Chapter 6: The Dungeon
Tim and Vanessa’s relationship blossomed. They became frequent clients of The Facility. Their sessions almost became routine. They would make small chat with Cassandra, be taken to the Changing Room, handcuffed together in the Spanking Waiting Room. Miss Kate would take them to her Spanking Room where she would spank them with a variety of wickedly delicious implements. Together, Tim and Vanessa felt the twase, flogger, and small whips in addition to the usual paddle, belt, and cane. They would be worked into such frenzy that Miss Kate started controlling their orgasms, having to give them permission to orgasm. Of course, they would do their scaffold time. The loved being naked with their freshly paid bottoms on displayed in front of others. They would go back to Vanessa’s house and they would fuck for hours. Tim and Vanessa never felt so alive or sexually fulfilled and they had The Facility to thank. However, Miss Kate had plans to take Tim and Vanessa to a whole new level of pain and pleasure, Tim and Vanessa just didn’t know it yet.
Vanessa and Tim were eating at their favorite spot, Blues’ Diner. After all, it was here where their relationship started. They were sitting gingerly in their booth when Miss Kate walked into the dinner. Vanessa and Tim did not see her, as they were lost in their own conversation. Miss Kate noticed her favorite clients right away.
‘I must be losing my touch, you two seem to be sitting all too easily,’ said Miss Kate.
Tim and Vanessa’s heads snapped to the side, started to hear Miss Kate’s voice. They were even more surprised to see her wearing jeans and t-shirt, very casual for Miss Kate.
‘Miss Kate…what are you doing here,’ stammered Vanessa.
‘Blues’ has the best cherry pie. I always try to stop by before or after work. Punishing scary bottoms make one very hungry,’ replied Miss Kate.
‘Please join us,’ said Tim.
‘Thank you,’ replied Miss Kate as she slid into the booth next to Vanessa.
‘I’m glad I ran into you two. There is something I would like to discuss with you two,’ stated Miss Kate.
‘What is it? Do we get a free session? Do we get to spank each other?’ asked a clearly excited Tim.
‘Spank each other? Perhaps at some point in the future. But The Facility is adding a fully stocked dungeon for our clients. It will open in a week and after speaking with Carol and Robert about who should be the first visitors to it, we all agreed it should be you two,’ said Miss Kate as she sipped on some coffee left by the waitress.
‘Who would be in charge of us while we are in the dungeon?’ asked Vanessa, the tone of her voice indicated she was intrigued by the idea.
‘As usual, your choice. Robert, Carol and I have all been trained on how to best inflict punishment as well as pleasure. Of course, the typical consent forms are still needed with the usual safe words,’ said Miss Kate.
‘I’m in. It wouldbe quite the honor to be the first visitors to the new dungeon. Are you game Tim?’ inquired Vanessa.
‘Sure, I don’t see why not. I mean, it will just be a more intense spanking session and if things get too crazy, there is always the safe word.’
‘Very well, but I have a small surprise for you two,’ stated Miss Kate sly.
‘Surprise?” ask Tim.
‘Yes, You two need to be locked into chatity until your session in the dungeon. We talked it over at The Facility and came to the conclusion we want our clients sexually frustrated. If the client is sexually frustrated they will be more obedient in the hopes of getting out. Are you two still in?’
“Yes,” said Tim and Vanessa.
‘Very good. Pay for the food then come over to The Facility to get your chatity belts on,’ said Miss Kate sternly.
‘Yes, Miss Kate,’ said Vanessa and Tim as they throw some money on the table.
They followed Miss Kate out of Blues’ and walked the block over to The Facility.
All three walked in and were greeted warmly by Cassandra, the receptionist.
‘Good news, Cassandra! Tim and Vanessa agreed to be our first clients for the dungeon!’ said Miss Kate
‘Splendid! I’ll go get their chatity belts,’ said Cassandra giggling.
‘Right, you two to the Changing Room. Strip naked. I’ll meet you in the Spanking Waiting Room to put your belts on,’ said Miss Kate.
Tim and Vanessa went to the Changing Room and stripped.
‘This could be a long, painful week, Vanessa,’ said Tim as he stripped naked.
‘I know. I will miss your cock in my pussy and in my mouth and in my ass. I guess I will just miss your cock. But just think how great it will feel in a week,’ said Vanessa.
They walked hand in hand from the Changing Room to the Spanking Waiting Room. There stood Miss Kate with a male and female chatity belt. She led Tim and Vanessa to the scaffold and admired her first two clients for the dungeon. She enjoyed spanking and watching them pleasure each other, and in a week, she will have them so sexually frustrated she will get endless pleasure from them. The thought made her pussy twitchy.
