The Expedition Pt. 01

It seemed like such a good idea at the time.

“Volunteers wanted for South American Archeological Expedition. No experience required. Must be between 18 and 50 years old, in good health, and able to hike up to 10 miles per day with 40 lbs backpack. All expenses paid for the accepted candidates” the email invitation had read. The return email address was from an “hsblack” at some “.edu” James was unfamiliar with.

At first he thought it was the usual spam and was ready to trash can it. He hesitated briefly, intrigued by the email. As an amateur sleuth he sort of enjoyed figuring out what the angle is on email scams but couldn’t spot one here. Looking up the “.edu” address he determined it was from a prominent university in the Chicago area. “Huh. Maybe this it legit after all” James reckoned.

Recently, he had been fortunate enough to sell his software startup and was not quite ready to get back to that 80 hours per week grind in order to pursue a new venture. He had already repaired the damage that sort of routine does to one’s body with some healthy eating and no shortage of gym work. His 47 year old body was as strong if not stronger than when it played second string linebacker in college. But all that gym time does get boring. Time spent doing something completely different for a while might be just the ticket to recharge his mental batteries and have a little fun besides.

Making an Impulsive decision, “Go for it, James” he thought, clicking on the reply button and requesting the additional information package mentioned in the email.

“Hey, Sara. Get a look at this email. Sounds wild” Judy was always getting excited about email scams, thought her roommate Sara. “What is it this time, Judy? Nigerian prince needs to pick up the Crown Jewels from a bank vault? Or is it a chance to help cash in that winning ticket to the Irish lottery?” Sara teased.

“Neither” retired Judy. “And I still think that lottery thing would have worked outIf I had enough money to buy those gift cards” teased Judy right back. “No, seriously. This looks like it would be something right up your alley. You minored In architecture, didn’t you?”

Sara perked up. Mentioning that never-used part of her education from five years ago caught her attention. “Let me see that” she demanded, practically yanking her friend’s arm off grabbing the iPhone.

Finishing reading the email intently about a South American Expedition, she turned to her friend. “Why do you suppose you got this instead of me? The closest you’ve ever come to an adventure hike is walking half a block to Whole Foods” Sara asked suspiciously.

“Probably checked off too many boxes on the email consumer survey that promised a chance at a free car (or other Prizes)” Judy joked. “You really ought to look into this Sara. You’ve been just moping around the house since you got laid off.”

Judy was right. “I have been in a bit of a rut lately” thought Sara. “I wonder if I can continue my unemployment benefit if this is unpaid? It’s not really a job is it? All expenses paid, too.” Sara was now warming to the idea.

“And think of all the hot guys that will be on this expedition with you. I’m sure there is more than a little hanky panky going on in those tents at night.”

Sara rolled her eyes. “It’s always sex sex sex with you, Judy.”

“What else is there?” Judy replied, giving her room a ticket.

“Stop that” Sara yelled, twisting away and taking the phone with her. She had made up her mind. “I’m going” she decided, forwarding the email to her own account.

Three months later she was boarding the charter flight to Brazil. As she walked self consciously down the aisle in her newly purchased “expedition” clothes, she spotted a few empty rows but decided she would rather have a seat mate for the long flight. Then she spotted him.

He was gazing down, intently reading something in his hands. Slightly older but with an unmistakable air of confidence, his bulging biceps were stretching the sleeves of his knit pullover shirt.

James was watching carefully as the other members of the Expedition boarded. Some older, some barely out of high school, none of them were particularly interesting to him. Then he spotted her.

Making her way down the aisle, wearing khakis with a fully loaded backpack with a canteen and some sort of tin cooking pan and utesils clipped behind her, clanging and banging as she turned this way and that, bumping seats with the pack.

It was a bit comical but he did his best to stifle a laugh. But what instantly grabbed James was the way she kept trying to keep her hair out of her beautiful eyes by blowing puffs of air at it. Pfff. Pfff.

She was far and away the best looking woman on the plane. Cute face, curvy in all the right places, the straps of her heavy backpack emphasizing her breasts. Not wanting to be seen ogling her as she approached, he glanced down at the readingmaterials the professor had given them at the gate. He wasn’t actually reading them.

