The Erotic Vacation of Solange Ch. 01

A Promising Advertisement First Contact

My name is Solange. I am divided from my cheating husband and, having no children, and a steady income from my job as a medical secretary, I am a free woman. I am reasonably attractive (if I say so myself), hazel eyed brunette, about five feet, six inches tall and a little under ten stone. My body is a little soft but I have good tits and a fairly tight bum. I live in a suburb of Paris and I am not short of friends, although my oldest and dearest friends live some distance away. I also have Vincent, my regular lover. He is a businessman, married (of course) but he can usually get to stay over a few times a month. Yet until a few months ago my life was dull and routine. I was bored at work, fed up with having to fit in with Vincent’s timetable. I began to feel restless and wanting more, but without knowing precisely what it was I wanted. I tried looking for contacts in internet chatrooms. I experimented with cyber sex a few times but always felt empty afterwards. After a few bad experiences, I decided it wasn’t for me. Then on a Tuesday morning on the 8th January 2009 everything changed. I had just gotten up, I had shown and was leaving through an erotic magazine as I ate breakfast when an interesting advertisement caught my eye:


There followed a number of very detailed instructions:

If you are seriously interested please provide a hand-written letter, stating the reasons why you think you should be considered and send it by post to EUROLOISIRS, mark the envelope clearly for the attention of Madam Director. There must be no spelling errors in your letter and it must be sent by ordinary post (no registered mail).

Any deviation from these instructions will result in your application being rescinded. Madam Director’s time is extremely precise, you will enclose a cheque for the sum of €20, made payable to EUROLOISIRS to cover expenses associated with the creation of your documents. Three photographs of you are required, either in a business wear or smart casual clothing. The photographs should clearly display:

Head and shoulders,full face

Head and shoulders, in profile

Full body, standing

You are required to provide a permanent telephone number where Madam Director will be able to contact you between the hours of 8.00 and 10.00 pm on any day from the date you post the letter. Madam Director will make one attempt to contact you by telephone, failure to answer Madam Director’s call within 5 rings, will result in refusal of your application. In anticipation of Madam Director’s call you will ensure you have available a notebook and a black ballpoint pen. Madam Director will dictate her instructions and you are expected to undertake your instructions without questions. Your hair must be long enough to be put into a ponytail when Madam Director instructions you to do so – If your hair is short then you must not cut it or allow it to be cut from the moment you post your letter.

I was intrigued and decided I might apply, just to see what happened. I dressed with the outfit that I had planned toWear that day in the medical consulting room: Red bra and panties, dark brown opaque pantyhose, green and short bloom, green checkered skirt, short but not too short, completed with my black heeled shoes. I checked myself in the mirror, dug out my digital camera and the tripod, set the self-timer and started taking photographs of myself, following the instructions in the erotic magazine. After a few attempts I found three I Liked and uploaded them onto my laptop, ready for sending later.

By the time I had finished taking photos I could feel my panties getting moist, I didn’t know why but I was suddenly feeling very excited at the prospect of seeing what “Madam Director” had to offer. OK, so I would risk €20 to find out, but I considered that advertising must have cost a lot of money, and it would be impossible to think they would get that investment back on the number of cheques they were likely to get – I mean just how many people would respond? I decided to start writing myapplication letter that evening, when I got home from work.

After another boring run-of-the-mill day at work I arrived home, showed, changed and made myself dinner. All day I had been thinking about the letter and what I could say. I constantly found my mind drifting to what “Madam Director” would have in store for me – my panties remained wet all day.

After dinner I found some letter paper and a pen and sat on the sofa, with my legs tucked under me and started to write the letter. I knew I would only have one chance, so I had to make sure that I caught the attention of this intriguing Madam Director, to make sure she would read my letter, to the end, to make sure she would select me.

I don’t think I ever worked so hard in my life. I wrote and re-write that letter so many times. I ended up with five different versions, all very well written, without spelling mistakes, but I wasn’t convinced that any would capture the attention of Madam Director.

I was so integernt on trying to produce the perfect letter that I didn’t notice the time passing. Suddenly it was five o’clock in the morning and I hadn’t closed my eyes all night. I took a shower and got ready for work. I don’t know who this bitch of a Director is and I may never get to meet her, but she had already made me pass a sleepless night!

Another boring day at work, but sweet relief came every time my mind returned to Madam Director. I came to a conclusion about the composition of my letter, after that I just couldn’t wait to get home and start writing. The day seemed to drag on and on but eventually I was home and, after making a quick dinner of leftovers I grabbed from the friedge, I sat down ready to write.

I had decided my best approach would be to not beat around the bush – didn’t her advertising says that her time was precious? So, keep it straight, just tell Madam Director a little about how my life is right now and my desire to explore my depths a little more, to know newsensings, new situations, new constraints. I wanted Madam Director to understand I trusted her at her word and so I would be ready to submit myself to her instructions in everything, if I was fortunate enough to be accepted to spend my next vacation at her resort. I needed to let her know that I would make myself available at any time she chose. After several more rewrites the letter was finished as dawn broke.

