The English Ranch Pt. 01 Ch. 01

Warning – this and later chapters describe William’s participation in Pony play and describes heavy BDSM and pain scenes which may not be enjoyed by all readers. Do Not Read if you cannot handle this type of fantasy and please remember, it is fantasy. If you do not enjoy or any of my writings, I’m certain that there are thousands of other stories for you to enjoy which may be found by returning to the main index. If you feel that this story is in the wrong category, well who cares.


I hate shopping and I especially hate shopping for my relatives but a favor is a favor. They just don’t understand that I’m an introvert and I hate to get out into large crowds. It was embarrassing to ask the salesgirl at Chapters for a copy of the Fifty Shades…trilogy but it was now safely tucked under my arm in a plastic bag as I stood in line at Starbucks waiting to order a cup of coffee. There was a quiet table tucked away at the rear of their area and I planned to collectmy thoughts there and go through my purchase to see what all the hype that I’ve heard about the books were about.

Just after I had gotten into line, a lady dressed in black slacks and a short black leather jacket got in behind me. I tried not to pay attention to her but I saw from our reflection in the store window across from where we stood that she was slightly taller than me and she wore knee high leather boots with what must have been 5-inch heels. Trying to be cool, which never seemed to work, I turned as if to look for a missing friend but really to check her out in more detail. She was looking right into my eyes as I turned to get the male’s view of her. ‘Damn, busted again,’ I thought to myself but it was worth it as she was very attractive, in fantastic shape and she had short blonde hair. Her breasts must be magnificent even without showing any cleavage for they seemed to be trying to escape the confines of her jacket.

“I see that you found your books. I was rightt behind you when you asked the salesperson for it,” she said softly in a quiet, sophisticated British accent as she looked into my eyes. Her eyes gave away her smile as she tried to hold a laugh inside of her and I knew she was laughing at my embarrassment.

I replied with my usual mumble that I gave to all women whom I met for the first time and then turned away and hung my head down hoping that I could be off by myself as soon as possible.

She then leaned almost over my right shoulder and whispered into my ear, “Are you into the scene dear?”

Afraid to do anything, I just shook my head to indicate that I was not and then moved ahead in line to place my order for a cup of coffee. I tried not to pay attention to anything or anyone else and after I added sugar and cream to my coffee, I moved away from Everyone to the table in the back. I sat down with my drink and tried to casually flip through the books trying to act cool and uninterested.

As soon as I started toread a bit of a book, she came up and stood beside me holding her coffee and a look of confidence.

“May I join you? All the other tables seem to be taken and I would like to sit down for a sec.”

“Oh, certainly,” I replied looking up at her and then across the area in which not a single person sat at any of the other dozen or so tables.

Before I could say anything, she sat down next to me and seemed to take an interest in the article I had acquired at the bookstore. Her knee brushed up against my thigh and my blood pressure must have doubled and I know that my face had turned bright red as it always did when embarrassed.

“Hi, I’m Pamela. I hope that I haven’t offended you with my comments but I just seem to blur things out.”

“Oh, I’m William and I’m Pleased to meet you Pamela.”

She looked at me intently and then said, “If you’re not into the scene William, would you like to be?”

“It’s not that Ma’am but I’m already, oh how do I say this, spoken for.”

She then looked at my left hand and noticing the lack of a wedding band and asked, “Engaged or owned?”

“I guess you would say that I’m owned Ma’am,” I whispered.

“That’s too bad William as I was going to ask you to an affair I’m holding this weekend. I have an estate outside of town and usually once a month, we have a weekend session with several close acquaintances who are into the scene and my fetishes.”

My hand was shaking as I took a sip of coffee and tried to think what she had said and what exactly she had meant by fetishes but I thought it best to say nothing more about it. In a very quiet voice, I said, “Sorry Ma’am but I don’t know if my Mistress would approve my attending your meeting.”

“Who is your Mistress?”

“It is Mistress Brianna, Ma’am.”

“Oh, yes, I see,” she replied and then got up. “It was nice chatting with you William. Perhaps another time.”

She was gone before I had a chance to even blur out a reply so I thensat there staring off into space and wondering just what had taken place. All those years wanting to be in the scene but nothing ever happening and now I was encountering opportunities that I could not act on. I wondered if honesty was indeed the best policy but oh well.

Later that evening as I was cooking a little pasta in the kitchen and watching the Friday night news, the phone rang and I quickly turned down the volume and took the pasta off the burner. “Good evening, it’s William,” I said into the phone.

“Good evening william, it is Mistress Brianna. I understand that you met Mistress Pamela today. Is that right and did she offer an invitation to you?”

“Yes Mistress, she did but I told her that I was not available and I did not know that she was a Mistress.”