Sara stopped in the aisle next to the open seat next to James. “Is this seat taken?” she asked sweetly.

Pretending he just now noticed her, he looked up into her seductive eyes. “No, no. Nobody there.”

She began to try a wriggle out of the backpack straps, twisting left and right as the canteen and pans clanged and crashed behind her.

James stood up quickly and offered to help, trying to figure out how to get a grip on the straws without invading the private area around her chest.

Sara watched him as he stood up directly in front of her, towering over her in the crowded aisle, only inches away, to help. He was at least 6’2″ and was an imposing figure. He was muscular without being that sort of grotesque gym rat type.

She suppressed a smile as he stood with his hands up, palms out, turning his wrists left and right as though he was trying to find the right way to grab her boobs.

James got his thumbs under the straws near her stomach but as he tried to work the straws up and off her shoulders, the back of his thumbs accidentally slide up and were caught along side her breasts pressing them together. James looked helpedlessly into her eyes trying to apologize. As he did so her amazing perfume mixed with a little sweat from her exercises filled his nose.

Sara was started to find his hands along side her breasts. He was obviously only trying to help and, in fact, once the initial shock wore off, she decided she was rather enjoying it. She only hoped he wouldn’t notice her hardening nipples, so obvious under her shirt pulled tight across her chest by the straws.

James was now at a complete loss for words. He was hoping she didn’t notice he was now staring directly at a pair of stiffening nipples which poked nicely through her shirt. He was also hoping she wouldn’t notice a certain stiffening of his own, also happening now in his pants./p>

Sara gave one last shrug with each of her shoulders in turn and the backpack rattled and clanged free onto the empty seat behind her. She turned to pick it up to put it into the overhead compartment.

James was relieved to have gotten out of that situation with getting a knee to his groin. He watched her turn and struggle to lift the obviously heavy backpack off the seat. He wanted to make up for his little indiscretion, so, forgetting his stiffening cock, pressed into her back and reached around her to try to help with the lifting. Oops.

Sara’s eyes widened. “What the…??” she almost blurted out loud. This guy has some nervous. I’ll show him two can play at this game. She bent over and backed further into him pinning him to the side of the seat behind him. Seductively she swished her butt left and right on his cock, Pretending to need the space to grap the backpack properly. “That’ll teach him” she thought.

James was himself started now. “Was she teasing me onpurpose?” he wondered. “Need help with that?” he asked as she lifted the backpack into the bin.

“No, I think I’ve got it” Sara replied, thinking “But do you need help with that?” She blushed at her naughty thought of zipping his fly down and sucking on that thick cock she had just teased into a full erection. Under a blanket with a planeload of explorers blissfully unaware. Nah. That would be too much. But a little hand job action? Definitely doable.

James flopped back into his seat and Sara soon followed next to him. Using his reading materials he covered his now painful erection. “Thank you for all the help with that backpack.” Sara smiled at him sweetly, but with a hint of something sexual just below the surface. Glancing down at his reading materials she added “I owe you one”.

The plane taxed quickly and soon they were airborne. James was beginning to worry. The closeness of the plane seats on this cheap charter flight left them shoulder to shoulder. The sensuousscent of her intooxicating perfume hung in the air. He kept thinking back at the way her nipples poked and she had rubbed his cock.

Ordinarily thinking things like that would not be a issue but this time…this time, they kept his cock hard as a rock. Sooner or later she had to notice.

“Hmm” Sara mused. My seat mate has gone awfully quiet. Ordinarily I’d wonder what he’s thinking, but that hard cock he’s desperately trying to hide is giving him away.

She sat back in her seat and tried to imagine his cock, standing hard, erect, and proud. She leaned her shoulder into his, to gently remind him she was still here. Her nipples remained hard, now joined by growing mood in her panties. She squirmed a little bit, her wet swollen labia sliding against each other. The seam of her khakis riding up and pressing into her clip.

“I wish she’d stop that squirming” James thought to himself. It’s not helping with my problem. Not at all helping, he bemoaned as he glanced downat his throbbing member.

Sara decided to have a bit of fun at her seat mate’s expense. What was his name anyway? We’ve practically had sex already and I don’t even know his name.

Sara turned and held out her hand. “We haven’t been properly introduced, sir. Don’t you think we should do something about that?”

