Our lives continued on and we both were enjoying our time. Somewhere along the way, I legally became Jennifer’s husband. I averaged about three or four orgasms per year, and following each were varying lengths of sissified humiliation until Jennifer felt it no longer necessary. Usually about three days or so were common.
As we aged, Jennifer found new men who would be her boyfriend. Each knew of my submissive role. Some she would bring back to the house and others she stayed out with and returned the next morning alone. Also, sometimes Jennifer would send a friend of hers over to me which I would be expected to treat the same as her. The constant in each of our lives were each other. My devotion to her was utter and complete.
Jennifer began to have health troubles. I never new her age, but was guessing she was in her sixties. Twice, I had to call an ambulance to the house during the night because she called out in a panic. I would stay with her in the hospital and do anything she needed. Unfortunately, the news was not good. She had a rare form of blood disease which would eventually stop her heart. There was no cure.
I found myself a few months later standing graveside on a cold November day as her friends and some family I had never met stood along side me to say our final goodbyes. I was driven to the service by the funeral director and was not sure how to get home. As I was considering, a hand was placed on my shoulder. “Mr. Wilkins?”
I turned to see a middle aged man who had been at the service go on to say “I am Jansing Simon, your wife’s lawyer. It was her wish I bring you to my office after her burial ceremony. This way if you please. My car is right over there.”
I do not remember much about the ride. I was in morning from the loss of Jennifer in my life. I was 49, had no job and probably soon, no where to live.
We arrived and Jansing took me to his office. It was relatively small, decorated with oak built-in shelves and a hansom looking mahogany desk. I was invited to sit opposite him while he took his seat behind his desk.
“I am the executor for your wife’s will and am following your wife’s wishes. First of all, I wanted to let you know I have been made aware of the unique relationship between you and your wife. I understand you are completely unaware your wife worked in this office as one of our most successful litigation laws. She won many large settlements for clients and had amassed a great deal of wealth.”
Upon saying this, I heard the door behind me open and felt the hair on my arm start to stand on end. Taking the chair next to me was a slender 40 something woman with shiny black hair, a stern complexion and wearing business clothes. I turned to look at her and as our eyes met, I felt her intrinsic authority.
“Jennifer solicited others in the city and opened a bidding process for the services you provide. The lady sitting next to you placed the highest bid. She has askedme to withhold her name. I ask you to sign this document your wife prepared that relinquishing your clam on her estate. You are then, unfortunately destitute as the house and all possessions will be audited off and your wife’s entire estate will be going to a charity she has chosen. I fear your only two options are to attempt to fight for a claim to your wife’s estate, or sign the prepared document and freely go to provide your services to the woman sitting besides you.
I did not hesitate in reaching for the pen. As I signed, behind me I heard, “you are such a whimp and now you are my whimp. Let’s go…”
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