The Engagement Ch. 05

I had a lot to think about as I made the long drive home from Stephie’s. I always enjoy spending time with her, but the past week was exceptionally interesting.

I’d met Steph’s boyfriend Ron, several times. Ron is tall, dark and handsome enough to make a living as a model for high end retail catalogues. We spend a wonderful week together, enjoying the beach, walking the pier, visiting the many shops and dining at fine cafes and restaurants.

My vacation was nearly over, and we chatted while dining at a small bistro.

“Oh, Della, I wish you didn’t have to leave. We’ve had a wonderful time with you; we hate to see you go.”

“Well then, you’ll both have to drive out and spend some time with Louis and I. I’d love for Ron to meet him. He’s a fabulous cook, as you know.”

“I’m glad you brought that up, dear. Ron has a little confession to make.”

I gazed across the table, inquisitively. During the course of my stay, we told Ron all about my relationship withLouis. I had no idea where this conversation was heading.

“What is it, Ron?”

“Della, as you’ve probably surrendered, I am a glutton for voyeurism; I love to watch people engaging in all natures of sex.”

That explained why Ron had no calculation against relaxing in a chair and watching Steph and I making love. That wasn’t unusual; most men love to see two beautiful women having sex. Nevertheless, I thought it a little odd that he made no attempt to join in our tryst, and here was the explanation.

“Don’t misunderstand, Della. I’m not gay, or anything. But I would love to watch you put Louis through his paces.”

“I think I’d enjoy that, as well. However, Louis’ training hasn’t progressed to that level; not yet, anyway. Stephie is the only person who’s witnessed the true nature of our relationship. I’m sure that many have guessed. Give me a little more time with him, and I’m sure we can put on a performance you’ll never forget.”

“That’s great! How long do you think it will take before he’s ready?”

“Louis isn’t expecting me home for another week. Perhaps he’s been naughty while I’ve been away. Perhaps, he’s done something to merit a new chapter in his submission. How would you like to follow me home? You can see how well distributed he’s become and I’m sure I’ll find a reason to punish him.”

“That sounds wonderful, Della. I have to do a photo shoot tomorrow, with an interview for another, the day after. Could you hang out here for a couple of more days?”

“Not a problem; it’ll give Louis more time to be naughty. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s shirked his duties while I’ve been away.”

I gave them a wicked smile and tasted my salmon.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * When we arrived at my home that morning, I knew that something was amiss. Of course, Louis was surprised at my early arrival, especially since I’d brought Stephie and Ron with me. Louis was understoodly intimidated by Ron’s handsome face, his tall, muscular body and firm handshake. Nevertheless, Louis seemed more than nervous. Louis was frightened! I would find out why, soon enough.

“Make yourselves at home, please. Louis, why don’t you put on some coffee, while I visit the ladies room?”

“Yes dear.”

I returned to the living room just as Louis came from the kitchen. I started our guests when I grabbed him firmly by the ear.

“You were supposed to be house-sitting! Who gave you permission to sleep in my bed?”

“I’m sorry, dear!” Louis yelped.

“Whose dirty dishes are on the nightstand?” I twisted his ear firmly.

“Oww! They’re mine, dear, please forgive me!”

“I’ll forgive you, eventually, but you have to be punished. First, I I wanted you to clean up that mess in there and then you may serve coffee. If I were you, I’d be quick about it.”

I chatted with Steph and Ron, while Louis set about his tasks. We ignored him when he carried the dirty dishes into the kitchen. I was sitting in front ofOur guests on a dining room chair when Louis emerged from the kitchen with a tray of coffee and rolls. The china rattled as he set them on the coffee table. I left him standing beside me until Steph was through with her story. I turned to him and spoke quietly.

“Louis, go prepare yourself and fetch me my hairbrush.” ​​He hung his head in shame.

“Yes, dear.”

“Are you going to paddle him, now?” Ron asked.

