In the wintery sunlight of the next morning, the thrill of the Facesitting bar seemed like a distance memory. Natalie waited nervously at the park, perched on the wall in her black pump jacket, blue jeans and trainers. Her nervouss jangled as Jake approached, unable to believe what they had done together the night before.
“Yes, it really happened,” Jake smiled, unwrapping his scarf to reveal the reflection of a female bum padlocked around his neck.
“You’re still wearing it?” Natalie grinned, she seemed to take it as a compliment.
“That’s how far my hacksaw got last night,” Jake replied, pointing to a slight scratch on one of the heavy steel links.
“The key…” she whispered.
“…is at your flat, yes I know.”
Natalie looked younger without the makeup of the day before, and the pop socks, ponytail and freckles gave her air at odds with Jake’s memory from the bar. As Jake’s attention turned to her jean covered hips, Natalie leaned to the side, liftingone cheek to reveal the crushed teddy bear from the bar.
“You left it when we kissed last night,” she whispered.
“I see you kept it company.”
Natalie nodded, she could feel herself blushing, at least Jake didn’t know that the small bear had spent the night inside her nightie. She rolled her hips back down, flattening the small bear once more.
“Fuck, Nat,” Jake breathed, his erection caught up in his designer jeans, “That bear seems to act like a voodoo doll.”
Natalie smiled. If only that had been true last night. She swung her pop socks and trainers innocently against the wall, as both the crushed bear and Jake’s mind performed imagined oral sex beneath her tightly stitched up jeans.
“Let’s walk,” Jake insisted, taking Natalie’s slim hand and pulling her to her feet. Their lips came close, but both were unsure what to do. They smiled shyly as Jake rescued the small bear from the wall only to discover that the Natalie had padlocked a small chain around its neck too.
“That’s cute,” Jake laughed.
He looked back up at Natalie who was now running a small silver key between her discretely glossed lips.
“Is that my key? Jake asked.
Natalie grinned provocatively as she dropped the key inside the front of her jeans.
“I guess we both need to keep you close,” Jake whispered, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her into his body as they kissed.
He looked back at the bear with a shake of his head and laughed. Its tiny neck was crushed by the short chain that she had wrapped tightly around three times and padlocked in place.
“You’re a dangerous woman, Natalie.”
“He tried to resist me,” she replied in a breathless whisper.
“Did he?” Jake smiled, “And now his key is…”
“Gone,” she mouthed as she stole the bear from Jake’s grip and stuffed it headfirst into the front pocket of her jeans.
“Not helpful, Nat,” he winced, adjusting his enangled erection while staring distractedly at the padded feet protruding helplessly from Natalie’s tight jeans.
“Would you like me to tell you what’s he’s doing in there?” she teased, watching Jake’s lips closely in the hope of another kiss.
“Stop it Nat!”
Natalie just giggled as he took her hand and led her through the park.
Jake and Natalie sat down to eat at the café, but the conversation kept pausing as they watched each other, memories of the night before playing out through their eyes. Jake pulled his stool closer, studying her expression as they kissed. He slide his hand up her leg and squeezed it down between her warm denim covered thighs.
“I can’t stop thinking about yesterday,” he whispered.
“There’s so much more I could do to you next time,” she replied.
“And you look so innocent…”
She shook her head with waves of blow-dried brown hair, “I’m not.”
Jake pushed deeper between her thighs until he touched the bear’s crush nose that just peeked out from benEath her butt.
“I should report you to Amnesty,” he whispered, “Bear cruelty.”
“I’ll do a prisoner exchange,” Natalie breathed, her glossed lips twitching.
“You want to condemn me to being trapped, crushed and pleading for breath?” Jake mouthed the words slowly, watching the effect they were having on her body and her slowly blinking blue eyes.
“You’ll become part of me…” Natalie could almost feel his warm breath on her naked vagina.
“I won’t be able to kiss your lips from down there.”
“Oh yes, you will.”
Jake kissed her again, a strange confidence was brimming in her lust filled eyes. Her lips were parted and her breathing heavy with soft shrink moans. Natalie raised her eyesbrows and trembled as she touched her own lips.
