The Erroneous Abduction

Ellen looked out over the street. Somehow it was darker and more uninviting than previous nights. It made a shiver run down her spine. She shook the silly thought off. She shouldn’t be working this late, that was all. Mr. Harris shouldn’t be making her work late. Somehow the man seemed to have it in for her. Now she had to find a bus at this hour, and then it would still take her an hour to get home. Ellen Sighed. It would be late by the time she got home. There would be little left to do but get in bed because early in the morning she’d have to get the bus back to work. It was cold, making her glad she was wearing jeans.

At twenty-seven, Ellen was prettier than she realized. She had a slim figure, full breasts that no longer supported themselves, and thick, blond hair that needed a lot of fighting each morning to get it down. The office job wasn’t what she really wanted, but with the economy and all, a girl couldn’t afford to be picky. So when her boss told her the work thatneeded to be done before tomorrow, she didn’t argue.

A big shadow passed her by. Only when she saw the red rear lights, did Ellen realize she had been overtaken by her bus. The red lights flashed as the bus pulled over at the bus stop. Ellen gauged the distance. It was at least a hundred meters. There was no way the bus would wait long enough for her to reach the bus stop. Ellen started to run. Her high heels, that worked well for her at the office, made her wiggle and slow her down. Even as she ran, Ellen had that awful gut feeling, telling her there was no way she would make it in time.

“Dont,” she yelled at the bus. “Hold.”

the bus didn’t move. For a moment Ellen thought she would still make it. She pressed every last bit of energy out of herself to speed up and make it.

The bus closed Its doors and pulled away.

Ellen slowly came to a stop and watched the lights disappear in the distance. “Fuck me,” she exclaimed. Suddenly she was aghast at what she hadJust said, and she quickly looked around to see if someone had heard her. The street was still empty, and mostly dark except for the light of the bus stop.

Ellen cursed herself. If only she hadn’t dallied with getting her coat on. If only she had walked a bit faster along the way. If only she hadn’t bothered to clean up the sink before she left. If only, if only.

“Well, no matter,” she told herself. “I’ll just get the next one.” she checked the bus’s roster. The next one would come in an hour. Ellen told herself that wasn’t too bad.

She looked around. But what to do in the mean time? She didn’t feel like just waiting at the bus stop all the time. She knew there was a bar close by. Perhaps it was open?

She walked around the corner. A comfortable light shone brightly. Ellen increased her pace. The bar was small. The interior was mostly dark wood, creating dark corners everywhere. But it was warm and that was the most important, as far as Ellen was concerned.

She ordered a coffee. A man sat sullenly in the bar, eyeing her openly. Ellen half turned her back at him, hoping that would be message enough. She took her coffee to an empty booth, got on her phone and selected Robin. “Missed bus. W b later.”

Ellen kept watching her phone for the reply. It took a long time to arrive. “No problem.”

Ellen thought the response was a bit vague. Somehow she had expected more from her boyfriend. “W y wait up?”

Again the response took several minutes. “Sure.”

Ellen was bugged by the lackluster response. But what was she to do?

A man got out a door at the end of the bar. He slowly walked by Ellen. His gaze went from her high heels to all the way up. Ellen quickly looked out of the window to avoid their eyes meeting. What was it with the place, she wondered. Was it pickup night or something? She sipped her coffee and played with her phone. The man who had walked by her, left the bar, arm in arm with a woman with a rain coat withthe hood over her head. She kept her head down, making it difficult for anyone to see her face.

Definitely pickup night, Ellen grumbled to herself. She continued playing with her phone.

She walked out of the bar. Outside, her eyes met with a woman sitting inside the bar, in one of the boots. She sat by herself, staring inquisitively at Ellen. Ellen deliberately looked away. Most definitely pickup night, she decided.

She crossed the corner and saw the bus stop some comfortable empty. At least the bus wasn’t driving off without her again, she thought.

Something stepped outside the shadows, blocking her way. Ellen, afraid she was getting mugged, instantly winched.

“What’s up, honey?” A female voice asked.

Ellen relaxed. If it was a woman, she wouldn’t get mugged. Although it was a bit disconcerting what the woman wanted from her.

“Yeah,” another female voice asked mockingly from behind her. “What you doin’, all alone at night?”