Miss Kate knelt and slipped the chatity belt onto Vanessa. Its cold steel made Vanessa shiver. Hearing the lock click made Vanessa’s pussy ache. She tried sucking in her stomach and sliding her hand down the front of the belt, but it was of no use. There was no way for her to get to her pussy. While Vanessa was busy exploring her new belt, Miss Kate was putting Tim in his belt. Tim was locked in a CB3000 chatity belt. Miss Kate took the keys for the locks and hung them on the wall of the Spanking Waiting Room.
‘Now you two are locked and there are only two ways of getting out. The first way, is the day of your session, provided you are good and obedient. The second way is a medical emergency. While the purpose of The Facility is to explore fansies, we want to do is sanely. If you have a medical emergency, call Laura. She is a client of ours and she is a nurse at County General. However, if you fake a medical emergency to get out of your belts, you will regret it. Any questions?” asked Miss Kate.
Both Tim and Vanessa shook their heads no.
‘Very well. Get dressed and I will see you two in a week,’ said Miss Kate as she walked through the Spanking Rooms door.
Tim and Vanessa briefly explored each other’s chatity belt, seeing if there was a way to pleasure each other. It was of no use. They were locked in tight.
Over the next week, Vanessa and Tim became increasingly frustrated. They slept less. They ate less. They were short with each other. In a desperate attempt at pleasure, Vanessa used a dildo in her ass. Praying for an orgasm. It backfired and just made her pussy ache even more. After doing some research on line, Tim tried to milk his prostate with a dildo. Like Vanessa, it failed and only left him more frustrated. He clawed at his belt, hoping it would break. It didn’t. The phone rang, breaking Vanessa and Tim from their frustration.
‘Hello, Tim. It’s Cassandra from The Facility.’
“Hi Cassandra,’ said Tim clearly frustrated.
‘By your tone of voice, you are beyond sexually frustrated. That is good. This call is to confirm your session with Miss Kate in the dungeon tomorrow. You and Vanessa are to arrive at 9 and your session will start at a time to be determined by Miss Kate,’ said Cassandra.
‘What do you mean ‘to be determined’? Asked Tim.
‘Miss Kate wants to make sure you two are frustrated enough before she starts. So you might have extended waiting time in the Spanking Waiting Room,’ replied Cassandra.
‘I guess, complaining would be of no use. We will see you tomorrow,’ replied Tim.
******************The Next Morning***************************
Tim and Vanessa awoke the next morning after a restless night’s sleep. All they had for breakfast was some coffee.
‘I can’t wait to touch my pussy again. I want this fucking thing off,’ said Vanessa.
‘I think I will do just about anything to please Miss Kate. I just want this infernal thing off’, said Tim.
They left Vanessa’s house early in the hopes of getting out of their chatty sooner. The drive to The Facility seemed to take forever. As if the entire world was conspiring to keep them in their chatty. Tim parked the car and Vanessa bolted from the car to the doors of The Facility. She was already inside by the time Tim was out of the car. Tim ran to catch up.
‘Well, aren’t you two here extra early,’ said Cassandra smiling, we have your consent and paperwork all filled out so proceed to the Changing Room.’
They nearly sprinted down the hall to the Changing Room, hoping that release was within reach. Once in the Changing Room, they stripped quickly and entered the Spanking Waiting Room.
‘Welcome naughty ones, are you two sexually frustrated,’ inquired Miss Kate.
Miss Kate usually wore a black mini skirt with a black tank top; however, this time Miss Kate was wearing a black corset, only a black corset. The corset pushed her tits up and accented her hips. She had a perfectly trimmed landing strip above her pussy.
‘Do you like?’ asked Miss Kate.
All Vanessa and Tim could do is nod their heads yes. They both feel a surge of age run through their groins as they were still locked in Chastity.
‘Tim, follow me,” stated Miss Kate strictly.
Tim followed to the corner of the Spanking Waiting Room. Miss Kate handcuffed his hands behind him. She then attached leg cuffs to his ankles.
‘Kneel,’ she said.
Tim obediently followed. Miss Kate then attacked a collar to Tim’s neck. She attached a 4-foot chain to Tim’s collar and attached the other end to a D Ring on the wall. To finish Tim’s bondage, Miss Kate attached a chain linking the handscuffs and the leg cuffs together. Tim was stuck and had no chance of escape.
Miss Kate then turned her attention to Vanessa. Miss Kate led Vanessa to the scaffold in the middle of the room. Vanessa sat down on the scaffold in an upright position with her legs extended. Miss Kate used a chain to create a breast harness on Vanessa. Next, Miss Kate attached metal cuffs to each of Vanessa’s hands and locked them to the side of her chatity belt. Miss Kate put a red ball gag into Vanessa’s mouth. Lastly, Vanessa’s ankles were cuffed Together. Vanessa whimpered into her gag while she pulled on her bonds. Like Tim, she was hopeless stuck in her bond.
