The Facility Ch. 02

I walked with Vanessa to the end of the block to where Blue’s Diner was located. It was at the end of the same block, which had The Facility. Blue’s Diner was your average greasy spoon that somehow survived in 2013 despite the big chain coffee shops. I opened and held the door open for Vanessa; she smiled and looked down as she walked in. I noticed she had redone her makeup, only a keen observer would notice disappoint traces of the makeup, which ran down her face from her caning. I walked up to the hostess; she was your stereotypical looking young, attractive hostess.

“Table for two, please” I said, wondering if she knew where we had just come from.

“Right this way, please.” She said, grabbing two menus.

I turned to Vanessa and she followed the hostess and I brought up the rear, my eyes fixed on Vanessa’s bottom, knowing it had six cane marks on it.

“Will this do?” asked the hostess.

“Yes, thank you” said Vanessa.

Vanessa was already sliding into the booth by the time she gave the hostess her answer. Vanessa winced in pain as she had to put the full weight of her body on her bottom to sit. I stood, suddenly nervous, realizing, sitting would be painful for several days.

“Sit, Tim. The pain from sitting is a wonderful reminder of your spanking.” Vanessa said.

I slide into the booth and cringed my face in pain. It feel as if my bottom was Still on fire and sitting only intensified the feelings.

“You probably have a million questions” said Vanessa.

“Well, yes. I guess it is hard to keep secrets from each other now, since we have seen each other naked and knowing we both get spanked.” I said, not realizing the waitress had come over to take our order. The waitress of middle aged, smacking gum, slightly overweight and had her hair pulled back into a messy ponytail.

“Spanking? You two just come from The Facility?” she asked, with a certain curiosity in her voice.

Vanessa and I both stared at each otherfor a moment.

“Yes, is that a problem?” Vanessa asked there was a tone of defiance in her voice.

“Problem?! Heck no! Since The Facility opened up our business has sky rocketed. The customers are better behaved and the tips are much better. I wish it opened up years ago. Now, what can I get you two?” the waitress said.

Vanessa had an evil looking smile on her face.

“Two cups of coffee and two slices of cherry pie, please” she said.

“Be right up, hon” said the waitress as she left.

“Cherry pie? Really Vanessa? Isn’t that a little over the top?” I said

“This is a celebration. After all, one of us just had their spanking cherry popped and it wasn’t me. Tell me, what got you interested in spanking?” asked Vanessa.

“I really don’t know. I was never spanked growing up, but I remember every time I heard the word, it would feel as if the word was full electricity. I wanted to know what it felt like. Spanking is a huge turn on for me. What about you? What got you in it? How long have you been going to The Facility? Who spanked you?” I asked, feeling slightly at ease saying the word, spank.

“Similar as you. It is a sure fire why to get me turned on. I have better orgasms after a spanking. I have been going to The Facility for a few months. I have been spanked with a hand, brush, belt, paddle, twase, flogger and cane there. I have been spanked by Carol, the mom looking one, Robert, the dad looking one, but my favorite is the new girl, Kate.” Vanessa said.

By this point, the waitress had returned with our pie and coffee.

“Kate is the one who spanked me as well.” I said, feeling my face turn as red as my bottom.

“Did you have to do corner time on that damn scaffold? I love and hate that thing. It is great reflection time, but being forced to stand their naked, with that sign around your neck is very humiliating. The humiliation is worse if the waiting room has more guys than girls in it waiting for their spanking.” Vanessa said.

“Awww…poor Vanessa. Having to stand there all naked with her sexy bottom all red. I had to stand there with cum dripping off my cock and strtomach, so don’t tell me about humiliation.” I said.

I could see on her face she was intrigued.

“Kate jerked you off?” Vanessa asked.

“No, she said since it was my first time she couldn’t touch me. I jerked off while she scolded me. She touches you?” I asked.

“One of the perks of being a repeat customer. I get a helping hand. She uses a vibrator on me. At least when I do scaffold time, I don’t have cum dripping off me.” Vanessa said laughing

“How often do you go?” I asked.

“About once a week, sometimes less. Why?” asked Vanessa.

“I was thinking, could we be spanked together? I mean, we both know we both like it. We have seen each other naked; does The Facility offer group spankings?” I asked.

Vanessa’s mood changed a mixture of interest and dread.

“Yes, they do.” shesaid in a barely audible whisper.

