The End And The Beginning of Me 05

A heavy hand landed on my ass. Three times in a row, quickly. In my peripheral vision I could see his arm going up again and I braced myself for the fourth hit. But it didn’t come. Instead he lowered his arm and helped me back to sit next to him. Tears filled my eyes but I’d be damned if I let them drop.


“Well what?”

“Don’t you have anything to say?”

“I have plenty to say. I’m just not sure I know how.”


“OK. First of all, this really hurt! You don’t get to do that to me again! Second, I have so many questions I don’t even know where to begin.” As soon as I said that I started feeling the panic coming back and my breathing getting faster and shallower.

“Just relax. We’ll go over your questions one at a time. There’s no hurry. And as far as your punishment goes, it’s supposed to hurt. You did something stupid that endangered you so you were punished. Next time you’ll think twice before you do something similaar. And it will not be up to you to decide if I get to do it again or not. You get to decide you don’t want this at all but if you say yes then it won’t be up to you anymore.”

“But I don’t know what this is…” I waited like a little kid feeling forced to make a decision on what present to get when both are stored behind a dark curtain.This, will be what you I asked looking at the floor feeling silly to even have this discussion. “There’s a contract? A list of rules? What…” He gently held my head tilting it towards him with one hand while with the other moved my hair from my face to the side. “No contract. No pre-made list of rules. We’ll talk about this more tomorrow. I don’t think now is the time to discuss this.” He got up from the sofa “I’m going home, you need to sleep.” I glanced at the clock which proudly showed the time to be 03:14 a.m. “It’s late. You can stay here if you want. My sofa is pretty comfy and I promise not to take advantage of you” I said smiling.

After setting him in for the rest of the night I got into bed. My behind was still a little sore from the “punishment” but my thoughts kept drifting to that light gentle touch afterwards. It was so unexpected at that moment and that made it feel so much more powerful and lingering long after it was done. I wondered for a moment if he did it on purpose or if it just happened like that. Either way, despite the bad start to the night I feel better somehow. And I quickly fell asleep.

Morning came too soon but as I awoke to the wonderful smell of freshly brewed coffee a smile crept silently up and settled on my face. I got ready as quickly as I could and went to the kitchen. “It smells wonderful in here.” I said to the empty room.

Feeling a little dejected I poured myself a cup of coffee, opened the window letting in the fresh crisp morning air and sat down staring out into space getting lost in my thoughts. “Good morning”

“Oh fuck!” I jumped so hard I spilled half the coffee all over myself. “Are you ok?”

“Yes. Fine. The coffee was almost cold anyway. I just didn’t hear you come in. You scared the crap out of me. Next time make some more noise will you?”

“Sorry” he said, clearly not being sorry at all. “You ran out of milk so I went to get some. What’s funny?” He asked seeing me smile at his words. “Oh nothing really. It’s just that I ran out of milk a few years ago. I don’t drink milk with my coffee. You’re lucky I still have sugar. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to change my clothes.”

“It can wait until you finish your new cup” As he sat down placing a new cup of coffee in front of me the back of his hand lightly touched my arm. I don’t think he even noticed, I feel it all the way to my stomach. Such a smalltouch. And yet…

And yet…

I am so confused by this man. So gentle and rough at the same time. His eyes are dark but kind, his voice deep and soothing but also menacing. The duality of this man is intriguing. Unlike Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Adam’s two sides are bound together. I can feel them both at once in him and hence my confusion.

“I’m still here you Know.”


“You were a million miles away. Anything interesting happening there?”

“You could say that. I was thinking of you.”

“Oh? Pray tell. This does sound interesting.”

“See, you just said “Pray tell”, but your eyes and grin say prey, tell”, I said emphasizing the word ‘prey’ melodramatically, “And that’s what I’ve been thinking about- how things seem to have a double meaning with you.” His grin broadened and I got lost in the twinkle in his eye.

“So you think about me,” he said as a statement, not a question.

Not waiting for me to reply,he got up and collected the empty coffee cups. I was hoping he would again touch my hand like before and was slightly disappointed when he didn’t. Silly really. “You should get dressed. We need to go shopping. The red dress will do.”

