The Experiment



Date – 15 March 2034

Advertisement in University of Oklahoma Daily newspaper:

WANTED: Two male and two female undergraduate college students. 18-32, active social life, no requirement for physical status, able to spend 30 days isolated in a research facility located in New Mexico, willing to take experimental drugs (details provided at initial interview), strong sexual drive, not married, never been pregnant, no sexual dysfunction — fetishes not a dis-qualifier, previous history of an STD is not a dis-qualifier if a doctor provides written clearance for the student.

Initial requirements:

1. Fill out the questionnaire

(Questionnaire available at the student union Bookstore.)

2. Provide a full-length photo — one nude, one clothed with the completed application.

3. Sign and return with the application FFRC non-disclosure agreement.

4. Selected participants are required to complete an intense medical examination at the researcher’s cost.

5. Selected responses who complete the entire experiment receive $2000 compensation for participation plus any additional expenses if approved will be reimbursed.

Questions can be sent to:

Future Fellows Research Center

Attn: Dr. Judith Hancock



Mike read the advertisement with Interest. His friends had discussed it since the Daily came out that morning. Jimmy commented that the mention of strong sexual drive and fetishes plus 2 grand would attract a lot of attention from the male and coed students.

Mike nodded at Jimmy “You got that right, Jimbo.”

Everyone on campus knew sex was common in the dorms (and anywhere else the kids could find a bit of privacy or not) — lots of sex, with an increasing discovery of an entire world of kinky practices and fetishes. Many of the students joined FETLIFE, a common social site the students enjoyedMore than Tinder or Facebook. In fact, since 2030 FET had become one of the top-rated and popular sites. The announcements for parties and events, especially in the OKC BDSM and dungeons seem to grow year after year offering the students an alternative to the campus party scene.

“So, what do you think, Mike?” Joyce asked.

Joyce was Mike’s girlfriend for about four weeks. They met a week after the semester began in the Social Psychology class. The first night of class they sat next to each other and soon began dating. Mike was attracted to Joyce immediately with her long hair, natural complexion, rubenesque figure, and eraser-sized nipples he discovered on their third date. Surrounded by dark large areolas, he found just how sensitive those dark hard nipples were. He just had to spent the time nutrition at them, and she would soon start moaning before she let out a loud “I’m cumming”. He loved making her cum like that before venturing on to more aggressive sex play. Lastly, she also had shaped legs often clad in sheer nylons which she showed off in heels and short skirts. For a big girl, she carried herself well and looked seductive and classy in any attire she wore.

“You know babe, it might be worth looking into” Mike replied, thinking about the research. Would you like to apply with me, or would you be upset if I applied on my own?”

“Mike, you are free to do anything you want, well almost anything,” Joyce said with a smile,” I don’t think it appeals to me.”

Mike nodded,” I think I will. I could use the money, plus maybe I will pick up a technique or two you will enjoy me demonstrating after I come back.”

“Well, mister confidence, “she said. You already figure you will be automatically selected just Because you are you and you have that 9″ amazingly thick cock?”

Joyce remembered the first time they had actually talked after class and how easily he was to talk to. They had gone on a couple of dates then during dinner on theirthird date he had asked her how she liked to be kissed. She had wondered if their friend was more platonic than romantic since he hadn’t tried to kiss her and had rarely taken her hand previously. She had told him with a lot of password, tongue, and moaning making them both laugh a bit. But once they got out to his classic 442 with that damn shifter and console in-between them, he managed to straddle it as he lowered her seat and laid down on her while kissing her with password, lots of tongue and she had provided most of the moaning.

It was then he had gotten her right breast out of her skimpy bra and started sucking on her nipple. It hardened while the dark brown areola wrinkled in excitement and her moans increased n volume and sensitivity. Before long she felt her wet puffy pussy responding to his suckling, the throbbing of excitement becoming too much for her to stop and she had yelled I’m gonna cum just as she let go in a long intense orgasm that let her cummy brained andmike smiling.

Soon after he had her in the back seat and she found out just how hard a 9″ cock could get and how wonderful it was to feel being so full in her cunt as he pounded her in a way she had only dreamed about. They both came twice during that evening in the back seat of a car and she had remembered a girlfriend told her when a man makes you cum like you always dreamed of don’t be surprised if you confuse love with great orgasms. She laughed while saying it. Taking a step closer to him, Joyce let her hand drift down the front of Mike’s pants, lightly struggling his cock. She always enjoyed the effort her light touches had on him, causing his cock to stiffen, and right here in front of the student union.

Mike leaned close and briefly, kissed her neck.

Mike whispered in her ear “let’s get out of here and go for a drive.”

“I thought you would never ask, dear. Let’s go.”


