The Bid
I had arranged to meet Mrs. Jenks at the home that she and her husband had just bought. Repairs were necessary before they moved in and that is where I came in. I owned a construction company in the small but bustling central Texas town. We had spoken over the telephone, set a time to meet, and that was that. The same as I had done hundreds of times before. This call would turn out to be very different-one that I will never forget.
I arrived at the appointed time but her car was already there. She met me at the door before I could ring the bell. She was stunningly beautiful, that is the long and short of it. For a moment I was frozen in place, as my heart literally skipped a beat. I forget to breathe. I hoped she had not noticed and stuck out my hand in an attempt to recover my composition. She gave me a dazzling smile and returned my handshake. As she did so, she lowered her eyes. The back of my neck grow hot, knowing that she would see my involuntary erection happening in real time. I quickly covered myself with the notebook I was holding in my left hand and introduced myself as professionally as possible, considering I was mortified with embarrassment.
She continued to hold the handshake, although neither of us were moving, and then said, “So nice to meet you. I’ve heard wonderful things about you and your work.” She smiled again, devastating me again. Somehow I stammered out a “Thank you!” and tried to get hold of myself. I could not believe I was making a fool of myself in front of this heavenly creativity. I was secretly fuming, and it gave me a start when she said, “Well! Shall we take a look at what I have for you Mr. Smith…can I call you Brett?” I gave her my most professional smile and replied, “Of Course, Mrs. Jenks. Please lead the way.”
“Okay “she said, “Let’s just start in the back and work our way to the front, shall we?”
“Sounds good.” I replied.
She turned around and began walking towards the master suite.Though I was relieved to have a brief respite from trying not to stare openly at her mesmerizing face and smoldering dark blue eyes I now found myself challenged by the most sublime ass that I had ever been that close to. Suddenly, time slowed down to a crawl and I watched in what seemed to be slow-motion, the slow rise and fall of first one, then the other, delectable, jiggly, perfect, globe. There was a ringing in my ears as my pulse pounded wildly, and I began to sweet slightly. It was summer, and hot, as it always is in Texas. She was wearing thin white shorts made from a lightweight cotton fabric. They rode up tightly into her deep crevice and clearly revealed that she was wearing red thong panties. God, she was sexy. The white shorts were blousy at the bottom and came to just above the bottom of her sweet ass cheats. You know- that incredibly sexy junction of female flesh where the back of the thigh morphs into the Promised Land of lovely twin hills and lush, fertile valley. Herlegs were incredibly long for someone so petite. Perfectly golden tan, so typical of the privileged class, they seemed to taunt you, saying “Eat your heart out, you poor, pitiful fool.” The beige pump sandals gave her calm muscles just the right tension and the perfect arch to her long back, making her stick her ass out so maddeningly as she walked ahead, unaware of just how extraordinarily beautiful and sexy she really was. Or maybe she did know, and was just used to it, and bored with it. Maybe she just never thought about it because she had low self-esteem. As it turned out, it would be the latter. If there was just one thing in the world that could make this sexiest of women even sexier, that was it.
As we walked through the empty house, I noticed there were only a square wooden table and a plain wooden chair. Her purse lay on the table, along with some of its contents: a makeup mirror, hairbrush, keys, cellphone, and checkbook. We walked past it without comment as we made our way to the other rooms. She was talking, and I was taking notes in my notebook.
“I want crown molding in this room as well as the bedrooms. I want to repaint everything from top to bottom, and new carpeting installed. Can you handle all this? I know it’s a lot…” Her voice began to trail off uncertainly, like a little girl. She tilted her head slightly and stuck out her bottom lip just the tiniest bit. Her eyes grew moist.
“The bitch is playing me!” I realized with a jolt. As my mind reeled, my brain fight furiously to process what was happening here. It went on auto-pilot and I blurted out,
“Of course we can handle it. And more. I have a good sized crew of well-trained craftsmen, and we are all fast and competent. I can get you in before your house in Austin closes, I promise you.”
Instantly, her face brightened again, temporarily stunning me once more with her soul-melting smile.
“Oh, I’m so happy to hear that!” she giggled and clapped her hands, making her breasts jiggle beneath her light blouse. The smile frozen on my face as I struggled usefully to maintain eye contact. No matter how hard I tried, I could not manage to tear my gaze from her tits, which I now noticed were crowded into what appeared to be a lacy red bra that was two sizes too small. Her bloom was also red, tied in a knot above her long, flat belly…and mostly unbuttoned. I had not noticed at first because she wore a long-sleeved beach shirt too. Now with her clapping, the beach shirt had fallen off of her shoulders and her delicious boobs were making themselves known. The outline of her nipples pushed through the thin fabric. My mouth, which had been pared dry, began to salivate, and I had to swallow. She gazed at me then, again with that little tilt of the head, and slowly spread her lips in a teasing, knowing way into one of her dazzling smiles, but this time sticking the tip of her pink little tongue ever so slightly between her perfect white teeth. Even asbewitched as I was, I could not stop myself from letting my eyes fall hungrily back down onto her tanned and voluptuous grapefruits, which were begging to be fondled, kissed, and sucked! Sucked so hard…so hard that the nipples stood out like a tiny penis; up thrust, demanding attention, and begging for the sweet age of release.
