“Holy crap, this place is huge.” Jessica suddenly said after thinking they were going back to the small cabin.
He had a cabin, of course, but that was just a tiny piece of the property off to the side of the estate. The main house looked like a rustic hunting lodge. It was three stories, with a fireplace on each end, a large chimney in the center, a wrap-around porch on the main floor, and large balconies with French doors that she assumed connected to the bedrooms. The house was covered in stonework with exposed beams and a four-car garage attached to the large estate with the cabin off to the side.
“Oh, yeah, I guess I need to tell you a little bit more about myself,” he said. He responded, “I bought the house and fixed it myself. I’m 40 years old; of course, you know I was an army medic. After I got out of the army, I wanted to do something different. I had always thought about opening up a custom furniture shop but never did before going into the military. So when Iretired from the military, I started a custom furniture business. It turns out I am pretty good at it.”
She said, “That’s amazing. You have done so much in your life.”
“Yeah, similar to you, I am a Dominant, specifically a Daddy Dom, and single. And I find you adorable.” He said as he pulled the hand he was holding to her chin.
“Yeah, I kinda figured that.” She said, staring into his eyes as she felt the blush return to her cheeks.
William gives her a sinister smile, then tips her head and kisses her forehead. Then, he asked, “Which would you prefer, Little Fox?”
She thought about this decision as she was highly excited to see inside the estate; possibly, she felt the cabin was perfect and potentially more accessible for her to get around. Would William let her see the main house if she chose the cabin, or could she change her mind?
Not realizing how long it had been since he asked the question, she felt him squeeze her hand. “Oh, um, I think the cabin will be fine. I don’t want to burden you more than I already have.” she quickly replied.
“Are you sure, Little Fox? I really wouldn’t mind carrying you up and down the stairs. Actually, I would prefer that.” He said with a smile.
“Well, I would like to see inside the main house, if that is OK? But I really like the fireplace in the cabin, and one level is easier for me right now.” She said with a little bit more confidence.
“As you wish, Little Fox.” He said, giving her hand one last squeeze before pulling up to the front of the main house.
When they pulled up to the house, a man came out and waited for William to get out of the car before greeting him. Then, with a squeeze of her hand, he said, “Be right back.”
The man spoke first as William rounded the car. “Hey, Wolf! Where have you been? What are you driving? What have you got in there?” The man asked as he looked at the car.
William stepped in front of the man in an almost protective mannerand said, “Hello, Tank. I have a friend who will be joining me in the cabin. Please get Paul, and have him grab her luck from the car. All he needs to do is put it in the cabin, and I will take care of the rest.”
At hearing that someone else was going to be touching her things, she got very nervous. She figured the person was well off, but not so well off that he had people working for him at the house. She survived the inside of her car and felt mortified by the state of the interior. She started to shake herself for not thinking about how it looked when William was driving her vehicle. She immediately grabbed as much trash as possible and put it in trash bags. She hadn’t cleaned her car before going on the trip and figured she would have time to do it while out.
William walks back to the car and sees her frantically moving things inside. She tapped on the window. She jumped in her seat and grabbed her knee and foot. I apologize.
“It’s ok, just starting to hurt,”she said, still hunted over, trying to cover something with a jacket.
He pulls the jacket away and asks, “Why do you have a bag of trash in your car and are covering it with your jacket?”
She started rambling, “I saw you talking to someone and saying someone was going to get in my car. I realized the inside was dirty, and I was ashamed, so I started to clean. However, I don’t have a trash can to put this in, so I was going to cover it with my jacket.”
He puts his hands on her nervously, shaking hands, and starts to rub his thumbs on the backs of her hands. He speaks softly to her so only she can hear, “Thank you for saying something, Jessica. I do like it when you speak up. You don’t have to worry about someone coming into your car if you don’t want them to. I figured it would be easier since I would show you the main house while I had Paul unload the car.” He paused to think, “How about this? Let me introduce you to the crew, and then we can work out the luckgage later?”
She was shocked that he wanted to introduce her to people. They met not 7 hrs ago. Answering his questions, she says, “Um… I want to meet the crew but throw away the trash before someone sees my car.”