“It will, will it? So now you’re choosing my clothes for me too? And what do you mean We need to go shopping?”

“Did you forget already? You were given the task of changing your ill-fitting grey wardrobe. Maybe I need to spank you again to jog your memory.” He placed the cups in the sink and grinning from ear to ear started to move towards me.

I practically jumped from my seat and started walking backwards to my room. “No you don’t! Stop right there or I’ll scream!”

“No you won’t.” he started laughing that disarming laugh of his “I wasn’t really going to spank you, But it’s nice to know you learned your lesson. Good Girl. Now go get dressed.”

I felt like I was punched in the stomach wheren he said that. But a good punch. A weird feeling of arousal, surprise and pride? It floated around me for a few seconds and then left even more confused than I already was. “Ufff! You are impossible! What if I don’t want to wear the red dress?”

“Then you can calmly tell me you don’t want to and if you have a valid reason, I’ll consider it. But since you don’t have a valid reason or other good looking clothes, I expect you to respect my decision and wear the red dress.”

I feel like a volcano was about to erupt inside of me. I was so angry and frustrated that I couldn’t even speak. I just stared at him for a few long seconds, index finger pointing at him, stomped my feet and went to my room while letting out a very audible UGGHH!!! noise. He followed me, sat down in the arm chair and looked at me clearly amused. “You are very angry lately. Is something wrong?”

“Of course I’m angry! Ever since I saw you my life is upside down. I feel like you openedthe café door and a tsunami followed you in just sweeping me along and I have no control over anything. Do you know what it feels like having no control of anything?! I bet you don’t. Mr. Wolf King of the castle”



“No, not whatever. We talked about this. There is no castle yet. When there will be a castle you will know. And you will be in full control of your life once you sort your shit out.” I just stared at him putting on the best sarcastic look I could.

“OK. You got me there. Maybe you won’t have full control but I really have no desire to control everything you do. I have neither the time nor the inclination to do so. It’s just that right now you need a little more incentive to do things. Now be a good girl and get dressed.”

Apparently while shopping for milk he also got his car and he drove us to the mall. The ride there was made mostly in silence with the radio turned off as well. I tried to ignore his presence so close to me. His smell even his breath were more accentuated because of the silence.

On the way he stopped for gas and as he put the car out of parking gear the back of his hand brushed my knee. Maybe I’ve been alone too long. Otherwise I have no idea why such small random touches should affect me so much. I wish the radio was on. It would have helped me ignore his overpowering presence.

Once we arrived and entered the mall he said he’ll meet me here in 2 hours. “Why the long face?” He asked seeing my reaction to his words. “Nothing” I lied “I’m just not sure 2 hours is enough if you want me to replace my entire wardrobe.” The truth is I was a little disappointed when I realized he isn’t going to come with me. On the other hand I was relieved to know he wasn’t going to choose my clothes for me. But some feedback would have been nice, especially since he insisted on this. His eyes narrowed a little. “I think 2 hours is enough for today. You can always buy more clothes later.”

He was right. Two hours were more than enough to buy some clothes and even a pair of shoes or two. Just before I got out of the store and went to meet him I saw this short skirt and a shirt that was clearly too tight. I don’t know what got over me but they weren’t expensive so I decided to buy them as a joke. I was all prepared to hear him veto the outfit and me blaming him for not being here to supervise my purchase.

We arrived almost at the same time, me carrying my shopping bags, him carrying his laptop bag and 2 coffees. “I got you a coffee. Black, no sugar. How did the shopping go?”

“Not too bad. Got a few things and two pairs of shoes. Thanks for the coffee. I needed one. It’s been a while since I did so much shopping all at once. I Forgot how tiring it can be especially since I don’t like shopping.” When we got to the car he opened the back seat door and I practically throw the bags in. Then he opened the front door for me to getin and just as I got in he placed his hand on the small of my back. For support? Hmm… whatever the reason, it felt good.

