One average weekday, my girlfriend, Jill, received an email at work from a close girlfriend of hers. In the email, Jilly (as her friend likes to call her) and I were invited to a party, as does happen from time to time. But this one was a little different. This email said the party was to be a month from now, and it was a theme party. It stated that the party was a “night for the ladies”. Only a few couples were being invited. The remaining girls were chosen from the “single” list. But the shocking part was: the men who did attend, were to be naked. The rules were outlined specifically:
1. The party starts at 8:00 p.m., SHARP!
2. Bring your own beverages.
3. All men will begin the evening clothes, but will be told to strip completely naked at a specified time (about 10:00 p.m.)
4. Women may wear whatever they feel for the entire night, sexy or plain, sleep or frumpy.
5. Women are in control of the entire evening. 6. This is NOT a “sex” party. The men are not to expect sex; in fact, the men are NOT to ejaculate during the evening. The theme of the party is the enjoyment of the women.
The email went on to say that it would be a regular, friendly party, but of course a party with only a few men attending. The men were there as background (or foreground, whatever the preferences). They were there to chat with the women, and to be glanced at, or stared at, or brushed against, or grabbed (or ignored!)
Jill’s friend was going for sure, and she thought Jill might just want to go…
Jill, a little shocked at the invitation, didn’t return the email right away, deciding to at least THINK about the possibility. When she came home that day from work, she told me all about it. And then she just sat there, not saying anything more, somewhat in thought. I asked her if she was thinking of going. And she shyly said with a cute smile, “Well, maybe just a LITTLE.” I told her that it turned me on to think about us doing that.
And so we discussed it a little more, and a little more…and before I knew it, Jill had emailed her friend back that night, saying we would be there.
And almost a month later, we were there, standing on the front step at just about eight in the evening. We could hear music playing and a few people chatting, a typical party we’d been to before. We knocked, and a few seconds later, a beautiful, friendly woman answered the door. “Come in, come in. Welcome!” she competed. She was a very cute woman somewhere around 30 to 35 years of age, just like anyone you’d see at a normal evening party. We took off our coats and hung them up by the door. We were shown through the friendly, softly-lit living room to the kitchen. There were people (well, women mostly) in clusters all over the house. We put our drinks away in the fridge and joined in the party, finding Jill’s friend and several others she was chatting with. We talked with many people, sipping drinks and having a good time. Some people were smoking marijuana; the odour was, on a few occasions, quite apparent. The house filled with people while we all chatted. By 8:30, there were probably about 20 to 25 women and about five men. No one else arrived after that, and we all continued to drink and chat and meet people. Then, at about 10:00, the music was dropped down to a quiet rhythm in the background. The woman who had answered the door and another Smiling woman were clinking their wine glasses, getting everyone’s attention.
The smiling woman had a beautiful, soft, round look. She was addressing the party-goers all looking towards her expectedly. “Okay, this is the time, girls!” she turned some what dramatically. She instructed that the men were to take off their clothes at her command. Over the next minute or so, she described what she and her rooms (and a few friends) had dreamed up for this night. Even though everyone already knew the theme already (that’s why they were there!), she repeated the rules, stressing to the menthat the women were in control of the evening, and that they were NOT to ejaculate tonight. She also stated that the evening would go on now, like it had been so far, except that the men would be totally naked.
“Okay guys,” she grinned, “take it off for us!” And that was it. My girlfriend looked at me with a mixture of jealousy and arousal. But she nodded her approval. I slowly pulled of my clothes as the music gained back to the original volume. Some women watched intently while others giggled and talked with their friends. Some women sipped their drinks and glanced slowly around the room, watching other women watch the men.
I stood there naked and limp, feeling a little humiliated with everyone else around me fully clothed. The room was somewhat dark, but I felt so exposed. There was no doubt in my mind: the women were in control now. Plastic bags were passed around for the men to put their clothes in. The clothes-filled bags were placed into corners of the rooms, justto get them out of the way. With the music loud, and the room bathed in ambient lamplight and flickering candles and a drink beside me, everything seemed to continue as normal. I chatted with Jill and the other people around me, naturally sipping from my drink. As everyone got more and more intooxicated, I would get longer glances and sometimes I would feel someone brush against me from behind. Jill seemed to be enjoying it, even noticing the gentle touches from other women. She often touched me as we chatted with people. And I began to enjoy myself too. As we all got drunker, Jill began to gently put a finger or two on my cock, absent-mindedly at first. But soon she would look up at me, smiling as she gently squeezed my cock. Quickly, my cock grew hard. I stood there so obviously turned on, Feeling embarrassed and humiliated and even more exposed — but absolutely loving it. And the women seemed quite interested. I caught many long glances at my hard cock as we all chatted. I began toaccept it, enjoying that the women were enjoying the mood.
As the evening continued past midnight, I could hear loud laughs and screams once in a while from throughout the house party. The women were beginning to touch the guys. Soon I felt a woman’s hand quickly squeeze my cock as she passed by me. She grinned at everyone around her while she did this little stunt, and everyone else laughed a little, watching my reaction. As I chatted with the women around me and TRIED to act natural, I could see that, occasionally, some women were looking at my cock and whispering and giggling shyly to each other. Some women were even bold enough to sharply slap my ass when they walked up or when they just wanted to see my reaction from the quick sting.
The night went on like this, with the women in-control and definitely aroused (most of the time it seemed, anyways). The women, including Jill, just enjoyed laughing and looking and playing and talking. By the end of the night, my cock hadhave been taken from hard to limp and hard again, countless times.
By 2:00-ish people had started to drift home. Jill and I left soon after. I found the plastic bag with my clothes, and I quickly got dressed to the overly-dramatic pleasures of “Nooooooo!” in combination with laughter and smiles, and a few cries of “I’m going to miss your little dick!” With my clothes on, the women treated me with a little More normalcy. Jill and I said our good-byes to everyone and we quickly scooted out the door, smiling mischievously at each other.
* I found these websites to be very interesting (somewhat on the same topic):
(“CFNM” stands for Clothed Female Naked Male, which seems to be attracting a quickly growing fan base these days.)
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