How had she found herself in this situation? She glanced down at her body, unrecognizable in its current get-up, even the smallest movement causing her pain, and thought back over how she’d gotten here.
She’d took a risk she wouldn’t normally have taken, she admonished herself, and now she was paying the price. This situation was exactly why well-behaved women didn’t do what she’d done.
She’d always been well-behaved, at least until now. She’d married right after university, popped out a couple of kids, had a good job and a good husband and a good house in the suburbs and a good life. Being well-behaved had its rewards. Mind you, an active sex life had not been one of them, but everything had its balance sheet, right? One of the costs of a middle-class family was a middle-class sex life.
But then the husband had left. Suddenly being good means moving to a smaller townhouse so she could afford the mortgage on one salary. She took on extra work to make ends meet. She relied on her parents more. Horseback riding lessons for her elder were gone. Ditto the hockey camp for her second daughter.
So when she’d been approached by Sami from Accounting about an evening out and a chance to earn a bit extra, she’d been interested. Very interested, even.
She tried not to admit to herself that part of her interest was in Sami herself. The six-foot brunette always looked like she’d just stepped out of a fashion magazine from the forties. There was a pinup girl quality to the swing of her hips that had Mindy fascinated. Would she have come, if Sami had been less exclusive? She wasn’t sure.
She’d asked some questions, of course. A card game. Did Mindy play euchre? Of course she did. But how did euchre earn her a bit extra? Well, this would be sort of like strip poker, but a different game, and some twists to the rules that she’d find out about when she got to the party. Sami would put up the money for betting, and Mindy would be the one taking off her clothes. At the end of the night, all their winnings would be Mindy’s. Was she in?
Mindy checked her calendar. The kids would be with their father that night. She was in.
She’d pulled up to Sami’s house in her battered Dodge Caravan and rang the doorbell. It seemed like any other house in the neighborhood – large, probably four or five bedrooms, close to three thousand square feet, and the landscaping was clearly professional. Somehow she couldn’t picture Sami getting dirt under her perfectly-manicured nails to garden for herself. How could she afford this on her salary? Her musings were interrupted when the door was opened by her hostess.
“Mindy! So glad you could join us!” Sami purred, ushering her into the living room. Two other women were already there. One was Another middle-class housewife type like herself; business-casual slacks and blouse, a cardigan, some nondescript flat shoes on her feet, modest jewelry, shoulder-length hair. Sami introduced her asMarjorie. She nodded at Mindy without speaking.
The other was a voluptuous blonde in a skin-tight leather dress that showed off every one of her ample curves. “Jocelyn. Pleased to meet you,” she introduced herself, extending her hand. Mindy went to shake it, realizing at the last second that it had been offered knuckles first. Was she supposed to kiss it? Confused, she dropped it without doing anything. Sami and Jocelyn both laughed.
To cover her confusion, Mindy looked around the room. The windows were heavily curtained in a rich brown silk, and the curtains were drawn. In fact no vestige of the late-spring evening sunlight was visible in the room. The table was a small round pedestal dining table in mahogany, with four matching chairs upholstered in red leather. There was no other seating in the large room at all. The only other furniture consisted of two large wardrobes, incongruous in what was meant to be a living room.
She took a seat across from Sami as her hostess began explaining the rules. “As you know, Mindy, Marjorie, this is not your typical card game. We’re going to play on two teams, Mindy and myself, Jocelyn and Marjorie. That much is normal. But at the end of each hand, there will be a brief reckoning. The team that lost that hand will have one member lose an item of clothing. That will be either Marjorie or Mindy.” She smiled a predatory smile at them. “The team that won the hand will gain an item of decoration for one of the two of you. The choice of item will belong to your partner – so Marjorie will wear the items picked by Jocelyn when their team wins, and Mindy will wear items picked by me. Betting is by trick – Jocelyn and I each bet five dollars per hand and get two dollars for each trick won. Do you both understand the rules?”
Both women nodded, and Jocelyn dealt the first hand. They played in silence. Mindy had never been good at coming up with a topic of conversation, but she was all right at following someone else’s lead. In this case, nobody seemed to be willing to start things off, so Mindy sat there, wondering what kind of evening this would be.
Marjorie and Jocelyn won all five tricks on that hand. Mindy removed her cardigan, while Jocelyn produced a piece of leather with a buckle.
Suddenly the air in the room was electric with a tension Mindy had seldom felt. Jocelyn came around the table, brushing against Mindy’s chair, and stood beside Marjorie’s chair. She pointed one finger at the floor. Marjorie slipped off her seat and knelt before her, her hands claped behind her back, her knees a little bit spread, her hands behind her back. Transfixed, Mindy watched as Jocelyn held out the collar for Marjorie, who kissed it and then put her neck into it. Jocelyn buckled it around her neck and closed it with a tiny heart-shaped padlock. For a moment the blonde stand there, stroking Marjorie’s hair and cheeses. Then she made a little gesture and Marjorie rose and seated herself again. Jocelyn came back around the table, this time trailing fingers along the back of Mindy’s neck under her prim French knot of hair.