As we got to my apartment I went straight to my room with the bags without noticing that he followed behind. I placed the bags on the bed and turned to walk out when I physically bumped into him and fell back on the bed on top of the bags. He started laughing again that wonderful rolling hearty laugh of his. I tried to frown but couldn’t help laughing too. “Don’t I get to see what you bought?” He asked as he offered me his hand to help me up.

“Sure you do.” I grabbed his hand and got ready to push myself off the bed when with one move he pulled me up so quickly that I ended up hitting his chest straight on with an audible cartoonish UMPH noise. I could feel my cheeses getting as red as the dress I was wearing so I quickly turned around and started taking the clothes out of the bags and laying them on the bed. When I reached the bag with the sillyskirt and shirt I just left them in the bag. I thought it was funny when I got them, I wasn’t so sure now. “So what do you think? Do they pass your highness’ inspection?”

“Yes they do. Don’t I get to see what’s in the last bag?” Damn his eagle eyes! I really hoped he wouldn’t notice. “Oh that’s nothing. I just got those as a joke. Was about to throw them out.”

“I like a good joke. Let’s see what you got.” I slowly take out the short dress and small shirt and put them on the bed for him to see. “I don’t get it.” He said after staring at them for a few long seconds “You’ll have to explain it to me.”

“Um…Now that I think about it, it’s not really that funny. Just silly.” I looked at him trying to get him to understand that it’s nothing and that I would really just rather forget about this whole thing but he simply looked at me with a frozen smile on his face that didn’t reach his dark eyes. A smile that seemed to say see you getting out of this one. “When I saw them I just thought it would be funny to tell you that instead of the baggy clothes I wore until today I would prefer to wear something completely the opposite.”

“Go on then. Put them on and let’s see how they look on you”

“Look, I told you it was a joke. I had no real intention to wear them.” He turned around and started to leave the room. “I’m going to start making some pasta for lunch. I expect to see you in the kitchen in the clothes you bought. You have 5 min before I come and dress you myself.”

I just stand there as he leaves the room unsure as to what to do now, do I wear the silly clothes or do I risk him doing what he said he would. I decided I’ll just wear the damn things so he can see just how silly they look. Before I left the room I took a good look in the mirror. The skirt was shorter than I thought. It didn’t even cover my entire behind and the shirt was so tight around my breasts that I was afraid if I breathed too deeply it would just burst.

“Good. You’re dressed.” He said as I walked to the kitchen trying to pull on the skirt as much as I could. “Since you’re all dressed you may as well go to the corner store and get some more cheese for the pasta.”

“What? I’m not going out like this! I told you it was supposed to be a joke!”

“I know. And it’s quite a funny one from here. You bought the clothes, you get to wear them. Shop. Cheese. Now.” I turned to get out the door and get the cheese that we really didn’t need. I had plenty in the fridge. The corner store was very close so I hoped to just get this over with as soon as possible and forget about it.

“Wait. Your panties are showing. You don’t want people to stare at your underwear do you?” A feeling of relief swept over me as soon as I heard him say that. “No. I really don’t want people to stare at my underwear.”

“Good. So take them off.”


“Take themoff. They don’t match the skirt anyway. You wouldn’t want people to think you have no sense of dress would you?” His dark eyes were alive with mischief and amusement. He really enjoyed the joke. And I was it. “

“Well? What are you waiting for?”

“I’m not going out there dressed like this and especially with no panties on!”

“Hmm. OK then. You have two options, to follow through with your silly joke and my instructions or get paid for disobeying me and wasting your money.”

“And by punishment you mean…”

“You know what I mean. You have been paid only yesterday. Maybe I was too easy on you if you forget it already” He said as he went and sat down on the sofa.“Either way those panties are coming off”

“Or… there is a third option you know…”

“And we both know you won’t use it. You didn’t use it so far and you don’t want to use it now. You’re scared and worried and that’s fine but you need to own up to your actions. You were decisive enough when you bought these clothes so have the decency to stand behind your actions.”

“Look. I already said I’m sorry for buying the damn things what more do you want?”

