” said Sarah.
“How cliché,” thought Brenda.
Brenda opened the door and entered into Sarah’s office.
“I take it, you have reached a decision?” asked Sarah.
“Yes, Ma’am. What do I need to do to make the appointment at The Facility?”
Sarah picked up the phone and dialed a number. Sarah hit another button to put the phone on speaker and placed the phone back on the receiver. Brenda could hear the phone ring; her heart was pounding in her chest.
“Thank you for calling The Facility, this is Cassandra, how may I help you?” asked a sweet voice.
“Cassandra, it’s Sarah from First National. I’d like to schedule an appointment for an employee of mine. She has been very bad and needs a real punishment spanking.”
“We can most certainly take care of her naughty bottom,” replied Cassandra.
“Good, you are on speaker. The girl’s name is Brenda,” said Sarah.
“Very good. I just need Brenda to state this is accepting this punishment designed by you Sarah because of her shortcomings at work,” stated Cassandra.
“I….er….am willing to take my spanking as directed by Sarah,” said a stammering Brenda.
“Very good. Sarah, what do you want Brenda to take?” said Cassandra.
“I’d like to have Miss Kate spank her over the knee with her hand to warm her up. Next with the school paddle, belt and finish her punishment with cane. I understand many of the Clients are allowed sexual release after their spanking; Brenda is not to have that. Is that clear?” stated Sarah.
“Brenda will be a very good girl after Miss Kate is done with her. Brenda, you may your appointment isfor 6 PM this evening,” said Cassandra.
Sarah glanced at the clock. It was 1 o’clock.
“May I send Brenda over now? This way she can sit in the spanking waiting room for a few hours. I fear if she actually tries to do work for me, she will cost me more money,” inquired Sarah.
“By all means,” replied Cassandra.
“Brenda, any questions?” asked Sarah.
“No, Ma’am,” said Brenda.
“Very well. I’ll see you after your session,” said Sarah as she hung up her phone.
********************* Brenda’s arrival at The Facility***************************
Brenda walked into The Facility and checked in at the receptionist’s desk.
“Hello Brenda, I’m Cassandra. Although we spoke on the phone, you need to sign these consent forms. Return them to me when you are done,” said Cassandra as she handed some forms to Brenda.
Brenda took the forms and quickly read through them. At the very bottom of the last page in bold and italic letters said the following statement: THE FACILITY BELIEVES IN SAFE, SANE AND CONSENSUAL EXPLORATION. IF FOR ANY REASON YOUR SESSION BECOMES TOO MUCH FOR YOU, THE AUTOMATIC SAFE WORD TO END ANY SESSION IS RED.
Brenda signed and returned the forms to Cassandra. Before Brenda could sit back down a door opened and a brunette with long hair called out Brenda’s name. Brenda followed her a door labeled changing room.
“You are a unique case. Typically, the spankees strips naked. You will keep your sheer pantyhose on. Sarah has indicated she wants Miss Kate to strip you of your last shred of clothing after your warm up spanking. Do you have any questions and don’t forget your safe word,” said the brunette.
“No and I won’t forget it,” said a very nervous Brenda.
The changing room was a completely different world. The redness of the bottoms was intense. The amount of nudity was overwhelming. Brenda felt out of place as she stripped down to just her sheer pantyhose. For some reason, Brenda would have felt more comfortablertable completely naked, but being forced to wear something made her stand out. It was clear this was part of her punishment.
Brenda opened the door to the Spanking Waiting Room and a blonde with green eyes met her instantly.
“I will now take you and tie you to a chair. You won’t be able to cover anything up, which adds a dose of humiliation to the spankees. In addition, it prevents any unauthorized sexual contact from taking place,” she said with a tone of boredom in her voice.
For the next 3 hours, Brenda had to watch as male after male and female after female was led naked to the spanking rooms. Each one returned with a red bottom, tears on their face. Some had to stand on the scaffold, which was still in the middle of the room, with a plug in their ass. Several returned wearing chatity devices. This whole scene made Brenda ever more turned on, but she could do nothing to relieve the growing ache in her pussy. To make matters worse, her sheer pantyhose showed offher wetness very well.
Finally, after 3 hours of visual torque, Brenda heard her name.
“So this is the naughty Brenda. The one Sarah is having so much trouble with?” said Miss Kate.
Typically, Kate wore a black tank top with a black leather mini skirt. This gave her freedom to move freely while spanking her clients and remain cool, but to also look very sexy. However, Sarah had requested Kate wear only high waist sheer pantyhose when spanking Brenda. Miss Kate’s B cup breasts were on display, her perfect body seemed to exist only to tease Brenda even more.
Kate quickly untied Brenda and led her through the spanking rooms door. Brenda was lost in a fog. She could hardly believe what was happening. At the end of the hall, Kate opened a door and led Brenda into Kate’s spanking room. Already waiting on the desk was a wooden paddle with holes in it, a leather belt and a cane. The sight of these brought Brenda out of her daze and she soon realized what was about to happen to her. That her pale bottom was going to be very red and sore very soon.
“Stand with your hands on your head,” barked Miss Kate.
Brenda compiled. She felt totally exposed.
“Sarah has filled me in on how naughty you have been. This is a punishment spanking, meaning you are not to have an orgasm. If you feel you are about to have one, say yellow. If you orgasm without permission, your entire punishment starts over. Understand?”
“Yes, Miss Kate.”
Miss Kate had moved a chair to the center of the room and sat on it with her sheer pantyhose clad legs crossed. She sat there and starred sternly at Brenda. Brenda could feel the penetrating gaze of Miss Kate. Brenda wanted to find a rock to crawl under. Finally, Miss Kate spoke.
“Brenda, over my knee.”
