Vanessa awoke to the buzzing of her alarm clock. She knocked the clock off her nightstand onto the floor. Today was supposed to be a day of fun. Instead, she was going to be alone, again. Her pillow showed the after effects of her sobbing from the night before. Makeup was smelled all over the pillow. She didn’t care. She was too numb to care. She and then boyfriend, Greg, had planned on spending the day fucking each other’s brains out and having some kinky fun. Vanessa had confessed her interest in the kinkier side of sex. Greg had no interest. He was as vanilla as the ice cream.
Things between the Greg and Vanessa started well. They had met through a mutual friend and it seemed they hit it off. Indeed, they had hit it off, except for the bedroom. Greg was as boring as watching paint dry when it came to sex. Vanessa would lay there as Greg would fuck her. Her body was there, but her mind was elsewhere. Often thinking of the porn she watched online to satisfy her true needs. She loved watching girls get dominated, guys get dominated, girls get spanked and guys get spanked. She wasn’t exactly sure if she were submissive or dominant. She considered herself a switch. She mediated on all of this while Greg humped her body. She would moan and groan and fake her orgasms right when Greg would finish. Ultimately, she would have to tell him what she really wanted. Vanessa knew What that means. A fight. Being called a freak or pervert. Then the questions about abuse would come up. She was never abused, she wasn’t a freak, and she just wanted safe, sane, consensual kinky sex.
So the day before their day of fucking, Vanessa decided it was time to tell Greg. Sure as shit, she was right about the conversation. Greg recoiled in disgust, called her a freak and then asked about possible abuse. When Greg wasn’t satisfied with her answers, as she knew he wouldn’t be, he left her. Once again, Vanessa had found a great guy. Good personality, treated her to wonderful dates,but was the very definition of vanilla. The end of the relationship was only a matter of time. She felt like she was stuck in a labelingrinth. She felt hopeless she would never find a guy who understands what she really craved in the bedroom. Her biggest fear is should turn into one of those housewives endlessly masturbating to the trashy novel 50 Shades of Grey. All of this just made her more depressed.
The tears which were left on her pillow were not for Greg, they were for her. She was trying to come to the realization she would be forever alone or if she found a good guy, she would have to deny her ultimate desires in the bedroom.
So when her alarm woman her up at 8 AM the morning after the break up with Greg, she considered going back to sleep or just watching trashy TV. Jerry Springer always cheered her up. No matter how Much her life sucked, at least she wasn’t on Jerry Springer. After several minutes of mental debate Vanessa decided she would make some coffee and try to figure out how to move on, if it was possible. She stumbled into the kitchen in her flannel pj pants and a white tank top to make some coffee.
“Move on from what? Yeah, sure, Greg was a nice guy, but he couldn’t deliver in the sheets. I mean, missionary position EVERY FUCKING TIME! I need a guy who has similar desires as I do,” she thought.
The smell of the coffee brewing filled Her house. The coffee smelled strong and she needed the extra kick it would provide today. While the coffee was brewing, Vanessa turned on her computer. In the past after a break up like this she would go online and watch some good kinky porn. It would make her feel like she wasn’t a freak as she would watch women or men in bondage, get spanked and fucked and Vanessa would masturbate for hours as the women or men had orgasm After orgasm forced from their bodies. The problem was she wanted to experience all of what she saw. She wanted to be tied up, spanked, fucked and have orgasms ripped fromher body. Other days, she wanted to tie up her latest crush and do the same to him. Porn was a great substitute, but she still wanted the real deal.
With the coffee brewed and her computer on, Vanessa decided to check out the news.
“Maybe it will distract me long enough to get in the mood to masturbate,” she though.
She sipped her coffee as she went online to check out the news. She checked out the local news first. The main headline got her interest. It read “New Business Sparks Concern.”
Vanessa was intrigued and clicked on the story. Her brown eyes quickly read the story, dissecting the information provided. In summary, Robert and Carol were married and wanted to open an adult spanking business called The Facility. Legal aged adults could schedule an appointment with either of them to be spanked for actual punishment or what they called funishment. Funishment they explained was for people who viewed spanking as a fetish. Vanessa felt her pussy tingle with a mixture of curiosity and for a chance for her to live out some of her fansies. The locals were concerned about kids getting in by accident. Carol and Robert assured the concerned public they would use the same ID checking system used by casinos. The Facility was set to open in a week. The Facility was already booked for the first month.
