The Encounter

It is hot, too hot. The quiet hum of the window air conditioner is welcome on any other night, but tonight Kathy can’t sleep, and the hum is annoying. Her mind keeps racing back to earlier in the afternoon at her office building. She just wants to go back a few hours and relive her naughty encounter in the private room. Now all she can hear is the hum that goes on and on, and on, never stopping. All she can feel is the stale manufactured air that is required to make it livable in her part of the world. If only she could turn back time.

Just after lunch Kathy decisions to take the stairs back up to her office and the seemingly endless mound of papers that inhabit her desk. Her office is on the fourth floor; plenty of exercise indeed. There is a mysterious man in a black over coat and scuffed up black boots leaning against the door jam of the stairway door. He has a rain hat on, not a cowboy hat but a weathered leather hat that looks like it has seen many years of rain and sun. Heis exciting looking to Kathy. “Why doesn’t a man like that ever ask me out,” she wonders quietly and with a longing star. As she approaches where he is standing he gets out a plastic card key and inserts it in a slot. Kathy doesn’t have time to catch the door before it closes, and the mysterious man in black disappears.

She first smells it as she approaches the second floor landing. It is a musty smell of cigarettes, coffee, and Egyptian spice. It stirred something deep inside her and she can feel wetness begin to form in the crotch of her panties. This is confusing to her. How can a smell do this to her? As she approaches the third floor landing the cent is stronger and her desire increases. Soon she is walking up the stairs in a trace like motion, wanting only to go to the source of the smell. She passes her own floor landing and continues up the stairs. She is a zombie, a slave to the erotic smell that is guiding her.

On the fifth floor landing she begins to hear music. It is a gentle sound with slow rhythmic bass that seems to be acting as a metronome to her stair climbing. Up and up she goes, the sixth floor, then the seventh. And the smell is stronger now. Kathy continues to climb the stairs, following the mysterious scent.

Upon reaching the seventh floor Kathy sees one door. But this is no ordinary door. When Kathy reaches the door it opens as if on some secret command. She steps through and the door gently closes behind her. She is in a large room with all kinds of medieval looking apparatus positioned about. Immediately Kathy’s eyes are drawn towards a woman who is being flogged by a small looking man. He has on nothing but a g-string as he firmly swings his flogger, sometimes hard then soft. The woman strapped to the x-frame is blindfolded and shudders every time he Strikes her. Kathy can’t take her eyes away from the scene and the wetness that had started on her accent of the stairs starts to increase. She feels her legs become week.Her legs are giving out.

He catches her just as she starts to fall. He is strong; Kathy can feel the muscles in his forearms bulge as he carry’s her. He walks towards a table that is in the center of the room that has cuff restrains fastened to each end. Kathy is in a daze of aching desire and fear. The man lays her gently on the table. He begins to take her clothes off. When she is at last naked he restrains her, she has her arms outstretched above her head and her legs are spread wide. She is immobile. She can’t move, and she is blind-folded. Her sense of smell is stronger now. The music playing only adds to her sense of belonging to the room, to the restraining table, and to the mysterious man. Kathy can hear soft moans coming form another part of the room.

Kathy hears the crack of a whip. It frightens her. Her body wants to jump in surprise but she can’t move, she is frozen, waiting for something to happen. The crack of the whip explodes right in front of her face. It is so close that she can feel its wind as it whis past her senses. Now there is a gentle feather being drawn across her body. She is ticklish; but the feather brings her just to point of not being able to stand it, then stops just before she has to squirm in spasmodic convulsions. Kathy wants to move but can’t.

Now there are hands on her. They are gloved hands that gently cares her breasts, stopping to pull firmly on each erect nipple. And there are other hands beginning to explore her body. Some are feminine hands that massage her gently, some are ungloved men’s hands that pinch her and make her wince in pain. Soon there are several hands on her at once, exploring every crevice of her body with every hole is being probed. The whip cracks again and Kathy can hear some one cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

“You must be clean shaken before we can continue,” excels the mysterious man in black. Kathy becomes even more excited. She has never been this wet, never beenThis erotically turned on. Kathy is shacked clean. Now she can feel several mouths on her body. Her clip is hard with desire. She can feel a pierced tongue flick across her clip, each thrust bringing her closer to orgasm. Kathy can’t stand it anymore, she must have something inside her.

The mysterious man in black goes to the head of the table and puts his erect penis in her mouth. At first Kathy is Surprised. She has never performed oral sex. This man tasted sweet though, and she can feel him tense up as he thrusts into her mouth. Then his penis is out of her mouth, and she whimpers; she wants the prize of his cumm, even though she has never tasted it.

Next a female squats on top of her face. Now she must lick her, she has no choice but to feel the juices of a woman run down her face and neck. Kathy likes this, likes the fact that she can give pleasure to a woman. And Kathy can feel the woman’s cunt tension up as she thrusts her tongue deep inside her. The woman cumms, and cumms, and cumms, then leaves. Kathy is alone again, in her blindfold.

“Are you ready to cumm now?” The mysterious man in black has a condom on, and all others have left the table.

“Yes please,” whimpers Kathy in a barely audible voice.

“Perhaps I should tease you a little more first.” Again the crack of a whip. Only this time Kathy can feel the edge of the whip gently ticker her as its end crashes against her thigh.

“Please,” whimpers Kathy.

“Say please master, may I come.”

“Please master may I cumm?”

“Please master may I cumm?”

Again the crack of the whip, this time the pain of it is a little more intense, Kathy tries to jump, and then squirm, but can’t. She is wetter than she has ever been. The pain of the whip only adds to her pleasure.

“I didn’t hear you slut.” The crack of the whip echoes through the room. Little welts are beginning to form on Kathy’s thighs.

“Please master.”

Finally he is inside her. She cumms almost instantly. His big erection seems to go deep inside her as he slowly moves in and out of her. With each inward thrust she cumms. Kathy keeps cumming, and cumming, and cumming…

Kathy is sleeping in a room that she has never been in. It is a cold room. It is an unfinished room on the floor right above her office. She is sleeping on an old mattress that is laying in the middle of the room. There is trash straight about, old MacDonald food wrappers, empty beer cans, used syringes. Horrified Kathy can’t remember how she got there. Looking down at her watch she notices that it is just before two pm. Where had the last two hours gone.

Now sitting up Kathy begins to remember a dream. But it seems so real? She can remember a nice smelling mysterious man, and a table. And her groin area is sore. But this room is nothing like the room from her dream. Where is the music? Where is the man? It all must have been a dream. Kathy must have come up here to get some fresh air while having her lunch. She has been overly tired latly. Convinced that she had only been dreaming she gets up and began to head back to work.

Alone at her desk Kathy’s groin is itching. She can see a hint of redness on her thighs. Lifting her skirt, Kathy realizes that her panties are gone and she has little red welts in the inside of her thighs.

M.B. Driskill


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