The Ellie-Mae Chronicles Ch. 01

This story is fictitious and no characters in the story are based on any real person, living or deceased. The activities described in this story are neither condoned nor recommended by the author.


The Caning of Ellie-Mae

Sue was one of my subs many years ago. She left the lifestyle and married, then had a daughter Ellie-Mae. Time had passed and Ellie-Mae grew, as all children do, until she was an 18 year old tearaway college student over whom Sue had absolutely no control. So one evening a couple of years ago I received a call from a distraught Sue. After the usual pleasuresants, she got down to the real reason for her call after all this time.

“Ellie-Mae’s rude and obnoxious. She treats us like dirt and tells us she can do what she likes. Just last week I asked her to do something quite simple, like put out her clothes so I could wash them and she just told me to go fuck myself. I don’t know what to do with her. Can I bring her to see you please? Maybe you could talk some sense into her.”

I agreed that she could bring her round, assuming that Ellie-Mae was willing to cooperate, and a couple of days later I received a text from Sue saying they’d be round that evening if that was OK with me. It was, so I wasn’t surprised when the doorbell rang and I opened the door to find Sue and, presumably, Ellie-Mae standing There.

Sue and I greeted each other with a loving hug. It had been a long time since we had seen each other so we quickly scanned one another to note the changes. The tall, blonde, voluptuous teenager standing beside Ellie-Mae looked on with an attitude of distaste and boredom.

“This is Ellie-Mae,” Sue introduced her, “And this is my ex-Dom from way back.”

Ellie-Mae looked at me disinterestedly.

“Pleased to meet you, ex-Dom,” she said in an almost insulting manner. “So what do I call you? Do you have a name?”

I gave her my most condescending glare. “You, littlemiss, may call me Sir.”

She had the grace to redden slightly at the put down, but her arrogance was overwhelming and I could see why Sue would have problems with her. The palm of my hand was itching.

They came in and sat in the lounge while Sue and I talked of old times, causing considerable embarrassment to Ellie-Mae by the look of her uncomfortable wriggling, blushing and apparent inability to meet my eyes. Finally Sue and I got around to discussing the cause of their visit.

“Ellie-Mae simply won’t do what a normal responsible human being would be expected to do,” began Sue. “She acts as though the world is solely here for her benefit, expects me to do everything for her, thinks she can go out with her boyfriends, and there are several, every night of the week, is receiving failing grades at college and is Almost on the verge of being thrown out. I’m at my wits end with her. Can you suggest anything that may help, please?”

While Sue was speaking I had been watching Ellie-Mae as she looked sullenly at the floor. Once Sue had finished, I asked Ellie-Mae what she thought of the situation.

“Mom and Dad treat me like a kid and I’m not a kid anymore. I’m 18, so I’m an adult. I’m legally allowed to fuck who I want when I want so it’s none of their business who I see, when or for how long. They’re really cramping my style. It’s very uncool to tell a guy you have to be home in 20 minutes when he’s balls deep in your cunt.”

By this time it was Sue who was blushing and gazing at the floor. Obviously Ellie-Mae was acting in a very provocative manner, saying things designed to shock me, in particular, but failing in this miserably. I did not respond to her, instead I sat looking at her, staring her down. Once she looked away I gave Sue a wink.

“I think that little miss arrest could use a dose of the cane. What do you think, Sue?”

“I was hoping you’d maybe think that. The way she was talking wasn’t unusual; Jerry and I get that frequently and for no apparent reason.”

I stood and went to my cupboard, returning with a four foot rattan cane which I swished a couple of times before bringing it down on the armrest of the sofa alongside Ellie-Mae. It made a satisfying crack, causing Ellie-Mae to jump a little and look at me nervously, a distinct change from her previous arrival.

“How would you like a few of those around Your ass?” I asked her, standing over her threateningly.

She didn’t answer, but stared up at me.

“I asked you a question, Ellie-Mae,” I said in an even though threatening tone, “And I expect you to answer me please.”

“I . . I wouldn’t,” she said hesitantly. Maybe the message was starting to get through.

“I wouldn’t what?” I asked, lowering my voice to make it more threatening.

She sank back into the sofa, trying to get further away from me.

“You will address me as Sir when you speak to me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Now, answer my question. How would you like this cane wrapped around your ass?”