“Then let’s go make an appointment when we are done here. Next week? Unless you think your bottom needs more time to heal?” I said

That same look of insolence washed over her face. I bet she could be spanked for a poor attitude.

“I’m finished with my pie and coffee. If you are ready to put your money where your mouth is, we can go make your appointment.” She said with a rebellious tone in her voice.

I throw some money on the table and we made our way out the door. Within a few minutes we were back inside The Facility. Cassandra looked up from behind her desk with a look of surprise.

“You two? Back so soon?” Cassandra asked inquisitively.

“I was hoping to make another appointment with Miss Kate.” I said.

“When were you thinking, Tim?” asked Cassandra.

“Well, it is for both Vanessa and I to get spanked together by Miss Kate. We are friends and thought it would be fun to share this experience with each otherr.” I said.

“Next Tuesday at 10 AM. Does this work?” said a smiling Cassandra.

“Yes.” Vanessa and I said in unison.

“Very good. We will see you then. Before you leave, I need to speak with Tim on a matter.” said Cassandra.

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked.

“Not really wrong, sweetie, just a note I saw in your file that Miss Kate wrote. She said that you weren’t well groomed….down there.” She said pointing to my crotch.

I blushed a deep red. I tried to answer, but nothing came out.

“It is a hygiene issue, Tim. If the prevalence of STD’s in our society, and so many naked people around each other, our employees need to make sure you don’t have any open sores. So we ask all our clients to be well trimmed, shavled or waxed.” stated Cassandra.

“I’ll make sure he is well groomed for our appointment next week.” said Vanessa.

With that we were out the door.

***************************One Week Later************************************************************

There was less dread as I waited for my appointment at The Facility than before. I was excited. I was looking forward to seeing Vanessa naked and spanked. I was excited to get spanked and wondering what extra perks I might get as a repeat customer. Vanessa told me she would be at my place a 9 AM to groom me. At exactly 9AM, there was a knock on my door. I opened my apartment door to see a smiling Vanessa. She had bright red lipstick on, mascara, blush, she looked incredible.

“Morning, Tim! Ready for your trim?” she asked.

“I guess.” I said sheepishly.

“Good. Now get naked.” she said giggling.

I reluctantly unzipped my jeans and stepped out of them. I was embarrassed even though she had seen me naked a week before. While I was doing this she pulled an electric trimmer out of her purse. She plugged it in and turned it on. The buzz filled the room. She turned to face me.

“Tim? Why do you have a boner?” She asked sounding surprised.

“Umm…honest answer?” I asked.

“Yes, otherwise I will tell Miss Kate to be harsher with you.” She said sternly.

“I have feelings for you.” I blurted out.

She smiled, a soft, gentile, loving smile. She kissed me, leaving me the taste of lipstick.

“We will discuss this later, but you need a trim and we need to get going to The Facility.” she said.

She quickly ran the trimmer around my cock and balls, leaving a small pile of hair on the ground.

“There! All done. And if I don’t say, you look much sexier, Tim. Now get dressed, we have to worry. Trust me, you don’t want to be late to your appointment at The Facility.” she said.

We left my apartment and soon arrived at The Facility. We entered the same dull waiting room and saw Cassandra at her desk.

“Morning Vanessa, Tim. Tim, please fill out these forms and return them to me.” She said.

“More forms?!” I said surprised.

Cassandra just smiled as she handed me the forms. These forms were unlike the pRevious ones, these were much more BDSM oriented. Asking me about hard limits, soft limits, things I am curious about. I could feel Vanessa peering over my shoulder as I put a check mark next to each box. I was embarrassed, but for the first time in my life, I was being honest about what I was interested in. When I had finished the forms, I returned them to Cassandra. Before I could sit down again, the same long brown haired lady opened the door.

“Tim and Vanessa.” She said.

We proceeded to follow her down the hallway, back to the Changing Room. I went to open the door.

“Wait. Our standard safeword to end any session is Red, but when there is more than one person in the session, things are different. Tim, your safeword is still Red. Vanessa, your safeword is Mississippi. We have found that if each person has their own safeword, it leads to less confusion during your session. Clear?” said the blonde lady.

We both nodded in agreement. Once inside, we took lockers next to each other and starting striping our clothes off.

“So Vanessa, you trimmed me, but I don’t know how you look down there.” I said with a mischievous smile.

She was in her bra and panties, red, matching her lipstick. I was already naked. She rolled her eyes and yanked her panties down. Revealing a beautifully smooth pussy.