He chuckles and says, “Whatever you want, Little Fox.” He grabs the bag between her legs, sure not to cause any rotation to her knee. Then, he asks, “Is there any more that you want to get out before we go in?”
She looks around, starts filling another bag, and is satisfied with the state of the car. She hands him the bag saying, “I think I am ok with the car now. I’m sorry for being weird.”
William grabs the bag from her and says, “You’re not weird. I like learning things about you. We all have things that make us special.” He sees Tank standing There, gaping at the sight of William holding trash bags.
Tank looks at William with a questioning look. William shakes his head to have him not ask the question because he knows it would embarrass her.
“Hey, Tank, Can you have the guys meet us in the kitchen in 5 minutes? I wanna introduce them to my friend, and before you ask, no, you can meet her when she meets the other guys.” The last part, William said with a bit of a laugh at the look on Tank’s face as he was about to ask a question.
“Sure thing, Wolf.” He replied quickly before running into the house and said, “Hey, I’m single and looking to mingle.”
William glared at the back of Tank’s head and thought, Ok, so I know who I am sparring with tonight at the gym.
Turning around, he looks at her and says, “Hold on, I will be right back.” Then, he jogs over to one of the garage doors and puts in a code.
The door opens, revealing a very sexy black on black ford truck. She always wanted one, but her car was all she could afford.
He puts the bags in the trash can by the door and jogs back over without closing the door.
“Do you need to close the garage?” She asks as he comes to the car.
Williamlooks at the garage door and say, “No, it’s actually on a timer and will auto close if you do the keypad entry.” And on that note, the garage door starts to close.
“Oh, that’s really cool.” She said in wonder.
He bends down, gazing into her eyes. “Ok, are you ready to meet the guys before the tour?”
She shakes her head yes.
He leans closer, saying, “Now use Your word, Little Fox.”
She blushes as she says, “Yes.”
William helped Jessica get out of the car by providing his arm to pull herself up and out of the vehicle. She spins around and bends over to get her jacket from inside the car.
He admired her backside with round hips and a small butt, which made him smile. He reaches to touch her butt but pulls away, reminding himself she has Not given him consent to touch her there. Oh, and when she does, I will have so much fun with this bottom. She stands back up, puts the jackets on, and zips up the zipper. Then as she turns around, she sees the desire on his face that turns quickly into a questioning look.
“What? Is everything ok?” She looked at herself to check if everything was ok.
He takes his hand, places it on her zipper, and flicks it, saying, “Yes, everything was fine. I just got a little distracted by you.”
She blushed, replying, “Oh, sorry?”
He moved to her side, preparing to lift her. “Oh, no, little fox, no need to be sorry. It was enjoyable, and I will tell you what it was if you’re a good little fox.”
She blushed a darker shade of red and shifted in her standing as the thought of him calling her a Good Girl in a husky, deep voice caused goose bumps all over her body. “I will be good. I promise.”
She has learned how he likes to pick her up by this time–leaning down to allow her to glide her arm across his shoulders. She continues her hand on the path to the base of his hairline to feel the texture of his hair. When he thinks that she has steadied herself on his shoulders, he gentlely cares under her legs and along her back until he has a gentle but firm grip on her sides. Then with a quick scoop, he has her in his arms.
He makes an approving hum as she lingers her hand at the base of the hairline, just feeling the texture of his hair. Then, finally, he says in a husky tone, “Little Fox, that feels oh so very nice, but right now, we need to meet the guys.”
She quickly removes her hand from his hair and rests it on his shoulder. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.”
“If we were not holding up other people, I would have just stayed with you doing that.” He said and added, “If you ever want to do that again, just ask. You have my permission, and I encourage that action.”
She looked him in the eyes with her red cheeses, “Ok, I will let you know.”
He starts walking forward and can close the car’s door with a hip bump. He walks to the house’s entrance and is thankful for once that Tank has an issue with closing doors. He taps the door wit his shoes, and it swings open. Catching the door with his foot, he walks to the other side of it and walks backward to close the door. Then, he begins to slowly walk forward, making sure to briefly show her reach along the way further into the estate.