“I wouldn’t, Sir,” she replied.

“That’s better. Now we’re getting somewhere. Well, just so you know how it feels, it’s time you had a little sample, I think. What do you think, Sue?”

Sue blushed as she remembered all the strokes she had received on her ass cheeses all those years ago. She felt her pussy flood with arousal as the memories flowed through her mind.

“Yes, I think that would be a good idea, Sir” she replied, the ‘Sir’ being added out of habit.

Ellie-Mae looked at her mother angrily, but said nothing.

“Stand up,” I ordered Ellie-Mae.

She stood in front of me. I took one hand and led her into the center of the room, intrigued at how she would take this next command. I studied her as I slowly walked around her. It appeared that she looked after herself well, probably while her mother did everything for her. She seemed well-groomed, hair nicely styled, quality clothing in what was fashionable for older teens, tight top showing off her D-cup breasts, obviously wearing a bra but one which didn’t hide her large nipples, bare midriff with tight pants commencing just below her daintily pierced navel. I wondered if she had any other piercings, thinking I would know soon enough. From the rear she had good status, was obviously not afraid of her height so had no stop, which Many tall women have, and she had a lush, compact ass beneath her tight pants. From the absence of panty lines I assumed she was wearing a G string or no panties at all. I returned to the front and checked there, noticing a hint of camel toe.

“Strip,” I ordered without any preliminaries.

Her mouth dropped open and she stared at me. I certainly had her attention now. She looked at Sue, who had a determined look on her face.

“I’d do what he says if I was you,” she advised.

Ellie-Mae looked back at me and flushed bright red. I slowly continued my tour of inspection walking around behind her, waiting for the response I expected as I positioned my hand on the cane. Her response came.

“No,” she said defiantly.

By the time she said that I was in perfect position to give her a hard stroke on her luscious ass. I did. She yelped, putting both hands over the slight indentation in her pants.

“Firstly, you do not refuse a command from me, and secondly, even if you do, you add ‘Sir’ on the end. Next one will be a lot harder. Now strip.”

Angain she looked at Sue who non-verbally indicated that she should do as I ordered. Hesitantly she reached up to the buttons on her top and undid the top one, then the second one. Her top fell away from her breasts, showing a lacy, insubstantial bra through which her nipples could be clearly seen. Reluctantly she removed her top over her arms and dropped it on the floor.

“Pick it up, fold it and place it on the arm of the sofa,” I instructed. “It’s time you learn some respect for things. Then, maybe, respect for people will follow.”

She bent down to pick it up.

“Answer me when I speak to you,” I said, threateningly.

“Y . . yes, Sir.”

She folded her top carefully and placed it on the armrest.

“Now continue stripping,” I ordered her.

Ellie-Mae was in a quandary. Did she show her breasts to this dominating man or did she remove her tight pants and show most of the intimate parts of her body? She alone know what she w beneath her pants. Breasts won out. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, bringing the back straps around, shrinking off the shoulder straps while holding the cups in place over her breasts.

“Do I have to, Sir?” she asked quietly.

“Yes, you do have to, Ellie-Mae,” I replied, also quietly.

She turned her back to me and I gave her another stroke on her ass with the cane, eliciting a yelp.

“You do not turn your back on me,” I said in my most menuing tone. “Turn to face me and put your hands at your sides.”

Quickly she turned back to face me. “Y . . yes, Sir,” she stammered. She dropped her hands to her sides, allowing her bra cups to fall off her breasts. I scanned these two gorgeous globes with my eyes. There were no tan marks so either she sunbathed topless or she used a tanning salon.

“Pick up your bra and put it with your top,” I commanded.

“Yes, Sir,” she replied.

She bent down, her firm breasts swinging a little as she picked up the flimsy garment, folded it neatly and placed it on top of her other clothes.

“Hmmm, so you do know how to treat your clothes. You’re just lazy, that’s your problem, lazy and arrogant. You have to earn the right to have slaves, it does not come about just because they are your parents. Now, face me again, hands at your sides and keep them there.”

She stood facing me, her face the same bright red as her aureoles. I reached out with one hand, the one not holding the cane, and grasped her left nipple betwe my thumb and forefinger. I caresed it gently then, without warning, squeezed it hard.

“Ow,” she yelled, pulling away from me.

