The Exchange

He knees in the center of his room his back is straight and shoulders square, hands laid upon his thighs, as he focuses his gaze straight ahead. He sits meditating feeling himself being one with his surroundings. His senses are acute and he can feel with his mind all that is around him. He is comfortable with the power of his spirit and is confident in the strength of his character, which has been proved a thousand times over and over. He has become the standard over years of obedience to a code of honor and he and the code have become one.

:slowly and quietly a door slides open,

She steps into the room immediately falls to the floor kneeing quietly waiting. Her heart is pounding and she swallows to quiet her spirit as she knows a display of emotion will bring a severe punishment. Her eyes remain low and she uses her peripheral vision as she has been taught. Waiting…to see if her master will permit her in his presence this evening or send her away.

His eyes never move and his gaze remains steadfast not looking at his submissive. He knows she is there and can feel her with his mind. He searches her thoughts and tests her focus by making her wait. He knows she is here to offer herself for his pleasure. He will see if she has learned what she has been taught. If she pleases me, I will share my bed with her tonight.

He gives an almost unnoticeable nod to communicate she may come in.

She sees his acceptance and gracefully stands and moves across the room to his side. She is careful not to expose herself but only hint modestly, showing her bare feet under her silk white robe. At his side she knees with her legs together and sits upon them with her toes pointed behind her. Her hands upon her thighs and head lower, she waits for him to give her freedom to look upon him. She feels his energy surrounding her and her skin begins to tingle at the closeness of his presence.

He takes his left hand and turn his palm upwards holding it outin front of him.

She reaches slowly out with her delicate fingertips and touches the center of his hand. Immediately her heart begins to race as she focuses to keep her breath under control. To touch his hand means he gives her permission to look upon his face and body.

In one motion he draws his elbows down to his sides and throws his hands through the folds of his clothes and back forward palms together in front of him, his eyes narrow and his concentration deeps and slowly lifts his arms and hands above him, causing his clothes to fall from his torso around his waist. He allows his arms to float downwards till his hands once again rest upon his thighs. He begins to gather his strength from within.

Once his hands touch his thighs her eyes lift and focus upon his face, shoulders, chest and arms. His gaze so focused before him and steady. She can feel his presence now grip her. She senses the gather power growing inside him. She becomes flush in the face knowing soon he will unleash that power upon her. She feels the heat of password begin to grow within her as she continues to gaze upon his face and think of this. She knows what is coming and prepares herself. She rolls and lifts her shoulders and lets the silent garment fall from her shoulders ensuring to ensnare her wrist in the sleeves as it falls exposing her delicate shoulders and firm youthful breasts. The coolness of the air touches the exposed skin and her nipples harden from the conflicting heat that rises inside her and the cool air. She feels her center begin to tighten and loosen instinctively as the sensings begin to take her. She takes a breath and one last look at her Master to see his image in her mind as she knows only this would sustain her in the moments to come. She empties her inner self and opens her mind and soul to him as she lifts her head back exposing her neck and softly whispers one single word of surrender…


It is not known in that moment whatit is that connects two together in such a powerful way. Perhaps it is the sheer force of his will or the complete surrender of her-self to him, or the combination of such forces coming together at a single point in time. What is known however is that in that moment all laws of the universe cease to exists as two become one.

Sweat forms along his browser and upper lip as he holds back the power he has summoned within him. Her Gift to him was flawless, every move every breath full of grace and respect. He shall not leave her wanting for bringing this pleasure and honor to him. He will take her further than she has ever gone. He grits his teeth as his hand clenches.

Her body exploits with heat as her breast is enveloped with his thoughts. She cannot understand, he has not touched her, yet she feels his hand’s heat upon her breast. She Feels him close his hand and she moans as her flesh is molded under the strength of his mental grip. Every sense is magnified a thousand times, heis consuming every last bit of her essence and she relishes it drinking in his power and losing herself in his lusts. She feels her juices dripping down her inner legs and pooling in the floor below her. Her breath becomes shallow, almost suffocating. Her body is seized with intense pleasure again and again. She bites her lip drawing blood knowing to lose control would cost her, her life. This was no game and she knew the risks of being in his presence. One dare not come and present themselves, unless they were prepared to pay that price for failure.

She used the pain of biting her lips to control her surrender.

She bites harder as he is too strong and she is losing.

The force inside her is building higher and faster than it has ever gone before. She digs her fingernails into he palms of her hand cutting deep. Blood runs out staining the white silken robe ensnaring her wrists. There she manages to stem the tide, but she know she cannot hold out against him for long.He is too strong, too powerful. He is Master and the pleasure is too great.

He senses her struggle for control and feels the rush of her anguish and need. He waits and holding her there on the edge. He can smell the sweetness of her body escaping. He can hear how shallow her breath has become. These serve only to strengthen his desire to take her deeper…and he clenches his other hand…

Her body snaps back and her eyes open wide, though she is beyond seeing anything. She claws like an animal at her thighs seeking to prevent what she knows she cannot stop but even pain has abandon her. With nothing left to hold onto she knows her fate rest with her master and she calls out to him.

“Master help me!”

Her plea for mercy pleases him and he grants her request. With one slow and gentle motion he extends his hand towards her. Without saying a word, touches the center of her forehead with his fingerprint. There he holds his finger and for the first time turn his head and watches as she gives her gift to him.

The muscles and veins of her neck begin to construct cutting off even the small amount of air through shallow breaths. Her whole body tenses and her back arches causing her robe to come undone and her whole nakedness is exposed before Him. He watches and is moved at the power and beauty of her being torn apart by waves and explorations of pleasure. Gripping her and tossing her about as a ship caught in a storm with no hope to survive. He holds her in his power by a simple touch.

Everything gone! Nothing remains! Only pleasure, as she has never known. His touch! Is her salvation and release. His constant touch! The constant pleasure! They are one and the same. I am his sword and his hand wild my body with great skill, for him and him alone I give all that I am again and again and again for his pleasure till I am no more. She cums again and again till her body becomes weak and exhausted.

He then takes his hand away and places his handsupon his tigh as before. His body is covered with beaded sweat, and his eyes gaze forward. The battle is won and she is mine.

She drops her head forward and manages to just catch herself before falling. There is nothing left he has taken all and for the first time she knows she has pleased her Master and has tasted what it means to be happy.

The scene ends as he softly sings in a low slow rhythmic voice a song of an ancient battle and a great warrior. He honors her gift with the song.


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