“Oh, sorry miss. Where are my manners? I’m James”. He held out his hand which had been balancing the papers on his cock. The papers promptly tipped to one side in his lap and scattered. “Shit” he thought.

“I’m Sara. So pleased to make your acquaintance.” Sara smiled, enjoying the heck out of this as she quickly stole a peek then returned his gaze.

They shook hands, and, as he returned his hand to discreetly rearrange the papers, Sara Pretended to notice them for the first time. “Oh are those the materials they were supposed to provide us? I never got mine.” Sara lied, knowing she had a set in her backpack. “Can I see them?”

James panicked “I’m sure the professor has a set for you” trying to distract her by looking over his shoulder for the professor. “Do you see him anywhere?”

“Nonsense” Sara replied. “Let me just take a look at yours.”

With that Sara reached across his lap as his head was still turned towards the back of the plane. She began to pick up the various pages off his lap, brushing and teasing his cock with her fingers as much as she Thought she could get away with.

James gave up. Pressing his head back into the headrest and closing his eyes tightly, he waited for her inevitable scream and everyone running to see what was wrong. His part in the expedition would be over before it even got started. First plane home for sure, if he didn’t get arrested and thrown into a Brazilian jail.

Instead, he was surprised as Sara leaned over, put her blanket into his lap, unzipped his trousers, and began to squeeze and stroke his cock. Looking left he opened his eyes and saw Sara staring straight at him witheyeselids strictly half closed. “Shhhh” was all she said and gave him a gorgeous smile. “I told you I owed you one.”

James and Sara spent the rest of the seven hour flight laughing and teasing, getting to know each other’s life stories, intermingled with as many sexual interludes you can get away with secretly in an airline seat. Who know covert illicit sex with the risk of getting caught could be Such a turn on, they agreed. Both had been brought to climax several times and by the time the plane landed they were sleep, snuggled in each other’s arms.

Arriving in Brazil they were taken by bus to a hotel on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro for a night’s rest before starting inland in the morning. At check in James pulled the professor aside and said it would be fine if Sara and he shared a room.

“Not Surprised” exclaimed the professor. “Not after the show you guys put on for us on the plane. I booked you accordingly.”

The professor turned and James looked aroundand saw a few of his fellow volunteers either grinning at him or carefully averting their eyes.

Bringing the room key back to Sara he whispered “I think they’re on to us.”

Sara giggled, took his hand and headed for their room. “Of course they are, silly.” She smiled, picked up her still clanging backpack, then turned to wave goodbye to the packed lobby as they entered the hallway.

They sprinted The rest of the way to their door. James unlocked it, kicked it open, and picked Sara up effortlessly and carried her inside, dropping her onto the edge of the bed. The backpack flew across the room with a great crash into the wall then fell to the floor.

He began to unbutton his shirt, but, frustrated, he pulled it up over his head instead.

Sara took in his rippling abs and chiseled chest as she unbuckled his belt and yanked it clear out of the belt loops in one pull. She unsnapped and unzipped his pants, pausing only a brief second as he pulled her shirt up overher head.

James kicked off his shoes while Sara slide his pants and underwear down. She couldn’t resist taking his rigid cock into her mouth as he reached back to unclasp her bra. She took her hands off the base of his cock only long enough to wriggle the bra straps off her shoulders, letting the bra fall to the floor.

James grabbed a handful of hair from either side of her head and guided her mouth further onto his cock.

“Mmmm” she moaned as she took as much of him as she could. There was still plenty of shake for her to squeeze and stroke with both hands as she slurped him in and out.

Not able to stand it any longer and, not wanting to cum so soon, he pulled back away from her mouth as she tried to lean forward to stay on it. “No, no. I need it” she pleased.

“Wait” James said as he pushed her back on the bed and pulled her legs up onto his thighs to first remove her boots, then pull her trousers and underpants off.

Sara felt open and exposed obscenely as James spread her legs wide with his strong arms. She tried to prevent him but she was no match against his strength. He picked her up by her hips and throw her further onto the bed and followed himself, driving his cock deep into her.

