The Electricians' Flex Pt. 02

You’ll remember that James, our electronician, was due to return on Friday and give me a repeat session. Well things never turn out the way I expect them to and Friday was no exception. The week had been agonising. The waiting around knowing what was to occur and copying with the anticipation and the worry that I might go too far and undo all the good work I’ve invested by resisting allowing another man to have me fully. But this guy was different. Not only well hung and a pressure washer cummer, with handsome, rugged features and a carefree attitude but he had actually done a rather good job of paying me and making me think quite hard about my attitude to the class system.

Tuesday was difficult: so much time ahead and I quickly realized that I was thinking of almost nothing else. Just that bloody electronic and his hand, spanking me, his fingers caresing me and his marvellous proboscis. Wednesday was better as I actually had some time alone in the house so I was able to treat myself to a very long bath and, well you know: a mid-week special. Thursday was hell. I was feeling slightly sick with anticipation. I kept bending over this and stretching up, imagining him abusing me. At one stage I even stripped off and repeated the poses we’d initiated on Monday, even sucking a large dildo to loosen my throat muscles. I hardly slept that night and found myself, stomach churning, getting out of bed and pacing. It’s not normally like this; I’m usually totally calm and collected: a few butterflies but not like this.

When I eventually got up on Friday morning, I had my normal bath and a light breakfast and waited for the 08.30 arrivals of vans, vans and more vans. The hour came and went, then 09.00 and then 09.30 ticked by and I was about to phone him when they all showed up together.

“Sorry love we met up at the builders’ merchants to make sure we all came out with the right gear.” The immediacy of the explanation made me think that he must have noticedmy jumpiness. I said little but settled into my usual role of putting the kettle on and arranging the right number of mugs. Some days are gone in seconds, some take a while to get going but this one dragged its heels like it really didn’t want to say goodbye.

It was a post lunch general con-flab that really took the biscuit. I was standing on one side of the breakfast bar with the chaps all on the other side. They’d placed a drawing in front of me and were explaining some technical issues about runs of pipes and airlocks. I didn’t really understand so James turned the drawing round so it faced me then came around to my side of the breakfast bar and started to explain things, pointing to the drawing where needed. It was then that my heart gave a real start as I felt his other hand on my inner upper thigh then, slowly, very slowly running it up till he was up under my skirt caressing my bottom. It was so risky, risqué, dangerous and exciting. Then, as the fondling stopped he pulled the panties up and into the crack and gave each buttock a very painful pinch. And then my left cheek had a prolonged squeeze so hard in fact that I let out a little ‘eeweeoooogh’. But, realising this might alert people that something was going on keep going and turned it into an ‘eeweeoooogh wouldn’t want to put it there would you?’ They looked at me as if I had lost my marbles but Somehow I managed to keep my cool and I’m certain the others didn’t notice and as the meeting broke up James whispered towards me…

“Keep them like that.” I squeezed his hand and knew that this afternoon was going to work perfectly. But I had many surprises left in front of me.

It was around lunchtime that James came into the kitchen with Ryan, one of the other chas.

“I’m out for half an hour. Got to collect my brother from the garage – he’s dropping his van off for a service and I’ve gotta take him home tonight so he’ll stay and work with me.” I just know he saw my jaw drop but I couldn’t say anything because Ryan was standing right next to him. ‘What about my bottom?’ I thought and felt shattered as he walked off leaving Ryan to ask if he could use the kettle as he’d forgetten his thermos flask.

“Sure.” Was about all I could manage but then added lamely, “You know where it is.”

True to his word James arrived half an hour later with brother Will in tow. I took a good look and, although there were similarities one definitely wouldn’t have picked them out in the street as being siblings. James was the taller of the two but they were both good-looking Hombre’s and one would have done either of them under different circumstances. They’d been working for only about half an hour when Will came into the kitchen.

“Can I use the kettle?”

“Sure, help yourself.”


“Not being bratty today then?” I was taken aback. It was not the sort of thing I expected to hear from someone working for me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t quite catch that.”

“I asked if you’re not being bratty today.” He left the kettle and walked over to where I was sitting at the breakfast bar. He stood about a yard away and then, very deliberately, moved right into my personal space, looking down at me. “Stand up.”