“Well done william. She did say that you were a well-behaved slave. Now, a few problems have come up unexpectedly and I am going away for a few days on business and I have decided that you will attend Mistress Pamela’s function in whatever capacity she decides is appropriate for you. I have attended a few of her functions and I have found them and her fetishes to be very interesting indeed and that is why she refers to her affairs as ‘The English Ranch’. This will be a good eye opener for you william and will give you more exposure in the scene. You will obey me william and you will make me proud. I have passed on your limits to Mistress Pamela. You will give me a full report after you return on Sunday evening. Enjoy this experience william.”

“Thank you Mistress but what exactly happens there?”

“She will be contacting you shortly to explain. I must go my dear. Be faithful to your Mistress, I love you greatly my slave.”

I stood there holding the phone in my hand wondering at what just happened and no sooner had I put the phone down that it rang again. “Good evening, it’s William.”

“Good evening william, this is Lady Pamela. I know that you have just talked to your Mistress and she has given you to me for the weekend. You are to be my slave for the next 2 days boy. Now listen carefully as there is not much time and I do not want any fuck-ups or excuses. A package will be delivered to you shortly, which contains written instructions and your costume for the weekend. You will follow my instructions to the letter. Not one, do you understand, not one change is allowed. Have you got that slave?”

“Yes Mistress Pamela. I understand,” I stammered. She seemed to have lost that charming accent and replaced it with one of a low voiced woman with assertive cruelty. I wondered if I was in trouble for the next 2 days and what the fuck was this costume that she was referring to?

“Ma’am, what exactly will be required of me?”

“Didn’t Brianna explain everything to you william?”

“No Ma’am, she only said that your functions are very interesting.”

“Then that is all you need to know for now william.” That was the last thing that shesaid and then the line went dead.

I sat there for a second and gathered my thoughts of everything that had just happened and then bought myself with dinner and organizing my life so that my absence for the weekend would go unquestioned.

Just after 9:00 p.m., there was a knock on the front door; I knew it was that time because I had just turned on The Soap on the TV. I dashed to the door knowing that it Must be the parcel mentioned by Pamela in our conversation earlier and as I opened it, the door was roughly pushed aside by a woman, a Diva, who was probably as strong as I was. She had long red hair, mostly hidden by a western style black hat, and she wore tight fitting black leather pants, a black bloom, a vest, black of course, and all this was topped off with boots. The woman wore heavy makeup but no jewellery of any type, not even a ring and she look absolutely gorgeous but with an air of ‘ Don’t mess with me asshole’ about her.

As she barged in carrying a black sports bag, she slammed the door behind her and ordered me to my knees and assisted by grabbing my hair and forcing me down.

“Damn it let go and get the fuck out of my house,” I stammered.

“Shut up slave! You are slave william I assume?” I nodded my head slowly to indicate that I was.

“Who are you? And what the fuck do you want with me?”

“I was sent by Lady Pamela and you have earned 10 demerit points for using foul language which I will collect from you tomorrow at the Ranch. Now listen and listen closely william as I am not going to repeat this…Here is an envelope that contains 3 addresses which you will drive to tomorrow at the indicated times. You are to pick up 3 passengers, 2 of whom are ponies and one a Trainer.”

‘Ranch, ponies, trainer…’ I heard the words and then realized that I was going to be a pony for the weekend and I then showed my excitement with an ever-growing and hard erection, which this Diva noticed quickly with raised eyesbrows andmoist lips that she licked as she watched the show my manhood was putting on.

“Times must be met or demerit points will be charged to you. You are not to make any verbal comment or any physical gesture tomorrow morning; not even to reply or respond to a request unless it is threatening for some physical situation. A map is provided but I would suggest that you Google all addresses tonight on Google Maps so that you do not get lost tomorrow. When you arrive, you will park in a space indicated for you. You are not to assist your passengers in any way. You will stand at the front of your car with your back to it and you will await the trainers and grooms assigned to you. Do you understand these instructions william?”

“Yes, I understand.”

” The bag contains a pony collar, a body harness, a modesty pouch, arm and wrist cuffs and a utility or transportation belt, all of which you will wear tomorrow after cleaning yourself with the enema bottle also included in the bag. DoNot eat or drink anything tomorrow morning. Sustenance will be provided at the Ranch. You may wear running shoes and a vest that is also in the bag. You may put towels on the seats of your car for yourself and your guests. Do not be late william.”

She turned and headed for the door. Just as she reached it, she said, “I will see you tomorrow william. Just a few words of advice boy… never get me upset or you will bear the consequence. Now get up and prepare.” With that statement, she opened the door and left, slamming it behind her.

I stood up and opened the envelope… ‘4 a.m.? How the hell am I ever going to make that first pickup and why so early?’ I thought. Quickly, I headed off to my computer knowing that I was running out of preparation time and knowing that I would have to get up without a good night’s sleep.


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