Ellenturned half, so she could keep an eye on both women. The whole thing, although weird, didn’t really frighten her. Both women were no bigger than her, and certainly didn’t seem stronger, or particularly threatening. They were slim, pretty, and certainly made up to be pretty. They were heavy on the bright-red lipstick and dark eyeshade. Ellen wondered what was going on. The whole thing seemed more of a farce, than a mugging.

“I’m catching my bus,” she said. Her voice, she noticed, wasn’t as steady as she would like it to be.

“Sure,” the first woman scoffed.

Ellen turned to her to say something fitting and nasty, then the other woman grabbed her from behind. Ellen struggled to get loose. The first woman jumped at her. The attack was without aim, all the woman did was cling to Ellen’s coat. But the weight of both women was enough to bring her down.

Fear ran rampant through Ellen’s system. Half of her mind wondered what was going on and what she was to do about it, the other gave in to complete and utter fear. She decided screaming would be a good thing to do and opened her mouth. The woman on top of her quickly closed her mouth with both hands. Ellen struggled with her head to come out from under the hands, but to no avail. The woman had straddled her. Her legs were around Ellen’s ribs and they were surprisingly strong. The other woman struggled to get out from under Ellen and her partner in crime.

I can make this, Ellen thought. She got one arm free and flung it at the woman on top of her. She hidden something. It was something angular and hard; she hurt her hand. “Goddamn,” the woman on top of her exclaimed. “Bitch.” A fist hit the side of her face. Ellen no longer felt she could make it, but she kept fighting. At least somehow, she had hurt one of the women. Emboldened she swung her free hand up. This time she hit something soft and was rewarded with a soft, painful sight.

A van stopped alongside them. Ellen was relieved. Someone has seen us, she thought. I’m getting help. Someone got out of the van, a door slammed, footsteps sounded like thunderclaps. “What are you cuns doing?” A deep, female voice asked.

Ellen thought that was a very impolite way of breaking up a fight, even if it was a fight between women. A dark figure pulled the woman on top of her off her, like she weighed nothing. Ellen suddenly found she could breathe again and was relieved. Finally, she was going to be all right. The dark figure pulled her up. Ellen struggled to find her balance on her high-heeled shoes. A woman looked her in the eyes from up close. Ellen guessed she was in her thirties. She figured the woman must be very strong to pick her up as easily as she had. “Thank you,” she said.

The woman nodded and moved somewhat. A dark pain entered Ellen through her chest. She died and fell to the ground.

Except she did neither. She was hanging in mid-air, held up by the mighty woman. Breathing was impossible. The woman openedthe side door of the van with her free hand and throw Ellen inside. The other two women quickly followed inside and closed the side door. The mighty woman got in the driver’s seat and drove off.

Ellen felt cold steel touching her wrists and ankles and heard metal clicking. She had seen enough movies to know what it means. I’m in real trouble now, she thought. One of the women deftly rolled a shawl to a string and tied it around Ellen’s mouth. When Ellen opened her mouth to breath, the shawl was pulled all the way between her teeth. She realized from the easy way the woman was doing it, it wasn’t the first time she did it.

“What the fuck were you doing back there,” the driver demanded to know.

The two women looked at each other. “We were holding here until you came,” one of them said.

“Didn’t look like it,” the driver grumbled.

One of the women rolled Ellen around so she was on her back. She straddled Ellen and looked down on her. Ellen looked back. The woman had a round face, dark hair and a mean look on her. “Payback time, bitch,” the woman said. Her hand struck Ellen hard in the mouth. Ellen tasted blood inside her mouth.

“Hey,” the driver said and turned her head. Both women frozen. Ellen was relieved there was at least someone in the car looking out for her. “We do that later,” the driver continued.

“Oh, okay,” the woman said. She got off of Ellen and sat down.

The other woman wrestled herself out of her coat. Underneath she wore a four inch long miniskirt that only served to highlight the minute yellow panties. Underneath she wore knee-length, plastic boots with spike heels. She squirmed against Ellen’s torquer and placed a hand on her knee. “Wanna make out?” She asked softly.

The tormentor looked at her like she was crazy. Plastic boots gave up, dug up a compact set and set about to rearrange her makeup.