“I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“I said stand up. So STAND UP.” Butterflies, no hornets raced around my tummy and a ringing in my ears alerted me to the possibilities that were opening up. I could remain seated and very likely lose the entire session or I could stand and tacitly include little brother in proceedings. I’d been set up. My bottom was itching however so there was no decision to be made.

“Yes Sir.” I stood right beneath him.

“Turn and bend across the breakfast bar.” I looked up at him. Hesitated, then turned and leaned forward knowing that at any moment another worker could interrupt. A moment or two passed then I felt my skirt being lifted and my bottom being felt and his other hand slipped down my blouse and inside my bra quickly finding the nipple. ‘Quick worker’ I thought as he squeezed pleasure into me at both ends. “You’ll need to get some things together for us to be used later on. I’ve made a list.” His hand left my bottom and fished a piece of crumped paper from his pocket dropping it on the breakfast bar.

“Yes Sir.”

He resumed his care and I felt myself involuntarily responding, pushing back against his hand and thrusting my chest out more. He responded with a hearty slap on each buttock and was gone. He’d left me high and not very dry. I looked at the note and went to the playroom and gathered the items demanded together and laid them out in some sort of order.

Three-thirty, the time they all usually knock off, came and went but nobody left. They all carried on and I stayed in the kitchen pacing, looking out of the windows to check which vans were moving and finally at nearly four-o-clock the first van left, closely followed by a second. Only two moreto go but by four fifteen there was only one van left and it was James’.

Will came into the kitchen and stood in the doorway.

“Do a twirl for me.” I started to turn “So you like to be spanked do you?”

“I need it Sir.”

“So I heard. Keep turning.”

“Yes Sir.” I felt a little silly.

“Lift your skirt and tuck it into your Waistband.” I did so, continuing to turn. “Today two of us are going to put you in your place. Did you set out the things on the list?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Now lean across the bar like earlier.” I stopped twirling and dragged myself up and bent forwards. “Very nice. You like to be spanked and beaten, degraded, made to do things, strung up?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Good, bro told me the rules.” He moved to my side and in a stance very reminiscent of his brothers’ during our Monday session moved his left tigh against my left hip, reached across to grap my waist and started to spank me very hard. It was so different to his brother’s rate and pace and I could tell he’d had a lot of practice at this. I must have started to moan slightly because he paused and barked “Twelve hard ones — count.” And boy oh boy did he mean it. They were hard, fast and alternated on each buttock. His hands were so much more through than James had been for he covered every inch of my bottom with those twelve spanks and, at the end I could have taken a caning straight off. Just as he got to number eight I noticed James standing in the doorway regarding the scene and smiling grimly. In spite of the intense start when he got to eleven and twelve I thrust my bottom back provocatively and duly got my reward: two monumental spanks that knocked me forwards. I was gasping already.

“I see you two have met.” James said

“Yeah, thought I’d got started bro.”

“A good start to. Come on, bring her with you. I’ll show you where the playroom is.” Will took my elbow and marched me off but the firmness of his grip made me wonder, just a little, about how wise it was to be alone with the two of them. After all they were two handsome, rugged, randy hunks, who were probably about to get me naked and all alone in a remote house in the middle of nowhere with toys a-plenty.

We walked into the playroom where, as instructed I’d set out a pair of wrist cuffs, two leather paddles, a pair of riding crops and four canes. Additionally I’d left the cupboard door open so they could be aware of lots of other options. They both stood for a little while taking in the scene and then Will walked into my very personal space and moved his face so close to mine that he could have licked me.

“We all know the rules so when we say bend over you don’t even ask how low, you just” he paused, then said in a much firmer voice “DO IT… GOT IT?”

“Yes Sir.” Although Will is the shorter and younger of the two, he was so much more in command than James had been and even now I could tell that James was watching and learning. He moved away from me, looking me up and down.

