The End And The Beginning of Me 03

I try moving my head to follow him but he went behind me. Thinking he’s about to untie me I instinctively tend my shoulders, getting ready to move them up and down as soon as I can. “I’m not done yet. You’re in a hurry?” He leans towards me and continues “Listen carefully: here’s what’s going to happen. On Monday you will be back at the café. But you will NOT sit at the corner booth. You will take a table by the window and you will sit facing the street, laptop to the side not in front of you. And you will wear something red. I don’t care what as long as it’s visible. If I come to the café and you’re not at the window wearing red I won’t go in. Understand?”

“But I don’t have anything red. I might find something dark blue.”

“Is that computer just for show? If it is leave it at home”

“What? No! I need it for work.”

“Good. Now we know you have a job. Final reminder: Monday. Café. Window. Something Red.”

“I told you I don’t have anything red to wear!”

“For fuck’s sake! BUY SOMETHING!” As soon as he said that his hand was on my throat again squeezing lightly this time but he got the attention he wanted. “You’re smart. I know you are. Don’t play the dumb card with me again.” He let go of my throat and started to move around. That’s when I really felt a need to get my arm free and started pulling and twisting like crazy.

“What’s wrong?” He got near me and I could see concern in his eyes. As soon as I saw that I stopped moving “Umm…emm… my nose started itching really badly and it’s driving me crazy…” I was about to ask him to free just one arm when the room exploded with the most wonderful booming laughter I ever heard. He then proceeded to scratch my nose. “Next time just ask.” As soon as he said that his smile disappeared and his eyes darkened again. I don’t think he means to say that last part. At least not out loud. Next Time… next time… I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even notice when he set my arms free.

“It’s late. I’ll get you a taxi”

“No need. I live pretty close I can walk the distance. I’ve done it before” “Several times. I know. I’m still getting you a taxi.” I was about to protest again but he stopped me before I could “STOP ARGUING! I’m Not in the mood”

The taxi ride lasted under 5 minutes. 5 long minutes in which all I could think of were those two words Next Time. Was there going to be a next time? He thinks there will be. Do I want a next time being tied up like that? I don’t know. I’m not sure I do. My first “Date” with this man wasn’t exactly by the book. I was slammed against the wall, choked until I passed out and then I ended up tied to a chair having my nose scratched by a stranger. Admittedly a stranger I had been stalking for almost a week but still…Next Time

It took me forever to fall asleep. Thoughts were swimming in my head like a pack of hungry piranhas devouring any attempts at sleeping. I had to fish them out one by one and I managed to take care of all except two. The biggest and scariest. So heavy and big that I was sure I will cave under their weight and the invisible girl will return. It took a long time but my mind was made and the 2 large piranhas were still swimming around but caged and under control.

I’ve decided I want a next time – a terrifying yet exiting prospect. But asking me to wear red… that was downright mean! And yet the thought of him not entering the café was scarier still. For a moment I thought about wearing a salmon pink shirt I have instead of actual red but his words “Don’t play the stupid card with me again” came back to remind me that it’s not a good idea. By the time I got my thoughts in order dawn was breaking.

I spent most of Saturday in bed. My body was aching all over from the night before and I was not in a shopping mood. I knew there was a small boutique close to the café and I decided to go there on Monday after I spent a few hours working from home. It was past 3 pm by the time I went to the boutique. I entered and went straight to the woman working there and asked for a red shirt. I tried the few that she had but they were either too small or too big and I was getting a little panicky. I may have left this too long and there is no time to look for a different store. I quickly scanned the store again and saw a red dress on one of the hungers. I tried it on and it seemed to fit. I didn’t even care anymore I just wanted to get out and go to the café.

I kept the dress on, got a bag for my old clothes and went to the café. As I sat at the table by the window I felt silly, like a mannequin. I kept looking over to my safe spot in the corner. The one where I could see the world go by instead of sitting here feeling like everyone was watching the silly girl in her short red dress. I was lost in my longing for the corner booth when “You’re not going to say hello?” I was so started I almost spilled my coffee. “Nice dress.”

We spent quite some time at the café just talking. Talking about music, work and other things people talk about on a first date.

I actually enjoyed the conversation. I was glad he didn’t ask any difficult personal questions. At some point a man passed by and looked my way. “You’re being checked out” instinctively my gaze turned to the booth but his question brought me back to face him. “So, why the invisible girl? Why hide away when there’s so much life to live?” Ah, and here comes the personal questions. “I don’t know. I tried so many times but I was never enough, or was too much or I got bored. And in the end I just got tired. I just gave up I suppose.”

“What about you? You promised I’ll get to know you better.”

“I’m not sure you really want to. I think you have some idea in your head and I think that getting to know me will be a disappointment. You’re looking for prince charming to save you from your corner. I fear you got the wolf instead.”

“I’m not a princess and prince charming won’t do for me. I had my prince charming. He was so charming all the way to the moment he rode away with someone else. And wolfes are amazing creativity, beautiful, strong and loyal. I actually have a tattoo of a wolf. Who knows, you might even get to see it someday.”