She was more than ready and began rocking her hips beneath him as he plugged relentlessly, deeper and deeper with every stroke. She wrapped her legs around him, digging her heels into his back, lusting to take every inch of him. He remained above her supporting his torso with his strong arms.

Sara saw the veins in his arms pulsing under his skin as she explored his beautiful hardened chest muscles with her hands. She looked down, watching his shake disappearing then miraculously reappearing after every stroke.

James looked down and watched as Sara’s breasts bounced every time he drove his cock home into her sopping wet hole. Unable to resist, he leaned down to suck on her wonderfully hard nipples. It took a second to latch on as hehad to time it with his stroke to catch the nipple when her breast bounced upwards. “Oh my god you have no idea how sensitive my nipples are, James” she exceled as he continued to thrust, heedless of her shrinks of pleasure.

He watched as she suddenly went silent, stopped breathing, grabbed and crushed her own breasts. She seemed to tighten and tense up every muscle in her body. “Unnnnnggg, unnnng” she grunted as her hips tilted down one last time and held there until the orgasm released every muscle all at once. “Gahhhhh” she cried as the orgasm spread outward from her vagina and clip, enveloping her entire body.

James watched as she thrashed beneath him, her hands now reaching out trying to grip the tight sheets. Her orgasm spread into his cock, making it throb uncontrollable as his cum shot deeply into her. He opened his eyes at the same moment she opened hers. Their eyes locked in that primary wordless connection of shared lust and pleasure that only lovers can enjoy together in such a moment.

He kept his eyes locked to hers as he lowered his body onto hers, pressing her into the soft mattress. Her aftershocks were still rippling throughout her groin and pulling the last of his cum into her in little spurts. He kissed her tenderly on her cheeks and lips.

They lay quietly for a few minutes. Recovering her senses, finally, after being completely lost in a dreamlike state of ecstasy, she spoke “James, I’ve never…”. Her voice trailed off as her lower lip trembled.

“I know, Sara” he whispered. “I know.”

They rested quietly, listening to the sounds of each other’s breathing, saying nothing.

Knock-knock-knock came a sudden rapping on the door, jolting them awake. “Dinner in half an hour” shouted the professor.

“Ok, thanks Professor” James shouted back.

“Don’t be late, you lovebirds.”

James and Sara glanced at each other and rolled their eyes laughing. “We’ll never hear the end of this” Sara said with smile.

“Oh, they’ll get tired of it eventually. I hope” replied James.

“I’ve got to change for dinner. Where is my backpack, James?”

“Right where you throw it” he laughed.

“Very funny” said Sara as she lugged the pack over to the bed. She zipped open the main section of the pack and the first thing that tumbles out onto the bed is her well wound paperback novel, “50 Shades of Grey”.

“Damn that Judy” Sara cursed as she tried to grab the novel before James could read the cover.

Now it was James turn to tease. He knew full well what the novel was, having ordered a copy himself from, ironically, Amazon. “Just to see what all the fuss was about” he had told himself at the time. He easily fended her off with one arm as he snatched up the novel with the other.

Sara’s arms flailed usefully against his strong arm as she tried unsuccessfully to snatch it back. “It’s not mine” Sara protected. “My roommate put that into my pack as a joke”.

James picked thebook up and began to thumb through it. “Give it back” she shouted, cheats reddening. Just then a note slipped out from between the pages. They both stared at it curiously, then pounded to grab it at the same.

James got there first and opened the folded paper. He read aloud “Dear Sara, Just in case you don’t find anyone interesting on your adventure, I’ve packed your favorite novel. Enjoy. Love, Judy”.

Falling into a mock dominant role, James said “Sara, I think it’s time to confess or I shall have to punish you.” Sara’s cheats began to really burn now. Something in his tone of voice was really touching something deep inside she had kept well hidden. Her thoughts turned to all her favorite scenes in the Red Room.

Not sure exactly why, she replied “It’s true, sir. That is my favorite book.” Then she suddenly realized “How does he know what’s in the book anyway?”

She balled up her fists and began to pummel his back and chest. “You bastard” she screamed.

James was caught by surprise but quickly replaced the upper hand, pinning her hands above her head on the bed, using his weight to hold her down. They glared at each other briefly, then pressed their lips together in a passwordate kiss driven by deep secrets now revealed.


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