They arrived at a large standalone house, surrounded by trees. The two women got out. The driverpicked Ellen up and throw her over her shoulder, legs forward and holding her in position with a single arm. Ellen did her best to take in her environment. She couldn’t see any other house around. That makes sense, she thought. They wouldn’t be so brazen about carrying me like this if other people could see.

She couldn’t see all of the driver, but what she could see filled her with awe. driver’s legs, clad in a tight, soft fabric, looked like trees. The arm around her legs felt like it was made of steel. While walking, the woman’s butt cheats alternatively stretched the fabric of her pants to the point of bursting.

They walked through a hallway, down a set of stairs, and another hallway and then they entered a large room. The driver put Ellen on her feet. She immediately looked around. What she saw made her even more afraid. The room was filled with all sorts of contractions, made of steel, wood, or black leather. None of them looked particularly friendly. Ellen shiveredand tried not to think about what it means.

“Go get him,” the driver said, nodding once to the plastic boots woman. The woman hurried away on her spikes, looking extremely ungainly.

The driver’s arms seemed as big as her legs. From what Ellen could see under the leather jack, her bosom was maybe less big, but still ample. She had a diamond shaped face, with a long neck and big lips. Her hair was cut short, just a bit longer than a crew cut, with angular sideburns. The look on her face was one of almost boredom.

She took the handscuffs from Ellen’s wrists. Ellen massed her sore wrists and wondered what to do. Was she to thank the woman for taking the cuffs off? As she thought about it, the driver turned one of her hands behind her back. Ellen winced as the pain forced her to bend over. She felt soft rope twirling around her wrist. Her other hand was bend behind her back too. Moments later her wrists were tied together. The driver pushed her forwards. Still bend over,Ellen walked. The driver pushed her towards a specific part of the room. Ellen wondered why. She felt something cold and hard touching her wrists. The driver walked towards the side of the room and pulled at a long rope that went up to the ceiling. Ellen felt something tugging at the rope around her wrists. Her arms were forced up in the wrong direction. The driver used her body weight to pull at the rope.

Ellen screamed her lungs out when her arms were pulled out of their sockets. The shawl in her mouth held back most of the screams, but still the screams filled the room. Ellen didn’t stop screaming, even though it didn’t change anything. The driver calmly tied the rope against a clamp in the wall. Ellen danced around on tiptoes trying to give her arm sockets as much relieve as possible. It was nowhere enough.

The woman with the round face and a bruised chef had taken off her coat too. She wore a black body, with fishnet stockings. She stroked with her hand over an arrayof whips that hung from a rack. All the while she looked at Ellen, at some point flicking her tongue over her lips.

A man walked into the room, followed by plastic boots. He was naked, except for a sort of harness made from black leather straps. Instead of pants, he wore a black leather thingy with shiny stories on it. His entire body was heavily covered with black and grey hair. Still he seemed familiar Somehow. Ellen tried to push the pain away and concentrated. She had seen the man before. It had been in the bar. He was the one coming out of the toilet and had given her the look.

The man saw her and his face changed from expected to disturbed. “What’s going on?” He said loudly. “Where’s my wife?”

His words were met by a dead silence. Then the driver spoke. “Wait. This,” she pointed at Ellen hanging from the ceiling, “Is not your wife?”

“I wish,” the man said. “She must be half her age.”

The driver massed her temples with thumb and finger from one hand, while forcing back an outburst. “So what happened?” The driver turned to the other two women. “Why did you pick the wrong woman?”

The women looked silently at each other. Leather body nervously licked her lips and pointed at her companion. The silent accusation pushed plastic boots in the defendive. She pointed at the man. “He pointed her out in the bar.”

The man’s face turned red. It was a curious sight, as the rest of his body didn’t change color. “Like hell I did. I pointed my wife out.”

Plastic boots wouldn’t have none of it. “You nodded at her.”

The man opened his mouth to say something, but then he reconsidered.

“Okay,” the driver said slowly. “So your wife is still out there.” She looked at the man and half stated, half asked. “At the bar.”

The man shrugged. “I guess.”

The driver surprised. “Well, I better pick her up then.” She walked towards the door but then stopped. “How do I recognize her?”

“She has blond hair.” The man thoughtabout it. “Mini skirt. Stockings. High heels.” He looked at the driver, wondering if she needed more details.

“Fantastic,” the driver said sarcastic and continued for the door.