The house’s interior matched the exterior with a lodge look with vaulted ceilings at the entranceway that extends to the second floor with two staircases encasing the foyer. To the right is a library with warm colors and very comfortable-looking seating surrounding a fireplace. It also has window seating in bay windows. To the left is an office with a beautiful wooden desk and high-back leather chair, two chairs in front of the desk of rich red wood, leather, and metal rivets. The walls are rich green, and the ceiling is bronze tiles reflecting the light off the beautiful hardwood floor. As he walks them further into the house, you see a beautiful view of the mountains through the floor-to-ceiling glass walls. A hallway to the right leads to a single door past the staircases. Along the halfway are photos of the property. To the left, another hallway with a similar look but within has an opening that leads to other areas. Past the hallway on the right side is a great room with multiple couches, a club chair, a chain locke near the glass wall, a large fireplace, large screen TV, and more bookcases holding photos. In the corner is a wooden grand piano and guitars hanging on the wall. The walls are painted a medium gray. A plus rug in the center of the room. To the left is a huge kitchen. There is an island with bench seating attached to the island with three chairs in front, wood craftsman-style cabinets, a stone backsplash, and black appliances with a doorway connecting to another room on the other side of the kitchen.
Inside the great kitchen are four men standing around the island. One whom she already saw earlier and three others had not. She grips William’s shoulder at the sight of all the men. He gives her a reassuring squeeze on her side. Then, setting her down, he pulls out one of the chairs at the island booth.
Jessica sit’s down and looks at the four men in the room, who are all similarly dressed as William with black tees and jeans. She looked to William with uncertainty about what to do.
William begins the introduction, “This is Tank, my right-hand man. He can be a goof, but he is also very loyal and has saved my life more times than I want to think, but he won’t let you forget it, either. He and I joined the military simultaneously and were lucky to work together the entire time.”
Tank is 6’5″, with broad shoulders but not as bulky as Williams. He has a kind face and short black hair and says, “Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.” with a dip of his head.
Jessica nods back.
“This is Paul. He’s the youngest among us at 25, but what he lacks in experience, he makes up for in muscles.” William says with a smile.
Paul is about 5’9″ and is built slightly larger than Tank. He has a youthful face and seems more reserved than the other three. “Hey,” he says with a wave.
Jessica waves back and responses, “Hi.”
“These last two are twins, so I will make the introduction short.” William said before continuing, “The one to the right is JR, and the one on the left is RJ. Trust me, I know it’s confusing, and we all wonder Why their parents named them that way.”
JR and RJ are identical in height, being 6’2″ with brown hair and broad shoulders, but the one telltale sign of the difference between the twins is RJ has tattoos on his right arm and JR’s tattoos on his left.
JR swings his arm around his brother’s shoulder, covering his mouth to speak first with a wink saying, “Hey there.”
RJ swings his elbow into his brother’s side, causing JR to release his hold and grab at his side. “Hey.” He said with a little bit of irritation in his voice, then looked at his brother with a what the hell kind of look.
Williamsteps forward with a commanding presence that instantly silences the two brothers. “Ok, are you two done showing off now?” William asks the twins. They nod and reset themselves. “This is Jessica. She is my guest”, he says with an emphasis on the word my, “and will be staying here. I still expect you all to honor her presence here.” Then directing his words to me, he says, “Do you have anything you would like to add, little fox?”
The guys perk up at the cute nickname he has given her.
She replied, “Yes, I don’t want to be in any trouble, so please just be your normal selves. Oh, and call me Jessica or J.” The last part said with some command, so the guys know not to call her the cute nickname William calls her.
JR speaks first, “So, don’t call you little fox,” he says with a wink, and suddenly RJ elbows him in the side hard.
RJ says as he shakes his head, “I am sorry for my brother’s words and actions, Jessica.”
JR shouts, “Stop elbowing me in the ribs, dude,” as he elbows his brother in the ribs.
RJ grunts with a response, “Then stop doing things that deserve it.” he grabs his brother’s arms in a hold behind his back.
JR struggles a bit before sighting and replies, looking at Jessica, “I’m sorry, Jessica. I apologize for my behavior and actions.” He looks at his brother, “Will you let me go now?”