NAME Solange


DATEJanuary 2009 9



Madam Director,

Aware as I am that your time is valuable, I hope to make this letter as brief as possible, while being open and honest in its content.

I am a single woman, having been divided for over 3 years. I have no children. I do have a regular lover, a businessman, whom I see approximately twice a month, other than this relationship I have had a few casual relationships since my diploma.

I work as a medical secretary, but I have a good relationship with theEmployment agency, so I am able to arrange for cover at short notice for any leave of absence. I can therefore make myself available for vetteing and a vacation at your resort at any time which is convenient to you.

I am at a stage of my life where I want to know new sexual experiences, new sensings, new constraints, new challenges, and the opportunity to explore new situations and to be disciplined when necessary. I Feel very strongly that I could make no better decision than to place myself in your hands.

Although I am not particularly well off financially, I am willing and able to meet the costs in full and enclose my cheque for €20, as required. I also enclose three photographs of myself which are a good likeness and were taken only yesterday.

I anxiously await your call Madam Director, Sincerely Yours


I checked the spelling again, gathered together the cheque and photographs and carefully placed them in the envelope with the letter. On the envelope I copied the address of the EUROLOISIRS making sure I included the reference “to the attention of Madam Director”, I addressed the envelope to the EUROLOISIRS office I copied from the erotic magazine.

I just had time to take a shower and enjoy a decent breakfast before heading off to work. Another sleepless night – I was going to be a great help at work! So far this precious letter had already cost me €20 and two night’s sleep, so I said a silent prayer that it wouldn’t get lost, or held up by some postal strike, as I dropped it into a postbox on the way to the medical centre.

Only later did it occurred to me that, having posted the letter, I would not have an evening to myself until I had been contacted by Madam Director. Just the following day, a Thursday, Vincent rang me at work, Wanting to take me out to the cinema, followed by dinner at a small restaurant we knew, and a night of lovemaking at home. I found myself inventing the lamest excuse to put him off because Iwanted to be alone and at home between 8.00 and 10.00 pm in case Madam Director called.

As the days passed I became like another person, the normal me during the day and this tense, anxious and nervous me for that two hours of torque each evening, waiting for the phone to ring. I would be there, with my pen and notepad ready to take note of my instructions and going over possible conversations in my head, thinking of how I might make the best impression on Madam Director and how I might convince her that I would be a suitable candidate. I even started to imagine this was all some kind of trick and candidates would be chosen by some method that had nothing to do with these telephone calls.

Exactly a week after postponing my date with Vincent and around 9.50 pm my telephone suddenly rang. I’d worked myself into such a state that it took three rings for my brain to register that this was it – I would pick up that phone and hear Madam Director’s actual voice. Fourth ring, forGod’s sake woman, pick up the stupid phone! Fifth ring I snatched the phone quickly, a calm voice said « I am Madam Director. I manage ”The Tormented Lady” training establishment, « Don’t speak, Solange, just listen carefully to what I say ».

I sat down on the sofa, pen and notepaper ready. « From now on every hair on your body belongs to me. You are forbidden to cut Your hair or to have anyone else cut it for you. Neither will you shake any of the hair under your arms, on your legs, around your pussy or your bottom ».

I’d never heard anyone, least of all a woman, speak to me like this. The tone of her voice was almost hypnotic. I didn’t only want to please this woman, but the idea of ​​pleasure her was causing me to become aroused.

« You will undertake your first task immediately. You are to go now and put on the same clothes that you wore in the photographs you sent with your letter. You will then take the following photos of yourself and send them to me by email. For the first photograph you will open your blouse and pull your bra up to expose your breasts then take a close-up of them. In the second you will lower your strengths and panties, lift up your skirt and take a close-up of your pussy ». Madam Director paused for a moment and then continued « My email address is: You have 10 minutes in which to complete this task, so do not delay. Once you have sent the email you will wait for further instructions. Do not attempt to contact me, other than to email these photos ». The line went dead.

I had ten minutes! I ran into my bedroom – Thank God the suit hadn’t needed to go to the dry cleaners! I grabbed the suit and a clean blouse but I’d wound the red underwear earlier in the week – it was still in the laundry basket! Oh well, rules are rules, I would just have to dig it out and put it on.

I got dressed quicker than I had ever done in my life. What next? The camera! It’s in my bedroom! I dashedinto the bedroom again, almost ripping the drawer out of my dressing table and grabbed the camera.

Breathing heavily from the rush and the excitement, I fumbled with the camera controls, unbuttoning my blouse, pulling my bra up to expose my tits and trying not to drop the camera. How long have I got left? No time to look – just take the photos. ”CLICK”, a quick check, that looks OK. Now for my pussy.

Yanking my skirt up over my hips so it wouldn’t keep slipping down, I pulled my panties down to my thighs. It’s not easy trying to take a picture of your own pussy; I wished I’d bought one of those cameras with a screen on the front as well as the back. Just have to point it vaguely in the right direction and hope. It took six goes before I got it right – or at least good enough to see a nice close up of my pussy and show that I was still wearing the skirt, tights and panties, as I had noticed that Madam Director had not said I should remove them.