“I got waxed. Just for you.” She said, tenderly.

“You’re beautiful.” I whispered, looking right into her eyes.

I could see tears well up in her eyes.

“Stop. I don’t want my makeup running already.” She said moving towards the door labeled Spanking Waiting Room.

We walked into the Spanking Waiting Room together. There were three people on the scaffold. Two women and one guy. The one woman was blonde, she was sniffling, fighting back tears. The sign on her neck said, “Happy 18th Birthday!” The guy was older, 40. His eyes were downcast. His sign on his neck read, “Over the Hill! Happy 40th!” The last woman was the mostalarming. She looked about our age, 28, the sign on her neck said, “Adulteress.” She looked totally broken, sobbing loudly.

“Her husband caught her in bed with another man.” said the blonde with brown eyes, whose job it was to tie us to our chair.

“Oh my.” said Vanessa.

“Yes, he is about to lock her in chatity.” said the blonde pointing to the corner.

In the corner, Sitting was a very upset looking man holding female chatity belt. The blonde took Vanessa by her arm and lead her to an open chair and secure her to it then did the same to me. Like before, we were both totally on display and couldn’t cover up.

“Since you two are being spanked together, you get this.” said the blonde, as she handcuffed us together.

My right hand was cuffed to Vanessa’s left hand. We looked at each other and tried to smile. I noticed the chain holding the cuffs together, was longer than the typical handcuff, probably about 12 inches of chain between the two cuffs. During this time, the husband of the adultess got up and started to move towards his cheater wife.

“Please, don’t…” She begged, sobbing harder.

“You have earned this.” He said bluntly.

He quickly got the chatity belt on her and it was locked. Her sobs reached a new level hysteria when the final lock was locked.

“You will be released, when I feel like it, and locked up When I am done using you. This is our new agreement; you agreed to this to avoid a dividend.” He said, holding the key to her chatity belt.

All she could do was nod, tears of geneuine sorrow running down her face. He took her lovingly by the hand and led her out of the room. Vanessa and I were lost in the drama of the husband and the cheater wife and didn’t notice Miss Kate enter the room or that she had attached a lean to the chain of our cuffs.

“I see Little Timmy and Naughty Vanessa are back. This time to be spanked together how wonderful.” Miss Kate said

Vanessa and my head quickly turned and saw Miss Kate, her brown hair still hugging her face. She was in her usual blank tank top and black mini skirt.

“I see Little Timmy got a haircut.” Miss Kate snickered.

I blushed full of embarrassment.

“Yes, Miss Kate, I trimmed him for you. I hope it meets your standards.” said Vanessa.

“Yes, yes it does.” chuckled Miss Kate

At this point, both our chair bonds were undone and Miss Kate had picked up her lean and pulled on it. We got up from our chairs and headed towards the door labeled, Spanking Rooms. The hall which had the Spanking Rooms was strangely quiet.

“You two should have been here a half hour ago. Two birthday spankings and the adulters so things were very noisy. Would you believe the 18 year old girl took her spanking better than the 40 year old man?” stated Miss Kate.

I was barely listening to what Miss Kate was saying, because I was distracted. As we were walking, Vanessa had extended her fingers and got theminterlaced with mine, as if we were holding hands the best we could in our cuffs. I had had feelings for Vanessa for years, and then within week so much has happened. We have seen each other naked, confessed our desire to be spanked, told her I had feelings for her, and now being handcuffed to each other as we were both about to get spanked. It was almost too much. Finally, we reached Miss Kate’s Discipline Room. It was identified as before.

“I have Naughty Vanessa and Little Timmy to spank.” said Miss Kate as she unhooked her lean to our cuffs and then unlocked the handscuffs.

“Legs spread should width, hands on head.” Miss Kate added.

We both compiled. Vanessa’s medium breasts looked more pronounced with her hands on her head. Her nipples were hard and the intoxicating aroma of Her pussy was barely noticeable. While I was distracted by the sight of Vanessa, Miss Kate had moved her spanking chair to the middle of the room. In addition, she laid a wooden paddle, beltand cane on her desk.

“I am going to give both of you a hand spanking, followed by 20 with the belt, 25 with the paddle. Vanessa will get 6 with the cane to end her spanking. Tim, since this is your second time, you may opt out of the caning for more belt. However, if you are feeling up to it, you may taste Vanessa’s favorite implementation as well.” Miss Kate said.