For the next two hours, Tim and Vanessa were stuck in their bond. Helpless as they watched others enter the Spanking Waiting Room and return to it freshly spanked and sexually satisfied. Tim’s cock was constantly pushing against his chatity belt, every trick Tim tried to calm himself did not work. Tim needed release. Vanessa felt her pussy juices oozing over her belt; she drooled uncontrollably from the gag.
Finally, Miss Kate returned to theSpanking Waiting Room. Silently, she undid the restraints on Tim and Vanessa. She led them by the hand through the Spanking Rooms door. Still without speaking, the walked down the familiar hallway of the spankings rooms until they reached the end of the hall. They arrived at a door that said The Dungeon. They entered.
The Dungeon was bigger than all the other rooms at The Facility. It had a St. Andrews’ Cross; whipping post, queen size bed with bedposts. On the walls hung a variety of implements of pain. Floggers, canes, paddles, whips as well as dildos, vibrators and clamps all adorned the walls.
“Stand facing each other,” said Miss Kate harshly.
Tim and Vanessa faced each other. Miss Kate once again bound their hands behind their backs. She then attached a nipple clamp to Tim’s right nipple and the other end to Vanessa’s left nipple. Then repeated the process with the other nipples.
“Now, don’t you two look cute,’ said Miss Kate while she was picking up a flogger.
She twirled it around, letting Vanessa and Tim see it. Miss Kate moved behind Vanessa. Miss Kate aimed for Vanessa’s upper back. Her aim was perfect as the flogger licked Vanessa’s back. The sound of snapping leather filled the dungeon. After each blow of the flogger, Vanessa let out a moan. Vanessa moved with each jolt of the flogger, causing pain in her tits and in Tim’s nipples. After several minutes of flogging, Vanessa’s upper back was striped red from the flogger. She was panting heavily, but the clamps were still attached to both of them.
‘Very good, Vanessa. You took the flogger very well. Little Timmy needs some punishment now,’ said Miss Kate as she switched the flogger for a paddle.
She moved behind Tim and soon the repetitive sound of the thumbing paddle filled the room. Tim was soon doing the spanking dance. In his dancing around, he ripped the nipple clamps off of Vanessa.
‘Gahhh……’ Yelled Vanessa in a mixture of pain and pleasure.
Miss Kate put the paddle down. She led Tim over to the St. Andrews’ Cross and strapped him in. She knelt at his chatity belt and took the key from the chain that was around her wrist. She unlocked his cock. Tim’s cock sprang to a full hard on instantly. Next Miss Kate pulled the clamps off Tim’s nipples. He groaned in pain but his cock was hard.
‘Tim since you yanked the clamps off of Vanessa with your little spanking dance, you get to watch Vanessa pleasure me. Yes, your cock is free, but you have no way of touch it,’ said Miss Kate as she gently stroked Tim’s cock.
Tim gasped and groaned as Miss Kate teasingly touched him. Vanessa looked on longingly, wanting to be out of her chatity belt. After a few strokes of Tim’s cock, Miss Kate turned her attention to Vanessa. She attached a Hitachi magic wand to the inner thigh of Vanessa. The head of wand was pressed firmly against Vanessa’s chatity belt. Miss Kate turned the wand on; the sound of vibrating metal filled the room.Vanessa felt the vibrator pulsate against her chatity belt; it was enough to tease her, but not enough to have an orgasm.
‘If you want to get out of your chatity Vanessa, you will lick my pussy,’ said Miss Kate as she sat on the queen size bed spreading her legs. Her right hand teasing her clip while the left beckoned Vanessa over.
Vanessa got on her knees between Miss Kate’s legs. The magic wand on her own pussy was relentless and she craved release. Vanessa took a deep breath of Miss Kate’s scent and started licking Miss Kate’s pussy lips. Vanessa kissed, sucked, and licked her way up Miss Kate’s pussy to her clip. Vanessa took Miss Kate’s clip her in her mouth and rolled it over her teeth and tongue. Miss Kate panted with pleasure.
‘Enjoying the show, Tim?’ asked Miss Kate between gasps of pleasure.
‘Very much, Miss Kate.’
As Vanessa continued to lick and suck on Miss Kate’s pussy, she slipped two fingers into Miss Kate’s pussy. It was wet, tight and very warm. Miss Kate’s hips bucked with each thrust in of Vanessa’s fingers, combined with the talented tongue of Vanessa, Miss Kate was already feeling her orgasm build.
‘Naughty Vanessa must really want out of her chatity,’ Miss Kate said coolly.
All Vanessa did was nod her head as her tongue continued to explore Miss Kate’s clip and pussy.