“I want to see more…” he paused “strip. Everything.” I started slowly, knowing that once naked things would proceed at a pace beyond my control and that, only for the moment could I dictate that pace. My starched, white blouse first, button by slowly undone button, then the cuffs, I turned away from Will only to be greeted by James’ face also looking me up and down. ‘Ah’ I thought, ‘he’s seen it all before’, so I stayed facing him as I slipped it off and dropped it onto an armchair. I unhooked my short, pleated skirt, unzipped it and let it fall onto the chair as well. Now dressed only in bra and panties, things were getting serious and I could already see an emerging bulge in the overalls in front of me.

I reached behind my back, unhooked the clips on my bra and let it join the growing pile of clothing then paused with my thumbs in the corner of my waistband and then slide them down and off. I love being naked in front of strangers but still find it slightly embarrassing and get really upset if they don’t get turned on — it’s a vanity thing I know and a terrible flaw in my character but I’m stuck with it. Happily, as I turned to face Will, I could see a similar bulge to James’ emerging. I have to also admit that being naked is one thing but being naked in front of two young hunks, young enough to be my children was an immense turn on, the fact that I, at my age could have that effect on them was a real ego boost. What was to follow was even more so.

Will tossed a wrist cuff to James.

“You do that arm bro.” And with that they both started to get me into the helpless state that I love and fear so much. Love because one really is out of all control, which, for me at least, is a wonderful state to be in, fear because it could all go so tragically wrong. A body in a suitcase found at the bottom of a lake, that kind of fear. But I knew James and, my husband had OKyed it and so felt safe. They stretched my armsup and attached me to the hooks above leaving me in a spread-eagled state. Naked, vulnerable and very turned on. And that’s when the dual cropping started. Both of them at once and, at first just one buttock each but then Will took it upon himself to use it on other areas as well. Thighs, belly, lower back — which scares me witness, all those organizations — breasts, backs of calves and inner tights. Admittedly they were not applied too hard, quite gentle in fact at first, getting progressively harder but nothing to cause me to make use of a safe word — if I’d had one. It did get me glowing all over however and that was a really lovely feeling.

James had dropped the crop in favour of spanking my bottom really very hard — for him. Clearly he’d picked up on the level of beating his brother had delivered. Throughout they were calling me names, like ‘stuck up bitch’ and ‘condescending cow’. Will stopped cropping and moved right into my personal space once more and, for a moment I thoughht he was going to kiss me but no he gripped my nipples and twisted them hard, which does all sorts of special things to me down below and I duly minced my knees which only made him grip them harder. I watched as he collected a pair of heavy duty ‘Clover clamps’ and attached them one by one. My sharp intake of breath must have told him that these were savage beauty.

And as they swung to and fro they had an even More dramatic effect down below. It was then that the leathering began. One buttock each and they really laid into me for about five minutes. First one chef, then a pause of a few seconds, then the other chef, again a pause and then repeat. Then Will came around in front and gently tugged on the chain connecting the nipple clamps, I winced and he very gently undid one, then rolled it between his forefinger and thumb, Then bent to suckle on it whilst he repeated the exercise with the other. Things were really boiling inside me and I was beginning to wonder if I’d be able to resist these two having me completely and as all those thoughts were going on James continued to leather my backside. Slowly though his blows subsided and I sensed from the look of their overalls that things were set to move on.

My arms were aching terribly so I was pleased that they then let me down and I almost flopped but James caught me and all of a sudden I was naked, in his arms his impressive cock firmly pressing against me and I had to stop myself making a grab for it then and there. But I didn’t have to wait long as Will took over.

“Take his overalls off.” I avoided my composition and balance and looked up at this hunk of a guy and undid the poppers of his overalls one by one then I reached up and pushed it off his shoulders and was delighted to see that apart from a tee shirt the only other clothes beneath were boxer shorts. As the outer garment reached his ankles I knelt and slipped it off his feet and then gazed up at him, my head level with his boxer shorts”You can take those off him as well.” Things were certainly looking up so I very carefully lowered his shorts to reveal once more that oh so impressive piece of manhood that I so long to swallow once more. James stripped off his own tee-shirt and now fully naked I again found myself licking my lips.