Vanessa turned very red. I tried to hide my smile, knowing that Vanessa loved the cane.

“Tim, you will be hand spanked first. Please ask for your spanking politely.” Said Miss Kate.

“Miss Kate, please spank my naughty bottom in front of Vanessa.” I said.

I don’t think I had ever been more turned on in my life as; Miss Kate took me by my hand and helped me over her knee. She had Vanessa stand by my head, so if I lifted my head up during my spanking I was looking directly at her waxed pussy.

Before I got too comfortable staring at Vanessa’s pussy, Miss Kate had started her hand spanking. Her iron hand alternate between each chef, as she laid the foundation for a thorough spanking. After a few minutes, I started to squirm as her hand continued to rain down on my naked bottom, knowing it was most certainly pink by now. Miss Kate stopped.

“Stand up Tim and switch with Vanessa. Remember no rubbing.” Miss Kate said.

I stood up and felt the burn that one only understands if they have been spanked. I also knew I was in for way more than my first time at The Facility. Vanessa was standing by Miss Kate’s lap.

“Miss Kate, would you please spank this naughty, naked girl, so she can learn?” asked Vanessa

“Of course, Naughty Vanessa.” Replied Miss Kate.

Miss Kate helped Vanessa over her knee and started to hand spank her. I was standing my Vanessa’s head, with my hands on my head. What a sight! I had seen hundreds of spanking videos on line, but it doesn’t compare to the real deal. The sound is more exciting. The mixture of pain and pleasure on Vanessa’s face was exhaust, and her perfect breasts swayed with each spank. Her bottom quickly turned pink from the diligent spanking of Miss Kate.

“Vanessa, stand up next to Tim. I need to inspect your bottoms.” Miss Kate said.

There were, friends, naked, spanked, standing next to each other hands on our heads to Miss Kate could feel how hot our bottoms were from her hand spanking. I tried to remain quiet as Miss Kate’s hands ran over my pink bottom, but I couldn’t. Her hands felt so wonderful. When Miss Kate ran her hands over Vanessa’s bottom, Vanessa was much more vocal in her pleasure she was feeling.

“Vanessa, since you were spanked second, you may pick what you two will be spanked with next. Twenty strokes with the belt or twenty five strokes with the paddle?” asked Miss Kate.

“Paddle, please Miss Kate. Please paddle our naughty bottoms.” Vanessa said in the most submissive voice I had ever heard.

Miss Kate picked up the wooden paddle and swung it throughthe air.

“You two will face each other, bend and grab the other’s arms. This way, when you get spanked, the other will hear their moans in your ear.” Miss Kate said.

Vanessa and I faced each other. She really was stunning, bare pussy, hard nipples, her hair slightly messy from her hand spanking. We bent towards each other. Her touch sent bolts of lightning through my body. She skin was soft, the way a woman’s skin is soft and yet toned. I was totally lost in Vanessa and didn’t realize Miss Kate was standing behind me with the wooden paddle.


Ten quick blows of the paddle fell on my bottom, several swats landed in the same spot. I groaned and pleaded with Miss Kate that I would be good and begged her to stop. Miss Kate was silent and moved behind Vanessa. I stomped my feet in an effort to get the pain to subside from my bottom.


Ten blows of the paddle fall on Vanessa’s bottom. She also promised she would be a good girl, if the paddling were to stop. She swayed back and worth, attempting to make the pain go away. Meanwhile, Miss Kate was behind me again.

“Please stop, Miss Kate. I promise I’ll be good.” I begged.

“It never ceases to amaze me how quickly spankees promise to be good as soon as their spanking starts.” said a rather annoyed Miss Kate.


The final 15 swats of the paddle burned into my bottom. I felt tears start to form in my eyes by the final few strokes of the paddle and was very thankful the paddling was done before I started to cry. My bottom burned like never before, but what made it better was Vanessa gently rubbing my arms with her hands. Miss Kate moved behind Vanessa.


Vanessa started tocry. The final swats had produced tears; I felt them on my face as our faces were next to each other.

“Are these naughty bottoms finally starting to learn to be good?” Asked Miss Kate tersely.

“Yes, Miss Kate.” We said together.

“Good.” said Miss Kate as she picked up the leather belt and swished it through the air.

“Vanessa, you get the belt first since Tim got the paddle first. You will get all twenty strokes before Tim gets his.” Miss Kate said matter of factly.


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