“Yeah, I am kind of jealous of the bear,” Jake smiled.
“He has only one purpose in life,” Natalie mouthed, thrusting her hips against the bear.
“And that will be my life?”
“Until I release you… whoh I may never do,” Natalie could feel her whole body lighting up as she wrapped her hands around Jake’s wrist and squeezed her legs together to ensure that Jake’s hand couldn’t escape from between her thighs.
Jake and Natalie were the first people to arrive at the Facesitting bar. Natalie once again waited until Jake was safely inside and the heavy metal door had clanked closed behind him. She knew he would be waiting for her, the bar having a reputation of persuading guys not to back out from their female serving obligations.
The curvy blonde woman again greeted Jake.
“Oh, its ‘Natalie’s guest’,” she smiled, her large thighs curving out from beneath a white mini rara skirt only slightly less intimidating that the leather she wore the night before.
“It’s Jake,” Jake replied, hoping her nickname for him might change.
“I think it’s, Natalie’s ‘bitch’!” the woman exclaimed, seeing the chain and plaque still firmly padlocked around his neck, “Now why would Natalie be mean enough to keep you in that chain?”
“Too busy being wined, dried and spoilt?” Jake suggested.
“No. Girls usually like that,” the woman replied, “Maybe you didn’t give her want she wanted?”
“She got what she wanted,” Jake smiled smiley.
The woman rolled her eyes. Arrogant men didn’t always far too well in her bar, “You Know, we have a special box in the bar for unwanted keys,” she smiled, taking slipping her hand around Jake’s chain, “It’s called the bin.”
Jake climbed into the box, his head tilting slightly forward on the shaped foam, as he waited for the curvy woman to close his lid. Once again, she locked it with the magical key that appeared and disappeared from between her breasts.
“Shall I teach you how to serve?” she asked.
The voluptuous woman placed one foot either side of his head and rocked her hips to the slow rhythm in her head as she sat down. Her skirt was so short that Jake’s face slipped straight beneath it,to be met with her warm satin panties. The room fell quiet as his mumbled words and breath were lost to the world beneath.
She slide backward to reveal dazed eyes, “Lick,” she whispered.
Completely intimidated by her position, he followed her instructions precisely, pushing out his tongue, touching and flicking as she directed. Slower, faster, he followed exactly as the moans above him grow louder and the woman’s body trembled until she climaxed.
Wow, Natalie hadn’t reacted like that and it felt wonderful to be part of such geneine delight. He wanted to look up and enjoy the moment with her, but her large thighs closed on him like a privacy screen.
“Honour Natalie like that,” she breathed, “and maybe I’ll get my chain back.”
Jake felt his box move and the lights in the bar shine down into his eyes. Again, he gasped, both thrilled and terrified, totally vulnerable to whoever was waiting for him in the bar.
Within seconds everything went blackas he was plunged back into the silk and flesh underworld. Natalie’s soft curves had a way of sealing in completely as she sunk down lovingly on to his face.
“Nat?” he mouthed silently, nothing more than a gentle victory through her flesh.
He was now the bear, effectively an inanimate object until she let him go. She shifted slightly, but only to ease her lingerie to the side so he could slide Further between her cheeks. She was teasing him, tensing and releasing her glute muscles, twisting his face into strange shapes. She seemed to now have him where she wanted him, and she relaxed her body to settle down even closer.
Finally, she shuffled back and opened her legs a little so see Jake’s blinking eyes looked up from between her warm thighs. She leaned forward, long dark hair hanging down over her shiny blue dress.
“Do you like my new dress?” she whispered excitedly, “And my new panties…”
Jake grinned; her excitement was contagious.
“Don’t we fitwell?” she beamed, “Your nose just there!”
The sultry and sensitive woman of that morning had bust into life.
Jake stretched out his tongue, catching the seam of her white silk lingerie and exploring her shaken crotch inside. He flicked up as the curvy woman had instructed, drawing a cry of delight from Natalie. He repeated his move until Natalie tried to slow her growing arousal by sliding forward and sitting bolt upright on his face.