“Take a seat bro, and open your legs nice and wide for the stick up bitch.” Then he referred to me “And you can stand up.” I did so, wondering how this was going to play out. I know they knew the rules but could have no idea if they were going to stick to them. I had been in the perfect position to deliver a BJ but Will had put an end to that hope. But then he changed the whole complexion completely.

“Bend forward, put your hands on his thighs, swallow that cock while I cane you good and proper.”

“Yes Sir.” ‘Now we’re talking’ I thought: a caning plus a cock for me and the prospect of another one afterwards. I bent, resting my hands as instructed and then realized thatMy head was very low down as he was in a leather easy chair so my bottom was right up high and the skin stretched very tight, my thighs already aching but I quickly took to the task in hand — or rather in mouth – as I immediately took him all the way down, his muted sights and gentle gasps an aural delegation to my oral skills. I felt the tap, tap, tapping of the cane and then heard the swoosh sound followed by the first bite of rattan. It wasn’t nearly as hard as I had expected from Will but was quickly followed by another, then another. They were rapid blows and, as any regular reader will know, I find those the hardest to take.

“I’m going to keep caning you till he cums. So you’re in charge of how many you get. Understood?” I sort of nodded but carried on, slowing my ministries up slightly — I needed a proper scourging, they’d got me hot and I knew that the only thing that would cool me down would be that piece of wood in his hand and the wood in my mouth. Every now and thenhe stopped and rubbed my bottom, once or twice feeling in between my legs.

“You’re soaking fucking wet, you dirty bitch.” Ordinarily I would prefer not to be spoken to in that way but that day — I was loving it and plied myself to James’ wonderful cock that was presently entering my throat, his hands now gripping my head and his hips rising so that he was effectively fucking my face for the second time.

Will started the caning once more but this time at a much more satisfaction level and it was starting to get to me. He pressed on and I could feel a crescendo happening but I needed more so tried to slow up on James but he was having none of it as I could now tell that he was close to the point of no return and sensing this Will laid it on really hard and fast. I was close to my limit but not quite there and just as James started to erupt in long, deep, penetrating thrusts, his lovely spunk filling my mouth and throat, Will delivered a further six brutal cane cuts which were absolutely spot on in precision, power and pace. His brother was still pumping away delivering ever-smaller quantities of magic juice but I stuck to my task and keep slurping till he started to wilt.

It was at this point that I heard the clicking of poppers as Will divested himself of his own outer appearance and I felt his hand on my glowing and well wealed buttocks, his sticky pre-come covered knob thrusting against my tigh. Naturally I know what to expect but as his hand delved between my legs fondling my ‘hotspot’ I felt the first pang of doubt. How could I resist this young Adonis and, as I looked around I saw that he’d shed all of his clothes and, although shorter than his brother, his equipment more than made up for that. Long, about eight inches plus, but also fat and oh, so stiff. My head was in a Total swirl, lust and a much needed orgasm now fully in control of me. I rose and took his hand leading him to the sofa where I sat and, maintaining eye contact, swallowed his lovely cock whole. ‘Sod the rules, my lust said, they’re there to be broken’ my hotspot screamed, ‘I need him inside me’ my rampant eye told me, ‘just look at what you’ve been sent’. I knew precisely what I was going to do.

I was going to fallate him for a short while and then lie back and get him to fuck me and fuck me hard. I needed that cock inside me then and there, ‘besides’, I reasoned ‘it’s my body I can fuck whoever I please’. I continued to suck his cock as I slowly manoeuvred myself into the lying down position I needed for my impending rule breaking act. His body was beautiful, taught, rippling muscles, fabulous, low-hanging balls which I fondled, taught bubble butt which I used to pull him further into my throat and magnificent cock that was about to fuck me. I pulled him out of my mouth and sort of Pulled his cock in the direction of my opening and he climbed between my legs and with one arm above me held himself above. With his other hand he took hold of his cockand rubbed it against me and as he did so I could already feel the first tingle of orgasm threatening my self-control, willing him to thrust inside, dying for him to fuck me, ‘please Will, please fuck me’ I thought as I took hold of his flagpole and rubbed him against me some more. I started to move him towards my entrance and just knew that this was wrong but was also oh, so right and then, as if a guardian angel: his brother’s voice.


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