“You do not make a sound when I am inspecting you and you do not pull away from me ever. Do you understand me?” I asked in a menuing tone as I drew myself up to my full height.

“Y . yes, Sir,’ she replied meekly, standing straight again as my finger and thumb once again repeated the action, caressing her left nipple then squeeze hard. She closed her eyes as she felt the pain but stayed in position without a sound. I repeated the process with her right nipple with similar results.

“Very good,” I purred to her, “You are learning very well and very quickly. Now, continue to strip.”

She reached down and unfasted the belt around the top of her pants, then undid the button and pulled the zipper down. Then with much wriggling she paid the tight pants over her ample hips and down her legs, leaving a very tight, flimsy and brief G string in place. She carefully folded her pants and placed them on the sofa armrest. She then stood facing me with her hands by her side.

“Well done, Ellie-Mae,” I compiled her.

“Thank you, Sir,” she replied.

I conducted another tour of her lower body, running my hand gently over her legs and tights in front, then calves, tights and ass cheeses behind, noticing the two pale red cane marks on her cheeses.

“Very nice,” I again compiled her.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Now, let’s get rid of these panties and your shoes.”

She did the shoes first, removing each one, placing them on the floor by the sofa together. Then very slowly and reluctantly, which made it quite semiconductor, she hooked her thumbs into the sides of her G string panties and eased then downwards, stepping out of them, then folding them and placing them on her pants. She once again stood, perfectly naked, in front of me with her hands at her sides.

” Very nice. Well done, Ellie-Mae,” I again compiled her as I walked around her, examining the ass that I was soon to cane, then coming around the front, croouching to examine her pussy in greater detail, noting that she had obviously been waxed, leaving a small tuft of hair, trimmed evenly to about half an inch in length, an inch above her clip. I noticed also the discreet ring inserted through her clip hood. I flicked the ring with my finger.

“Who gave you this present?” I asked.

“My first boyfriend, Sir,” she said, “The one who took my cherry.”

“Hmmmm, and how many boyfriends have you had since then?”

She paused for a few seconds. “Five, Sir.”

“You’re a promiscuous little wench, aren’t you?” I asked.

She had learned quickly and well. “If you Say so, Sir.”

I caught Sue’s eye and gave her a wink. Sue was obviously remembering the same procedures I had used to tame her all those years ago. She smiled back, seeming a lot more relaxed now.

“So how do you feel standingnaked here in front of your Mom and me while I exam you?” I asked.

She flushed again, her consciousness mind being brought back to the reality of her situation.

“Embarrassed, Sir, yet strangely very turned on sexually.”

“Yes, I can see that,” I replied as I drew my finger through her slit, finding it running with her woman juices. I collected some on my finger and rubbed them over her clip, masturbating her for a few seconds. She compromised her hips a little and went an even brighter shade of red.

“You like that, don’t you,” I said as I continued rubbing gently.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you do this to yourself? Do you masturbate yourself when you’re alone?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you like it when your boyfriends do this to you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You’re just a dirty little slut, aren’t you?”

“If you say so, Sir.”

Her hips were moving in a more sensitive manner now, establishing a fucking motion as she fucked against my hand. I pushed a fingerr, then two fingers into her cunt, using the palm of my hand to stimulate her clip. Her hips started moving faster, harder and her breathing increased in depth and rate. She was really getting off on this stimulation.

“It feels that you’re really enjoying this. It feels like you really want to cum. Do you want to cum, Ellie-Mae?

“Oh yes, Sir, I really want to cum. Can I cum please Sir?”

I stopped all motion and withdraw my hand.

“No you may not cum,” I grew. “You’re here for punishment, not for your sexual gratification. Whenever you’re here you may not cum unless I specifically tell you to cum, and then you’d better cum within ten seconds. If you cum without permission or if you take too long to cum when ordered, you will be severely punished. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y . . yes, Sir.”

“Good. Now tonight you will not cum here. Tonight I will can you, hard, to punish you for the disrespectful way you have treated your Mom and Dad. From tonight onward you will treat them respectfully, you will do what they tell you quickly and to the best of your ability. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” replied Ellie-Mae as she felt the residual erotic feelings in her crotch seeking release in an orgasm that she knew now would not be coming.