I was expecting more questions but he just got up. “it’s getting late. I think we should go.” As we were leaving the café he looked at me from top to bottom and when his eyes took in my shoes he burst out laughing again. “Short red dress with trainers? Suits you.”

“Well, if you must know I didn’t have time to get shoes to match the dress ok? You’re the one that insisted on me wearing red.”

He just kept looking at me amused but I could see that something else was also on his mind. He offeredme his arm and when our arms interlocked he held so tight I couldn’t get it out even if I wanted to. “This isn’t the way to your building” I said as he was leading us in a different direction. “I know. It’s the way to yours.” “What? But… I don’t understand.”

“See, unlike you, I am actually good at being invisible. You just think you are.”

“When was the first time you saw me?”

“Does it matter? Let’s just say you wouldn’t make a good private detective and leave it at that.”

“And you decided to follow me home?”

“Tit for tat my dear. Tit for tat.”

“Huh. I don’t know if I should be angry or flattered.”

“I think you lost the right to be angry the second you decided to follow me home. Don’t you?” I didn’t say anything and was relieved to see the entrance to my building thinking we’ll just say goodnight and part ways. But he still didn’t let go of my arm. He just stood there staring at me waiting for somehing. My heart was racing as I said “Would you want to come in for a few minutes?” I emphasized the last part hoping he’ll get the message. I wasn’t sure I was ready for anything more tonight.

We walked in, he still didn’t let go of my arm as he led us straight to my door and we entered the apartment. He finally let go of my arm and went to the kitchen. “I’ll make some tea, you should go to bed it’s late. But before that I am going to see your tattoo. Don’t worry” he said as he saw the worried look on my face. “Nothing is going to happen tonight. Except for you showing me your tattoo and going to sleep.”

“My tattoo is on my inner thigh and I’ll go to sleep when you leave. I sleep naked.”

“I know you do. Now get to bed, I’ll bring the tea.”

“Wait! What do you mean, I know, how can you know?! You’re not supposed to know that!”

“And you’re not supposed to follow strange men around. That didn’t stop you from doing it did it?”

“But…it’s not the same thing! How did you even get in?”

“Never mind that. You’re safe with me. If you stop arguing about every damn thing. Now tattoo and bed.”

“I won’t show you the tattoo tonight. It’s on my inner thigh, very close to umm… you know…”

“Why so close to your umm… you know?” He asked with an amused smile on his face.

“It’s silly really. I just wanted him to be close enough to his prey that he could smell it all the time. Wolves are known to be relentless when hunting you know”

“I know. Bed. Now! I’ll see the tattoo at some other time then.”

“And you won’t try anything?”

“I haven’t so far. You’re safe with me. For now”

“I know this is a silly question to ask in this situation but why don’t you find me attractive?”

“Who said I don’t?”

“If you do, why haven’t you made any moves yet”

A big grin appeared on his face “I did. A weekago.”

“What do you mean you made a move a week ago? I didn’t even see you a week ago.”

“No. But I saw you.”

“And what does that mean?”

“It means we will talk about this tomorrow. Now you’re going to sleep! It’s late.”

Fuck sleep! And it’s not that late anyway. Besides, I really I won’t be able to sleep now even if I wanted to and I DON’T want to!” I said, putting on the bathrobe I left on the floor and getting out of bed “I want to know what you mean by that.”

The biggest grin I ever saw spread across his face as he took three steps and was standing by my side, grabbed my arm and spun me around so I was with my back to him facing the bed. His hand was holding my arm firmly behind my back and the other gripping my neck as his lips brushed my ear. “I told you to stop arguing with me! Now you’ll see how bad girls go to sleep.” He let go of my neck and in one quick movement pulled the belt off the bathrobe, throw it over his shoulder and proceeded to disrobe me.

Once I was naked he dragged me by my arm and dropped me on the bed, took my hands, tied them together using the belt and then tied my hands to the bed forcing me to lie on my side. It all happened so fast that I really had no time to protest or fight him. When he was done he sat by my side and put his hand over my mouth to stop the yelling he He kept grinning and proceeded to remove his hand as I nodded my agreement not to shout.

“Ok you proved your point. We’ll talk about this tomorrow. Now until me.” He got up and went to sit in the armchair to the side of my bed. “Please? I’ll show you my tattoo”

“I will see it eventually. I’m in no hurry. Besides, there’s nothing stopping me from seeing it right now is there?”

“But youwon’t…”

“I won’t”

“I don’t get you. I really don’t. You say you find me attractive, you have me here naked and tied to the bed and you know I won’t fight you if you tried anything. But you won’t. I really don’t get you.” He got up from the chair, sat down by my side again, moved his face close to mine and with that annoying grin of his still on his face quietly said “Because that’s not how it works. I will try everything with you. Believe me, I will. But first you’ll have to ask me. And after you ask me you’ll have to beg and then…”

“Then what?”

“You’ll have to wait and find out won’t you? Right now you’re going to sleep.”

There was something almost hypnotic in his voice when he spoke quietly like that. I could feel sleep creeping in despite my best efforts to fight it. “Why?” I asked stifling a yawn.