RJ releases his brother and give him a little nudge on the shoulder, and JR returns the nudge.
“Are you both done now?” William asks.
They respond in unison, “Yes, Sir.”
William looks at the guys and give instructions on what he needs them to do. “JR and RJ clear out the junk in bay four, so we can have Jessica’s car park there.” The twins nod and run out of the kitchen, racing to the door first.
William continued, “Tank, get a list of supplies we still need for the next build and put the order in. Also, once RJ and JR have finished with the garage, send them on the food run, but also with a list formedical equipment and physical aid devices.” He nodes assess Jessica’s injury and then walks out of the kitchen.
William knees to the side of Jessica and looks her in the eyes. “Can Paul get your luck out of the car for you?”
Jessica looks from William’s trusting eyes to Paul’s and nodes yes.
William stands up and says, “Paul, your job is likely the most important to me. I need you to unload Jessica’s car. You are to put her bags inside the bedroom door but leave room for people to walk. The food can be placed in the kitchen there, and be sure to put the cold items in the fridge. If the fire has gone out, please start another; if not, put more logs on the fire. The pillows and blankets in her car can be folded and put on the couch. Make it feel like home. Understood?”
“Understood, Sir. I will be sure to take care of everything for you. Do you want me to park the car in bay four after?” Paul asks.
William looks down at Jessica; she nods her head; yes, then looking back at Paul, he replies, “Yes, please do. And bring the keys to the cabin and put them on the kitchen counter so I know everything is done.”
With that last order, Paul holds out his hands for the keys. William tosses him the keys, and he catches them in mid-air as he walks to the front door.
Seeing Paul walk out the door, she lets out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding.
William bends down, putting his arms on both sides of the chair armrest. He looks her in the eyes, asking, “You ok, little fox?”
She sights, “Yes, I was really nervous, and I think I forget to breathe.” She breathed again, “They all seem very nice, but why are they all so big?” she nervously chuckled.
Williams smiles up at her. “Well, not only do I have a woodworking business, but I also own an MMA gym that they also work at as instructors. So when you can get around better, I want to show you the gym.” He smiles at her, “Maybe we can spare.”
She blushes with herreply and adds a huge smile, “I think I could take you.”
He brushes her hair in front of her face and says, “I’m sure I could let you take me.” Then, he stands up and offers his hand to her.
She sits wide-eyed at him. Then shakes her head and reach to pull herself up. He pulls her up, causing her to run into him. He wraps his arms around her.
William rubs his hands up and down her back. This simple interaction has her leaning into him more as she snakes her arms under his sides and up to his shoulder blades, grasping the fabric of his t-shirt.
She releases a small moan before burying her face in his chest to try and silence herself. He kisses the top of her head and then turn her face to look out the window wall. “I think you did that on purpose,” she says.
He pulls back, supporting her, and says, “I think you would be right. Are you ready for the rest of the tour?”
Eagerly she said, “Yes, please, I really want to see outside and watch the sun start to set. But I would like to maybe shower and change before then.” Then, her tummy growls, “I think I need a snack.”
William responses. “Yes, let’s finish the tour; I will do a brief one, so you can get all cleaned up before the sun starts to set. Let us get a quick snack out of the fridge ’cause I know the guys will want to cook tonight.”
William scoops her up, and she gives a little squeal of excitement at the abrupt change in position.
Jessica says, “Careful, mister, I’m hurt, remember.” giving him a little tap on the nose.
William walks them over to the friedge with a smile at the cute action she just did. “Ok, little fox, open the friedge and get a snack for us.”
She opens the friedge with his assistance, finds apple slices, an orange, and a bag of sweet bell peppers, and grabs them all, along with a water bottle and juice box for herself. “Ok, all set,” she says proudly with her snack stash.
She opens the apple slices and puts one in her mouth and the second in his. They chew on the apple slices as she feeds them both.
William carries her into the dining room, decorated with a hand-carved dining room set including a china cabinet, banquet, large dining table with ten chairs, and metal pipe bar area with an association of whiskeys. She sees a lot of brands she has always wanted to try but has yet to have the money to try them.
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