“Maybe, but I think not. Either way, you’re going to enjoy what I do with him.”

Louis returned, naked, from the bedroom. He carried the dreaded hairbrush and handed it to me. Instead of ordering him across my lap, I took the brush in one hand and extended the other with my palm up. Louis whimpered as he obediently lifted his diminutive genitals and placed them in my open hand. He groaned, as I kneaded his little balls.

“What’s this? Why is there hair on your testicles? You have stubble on your legs, as well. Explain yourself!”

“I-I didn’t think it mattered, sin-since you were going to be away.”

“Well, Louis, now I’m home, so it matters, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, my love.”

“Your love isn’t going to help you, now. What did I tell you I would do if you didn’t shake, daily.”

“Please, dear! It won’t happen again, I promise!”

“Get your clothes on, we’re all going downtown.”

* * * * * *

The three of us had lunch at an outdoor café, just down the street from my salon.

“I told Holly to call me when they’ve finished waxing Louis.”

“This is too much!” excerpted Stephie, “I wish we could watch!”

“Don’t worry; it’s all being recorded on the security cameras. Perhaps I’ll let Louis watch it with us.”

Just then, my cell phone rang. I laughed as I listened to Holly. I was still laughing when I hung up.

“What’s so funny, aren’t they finished with him, yet?”

“Yes, they’ve waxed his hair from the neck down. Correct that, I meant to say, from his face, down. Also, it seems therewas a problem with his generals. It’s easier to wax a man’s groin when he has an erection. Poor Louis was too embarrassed to get his little dick hard.”

“So, what happened?”

“They had to give him Viagra! Take a look at this.”

I handed the couple my phone, so they could see the picture of Louis. He was posing with Rico and Carlos. Both of my male staff are flaming fags, and Rico was grinning like a jackal while applying lotion to Louis’ hairless body. Carlos was fondling his stiff little penis and smiling while Louis was the picture of complete resignation.

* * * * * * *

We were still laughing when we arrived to collect my little fiancee. My entire staff was in tears as they surrounded Louis. I reached down and fondled his erection and hairless balls.

“That’s more like it. You’re balls are as smooth as a newborn baby’s. Come to think of it, they’re about the same size!”

I had to shus everyone before I could continue.

“Louis, we’ve come to a turning point in our relationship. I’m going to give you the opportunity to put on your clothes and leave. You can escape the paddling you’re going to get tonight and walk out of my life, forever. Or, you can get down on both knees and propose. If you choose the latter, I advise you to choose your words carefully, if you want my consent.”

Louis dropped to his knees and gazed up at me, beseechingly. Holly started him when she said, “Wait, you forgot the ring!”

I’d purchased an engagement ring with a four carat diamond and left it at the salon for this occasion. Holly handed the velvet box to Louis. He removed the ring and gazed up at me with unabashed adoration and proposed.

“Della, my love. Would you grant me the honor, the privilege, of becoming your faithful and devoted little hubby?”

Tears were streaming from his eyes as I allowed him to place the ring on my finger. I have to admit that I was touched. Truth be told, I love Louis very much. Nevertheless, therewas still much to be done in our relationship. I presented the tiny diamond ring that Louis had purchased and gave it to Holly.

“Pierce my fiancée’s left ear and allow me the honor of attaching his engagement ring.”

When the task was completed, my staff and friends applauded and congratulated us.

“But, Della,” giggled Stephie, “If he wears his engagement ring in his left ear, where will he Wear his wedding band?”

Instead of answering, I pinched Louis’ nose and raised him to his feet.

“Put your clothes on, Louis. We’re going home.”

* * * * * *

Dinner was over, as suntuous as always, and the four of us were having coffee in the living room.

“Louis, your lasagna was marvelous. You must give me the recipe.”

“Thank you, Stephie; it was my pleasure.”

“I hate to spoil your good mood, Louis, but you have a date with the hairbrush. Place a dining room chair in front of the coffee table, and then go prepare yourself.”