Plastic boots dared ask, “Shouldn’t we come along?”

The driver answered with utmost resilience. “You’ve done quite enough.”

“Oh,” plastic boots said.

With the driver gone, the room was silent. Ellen would like to say something but couldn’t because of the shawl in her mouth. So they made a mistake, she thought. So now they will let me go, right? The longer the silence lasted, the more she doubted it.

“Well,” leather body said. “No need to let a good opportunity go to waste.” Her words filled Ellen with dread. Somehow the women was going to her back at her. Leather body Walked over to her.

“Eh, wait,” the man said. “Shouldn’t we untie her?”

“We could do that,” leather body said. With a push of her hand, she forced Ellen to turn, till her back was towards the man andwomen. She felt leather body’s hand fumbling with the front of her jeans. “But when’s the last time you had an opportunity like this?” Leather body tugged at Ellen’s jeans. Ellen screamed as it placed additional painful pressure on her arm sockets. She saw her jeans and panties were around her knees. Vaguely she realized her ass must be bare. She wondered what a spectacle she must be, with her bare ass sticking out. She heard a heavy groan from behind her. Somehow, Ellen realized, her troubles were far from over. A soft hand caressed her ass cheats. “I’ll get her in shape for you,” leather body promised. The caressing hand slapped Ellen’s behind. The pain didn’t even register. The pain from her arms held up behind her back surpassed everything else.

From the corner of her eye Ellen became aware of leather body walking away. The backside of the leather body was little more than a couple of strings, running up from between her ass-cheeks, to the sides. The woman returned with somehing long and shiny in her hand. Slowly Ellen realized it was a big-bladed knife. Scared out of her wits, she struggled to get free. Leather body smiled wickedly at her. Ellen tried to get out of her way, but the rope from the ceiling gave her no room to move. The more she moved, the harder the pain got. Her jeans, tangled around her knees, didn’t help either. The knife touched her skin, instantly creating goose bumps. Ellen while loudly. Leather body laughed loudly.

The cold knife moved across her body. Ellen was surprised. She had thought there would be more pain. Suddenly her sweater hung down from both her arms and her back was cold. Leather body slide the knife across her arms and then the remain of her sweater swirled to the floor. Her bra, its back cut, dangled uselessly below her breasts.

Leather body was done with the knife. She returned it to its original spot, and returned with a heavy whip. She lovingly stroked the whip and let Ellen see it. Ellen couldn’t believe it. All she could do was whine.

Leather body disappeared out of sight. Ellen closed her eyes and braced herself. Just when she thought maybe nothing was going to happen after all, a sering pain hit her legs. Ellen throw her head in her neck and cried out for all she could. The whip hit her again, this time it was her ass being on fire. The pain thinned and intensified into a fire line across her cheats. Ellen couldn’t remember ever having felt so much pain. The pain from her arms already was a distant memory. The whip hit her again. The tip of the whip lashed all around her, touching her belly. Her back was on fire. The pain was more, much more, than she could bear. Ellen tried to run, but just fell. Her arms were practically yanked out of their sockets and she blacked out.

She replaced Consciousness from another sequencing lash. Then the lashing seemed to stop. “Damn, this is hard work,” leather body said from behind her. Ellen tried to turn, to see if the man and otherwoman would be willing to help her. The man sat slumped on a benchmark. Plastic boots sat on her knees before him, between his legs. Her mouth was in his lap, bobbing furiously up and down. She held her arms behind her back, holding her hands. It seemed a rather uncomfortable position to Ellen. The studied to lay forgetten on the floor.

Ellen closed her eyes. No help from that direction, she thought, and tried to focus on pushing away the pain. She tried concentrated on it, but it made the pain only harder.

“I want to fuck her ass,” the man said slowly.

Shocked, Ellen opened her eyes. The man still sat slumped. The woman before him, briefly interrupted her work to look at Ellen. The man’s hand pushed her back towards his focus area.

“Sure,” leather body said. “I’ll sweeten her up for you.”

She walked off again and returned with a large, bright red dildo. Ellen shuddered when she thought what the evil woman was going to do with it.

Plastic boots stopped sucking the man to look at what was going on. After a while she said, “You know, I think you need to lube it.”

“Shaddap,” leather body retorted to the helpful advice.


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