“Booked for a month?! Where are all these kinky people and why can’t I meet them,” thought Vanessa.
She clicked off the story to one of her favorite spanking videos. It always got her horny. It was a spanking video of a naked ‘daughter’ caught masturbating by her ‘mom’ and spanked. Of course, at the end the spanking, the ‘daughter’ went back to masturbating and had a huge orgasm. It was something Vanessa wanted to experience herself. Be caught rubbing her smooth pussy (she kept it nicely shavled despite Greg claiming it looked funny. She thought it looked sexy as fuck) and spanked. She could feel her panties start to get wet.
“I wonderIf The Facility could make this fantasy a reality,” Vanessa said aloud.
She clicked back to the article about The Facility and noticed it mentioned the phone number. She decided she would call. She quickly picked up her phone and dialed before she lost her nervous.
“The Facility, this is Cassandra, how can I help you?” said Cassandra.
“Hi, I uh…saw the story in the paper and I have a question,” said Vanessa.
“Ahh, the story in the paper. Been great for business. What’s your question hon?”
“Say I had specific spanking fantasy I would like to act out. Would The Facility be able to help me act it out?” asked Vanessa.
“Provided it would fall along our terms of service and does not violent our rules. Yes. Would you like to schedule an appointment?” asked Cassandra.
“Yes, please. And I would like Carol to spank me if possible.” Vanessa could feel her pussy gushing. She was asking to get spanked by a female. Something she had wanted for years.
“Carol’s next opening is the 20th at 11AM. What is the nature of your fantasy before I schedule your appointment?” asked Cassandra.
“I want to be caught masturbating, spanked and then finish masturbating,” said a blushing Vanessa.
“You have a very common request. We can do that. Does the 20th at 11AM work?” said Cassandra matter of factly.
“Very good. Please arrived at 10:30AM to fill out the appropriate paper work,” said Cassandra.
“I understand,” Vanessa said as she hung up the phone.
Vanessa’s pussy was like a waterfall. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so turned on. Never with any of the guys had she been with. She looked at the calendar, today was the 27th, and the 20th seemed so far away. She hoped she didn’t lose her nervous and cancel.
“No! You want this. The Facility is booked up; therefore, you aren’t a freak. This is what you want. So stop over thinking and just go through with it,” she thought.
Vanessa smiled. Maybe she would meet a guy at The Facility.
“Wishful thinking. Besides, she had more pressing issues to take care of,” she thought.
She stripped off her tank top and her medium sized breasts were exposed. Her nipples were hard. She slipped off her pj pants, she wasn’t wearing panties, and her full hour glass figure was on complete display. She walked back to her bedroom and got on the bed. Spreading her long legs, her hand slipped between her legs.
“I haven’t been this wet in a weeks,” she thought as she started to rub her clip.
She closed her eyes and went to her favorite fansy……being caught masturbating. She could hear herself pleading not to be spanked. Her mind’s eye could see the humiliation of being naked and over her ‘mom’s’ knee. She could envision the sound of the brush smokering against Her naked, full, bottom. Finally, after having a red bottom and the appropriate corner time, she would go back to masturbating. When Vanessa climaxed, she was loud. Her hips compromised up and down. She was panting hard.
“That is the best orgasm I had in months,” she said aloud smiling.
It was then she vowed the next guy she would date would have to be kinky. She had tried vanilla and it wasn’t her flavor.
“It is going to feel like forever until the 20th of next month,” she thought.
******The 20th ***************************************************
Vanessa’s alarm woman her up at 8AM the day of her appointment. Not that she slept well. For the last month, Vanessa had been a ball of sexual tension. Rubbing her pussy every chance she got. She even bought one of the magic wands in an effort to keep her cravings down until her appointment. It was no use. Each orgasm seemed to Make her crave the 20th even more.
She got out of bed; she stripped off her usual pj’s and got in the shower. As the water warmed up, she turned and stared at her bottom in the mirror. In a few hours, she bottom was going to be red, sore and possibly bruised in some spots. Soon the mirror was fogged up and this is what awoke her from her trace. She got in the shower, washed her hair and her body. She shacked her pits, legs and pussy. She wanted to be well groomed for her appointment.