Dispite Miss Kate wanting to hold her orgasm, she couldn’t, the pleasure was just too much. Miss Kate’s hips gyrated all over Vanessa’s face as she cam. She moaned, panted and screamed with delight as Vanessa took her over the edge. Vanessa lapped up all of Miss Kate’s pussy juices and kissed Miss Kate’s pussy. After several minutes of recovery, Miss Kate sat up.
“Would you like out of your chatity, Vanessa?” asked Miss Kate looking down at a still kneeing Vanessa.
‘Yes, Miss.’
‘Stand up and lay on the bed,’ said Miss Kate.
Vanessa stood up and lay on the bed. Miss Kate turned off the magic wand. SheThen tied Vanessa’s wrists to the bed posts above her head and her ankles to the remaining bedposts. She was tied spread eagle. Finally, Miss Kate unlocked the chatity belt. Vanessa felt totally exposed, humiliated, but her pussy craved to be touched. When Vanessa was all tied up, Miss Kate blew gently on Vanessa’s swollen pussy, causing Vanessa to moan loudly. At which point, Miss Kate gagged Vanessa with a red ball gag.
‘You two are free from your chatity, but yet, still no orgasms. I have some things to take care of and I will be back in a bit,’ said Miss Kate as she left the room.
All Tim and Vanessa could do is stare at each other, each in their own bondage, helpless. They had no hope of touching each other or themselves. They had no hope of an orgasm, the orgasm they had have waited a week for.
After a half hour of waiting, Miss Kate returned to the room. She was naked; except for the straw on she was now wearing. The plastic cock was 7 inches long.
Miss Kate released Tim from the St. Andrew’s Cross and had him bend over the bed so his headrest on Vanessa’s stomach.
‘Try to relax Little Timmy,’ said Miss Kate as she teased his asshole opening with her strap on.
She gently pushed it into him. He groaned in pain, his eyes winning. Miss Kate slapped his ass as she found her rhythm. Tim felt the straw on violent him deeper and deeper. Tim stared at Vanessa’s swollen pussy lips as the pain from the straw on started to turn to pleasure. After what seemed like forever, Miss Kate reached for Tim’s cock. It was oozing pre cum. She got some on her fingers and tasted it.
‘Yummy. Timmy has some good tasting pre cum,’ said Miss Kate.
Miss Kate pulled out of Tim’s ass.
‘Tim, fuck Vanessa. Make sure she is full satisfied,’ Miss Kate said sternly.
Tim quickly scrambled onto the bed and pushed his cock into Vanessa’s eager pussy. She was very wet. As Tim entered Vanessa, her eyes grew big as her pussy remembered the feeling of having a cock in it. Vanessa started to hump her hips in time to Tim’s thrusts. Vanessa moaned through her gag. She felt an orgasm was close. Tim was like a machine, his hard cock moving in and out, filling her pussy. Vanessa felt her orgasm exploit, ripping through her body. Her eyes rolled back in her head, she bit down hard on the gag, screaming into it with pleasure.
‘Don’t stop Tim. Keep fucking her,’ yelled Miss Kate.
Tim kept up his pace. He kept fucking Vanessa. The bound Vanessa could do nothing except lie there and get fucked. Soon orgasm after orgasm was pulsing through her body. A week’s worth of sexual frustration was being released at once, and she couldn’t stop the orgasms.
‘MISS KATE, MAY I CUM!’ yelled Tim.
‘Pull out and cum on Vanessa’s tits,’ instructed Miss Kate.
Tim pulled out of Vanessa’s pussy, his cock drenched in her juices. He knelt beside her and jerked his cock over her tits. Soon thick streams of white cum were spurting out of Tim’s cock as he yelled with pleasure. Vanessa’s tits were covered in a week’s worth of cum. Tim knelt beside Vanessa panting, exhausted.
Before either of them could notice, Miss Kate had slipped Vanessa’s chatity belt back on. She motioned for Tim and soon he was back in chatity as well. Miss Kate undid Vanessa’s bondage and soon both were kneeling as the feet of Miss Kate.
“You may think we are done, but we are not. Actually, you are far from it. You two are my toys, until I am satisfied,’ said Miss Kate.
Tim and Vanessa looked at each other worried. Tim’s cum was dripping off of Vanessa’s tits, her hair was a mess and she wanted to sleep.
“There are two cages on opposite corners of the room. Each of you crawls into one. That is your new home for a while,’ said Miss Kate as she led Vanessa to her cage.
Miss Kate locked in Vanessa and repeated the process with Tim.
‘Get some rest slaves, we have some more fun ahead of us,’ said Miss Kate as she turned off the lights and left the room. Leaving Tim and Vanessa in total darkness.
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