Miss Kate helped Brenda get over her knee. Brenda could feel the slickness of the Miss Kate’s lap. It feel comfortable and inviting. Suddenly…
Miss Kate’s hand expanded on Brenda’s pantyhose clad bottom. Brenda was amazed on how much the hand spanking stung. It hurt, but not enough to cry out. Instead, she was breathing heavy.
“You cost First National $1000,” scolded Miss Kate as her iron hand spanked Brenda.
“I’m sorry…”Brenda said hanging her head.
“No honey, you aren’t sorry yet,” Miss Kate said sweetly.
“Stand up,” said Miss Kate sternly.
Brenda stood up. Her bottom was burning. Before she could Realize what has happened, Miss Kate was lowering Brenda’s pantyhose. Soon Brenda was standing completely naked, with a pink bottom in front of Miss Kate.
“Bend over the desk and spread your legs wide,” said Miss Kate who was still in her sheer pantyhose.
Brenda compiled, knowing she had no escape. Soon, Brenda was bent over the desk spread eagle. She saw Miss Kate pick up the wooden school paddle. Miss Kate swung it through the air, letting Brenda hear the whistling sound it made. Miss Kate tapped the paddle against the newly naked Brenda.
“OW! That hurts! I’m sorry!” screamed Brenda.
Miss Kate walked around the desk so Brenda could see all of Miss Kate.
“You are getting was you deserve. You have been completely irresponsible and this is the consequence for your terrible behavior,” scolded Miss Kate.
Miss Kate moved behind Brenda again.
Brenda pleaded and begged with each stroke of the paddle. Making every promise to be a good girl and good employee. All of her pleading fall on deaf ears.
“Legs together. It is time for the belt. I will start at the top of your bottom and slowly work my way to your thighs and then back to the top of your bottom,” said Miss Kate coldy.
Brenda sobbed. She was crying uncontrollably. Miss Kate picked up the leather belt and snapped it, causing Brenda to cry harder.
Slowly, relentlessly Miss Kate brought the leather belt across Brenda’s very red bottom. With each stroke of the belt, Brenda hung her head lower. Knowing her actions brought her to this current state of humiliation.
Finally, after 5 minutes, Miss Kate put the leather belt down.
“Brenda, lay on the desk and lift your legs. This is how you are going to get 6 of the cane. Immediately following the cane, you will do your public corner time. Clear?” said Miss Kate.
All Brenda could do was nod as she lay on the desk and lifted her legs. Through her tears soaked eyes she could see Miss Kate swing the cane through the air. Brenda Thought she was humiliated before, but this position was the worst yet. With her legs in the air, the skin on her ass was stretched making the belting burn more and she could feel the air of the room on her drenched pussy.
Miss Kate tapped the cane on Brenda’s sore bottom.
Brenda screamed with each stroke of the cane. As each stroke taught her her lesson, Brenda was sobbing, crying and very sorry. Miss Kate quickly put the cane down and pulled Brenda off the desk.
“Corner time,” Miss Kate said.
As Miss Kate led Brenda back to the spanking waiting room, all Brenda could do was sob and keep saying how sorry she was. Once in the spanking waiting room, Miss Kate helped Brenda up the stairs of the scaffold. Miss Kate placed a sign around Brenda’s neck reading, “WORST EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR FIRST NATIONAL BANK.” Brenda stood there on the scaffold, hands on head, cane marked ass on display for 20 minutes.
“Brenda, you may get dressed now,” said Miss Kate.
“Thank you, Miss Kate,” said Brenda.
Brenda got back into the changing room and went back to her locker. She opened it and found her clothes were gone. Instead there was a trench coat and a note. The note read, “Report to my office immediately. ~Sarah”
Brenda put the trench coat on and raced out of The Facility. Sitting was near impossible in the car. Brenda fought through the pain with more tears and sobs on the drive back to the bank. After parking, Brenda rushed into the building, hoping no one would see her. She made her way to the back offices, where Sarah’s office was located. She knocked on Sarah’s office door.
“Come,” said Sarah.
Brenda opened the door and walked in.
“Stop. Lose the trench coat. Then walk over here and show me your bottom,” said Sarah, all the while she was sitting at her desk.
For the second time that day, Brenda found a new level of humiliation as she stripped in front of her boss. She walked over to Sarah’s desk with her eyes downcast. Once at the desk, Brenda turned and presented her freshly spanked bottom to Sarah.
“I see Miss Kate did a thorough job on your naughty bottom,” said Sarah seizedly as her fingers caresed Brenda’s bottom.
“Yes, Ma’am,” said Brenda sounding very submissive.
“There is only one thing left for you to do,” said Sarah.
Sarah stood up, hiked up her skirt, sat back in her chair and spread her legs wide.
“Show me how grateful you are for still having a job,” said Sarah.
Brenda dropped to her knees and crawled between Sarah’s legs. Sarah had a perfectly landscaped triangle patch of hair just above her pussy. Sarah’s juices flowed freely over Brenda’s face. Brenda’s tongue darted in and out of Sarah’s pussy. Brenda nibbled on Sarah’s pussy lips and sucked hard on Sarah’s clip. Brenda found Sarah’s scent intotoxicating and very arousing. Brenda forced her face deeper into Sarah’s pussy, trying to show her boss what a good girl she could be. To show her how thankful she was for her spanking. Sarah unbuttoned her shirt and exposed her tits. Sarah used on hand to play with her nipples while she stroked Brenda’s hair.
“Are you ready for my cum juices?” asked a panting Sarah.
All Brenda could do is give Sarah those bedroom eyes. Sarah came hard as Brenda played with her clip with her tongue. Sarah’s eyes rolled back in her head, her hips gyrated into Brenda’s face. Brenda obediently licked up all the juices from Sarah’s pussy and then move to licking up Sarah’s inner thighs.
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