I swallowed again, this time even louder, and said, “So, shall we move into the kitchen?”
“Of course I want all of the cabinets repaired and repainted, oh and two other things in here,” she said. “One is the window sill and the other is the door frame at the top. Can you fix those?” she asked.
“I’m sure I can, let’s have a look” I said. I brushed against her slightly as I stepped past her in the tight kitchen, making my way over to the window sill in question. She drew in her breath quickly and giggled. “Ooh! Sorry!”
“No! My fault! Excuse me!” I stammered. My erection had returned and I turned away quickly to look at the sill. For some reason, it had been pried up on one side so that it was an inch or so out of level. Normally, I would lay a board on top and hammer it back down. I had neither board nor hammer so I pushed on the high side to see if it would give. It gave a little, so with the flat of my hand, I suddenly smacked down hard. In the empty house, it rang out like a gunshot, and she gasped. I turned around and smiled.
“Sorry to have started you”, I said.
“Oh…no, It’s okay, really…” she said haltingly.
Recent I smoked down on the board with my bare hand. Again she gasped, but this time I did not turn around. A few more good whacks and the window sill was seated as good as new.
When I turned around, she was looking at me very differently than she had been. Her eyes were very wide and her lips, though still smiling, were swollen and moist. She was chewing her bottom lip in a nervous way that was incredibly sexy. There was a blush across her upper chest and throat. I had seen that blush before on my ex-wife and recognized it for what it means. I despised myself for my cowardice.
“Oh wow,” she said in almost a whisper. “I’ve never seen anyone do anything like that before! You must have super-hard and strong hands…”
Put off by that seemingly odd remark, I mumbled, “Uh..Yeah… I guess I do. Goes with the trade, I reckon.”
“My husband is a software engineer,” she said.
I said nothing. It’s my defense mechanism I deploy when I don’t want to step in shit. For a long moment there was silence.
“His hands are soft… and not strong,” she finally said. Then she sucked in her bottom lip again before rolling it back out into an exaggerated pout. A pout so adorable that it literally made me weak in my knees. Turning back around I Walked over to the door frame she had mentioned. The top trim piece had been pulled off and poorly re-installed so that it was now crooked. I pried it loose with my fingers and set it plumb. Once in place, I beganit smack it down, again using the heel of my palm. For good measure, I slapped it with my palm, just for effect. The blows shook the window pane and I could hear her gasp and “ooh” with each one. The last one made my palm sting a bit and I paused. I heard movement behind me and I knew she was doing something but the pain in my hand was making me wince and I did not want her to see that, so I hit it again, and Then, one final time.
Pleased with myself for making such a quick repair, I turned around with a smile on my face.
She could not see it. That was because she was lying face down, bent over the wooden table. Her left arm was tucked beneath her body and she was rubbing her pussy through her shorts and panties. Unable to breathe, I walked, as in a trance, over to the table and stood a foot away. My mouth was suddenly dry again as I watched the most beautiful woman I had ever seen masturbating, ass-up, on the table. Her hair, long and silky, lay like cascading sunlight across her face, obscuring everything except her mouth. It was stretched in an urgent “O” as she worked the fabric of her panties feverishly with her greedy fingers.
Suddenly her eyes popped open and she stared at me as though horrified.
“I’m sorry Daddy!” she squeaked, jumping to her feet.
My mind reeling in disbelief, I could only manage a lame “Uhh…it’s …okay.”
She had begun speaking in a breathy, little girl voice.
“I know you’re going to have to spank me now, Daddy, and I know it has to be a hard spankin’, too. That’s because you spank so hard with your strong, hard hands, don’t you, Daddy?”
It must be true that good things come to those who wait, because I had been waiting my whole life to hear a beautiful woman say those words to me. It was as though she had somehow got a front row seat to my most secret and perverse fans. It was such a surreal moment that my head began to swim. I actually feared that I would pass out.
Before I hada chance to ruin everything forever, she took my hand and led me over to the straight back wooden chair. Gently, she turned me and pushed me down into the chair. I gazed up into her angelic face, still not believing what was about to take place. Her head was bowed and her eyes downcast penitently. Her hair covered her face as she put her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and began to slowly push them down. Of their own Volition, my hands reached out and touched her hips. She turned her ass toward my face as the shorts continued their increasing descent. Finally, in all their glory, were those two incredible orbs that had paralyzed me only thirty minutes ago. Now I was about to spank them!
Experimentally, I began to pat and rub that perfect ass. She told and began to sweep her hips slowly, and then pushing her hips back and forth, bringing her ass closer and closer to my face, until it was bumping the tip of my nose. I inhaled deeply, taking in her delicious scent. I was transported away to warm beaches, flowered fields, and babies. In spite of the heat, my skin prickled as I pressed my lips into.
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