After her shower, she forced down some breakfast and coffee and was out the door at 10AM. She arrived at The Facility at 10:15AM. She walked in, expected to see naked people, and spanked bottoms. Instead she saw a receptionist desk and a room full of people, waiting for their appointment. Waiting to be spanked.
“Oh God. Why didn’t I think of what will happen if I run into someone I know? What would they think? What would they say?” she thought.
Vanessa sheepishly walked over to the receptionist desk to check in.
“Hi, I have an appointment at 11AM,” she said in a tiny voice.
“Good. I need your ID please,” said Cassandra.
Vanessa handed Cassandra her ID. Cassandra ran the ID through some credit card looking machine and a light flashed green.
“Good, your ID is legit. You have no idea how many teens have tried to sneak in with fake IDs. Please fill out this paper work for your file,” said Cassandra handling Vanessa a clipboard full of papers.
“My file?” asked Vanessa.
“Yes. We have a file on all our clients. This way we can customize your sessions to meet what you want and desire.”
Vanessa took the clipboard. She looked around the waiting room. Everyone was looking down and she didn’t see anyone she recognized. She told in relief and found an empty chair in the corner and sat down.
“I have to sit in the corner waiting for a spanking. This is more stereotypical than a cheap porno. Who writes that trash anyway?” she thought as she sat down in the chair.
She thought as she sat down in the chair.
She glanced down at the clipboard. The paperwork seemed very ordinary. The first page asked for your name, address and contact information. The second page got more interesting. It asked if you were ever spanked growing up, if you wanted to be spanked for a real misdeed or if this was more sexual for you. There was a question asking you what implements you wanted to try. Vanessa felt her pussy tingle with joy, perhaps, if she couldn’t find a guy to fulfill her desires, maybe The Facility could at least help. She quickly wrote down her favorite spanking fantasy and checked all the implements listed, indicating she wanted to try them. At the very bottom of the last page in bold and italic letters said the following statement: THE FACILITY BELIEVES IN SAFE, SANE AND CONSENSUAL EXPLORATION. IF FOR ANY REASON YOUR SESSION BECOMES TOO MUCH FOR YOU, THE AUTOMATIC SAFE WORD TO END ANY SESSION IS RED.
Vanessa signed her name, giving The Facility consent to spank her and possibly in the future to explore more kinky situations. She got up and returned the forms to Cassandra who smiled politely as she took them. As Vanessa turned from the receptionist’s desk, she noticed the room had fewer people in it. Theyhad been called in for their spanking and she didn’t even notice. She walked back to her seat in the corner, even though there were several open chairs. She sat and waited.
At exactly at 11AM the door to the next part of The Facility opened. A lady with long brown hair appeared in the doorway.
“Vanessa?” she called out.
Vanessa swallowed hard and walked towards the open door. The lady with long brown hair smiled gently.
“Right this way, honey. I will take you to the Changing Room,” she said sweetly.
Vanessa was speechless as she walked down the hall with the lady with long brown hair. It seemed like an eternity, but it was only a minute before they arrived at a door labeled Changing Room.
“Go inside. Find an empty locker and put all your clothes in it. You will be naked. Once you are naked go to the door labeled Spanking Waiting Room. Do you have any questions?” asked the lady with long brown hair.
All Vanessa could manage was to shake her headno. With that, she opened the door to the Changing Room. It was a typical looking changing room, like at the gym. There were a few exceptions. This Changing Room was co-ed and there were several well spanked bottoms on display. Vanessa tried not to look but it was impossible not to notice all the nudity. There were both males and females. Various shapes and sizes of people were in the room, all naked and most with a well spanked bottom.
Vanessa quickly found an empty locker and started to remove her clothes. It dawned on her when she was in her black bra and panties, that total strangers were going to see her naked. The shocking thing was all the other people in the locker room didn’t seem to mind the other naked people. This gave her a sense of confidence as she unhooked her bra. Her nipples became hard instantly.
“Oh God. I am so turned on,” she thought.
She slipped her panties down, hoping no one would notice the dampness of them, and tossed them into the locker.She throw her hair back and walked towards the door labeled Spanking Waiting Room. She opened the door and walked in.
Inside the Spanking Waiting Room was a room full of people tied to chairs, waiting their turn with Robert or Carol. Several people stood on a small scaffold, with their hands on their head, fully on display. Their bottoms were very red. Vanessa felt overwhelmed. Never in her wildest dreams did she think something like this could be real. While Vanessa was lost in her thoughts, a blonde with brown eyes grabbed her wrist.
