(Warning –this and later chapters describe William’s participation in Pony play and describes heavy BDSM and pain scenes which may not be enjoyed by all readers. Do Not Read if you cannot handle this type of fantasy and please remember, it is fantasy. If you do not enjoy this story or any of my writings, I’m certain that there are thousands of other stories for you to enjoy, which may be found by returning to the main index. If you feel that this story is in the wrong category, well who cares.)
The English Ranch –Pt I
Chapter 3
‘Why are all these other ponies looking at me like that? Hey, there’s another ponyboy and he’s wearing a pouch. Stop that yelling! Why did they take my pouch away? Why are they laughing at me? Stop that damn yelling!’ the thoughts raced through my head as I looked behind from my stable, 17, to the main aisle and area of the barn. Then suddenly I realized that my Groom had been the one yelling at me and at that moment he pulled on thechain still linked to my collar. The pull was so hard and unexpected that I fell onto my knees and then my left side hit the straw covered stable floor.
“Are you deaf you dumb fuck? I said get the fuck over here and lie across this straw bale. Hurry up! We haven’t got all day.
As I struggled to my feet, I half moved under my own power and was pulled by the Groom towards 2 bales of hay; one stacked upon the other. I leaned over and felt the dry straw prick at my skin and that was when David slammed his left forearm onto my ribcage on the left side of my back causing the straw points to hurt even more but of more concern was the impact on my rips which felt as if they would snap at any moment.
“Get off my back you bastard. That hurts!” I was able to moan through clenched teeth. Just as I had complained to him, I received a blow from his fist into the other side of my ribcage. That blow took my breath away and as soon as I recovered, I struggled to get out from under himbut all those steroids paid off it seems. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back until I thought my neck would snap. ‘I have to watch what I do around this prick or else I’m dead meat,’ I thought.
“Now shut the fuck up and lie still boy. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” I replied through clenched teeth.
He pulled my head back even harder and said, “Yes What boy? You will show a little respect from now on so I repeat, Yes what boy?”
“Yes sir!” I yelled out as he shoved my head back into the straw bale.
“That’s better,” he stated as he started to unbuckle the stick that led between my cheeks and ended at the cock ring. “Did you notice that this stick was split? Probably not but guess the reason for it?”
I could feel the pouch of the thong he wore now pressed against my left buttock and let out a soft groan as I realized that his cock was erect and as hard as a bar of steel. ‘Oh god no! Please don’t let this asshole fuck me. Please, please. I’m not into that.’ I cried to myself.
Surprisingly, to me anyway, he got off me and went to another part of the stable to my right. “Look over here boy! This is part of your costume this morning.”
I turned my head to the right and saw David coming back to me holding up a stainless steel butt plug that had what looked like red hair attached to it with strands about 12 inches long. My heart dropped as I Thought that the mention of a tail had mean something attached to my harness. I also noticed that video cameras had been set up and as I turned my head, I spotted 4 of them and each had a red indicator light on which means that they were recording. 2 were at the front of the stable at different heights and 2 were at the rear, Funny, but I couldn’t remember anyone setting them up.
“As it is your first time Here, I’ve put normal lubricant on the plug. If you act up again next time, I’ll not use anything on it. You’re lucky that Lady Pamela is not here or she would have used her special lubricant that she uses on her hard to break ponies. Now relax william while I get this in. It’s just uncomfortable. Trust me. Now move your knees apart as if you’re trying to squat. That’s it. Ah, there we go. Now I’ll just buckle your strap back up.”
I first had felt the cold plug against my asshole and before I could even think, the bastard screwed it hard into me. He then adjusted the straw and pulling it tight so that my cock and balls were more than uncomfortable, he buckled it back up. He then grabbed my hair again pulling me off the straw and then forcing me down onto my knees. Then he stood in front of me and pulled his thong down to expose his mammoth steroid built cock. It was like a fucking spear.
“I’ve taken enough from you this morning william. You will now give me a little pleasure and suck me off. Now!”
‘The hell with that,’ I thought. I’d never done anything like that before although the thought had crossed my mind from time to time. In all honesty, he was built like a muscled god and I was starting to get turned on but I just wasn’t prepared for this. I looked down at his feet and shook my head no.