Satisfied with the photos, I removed my tights and panties so I was able to move quickly back to the living room and my computer.

I flicked the memory card out of the camera and slammed it into the card reader, which automatically fired up the photo editing software. Feeling pleased with myself at having deleted the previous photos from the card, it only took a moment to load up the seven I had just taken. I opened up my email program, carefully typed in Madam Director’s address, attached the two files and hit Send. I immediately glanced at the clock and estimated I had managed to complete the task in about eight and a half minutes. I felt very pleased with myself. Huh! How easy was that? Ten minutes? I could have made an entire porno movie in that time, I thought as I sat there smiling to myself.

Well now I just have to wait and wonder how long it will be before I hear from Madam Director again – or if I ever will.

Preparation for the First Test Second Contact

A month or more went by and I had almost given up on ever hearing from Madam Director again, then another week, and another. I had gone back to the humdrum routine. But then, on Friday 21th March 2009 in the evening, I was dozing in front of the TV when the telephone started to ring. I automatically checked my watch, it was almost 10.00 pm and suddenly alert I dashed to answer the phone, just managing to pick it up before the fifth ring, but was met with silence from the other end of the line.

« Hello », I said, in case this wasn’t Madam Director after all. Still nothing. I sat there a full two minutes listening for the slightest noise and eventually I could hear the sound of someone breathing, very softly. This was Madam Director, I was sure of it. I didn’t speak, as if to make a noise would break the spell.

Then, with a tone of authority in her voice, Madam spoke: « Solange, is your hair long enough to plait into braids or even make into a small ponytail? »

« Yes.I can make a small ponytail. » I said quickly.

« That is not the way to address me Solange. You should have said ”Yes, I can make a small ponytail, Madam Director.” You must be punished for this mistake Solange. » Madam paused for a few moments then continued, « You will immediately put on the clothes you wore in your photos and take photos of yourself in the same poses as in your application letter, full-face, face in profile and full body, standing facing the camera. I must be able to see your ponytail. Do it now then come back to the telephone. » Luckily I had anticipated that I may need that outfit again, so I had kept it pressed and ready. It didn’t take me long to slip out of my pyjamas and into my secretary outfit. I put the camera back on the tripod and, having done this before, managed to get each picture at the first attempt. I then returned to the living room and picked up the telephone.

As soon as I put the receiver to my ear Madam Director said « You will send me those photos by email tomorrow, Solange. Now, do you have an object of punishment like a scourge, truncheon, riding crop or whip? »

I grew nervous but I remembered to say « No, Madam Director. »

The voice continued: «You tone is more respectful Solange. I note that you make rapid progress. Do you have an instrument of reward, such as a dildo, a vibrator, a latex arm and fist or geisha balls Solange? »

Even more nervous now, I admitted that I did not possess any of these items. Madam Director seemed a little put out by this and fell silent for a while.

« Do you have shoes with high heels and strong soles Solange? » For once I had what could satisfy Madam Director.

« Yes I have shoes like that Madam Director. I wear them for work », I replied.

« And do you have anything like large carrots, bananas, corncobs or cucumbers Solange? »

Almost shaking in anticipation of what was coming I managed to utter the words « Yes, Madam Director. I have bananas. »

« Solange, listen carefully. I am going to punish you by remote for your lack of respect toward your Director. Here are your instructions. Follow them to the letter. First, you will wear the usual costume and go into the kitchen and take a photograph of yourself kneeing on all fours. You will then remove your clothes, put on those high-heeled shoes and take another photograph, again on all fours. You will then return to the telephone, without dressing, and await your next instructions. »

I did everything just as Madam Director had said. Feeling so exposed in my own kitchen and then walking around my apartment in nothing but my high heeled shoes was strange, but exciting. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I picked up the telephone again.

« You will Now remove one shoe, bend over and slap your naked bottom 30 times with the sole of your shoe. You must do this where you are now and you must slap yourself hard enough for me to be ableto hear each slap clearly over the telephone. »

Well, nothing had prepared me for that. I was shocked, but the way Madam had said it made it sound so seductive that I could feel my pussy moistening in spite of myself. Putting the telephone on the chair next to me, I took off my right shoe and knelt on the floor with my bum sticking out. Feeling nervous I hesitated too long and I heard Madam Director’s voice coming from the telephone saying « If you wish to stay at “The Tormented Lady” then you must learn to accept your punishment immediately and without question. Your hesitation will cost you another 20 slapses – I want to hear 50 slapses, Solange, not 30. Administer 50 slapses to your bottom now. »

Taking a tight grip on my shoes I began slapping my arse, making sure I slapped hard enough for Madam Director to be able to hear. It started to sting and burn so I decided to change hands after 25 slapses so I could slap the other bum cheese and not have all the pain on one side. I could only imagine how red my backside must be, but again I could feel the wetness between my legs.

I had barely administratored the final slap when I heard Madam Director telling me to take another two photographs of my blushing backside while bending over on all fours.


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