“No you didn’t. You never said sorry, you tried first to hide it and then made excuses. And even if you did say sorry it doesn’t matter, actions have consequences. Now, what will you choose? “

“Well, I won’t go out like this that’s for sure.” I said as I slowly made my way towards him, my heart beating like crazy. I stopped and stood in front of him. “I suppose I choose the punishment.”

“Good girl” he said and I tried to see if I can detect any trace of humor or patronization in his tone but there was nothing Like that there. His tone was clear and I felt he generally approved of my choice.

I kept standing in front of him not being able to bring myself to the spanking position. It still felt weird and unnatural. While I was thinking about this whole situation he just grabbed my arm, pulled me across his knees and held me there by placing his forearm across my shoulders.

With his free hand he took off my underwear and pinned me even harder to his knees when I tried to protest. “Stop moving! Today we do things a little different. I will spank you 3 times, then I will ask you a question and if I don’t like your answer or if you will try to lie you will get another spanking. Understand?” I tried nodding but the position I was in made it difficult for me to do. “Understand?!”He asked again, louder this time as he pulled my hair bringing my head up. “Yes! I understand!” I said as tears were already pooling in my eyes from the fear and embarrassment of the situation. “Good”

In my peripheral vision I could see his arm rise and I felt it land heavily on my bare ass. I could sense the singing and the heat rising from even this one spank and as I was trying to get used to the pain two more landed onmy ass in quick succession. “Why did you buy these clothes?” His arm left my shoulder and grabbed my hair to raise my head again. “I don’t know. It just seemed fun at the moment” Whack. His had landed hard on my ass. “Why did you buy these clothes?”

“I told you, I don’t know!” I saw his arm rise again and quickly added “It was a spite thing! I I wanted to show you that new clothes can be just as bad as my old ones. I was angry and confused and I just didn’t think this all the way through. When I got home I was over that and I didn’t know what to do. I panicked a little. I’m sorry. OK? I really am. I should have shown them to you and apologize then.” I was still fighting the tears but was able to sense more than see his arm going down. “Second question. When I asked you this morning “why the long face” you said you wanted more than two hours. I want to know the truth”

His question took me completely by surprise. “What?” Whack. “Wrong answere”This time his hand landed even harder and my tears started flowing. As soon as they did I couldn’t stop them any. It was like a flood gate had been opened and the torrent was flowing unhindered by any obstacles in its way. ” I’m still waiting” Whack. “Don’t make me wait!”

By now I was already a mess, lying like this, panties off with my ass hurting and my eyes red, face marked by still flowing tears and my hair, the part that wasn’t in his fist, a mess of strands pointing each way and plastered to my face. I didn’t care any if I made a fool of myself or if my answer will sound silly. “I thought you were coming with me to the stores and was a little disappointed that you weren’t.”

“Then why didn’t you say anything when I asked you about it?”

“I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want you to think I am too needy or that I can’t buy clothes on my own. I thought it might scare you off.” I somehow felt better after saying that. Itwas out there and he could do with it what he wants. And I don’t have to worry about it anymore. I didn’t even realize how much it was bothering me until that moment.

He lifted me up and held me with one had on my back the other on my front until I gained my footing again and then motioned me to sit next to him. I winced as I sat down feeling the coordinate sofa material pressing against my sore ass. “I told you I don’t like being lied to. And I know when I am. Everyone has tell signs and you, you are so easy to read. You’re cute when you try to hide something from me but being cute won’t save your ass from being spanked as a punishment.” As he was saying that he was carefully brushing the hair off my face with his fingers and even tried wiping away my tears which were still freely flowing from my eyes.

The tenderness of this man keep taking me by surprise. The same hand that landed so heavily and painfully on my ass just seconds ago was now so gingerly touching my face. I don’t know what came over me at that moment but as I was looking him straight in the eyes, I grabbed his hand with both of mine, held it to my mouth and kissed it. I then let go of his hand, got up to my knees on the sofa leaned towards him held his head with both hands and kissed him in what turned from a soft kiss on his lips to a full-fledged kiss full of emotions and desire.


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