His right hand then grabbed the front of my throat and his left pinched my nose together. Damn but he was one strong motherfucker. I couldn’t breath and I thought I would choke to death from the grip he had on me and in seconds my mouth was open gasping for air. The shake was then rammed into my mouth and I started to gag on it. Already, I could taste the salty bitterness from his pre-cum.
“Suck on it you little bastard,” he ordered and he held my head moving it back and forth on his cock.
I was scared and in shock and made a fatal mistake in that my natural survival reactions took over and I bit down as hard as I could on it to stop it’s entry into me. A fraction of a second later and my left eye was blinded by a brilliant bright light. This was followed by numerous stars, which were from David’s knuckles meetingmy eyeball. I found myself on the ground once more and as I tried to refocus my left eye, I hoped that I was not cut or that it would not swell shut. Lying there, I tried unsuccessfully to spit out the taste of my Groom that remained in my mouth.
“What the hell is going on in here David?” the voice of Cheyenne bellowed out. “Get dressed and get that pony into position. Lady Pamela has called a group meeting to introduce our new pony to everyone and she wants it to start right here at 8 a.m. Oh, and william, nice tail!”
As she left, David roughly lifted me to my feet by grabbing an arm and made me stand in the middle of the stall facing out to a common area. I was about a foot or two inside the stall and I thought that I would merely stand there waiting for Lady Pamela. I guess I must have had a brain cramp earlier because I had forgotten about all the items David and Cheyenne had gone through.
First he attached a chain to each side of my collar. One end of each of two chains was attached there and the other end was attached to the corresponding side of my stable. These two chains were then made taught so that my head could not sweep even an inch from where my Groom had originally placed me. Then I watched, fascinated, as he curried around setting up chains and bars that were to be meant for my disappoint I was certain.
As I stood there, I had more time to visually take in my Groom and there was no denying that he was well built in a muscular sense. I became fascinated with his fantastic abs and breasts to the point that I had to shake my head to get those thoughts out and concentrate on trying to be a pony. I wondered if he had noticed me staring at him?
There was a clock on a wall some distance away in a common area and he kept glancing at it and cursing under his breath. The time was 7:40 According to that clock. When he got a stepadder and placed it in front of me, I glanced up and noticed a beam directly above me that had a rope driven pulley from which hung a large snap hook with the rope tied off behind me in the stable. He then went to the rear of the stable and lowered the hook until it was at my feet. Then he carried from the back of the stable a long heavy steel bar that had to be 8 feet in length and had loops in the middle and at each end. The middle loop was put into the snap-hook and 2 heavy chains were then attached with padlocks, one to each end of the bar. Using the pulley rope, he raised the bar up to my chest level and I noticed that the 2 chains were now clear of the floor.
“Well boy, look what we have for you!” he seemed to chuckle, “a little red plume for a sissy pony. How sweet is that?”
I looked around and saw him carrying a combination head harness and bit gag piece of apparel and there on top was a stubby fat red plume, which was actually made up of a few feathers. As I wondered what the significance of the colours was, he ordered me to open my mouth and accept the gag which Idid so.
“Wider you little piece of shit! After you are broken and learn to behave, we will give you a normal pony bit!”
I thought my jaw was going to snap as he shoved the bit in my mouth and then tried to obey his command to bite down on it so that it didn’t pop out. Thankfully it was made of a hard rubber type material and that wouldn’t damage my teeth, I thought. There were 2 Large pollished metal rings at the end of the bit that would be used later for the bridle. David then secured the bit at the back of my head and then went about securing the rest of the harness with straws below by chin and sides and top of my head. On several occasions, I let out a moan through the gag as he was securing the harness with unnecessary tightness as one way of punishment me and also as he had been ordered. The harness had blinders on either side, which cut off my vision so that I only saw what was going on in front of me.
“Now for the final piece of the harness.” he said as he brought up a weird looking leather piece. It had 2 small cup-like sections to it and I quickly realized that I was to be blindfolded. He then snapped this section to the harness, made a few adjustments until he knew that the blindfold section was digging into my face circulation my eyes so that not even a hint of light was available to me.