“Yes, dear,”he replied, as he curried about his task. When he was standing, naked, at my side, I took the hairbrush and once again, Louis placed his genitals in my hand. I fondled his balls as I spoke to him.

“Louis, I am so pleased to see you wearing your engagement ring. This has been a momentous day for the both of us. Nevertheless, you have never behaved as badly as the past week. Do you think you deserve a paddling?”

“Yes, my love.”

“Do you have anything you wish to say?”

“Yes, dear. I’m sorry that I didn’t respect your property. I know that I deserve to be punished, but I beg you not to paddle me too hard.”

“As always, the punishment will suit the crime. I see that your penis is soft, which means that your Viagra hard-on is over and you are not going to enjoy this. Take your place, naughty boy.”

I allowed Louis to lie across my lap until Stephie and Ron chose their vantage point to observe his punishment. I stopped running the back of the brush on his bottom and began to paddle him. I took my time, watching the look on Ron’s face as Louis’ bottom began to turn red. Ron watched quietly. His face did not reveal his reaction. He looked as if he could have been watching a game of golf on television.

Although the smacks came slowly, it was nevertheless the severest spanking I’d ever administratored to Louis. He had to be prompted twice not to cover his bottom with his hands. I forbade him to kick his legs, but I allowed him to cry freely.

When I decided he’d endured all he could, I helped him to his feet. I was proud of him for not attempting to rub his bottom until I gave him permission. I addressed the couple sitting on my sofa.

“Louis knows that his punishment is over. He also knows that he must stand in the corner until I give him permission to rejoin us. If I were Louis, I would have my nose touching the wall in the next five seconds.”

Still in tears, Louis curried to his corner and faced the wall. I turned on the Stereo and turned to Ron.

“Did you enjoy my little performance?”

“Della, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed that, but I’m not finished. Stephie, come here.”

Steph came to me and stood between my open legs. I began to cares her thighs, and then lifted her tiny denim skirt up to her waist. I fondled her pert bottom through her white cotton bikini panties, eventually pulling them down her tanked legs. I supported her as she stepped out of them. I spread her legs and placed her on my lap, facing me.

Remembering all of the tricks my stripper friend taught me, I began to make love to the little blonde on my lap. Steph wasn’t able to do more than touch my thighs as I raised her tank top until her pert little breasts peeked from underneath.

Ron watched intently as I played with Stephie, kissing her passwordately and roaming her tight little body with my hands. I turned her around on my lap and began to finger her little pussy. The small tuft of blonde public hair was soon glistening with her sex as I brought her to the broke of orgasm. Before Steph could cum, I lifted her off my lap and pulled her skirt and top back in place. Reluctantly, Steph returned to her husband and kissed him deeply. They were still making out like teenagers while I replaced the chair and returned to the living room in my short silk robe. I turned off the Stereo.

“Louis, come here.”

Once Louis quickly curried over to face me, I pointed to the floor. Louis obediently knelt between my legs and watched as I spread my wet pussy.

“Lick me, Louis; show Ron how you’ve learned to pleasure me.”

Louis needed no further prompting as he began to lick my sopping wet pussy. Even Stephie was impressed with Louis’ expert tongue as he ate me. I was close to cumming when Ron rose and headed for the guest room. I closed my thighs against Louis, so he couldn’t hear.

“Steph, didn’t Ron enjoy the show?”

“I’ll say he did! Thanksto you, Della, I’m going to get the fucking of my life!”

“I couldn’t have done it without my naughty little fiancée.”

Stephie kissed my cheek, and then headed for the guest room. I placed my feet on the sofa. My sight turned into a gasp as Louis continued to lap up my first orgasm.

* * * * * *

Author’s note: I wrote this little fairy tale a year ago, but never finished it because I couldn’t decide where Louis will wear his wedding band. Any suggestions?


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