The Entrepreneurs Ch. 01-02


As Isabelle (Lacey) and Alex (Casey) Explore their BDSM sides they decide that there is a need for them to meet with other like minded individuals. Chapters 1 and 2, the first installment describe the factors driving them to seek out the BDSM community and their initial meeting.

The Entrepreneurs


Preface and Notes:

This is a multi-part story that takes Isabelle and Alex through a venture into the restaurant business while exploring their sexuality as a BDSM entrepreneurial couple.

As we build our relationship and try and portray the loving aspects of BDSM we do need time for the build up. There is no sex in these first 2 chapters.

Comments and feedback are always welcome.


Chapter 1

The Waitress was frequently ignoring me. She was paying particular attention to Isabelle. We were visiting the big city for a week. We were in our roles. I am Alex, the D in our D/s relationship and of coursese Isabelle is the s.

When we are our playing, my job is to care for Isabelle. She gives herself to me; she is my charge. When I ordered drinks for the two of us, I believe the waitress was willing to let it slide. When I ordered Isabelle’s meal, and Isabelle sat quietly, our server quite obviously took offense.

She was now determined to ensure Isabelle was allowed to have her say. She brought desert menus, and presented one to Isabelle and offhandedly gave me mine. She then explained specifically to Isabelle, the Ice cream selections and the substitution policy. I had to ask her to do the same for me. I think at that moment she realized what she had been doing. I got the cliff notes version in icy format.

We’ve experienced this before. Trying to explain a D/s relationship to someone is difficult unless they’ve lived it. They see the surface, and not the myriad of powerful and sexy dynamics that occurs underneath. They don’t see the dedication to the other’s needs and well being. We’ve found, that our relationship only works when we are selfless and focused on the other’s needs.

When we weren’t playing, Isabelle was a successful serial entrepreneur. She had opened a number of businesses. She was a powerhouse of a woman. No man who’d ever gone head to head with her in a business meeting would think of her as submissive. She controlled vast amounts of money and her mind was Always thinking. She could go off in 5 different directions, keeping all of the conversations sorted in her head. Dynamic and intense is how you would describe her.

I am a successful Engineer. I work with computers. We had met a couple of years ago, fell quickly in love and were now exploring this nascent side of our D/s relationship. We were working together on a number of new entrepreneurial projects that would hopefully lead us to independence from 9 to 5.

Isabelle needs down time. She needs time when she is not in control. She needs to simply feel. I provide that for her. She knows when we are playing that she belongs to me and will obey me. It takes the stress of being in control out of her life for a few precious hours or days when we have an opportunity to play.

As we sat enjoying our coffee and desert, the waitress came over and gave me the bill. I passed it to Isabelle. I thought the waitress was going to go popular. When she left, Isabelle giggled at this.

Walking back to our hotel, we chatted about our relationship. We had not yet ventured into a Venue with other D/s people. We knew there were clubs, we knew there were groups, we knew that many clubs had vanilla meetings where you could get to know people and learn of the lifestyle. This was a huge leap for us, almost more than Isabelle or I could fathom. A breakfast incident earlier in the day where the waitress said flat out: ” I wasn’t talking to you!” and the incident at dinner made us feel like we needed some like minded support.

It was decision time. Did welook to move our relationship into a slightly less private light? Or did we continue to face these trials and tribulations of misunderstanding and narrow mindedness. After serious discussion and a decision to do this while we were out of town for anonymity sake, we decided that I would see if we could find something in the next day or two.


Chapter 2

“Are you sure?” asked Isabelle.

“No, of course not. I know that the person who responded to my question said it was an intro night and very low key. I think we need to go and try. Meet some people who are part of the lifestyle and see if we can get some tips from them. She seemed nice enough. Her name was Samantha.”

I had found something called a munch. We were headed there for dinner. We were dressed in our street clothes. I was told that there would be no one who was dressed strangely. It was scary and it was exciting.

Upon our arrival we were met by Samantha. She seemed normal, which surprised me. She sat us next to another couple that introduced themselves as Tom and Gerry. One of the things that Samantha had told me was to address people by the names they gave you, regardless of how strange they seemed.

Dinner passed fairly normally with Isabelle and I listening more than Chatting. We learned so much during that period. After the meal, our dinner partners left leaving two empty seats next to us. Isabelle and I were chatting with each other about all of the things we had learned. When a strange man came up and sat down next to Isabelle.

“Hey sweetheart, Go get me a drink!” Was his first statement to Isabelle.

This was a significant juxtaposition between what we had just experienced with Tom and Gerry who seemed like a very nice couple.

“What the Fuck!” Was my response. No if ands or buts. Isabelle had given herself to me to protect. The evening was going well up to this point.

“She belongs to me. How DARE you order her around?”

Before the man could respond, Samantha was over beside us. She took him aside and had heated words’ with him. He left in a huff and she came back and sat down beside us.

“I’m sorry. Dave thinks himself a Dom. I didn’t realize he was here. He saw you and saw that Isabelle was un-collared and thought he could boss her around.”

“I’m sorry? Un-Collarded?”

“First, let me apologize to you. Tom and Gerry are more typical. The rules are very clear. We don’t play at Munches. You probably don’t even know which was the Dom in the Tom and Gerry partnership. Second, Dave’s behavior was completely unacceptable. He is the worst type. He gives the lifestyle a bad name. You know the expression of a few bad apples and spoiling the barrel. “

We had had a great time up until the moment when it went to shit. Isabelle looked at me and took my hand and told me that it was ok. She had enjoyed herself and we had to expect some strangeness from time to time. I asked Samantha about the collaragain.

“A fairly common aspect of BDSM is that a sub who is spoken for will wear a collar given to him or her by his or her Dom. There are even collaring ceremonies that ever some weddings.”

Isabelle became thoughtful and joined the conversation:

“But Neither Tom nor Gerry was wearing a collar.”

“Collar is perhaps a strong term. Did you see a tight necklace on either one of them?”

Isabelle responded with,

“Gerry had a beautiful Choker on. Was that?”

Samantha assured her that it was and continued,

“It doesn’t even have to be that apparent. A necklace with a lock is a very common solution. When you get home, take a moment and Google subtle collars and BDSM day collars. I hope to see you guys again, and I will ensure that one of the Doms here has a word with Dave.”

With that she left us to finish our coffee. Isabelle told me she enjoyed Samantha’s company and also asked if I had seen Samantha’s collar.

I hadn’t.

Isabelle was intrigued.

“Let’s go home. I may want to do some Google shopping.”


To be continued…


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