Through the bit I was able to mumble out my feelings for what he was doing, “Fuck you, you cock-sucking bastard!”
“Well see about that later william. Right now I have to get prepared.”
Next he untied the rope attached to the upper arm cuffs and this provided immediate but temporary relief. At this point, he attached 2 red ribbons to my left upper arm cuff and one black ribbon to my right upper arm cuff. The ribbons were about 1 inch in width and 12 inches in length once tied on. Later, I found out there meaning. The 2 red ribbons signed that basically I was a pain slut to be used for sexual pleasures of all types and the black ribbon meant that I was bisexual which was an error due to my omission in listing my limits with Mistress Brianna. I could be used by anyone, at any time for any purpose with only the rank of those wanting me determining who would get me. It went Owner/Mistress to Trainer to Groom and then to any ponygirl or boy. I was the lowest on the totem pole.
My left wrist cuff was then taken from my belt’s D-ring and attached to a chain. A warning from the Groom told me not to move any part of my body beyond where he placed it and I thought it best to obey. A similar adjustment and change was made to my right arm and cuff, and this was followed by my arms being raised above my head by the Groom operating the pulley, I guessed, and they were at a level that was not uncomfortable. I then felt him at my feet removing the hobble chain.
“Spread your legs apart boy!”
I obeyed or thought I had.
“Wider bitch or your nuts will meet my boots!”
I obeyed and moved them a bit knowing that it was impossible to extend them apart any further. He then attached a chain to each ankle cuff and pulling them even further apart, locked the other end of the chain to the side of the stable. Bound so tight, I wondered if a sneakeze or cought would be enough to split me apart as it felt like I would. Then it got even worse as David raised my arms up fully until I was on tiptoe. ‘Holy Christ, even Nita hadn’t put me into this much pain,’ I thought.
After a brief pause, I felt the Groom’s hands on my body and remembered that I was to be oiled. He started at the top and worked his way down with his hard rough hands, rubbing every part of me and paying special attention to my breasts, ass and my privates, which he saved, for last. As he rubbed my cock and gently squeezed my balls, I prayed that I would not get a hard-on but then he decided to reapply oil to this area with the result that I got so fucking hard that I thought I was going to explode then and there.
He just laughedd and said, “Right. You haven’t done it before? Well, we are going to have fun this weekend. Oh, damn, the bells. I forgot.”
Then as if on cue, everyone seemed to be coming into the building as I heard chatter, the jingling of bells and the sound of hooves on the wooden floor. There were a lot of comments about my oiled body and the position I was in, as well as a few hands being run over my cock. I heard bells near to me and then feel the pain as a bell was clipped to each nipple and each side of my scrotum and I moaned for all to hear as each was attached.
‘Five, there were to be five. Where is the last one going or has he forgetten?’ I thought. Then I felt a rope at the head of my penis and then I felt the extreme pain as he tied it extremely tight to ensure that the bell now dangling would remain place Even if my erection didn’t.
“There you go boy. Are you enjoying it, I hope?” he said.
Then a female voice whispered in my ear, “You look so fucking beautifulWilliam. We must spend some time together after this.” It was Nita! I thought that she wanted to kill me from the remarks she made to me earlier this morning.
Another voice spoke up, “Want a stock tip william? I’d buy International Buggy Whip if I were you.” Very funny Kristine, I thought, very funny. Numerous chuckles could be heard from the others nearby as well.
Then it went completely quite. Not a sound was made. The only sounds I heard were from the chirping of birds outside and the whistle of a far-off train.
‘Here she comes,’ I thought when I heard the clicking of heels on the barn’s wooden floor. There was more than one person and I could tell that they were heading my way, as the sound from the boot heels got increasingly louder. Being bound and blindfolded seemed to increase my other senses as I could hear someone move at my side and another in front of me and I could smell a combination of wonderful perfumes.
A finger ran over my chest and then the bell on my left nipple was hit and made to jingle. As I wondered what was to happen next, a lovely English voice spoke out to the gathering.