“Right, Ellie-Mae, time for your punishment. I want you to knee on the edge of the sofa, facing the back, then bring your head down as far as possible, towards the seat, then arch your back so your ass sticks high into the air. Lastly I want your knees as far apart as possible. Do that now.”

She took a few moments to get into position during which time I had a few quiet words to Sue.

“You’ve really played her down,” whispered Sue.

“Yes, reminds me a lot of you when you were her age. I wonder if she’ll grow to love it too.”

“Mmmm, that will be interesting. Like mother, like daughter maybe. How many strokes?”

“A few thousand, but that would be unreasonable. How about25 this first time?”

“OK, I wouldn’t want more than thirty but 25 should be perfectly effective.”

I stood up and checked on Ellie-Mae. She was pretty much in position. I pushed down on her spine a little, encouraging her to arch her back more which exposed her ass and vulva, her pussy lips gaping slightly from their prior arousal, the whole package making for a very tempting target. Her beautiful breasts were pressed against the seat of the sofa and her head was hard against the backrest.

“So for this first caning I will go a little easy on you,” I told her, “This will just be a warning, if you like. This means that future canings will be worse, both harder and with more strokes. So you have the opportunity to learn quickly or you have the opportunity to learn slowly and painfully over a number of visits. It’s entirely up to you. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir,” came the muffled reply.

‘For this first time I’m going to give you twenty strokes on your ass and another five strokes on your pussy. Clear about that?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“After I give you a stroke you are to count it, thank me, then ask for the next stroke when you’re ready. If you take longer to ask than ten seconds you will receive the stroke anyway and a punishment stroke on your pussy. Clear about that?”

“Y . y . . yes, Sir.”

“OK, ask me for the first stroke.”

“P . . please give me my first stroke, Sir.”

I gently rubbed the cane across her ass, positioning myself for the correct distance, then drew back and struck with a moderate stroke, high up on her ass cheeks.

“Oooowwwwwww!” yelled Ellie-Mae, trying to stand up and rubbing her hands across her ass cheeks, massaging the sting away from the slight white indentation in her skin, an indentation which was rapidly changing to bright red.

“I didn’t hear you count, I didn’t hear you thank me, and I haven’t heard you ask for the next stroke,” I told her threateningly as I brushed her hands away. “That stroke therefore won’t count and we’ll start again. I also do not expect to hear sounds like ‘Ow’ from you. You may cry and sob, but other than that you only say what I’ve ordered you to say. You also keep your hands on the sofa beside your head. Is all that clear?”

“Y . . yes, Sir.”

“Right, then ask for the first stroke again.”

“Please may I have the first stroke again, Sir.”

I repeated the stroke, the cane leaving a white line about an inch below the red line from the initial stroke. This time she wriggled her ass, but was silent except for “One. Thank you, Sir. Please could I have the next stroke, Sir.”

I gave her the next stroke, followed immediately once again by wriggling, then her count, thanks and request. This continued Until she had received six strokes and I started to increase the power of each stroke. By now she was sobbing continuously and her ass had parallel red welts across it from the cane. As the caning progressed and I increasedd the strength of the strokes the skin started to show signs of breaking and small patches of blood appeared. She was going to have one very sore ass tomorrow. For the final five strokes I changed the angle, placing them diagonally across the others. Ellie-Mae was in obvious age, sobbing her heart out as the strokes landed regretlessly on her unprotected ass. Once she had received her twenty on her ass, I told her she would now receive her five on her pussy. For this I needed to reposition her, so I asked her to stand.

Slowly and painfully she stood, tears still pouring down her cheeses as she reached tenatively behind her to feel the damage to her previously pristine as cheeses. She feel the welts from the cane and the slight amount of blood seeing out of the few tears that were in the skin.

“Go and let your mother have a close look,” I commanded.

She did as she was bid and Sue ran her hand over her cheeses, not too gently.

“You’ve done good,” she said to me.

“Well, I hope so. I’ve had a few years of practice but admit I am a bit rusty. Maybe I should have practiced on you first,” I joked.

“Mmmm, maybe,” replied Sue with a faraway look in her eyes.

I took two large cushions and placed them on the coffee table, then covered them with a sheet from the drawer.

“Right, Ellie-Mae, I want you lying on your back with your ass at the end of the table please.”


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