“Because, my former invisible girl, you put up your walls and defenses and you’ll be the one taking them down. I’m just here to hold the ladder for you”

As I woke up, my eyes took in the empty arm chair by the bed. Recalling last night I glanced at my hands and realized I wasn’t tied up any more. I got up, took a shower and made a cup of coffee. Sitting down to drink my morning indulgence I noticed a note placed on my laptop. I started reading it and could feel my blood beginning to boil and frustration quickly stepped in.

“Good morning. I hope you slept well. You fell asleep very fast, must have been tired after your eventful week.

Today you will work from home and to make sure you aren’t too tempted by your comfy corner booth I took your keys with me this morning.

I’ll come at 6 pm and I expect you to be dressed for dinner.

“I hope you have a nice day.



How dare he lock me up, in my own house no less?! And he’s expecting me to be dressed for dinner! Really? We’ll see about that! I throw the note on the table, plopped myself on the sofa and set there fuming throwing evil stars at the note almost wishing it to burst into flames. I was so angry and yet there was something else there too. I tried to focus on that but the anger kept rising to the surface, drowning anything that might have been there. I tried to work for a while but focusing on my work was a losing battle. I tried watching TV and reading a book but nothing worked. My attention kept being drawn to that note and I found myself pacing the floors like a caged liness ready to pounce on anyone that got near.

As 5 pm got near I started wondering if I should get dressed for dinner. I didn’t really want to, but I had a feeling that will only cause something more dramatic to happen so I’d better just get dressed and since I only had the red dress it Shouldn’t take me long anyway. The little makeup that I owned was almost useless by then so I throw it all away and just put on a pair ofearrings, my mask ring and mask necklace and the pair of black, small heel shoes that go with everything (sort of) and I was ready. More than half an hour early. So I sat on the sofa trying to watch some TV.

At 6 pm I heard the door open and he walked in. “I see you’re ready and on time too. I was wondering if you will decide to argue about this. I’m glad you didn’t. I wouldn’t want to punish you before dinner.”

“Punish me?! Listen, locking in me in the apartment wasn’t ok! What if something happened and I needed to get out? Who died and made you king of the castle all of a sudden?”

“You did. And it’s not really a castle, more like a dungeon if anything.”


“I’m sorry, I don’t understand the question”

“Ok. I’ll. Repeat it. Very. Slowly. Who. Died. And. Made. You. King?”

“You did. Or rather the invisible girl did. And since she obviously ran the show around here I decided to take her place. And if you evertalk to me like that again I will bend you over my knees and spank your ass so hard you’ll be sore for a week. At least”


“Let. Me. Repeat it. Very. Slowly. I. Will. Spank. Your. Ass. So. Hard. You’ll. Be. Sore. For. A. Week. At least.

Now sit down at the table. I brought dinner.”

I silently sat down and soliced ​​as he arranged the food on the plates for us. He placed a plate of noodles in front of me and sat down watching me intently as I picked up my fork and started moving noodles from one side of the plate to the other. “What’s wrong?” I shrug and continue to play with the noodles. “Cat got your tongue? I asked what’s wrong.”

“Are you going to spank me if I don’t answer you?”

“I might.”

“UGH! Don’t I get a say in this new arrangement of yours? What if I don’t need you to take the reins? Huh? Did you think of that before you locked me up here all day and started threatening me with spanking?”

“Sure you do. That’s what this dinner is for. You can say what’s on your mind. I’m sure you have quite a lot of questions for me. And complaints too it seems”

His answer and calm manner placed me a little “Only 3 at the moment actually. I may have more later.

What did you mean when you said you made a move a week ago?”

Why lock me up here and then get me to dress for dinner if we are eating in?

And why do you think I need you to be king of my castle? Sorry. Dungeon

“Well, I kept seeing you as I walked past the coffee house. Thinking you’re well hidden in your corner. You were so cute and so wrong. You left the most important part of you out for everyone to see.”

“What was?”

“Your eyes. So full of life and curiosity waiting to burst out into the world. Eventually I couldn’t help it anymore and made my move. I entered the café when I knew you could see me and posed for you” A big smile spread across his face “It went better than I thought. I wasn’t expecting you to stalk me like that. But I knew if I approached you directly you will just shut down even more.

Second question – I locked you in the apartment because I didn’t want you to go back to your corner. I don’t want you to ever go back to that corner. Not alone anyway. And I got you to dress up Because I loved seeing that red dress on you.

Third question – I don’t think you need me to be king of your dungeon I know you do. The real question is do you want me to be?

I love your ring by the way”

I was so immersed in his words that I didn’t even noticed I stopped playing with my food and began twisting the ring on my finger.

“Thanks” I said absentmindedly not really paying attention.


“Well what”

“Do you want me to be king of your dungeon?”

“I don’t know. It’s a little too much to take in all at once. And why dungeon?”

“Because dungeon is where the locked up people are.”

My eyes widened and my heart started to race “You want to lock me up?” His faces lit up and he started laughing.

“No silly, you already did a great job at that on your own. I want to set you free. If you’ll let me. But I have a few rules. The biggest and most Important one is Never lie to me And I think we started on the wrong foot there didn’t we?”


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