Nora saw the article just about the same time Mike read it. A coed at the University of Missouri, Rolla extension, her daily routine consistent of getting up, showing, dressing, grabbing her book bag, driving to school arrival 30 minutes early for her classes which started at 0800 so she could go by the union order a coffee and read the paper or magazines till class.

She started her junior year like the others with one exception. She knew she would finally have sex with someone — man, woman, multiple men or woman — instead of only with her electric toys. But the past two years of school were the same as high school, with no sex.

It wasn’t that she wasn’t attractive she knew. Men would often stop and stare as she walked by. Her mid-back length blonde hair, usually in a single ponytail, had the effect of making her look much younger than she was at 20. Her large breasts swayed as she Walked held up with the skimpiest of bras since her tits were firm. Despite her 38DD measurements, they moved with her but without any sag. She only weighed 105 with a flat stomach and extra long legs, her best feature by far she thought. Being a tomboy, dressing up wasn’t her normal clothing, but she had a fetish for nylons and garter belts. Her large collection allowed her to wear new nylons almost daily. She liked going commando as many of her former military male friends did. She stopped wearing panties in high school except for the monthly necessity during her period.

She knew she was cute, more than cute really, so it was a real frustration to her that men didn’t ask her out more. When they did ask her out, rarely was there a call back for a second date despite making promises to call for another date. She realized something about her was wrong, but what.

She was reading the online news when the ad pop-up sought male and female participants or research. Normally she would be annoyed by a pop-up like This one but it got her attention, so she read it. Sitting on the bench in front of the union she thought perhaps this research project could help with her dating difficulties. She reached into her hippie-looking shoulder bag and grabbed her cell. She dialed and waited for an answer.


Mike hear his cell start to ring with the Rocky theme. Joyce always rolled her eyes at this and often begged him to change the ringtone. The only real announcement Mike felt with Joyce was her comments on the ringtone. When she didn’t say anything her body language indicated her dislike, so he tended to take offense and tighten up emotionally.

“Hello, “he said, not bothering to even look at who had called.

Nora could hear the tension in his voice when Mike said hello.

“Hi, Mike’” Nora said. Do you have a minute for a friend?”

“Oh, he Nora, of course, how are you?”

Nora smiled hearing his voice return to normal, “I’m doing good thanks. I wanted to ask you about something I just read.”

“Is it an advertisement for research participants, “he asked.

“How did you know?” Nora stated withSurprise in her voice.

“I’m sitting here with Joyce, and we were talking about it. In fact, seem everyone on campus is talking about it.”

Nora paused a moment then asked,” Are you and Joyce going to apply?”

“Joyce isn’t but I am going to fill out the application and see where it goes.”

They talked for a few more minutes before hanging up. Each had decided to fill out the application and submit it by the end of the day, thinking their chances of getting an interview would improve if they got the apps in quickly.

Mike looked around for Joyce since she wasn’t where he remembered her sitting but felt her wrapping her arms around his neck leaning down to nuzzle on the back of his neck just above the spine. She knew that spot was his weakness, so she kissed there softly letting her tongue slip out and caress the skin. He surprised feeling the warmth of her mouth and tongue. He thought to himself she really did know how to calm him down and get his mind on other things quickly. Joyce knew if she kept this up for long intentionally let her hands drift down the front of his short, her fingers looping into his belt.

“Who wants to go to class this morning?” Mike said.

Joyce didn’t have to answer but took his hand and pulling him up from the bench led him towards her dorm room. They walked slowly; arms wrapped around each other talking casually to one another. Joyce always enjoyed listening to Mike talk knowing he would steer the conversation to more intimate matters as they got closer to her dorm.

On cue, Mike stopped and turned Joyce In his arms so they were facing. He pulled her towards him and softly kissed her, letting his tongue cares her lips until her lips parted and passwordately kissing for everyone passing them to see.

Joyce felt the mood between her legs and sensed her pussy lips were puffing up like they did whenever she made out with Mike. He did have a skill with his hands and lips that made her want to justjump up in his arms and let him have his way with her. Several nights during the past two weeks she was pressed up against her dorm wall after the door closed with Mike pulling her skirt up and sliding his ridid ​​cock into her with one single thrust.

Today wouldn’t be different she soon found out and the two lovers tore and ripped each other’s clothes off. Their lovemaking was more animalistic than usual, and Mike would recall this over the next few months as the best sexual experience he ever had. How could he or Joyce know they would soon part and never see each other again. They do meet several years from today when Mike is fighting still fighting off the effects of the experiment from that month of depravity, decadence, and indescribable sexual examination. Others had died, others were insane and others worked at the clinic as the sexual objects of the new participants.

This is their story of that month of experimentation that would alter Nora and Mike’s life forever and how Joyce held the key that could bring them back Chapter one begins next.


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