She glanced down at the frantic moans beneath her and lifted herself up break the flesh seal between them, “Sorry,” she whispered huskily, sliding back to reveal one of Jake’s eyes blinking up between her thighs, “Do that thing you did again…”
She spread her legs to let Jake run his tongue across her vagina. She leaned forward to feel his lips against her. Alone in the bar, she pushed herself into him, willing him deeper and closer as she climaxed. Her whole body was on a high, her glutes, her thighs and core muscles gently releasesing and floating down to meld with Jake’s face.
She gently sipped at her cocktail as she tried to stop her body from trembling. She was infatuated by Jake and the amazing high he had given her. She shifted slightly and cracked open her thighs to free his lips.
“I can’t see you, Nat,” Jake panted, again wanting to share the moment with the woman.
“Blinded by my beauty,” Natalie giggled.
She sipped her drink again and waited for a few minutes before exclaiming in a hushed whispered, “Wow, look at that!”
“What? Where?”
She giggled silently. This was so much fun!
An hour later and Natalie still hadn’t moved. She had pulled her dress down over her thighs, leaving Jake inside a hot and sultry cavern. He was desperately trying to obey her command of giving her one thousand kisses, but every time she moved or talked to him, he lost count and had to start again.
Natalie wasn’t the only one sexually exhausted. Jake’s cock was aching from repeated masturbation and his damp tissues did little as he blindly tried to wipe himself clean inside his box. He had to break this woman’s spell before he lost control completely. He fumbled to button up his jeans and attempted to reason with the sex bunny on his face.
“Natalie?” he panted, fittingly using the full name for the woman who could control his world with just a flick of her hips, “Can I take you to dinner?”
“What about the prisoner swap?” she smoulded, “You sacrificed yourself for the bear.”
“I’ll go down on you at the restaurant,” Jake pleased, unable not to touch himself again as he moaned desperately into her immovable body.
Natalie pulled back her dress, widened her legs and grinned self-consciously through perfect white teeth, “I just can’t stop shaking.”
“Me too.”
“I’ve had too many cocktails.”
“Let me spoil you some more, Nat.”
“Can I shower first?” she asked promptly, “I’m a little…wet.”
She stood up and easedher dress back into place around her glowing thighs. She felt dizzy, steadying herself on the box as she crouched down to kiss him. She wobbled back on to her feet and again pulled the pesky blue fabric back down over her thighs. She hiccupped, giggled and slinked away.
Jake felt his box roll back through the wall and back into the room with the curvy and increasingly amorous blonde.
“Natalie’s guest,” she smiled.
“Thanks for the lesson,” Jake replied.
“So, we have a happy and satisfied Natalie?” she asked.
“Oh yeah,” Jake replied smugly.
“Is that why she’s given instructions for you to stay locked up in your box?”
The woman read from her phone, “Natalie box locked. Await further instructions.”
“What? Why?” Jake cried in disbelief. He pointlessly tried to price open his lid, stopping only when the short white skirt sat down on the edge of his box.
“Natalie wants you to wait for her,” the woman whispered, edgeg closer, her thigh warm against his cheek, “Do you really want to disappoint her?”
“Of course not,” Jake replied.
“Good. Just think how happy she’ll be knowing that you’ve given up your freedom for her.”
Jake’s distracted eyes had already wondered up the woman’s curvy legs and up inside her dress, and by the time he realized it was too late.
“Naughty,” she reprimanded, lifting her skirt, swinging her hips and sitting squarely on his face.
Natalie skipped home and showed. Even the hot water couldn’t quell her excitement. She dressed in fresh underwear and then squeezed back into the same short blue dress with the same beads around her neck. She slipped on her black jacket and hurried back to the bar.
The street was empty as she knocked on the metal door and was led inside the men’s entrance by the blonde woman. Jake stared up, excited to see the only woman with the authority to unlock his box.
“Nat, why are you here?”
“I thoughtwe could try one of their other services,” she replied, stepping with her pantyhose covered legs in an attempt to warm up.
“Other services?” Jake asked.
The curvy woman appeared with a bunch of keys, “We chain lovers together…”
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