“I am going to take you to an open chair and restrain you to it. Carol will undo your bonds and take you to her room to spank you,” she said.
“Why do I need to be restrained?” asked Vanessa.
“Being restrained serves several purposes. One, it puts you on display. You won’t be able to cover anything up. This adds a sense of humiliation to all the spankings. Second, and equally important, it prevents any sexual contact between the clions and or any unauthorized masturbation from taking place.”
While the blonde was saying this, she was leading Vanessa to an open chair and had restrained her to the chair. Vanessa’s legs were spread. Meaning everyone in the room could see her shaken pussy. Her wrists were tied to the arm rests, so she couldn’t cover anything nor could she touch herself or anyone else. She never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, so humiliated and at the same time, so turned on and so alive and fulfilled. Vanessa was lost in her senses and thoughts and didn’t notice the door to the Spanking Rooms opened.
“Hello Vanessa. I’m Carol. I am going to teach you a proper lesson today,” said Carol.
Carol was probably in her mid forties, with very long bronze colored hair. She looked very stern and very maternal. Carol undid Vanessa’s ties and led her through the Spanking Rooms door. Inside the doorway, Vanessa could hear the sound of a paddle hitting naked flesh. A woman was crying. Vanessa could her Robert scolding the woman.
“Don’t mind that dear. That is Katarina. She is our best customer. Robert spanks her once a week. She gets spanked for real punishment,” said Carol.
They arrived at Carol’s Spanking Room. Once inside, the room looked like a small bedroom. There was a twin sized bed, desk with chair, computer and on the wall hung all the spanking implements.
“Vanessa, stand in the middle of the room with your hands on your head and your legs spread shoulder width apart. I am going to review your file again,” said Carol.
Vanessa nodded and compiled. Vanessa could feel her heart beat a million times a minute. She had seen countless videos of girls treated like this, but never her. Carol sat at the desk and reviewed the file as if Vanessa wasn’t Even there.
“I think I understand. Your fantasy of being caught masturbating is very common among our female clients,” said Carol smiling
Carols eyes darted up and down the very exposed Vanessa.
“You are very cute. May I feel your body?” asked Carol.
“Yes” replied Vanessa.
As Carol’s fingertips touched Vanessa’s breasts, Vanessa shuddered with pleasure.
“Oh, this will be fun. You are very exciting. I like that,” said Carol as her hand explored Vanessa’s smooth pussy.
“You are very turned on. So here is what is going to happen. You will refer to me as ‘Mom’ during this and don’t forget if things get too intense, just say RED and everything stops,” she added.
“Yes, Mom,” said Vanessa.
“Very good. I’ll be right back,” said Carol as she left the room.
Vanessa stood there for a moment, frozen, unsure if she was allowed to move. Then she noticed a dildo and a spanking magazine on the bed. Vanessa got on the bed, spread her long legs and positioned the dildo for maximum pleasure. She opened the magazine and started to slowly thrust the dildo into her eager pussy. The dildo felt amazing; it was thick and pushed all the right buttons. Within a few minutes, Vanessa started to feel her orgasm build. That’s when the door opened.
“Mom! Don’t you knock?! Am I not allowed some privacy?” Vanessa yelled back.
“Is that a dildo? Where did you get that? And what are you looking at?” Carol asked as she walked over to the bed, ripping the magazine from Vanessa’s hands.
Carol glanced at the various pictures of naked girls getting spanked. She glanced at Vanessa who was blushing with utter embarrassment; the dildo was still half way in her pussy.
“I am going to put you over my knee and spank you. Masturbating is a filthy habit and proper young ladies don’t do that,” scolded Carol.
“Please don’t Mom! I’m too old to be spanked,” pleased Vanessa.
“You live in my house, you live by my rules. In this house, I spank you when you deserve it and you have earned this spanking,” said Carol as she got the chair in the middle of the room and a hairbrush.
Carol sat on the chair and tapped her lap.
“Get that filthy thing out of your pussy and get over my knee. NOW!” barked Carol.
Vanessa slide the dildo out of her pussy. She noticed how wet the dildo was. She got up from the bed and shuffled over to Carol. She slowly lowered herself over Carol’s lap. Vanessa had never been over someone’s knee before and she found the experience exhilarating.
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