Mindy shivered. Flustered, she gathered the cards and dealt the next hand.
“So, do you three know each other well?” she asked as she dealt.
Jocelyn answered, “Sami and I have been – business associates – for some time now,” she answered.
Mindy replied, “Business? Sami, I didn’t know you ran another business on the side.” She glanced at her hand and considered. Three hearts, another turned up? Yes please! Feeling on safer ground with the cards than with the other parts of the game, she picked it up, making trump hearts, and settled in to play the hand.
“Yes, it’s not a business I discuss much at work,” Sami replied as she followed Marjorie’s lead by playing the ace of clubs. “I think you’ll get to know my line of work a bit this evening. Tonight is purely pleasure, though.”
Mindy didn’t know how to ask for details, so she played in silence, winning the other four tricks easily.
She was passing the cards to the silent Marjorie when Sami came around the table.
She was holding a collar, and she was smiling.
Mindy gulped. She looked into Sami’s eyes and found she could not look away. The tension was back, but this time it was centered on herself.
“I think you’re figuring out now what kind of game this is,” Sami told her. “If you don’t want to play, you can take your sweater and leave. Nobody will ever know you were here.” She ran the supple leather through her fingers, stopping to cares each of the three rings that hung from it. “Or you can stay. You can explore. You can live a little. You can let me take you where you’ve never been before.” Her eyes held Mindy’s. “Which will it be, Mindy?”
Mindy took a deep breath. She had read of BDSM – everybody had read that Fifty Shades book – and had been fascinated by it, but she had never imagined that she would get the chance to do it. She thought of her kids, her ex-husband, her non-existent sex life.
She slide off her chair and onto her knees. She cast her eyes down and spread her legs a little. Her hands she clazped behind her back.
Sami gave a low, triumphant laugh. “You are going to be fun to play with, my little mouse,” she remarked as she buckled and locked the collar in place. Then she gestured, and Mindy restored herself in her chair.
Marjorie took the cards and began to deal. Sami and Jocelyn started up a conversation about something – Mindy was too distracted to figure out exactly what, but it seemed to involve hiring a welder to build them some items out of metal. Jocelyn made trump and easily won three tricks, the last two going to Sami. That was enough for Marjorie to gain an item and Mindy to lose an article of clothing.
She reached down to take off her shoes, but stopped when Sami said, “Mouse.”
She looked up. Clearly Sami had been talking to her. “Yes, Sami?” she asked.
She looked up.>
Sami frowned. “You will address me as Mistress from this point out, since you wear my collar now,” she instructed. “You will take off your bloom, please.”
Mindy blushed to the roots of her hair. She thought of her ex-husband again. He wouldn’t want her to be here. That was a good enough reason to stay. Besides, she’d already made her choice. “Y-y-yes, Mistress,” she stuttered, her fingers going to the button at her neck and working their way downward. The others watched her, Sami and Jocelyn with the air of cats watching a bug they might like to pounce on, Marjorie shyly from under her lashes.
When her blouse was hanging on the back of her chair, Jocelyn came around and presented the item the kneeing Marjorie was to put on. Mindy wasn’t sure what it Was, but figured it out quickly when Jocelyn pushed the red silicane ball into Marjorie’s mouth and buckled the strraps around her head, pulling them tight. This, too, was fastened with a tiny padlock. Again, Jocelyn stroked her hair and face, this time tracing her lips around the gag with one manicured, but short-nailed finger.
Mindy realized that she had not yet heard Marjorie’s voice at all. She guessed now that she probably wouldn’t hear it, at least not this evening.
The game progressed. Gradually, Marjorie lost her blouse, then her shoes, then her jewelry, while Mindy lost her bra, followed by her Shoes. Mindy’s next item gained was a set of wrist cuffs in leather to match the smooth black collar. Marjorie gained wrist cuffs as well.
Mindy was somewhat nonplussed when Sami came around the table with some smooth black rope she’d taken from one of the cabinets. She fell to her knees anyway. “I need you to stand, and put your hands on the back of your head. Marjorie, show her,” Sami instructed. Marjorie demonstrated, her fingers laceled behind her head and her elbows out. Mindy did as she was told. Sami wrapped the doubled rope around her torso, pulling the ends through the bight at the center of her back and then wrapping them around her body again. Next she wrapped above the breasts, so the black rope was framing Mindy’s ample bust.
She had always liked her breasts, she thought as Sami continued to wrap them in rope, now surrounding the rope around the base of each breast tightly so that they stood out from her chest. They were a G cup, legacy of breastfeeding two children. The skin had few stretch marks from her childbearing years. The nipples were sensitive, and as Sami brushed over them, Mindy gasped. Her mistress ( could she think of Sami like that? She realized it made her wet to think it) glanced at her. “You like that, don’t you, Mouse?” she said, doing it again.
Mindy moaned. “Yes, Mistress,” she answered.
Sami crossed the ropes in front of her neck and tied them off under her collar at the back, lifting the pink globes a little higher. Then she turned Mindy towards her and slapped each nipple, hard.