“Welcome everyone to our 2nd event of the year. I think that the weather will be more enjoyable this time and we will be able to hold all events outdoors. Competitions will begin this afternoon and will continue until late tomorrow evening when we close the event with an outdoor banquet. That’s it for the formal announcements so let’s get on with the reason that you were called here together.
As you can see, we have a new addition to the stable and unfortunately he is very spiritual and I’m certain that he thinks he cannot be broken. I’d like to introduce pony william or slave william and he may be called either as I am his Mistress for the weekend and his owner, who you all know, is Mistress Brianna who could not join us this weekend. So let’s see if I can get pony william to introduce himself. David if you please, 3 medium ones.”
My mind had drifted off as Lady Pamela was talking to thinking of my Mistress Brianna and wonderful times I’ve had in her dungeon and I was not expecting the sting of David’s whip which caused me to jerk slightly causing the bells I wore to jingle. Then 2 more lashes landed and each one set off the ringing of pain but once they had ceased, left me with an unspoken desire for more.
Lady Pamela then spoke up. “Well that was pathetic. Don’t you agree everyone?” Not a sound was made from the gathering. “You can do better than that william, don’t you agree? Let’s see you as the wild calmion that you are supposed to be.”
I mumbled through my bit and tried to apologize but it came out garbled for all to hear.
“David, 5 more and put your back into it this time.”
The First lash was on my upper thigh and stung like hell causing me to ride my restraints as my toes left the ground. I think David saw that a weakness of mine was in my upper thighs and continued to land all the remaining lashes in this general area. The screams into my gag sounded so loud to me that I thought I must be working up sympathy from others but all that left the gag was muffled roars. When it ended, I pulled at all my restraints and cursed into the gag at everyone who I thought had a part in this.
“Ah, you can see that the boy is going to be difficult to break,” Pamela said. ” Now that was a much better introduction don’t you agree everyone?”
Calls of agreement, whistles, cheeses, and clapping, all confirmed Lady Pamela’s statement, which was an immediate relief to me.
“Now william’s owner has kindly donated him as a special prize in this weekend’s competitions and activities. You can see that he wears 2 reds and 1 black to signify that he is a bisexual painslut and is available to be won by all here today. He will be a 1-hour prize in a competition today and at dinner tonight there will be a draw for an additional hour with pony william in the centre of the arena. Tomorrow afternoon, there will be an additional hour to be won in competition.
That’s all! I hope you enjoy your weekend and take lots of water, as it will be hot. Let’s make it the best ever and remember that any fighting among us will result in being bannered from the group. Now off you go to your assignments.”
I heard the conversations pick up as everyone moved off and out of the barn but I remained in the strung out position.
“David, before you take william to the training centre, you will move the bells on his genitals to his ear lobes and one on his collar. Put training boots on him as well so his Mistress can see him suffer on the videos you take of him. Let him have water before taking him to the corral but leave his blindfold on until he is hooked up to the trainer.
Cheyenne, I believe that the boy has accumulated demerit points that he earned for his insolence last night and today. Is that correct?”
“Yes Ma’am, he has earned 20 sofar,” I heardCheyenne reply.
“OK, lets clear the slate before training at the corral. David, you will now go for breakfast as you have been very busy so far and Cheyenne will stay with william and have pay him for his demerit points.
Cheyenne, you may choose your weapon just remember not to draw blood.”
I feel a presence in front of me and then hands on both of my breasts, squeezing them and then Pulling on the bells that were clipped to my nipples. Pamela then whispered in that deep forceful English accent that I was to receive one lash for each demerit point and scream or sound beyond a moan would result in an additional 5 lashes. She then reminded me that I was on video and suggested I put on a good show for my Mistress.
“I’ll be off now and I will be checking in on you throughout the day to see how your training is coming along.” Her boot heels clicked on the floor as she left the barn.
All was quiet again except for the sound of my heavy breathing and Cheyenne’spacing behind me. Then a hand was on my head harness and it was pulled back roughly as she stepped into me.
“Well william, what should I use to punish you with? Well?” she spoke roughly as she pulled my head back further.
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