Mindy cried out and moved her arms to protect her breasts. She heard a shocked gasp from the direction of the gagged Marjorie. Sami grew at her and pulled her arms behind her back, leaning into her, trapping her between the table and herself, effectively pinning Mindy’s wrists with the table while Sami’s hands returned to her captive’s breasts. “You will not ever hide yourself from me,” she whispered. Her fingers kneaded the bound flesh and pinched the nipples hard.
Mindy moaned. “I won’t, Mistress,” she sobbed out as tears began to form at the corners of her eyes.
Abruptly Sami released her. She was so started she nearly fell down. “Let’s get back to the game,” she said brightly. “It’s my deal, right?”
Shakily Mindy sat down. As she picked up her hand of cards, she realized that every movement of her arms was brushing against her sensitive breasts and making the rope rub under her arms. It was impossible to pull herself in the way she so often did when she needed to feel small and invisible. She was a mouse who could’t hide.
The game continued. Mindy lost her slacks next, then her stockings, leaving her with only her plain cotton panties. Meanwhile, Marjorie gained a rope harness on her breasts, followed by a chain connecting her wrist cuffs about eight inches long.
Mindy and Sami won the next hand. As she came around the table with more rope in her hands, Sami ordered Mindy to her feet. “We’re almost at the really fun part of the evening, Mouse,” Sami murmured in her ear as she looped the rope around Mindy’s waist and through the bight just under her navel. Mindy grunted as the rope was pulled tighter than any waistband she’d wound since her kids were born. Then her mistress seemed to reconsider. “I don’t want you making the same mistake twice, Mouse,” she remarked. She rummaged in the nearest wardrobe for a moment and came back with a length of chain like a choke collar for a dog. She pulled Mindy’s wrists behind her back and did something with the chain, and Mindy realized that her hands were now chained to the chair behind her. Then Sami picked up the rope at her wait again, pulling it tight once more. “Spread your legs, Mouse,” her mistress instructed.
Mindy hesitated. Mistress slapped her nipples. Mindy cried out again, but opened her legs. “You’re learning, Mouse,” Sami said with a smile. She passed the rope between Mindy’s legs from front to back, then passed it under the rope around her wait. “Sit down again,” she ordered. Mindy tried, and discovered that if she leaned forward, she could perch on the end of the seat and have her arms rest on the back of the chair, parallel to the floor.
Sami released the chain on her wrists and told her to put her hands on the table and sit back in her chair. As she shuffled, she felt the rope at her crotch pulling tighter from behind. It split her, the two lines landing inside the outer labia and framing her cliporis, with the clothes of her panties still separating her skin from the rope. Wit a jerk, Sami tightened the rope and tied it off to the top of the chair back. She caressed Mindy’s right nipple from the back, laughing when Mindy whimpered.
“A few more hands yet, I think, Jocelyn,” she said as she replaced her seat.
“Oh, yes, at least enough for my pet to lose all her clothes,” Jocelyn agreed, reaching for the cards to deal.
A few minutes later, Jocelyn and Sami divided up the winnings from the two games. Mindy had won $108 and Marjorie $92; not a bad take from one night, the two women agreed.
Mindy and Marjorie were not in a position to agree or disagree. Both were gagged. Their ankles and crotch ropes were tied to the chairs they sat in, so every wiggle produced groans and whimpers of pained arousal. When Mindy had lost her last piece of clothing – her panties – Sami had surveyed her, pointed out that it was very bad planning of Mindy to gain a crotch rope before losing her panties, and had produced a pair of scissors. Mindy had protested through her gag, but that only made Sami tie her hands to the chair again while she snipped off the panties and tugged them out from under the rope.
“Shall we proceed to the rest of our play?” Sami asked brightly. The two mistresses untied their captives from their chairs, fasting off the crotch ropes tightly. Then they fastened their slaves’ hands behind their backs and led them by their collars to the basement door.
As Mindy descended the stairs, guided by her mistress, she surveyed the large room below. It was furnished with every type of dungeon furniture she could imagine and many she couldn’t. What had she got herself into?
“This is the location of my home business, Mouse,” Sami informed her, gesturing with a smile. “Most people who get tied up by me have to pay a fortune for the privilege. You have received a special treatment tonight. I wanted to add you to my collection, so I’m topping you for free.”
Her mistress walked her over to a tall wooden post. She tied the crotch rope to a ring at least a foot higher than Mindy’s wait. The force of it pulled Mindy to her tiptoes. Then she pulled her hands over her head and fastened them with padlocks to the iron ring there. Finally she snapped a lock on the cuffs at her ankles, locking them about two inches apart.
“Now, Mouse, you get to be a spectator for a while,” Sami told her, as she attached clothespins to Mindy’s nipples.
As Marjorie began to help the two dommes out of their clothes and finger their pussies with her hands, Mindy hung there, totally helpless, her nipples pinched, her pussy burning, aching with every fiber of her being to have someone bring her to orgasm as Marjorie was doing for the two mistresses.
How had she found herself in this situation? And why was she enjoying it so much?
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