Copyright 2021 All rights reserved
Note to Readers: I apologize in advance for the inevitable spelling and grammatical errors in the story. I’m trying to get this thing craneted out before things get busy for me next month. Thanks for understanding and thanks for reading. It has been fun to write! -James
89 Days Ago
{Excerpt of a Conversation Jason was not privileged to]
Dr Amy Taylor: So Ali, I could tell from your voicemail you were excited about today’s candidate. Tell me more!
Alisha: Oh my goodness, Amy. He’s the perfect candidate. The indoctrination yesterday went beyond well. Jason is 46 years old. He’s almost six feet tall and a bit overweight. It’s the body type we have discussed is fun to deal with. He’s not morbidly obese, more just a bit of a fat slob.
Amy: Ah yes, our favorite body type. Fun to woman-handle. And you said he was naturally submissive but a bit obstinate?
Alisha: Exactly. It’s exactly what you’ve talked about. He came in unsure about the whole thing, but it was easy to manipulate him. Once Annie and I began asserting our superiority, he totally folded!
Amy: Oh, I meant to ask you how Annie did.
Alisha: You know she has had that natural sort of skepticism about things and I’m working on building her confidence. Yesterday was a big step forward with her. It was the most comfortable I have seen her with a candidate. She was more verbal with him than she has been in the past. Oh, and she “finished” him off, quite well I should add. He went catatonic; it was quite humorous.
Amy: That’s wonderful! I will tell Beverley. She’ll be pleased to know since she recruited her.
Alisha: Yes indeed. She needed a little bit of coaching, but I can see she is blowing. Once we indoctrinate Jason I’m going to have her lead the excoliation. She actually requested it, believe it or not. It’s going to be fun.
Amy: Oh, is he hairy?
Alisha: Yes, quite.
Amy: Penis?
Alisha: Very typical. Just under five inches erect. It’s exactly as you have described to me. Small penises make for small egos, which leads to misbehavior and stunted maturity.
Amy: It’s uncanny, isn’t it?
Alisha: Yes, your theories are always so precise. It amazes me.
Amy: The male is a remarkably simple creation when you boil things down.
Alisha: This one has a few additional “attributes” that I find, shall we say, compelling. His ejaculation was explosive! His drive is off the charts for a middle-aged male.
Amy: So in other words he’s a total pervert.
Alisha: Well yes, of course he is. But I mean, I know we have seen it manifest itself in the most repulsive ways imagine, but this one has a cuteness that is somehow endearing. He is very responsive to feminine manipulation.I can’t wait to add him to my practice.
Amy: Sounds great. So you think you can take on another one? Don’t you already have two?
Alisha: Yes, but it’s not a both. I see Roger Thursday evening for an hour a week and he has become so docile and reliable I think he can graduate. Ted is still a work in progress, but he’s easily managed and not Particularly interesting to me, I’m afraid. I suppose it is fun denying him and seeing that look on his face, but well I think I could use a fresh charge.
Amy: Ok. I was thinking of exploring the idea of giving him to Annie, but we agree she isn’t quite ready.
Alisha: No, not yet. That said, I can definitely involve her quite a bit. She said she would be down for some of the early chatity training and humiliation sessions.
Amy: That’s wonderful to hear. She’s a keeper then. And you’re a superstar. You know that, Alisha, right?
Alisha: Oh doctor. You’re making me blush. Thank you. I owe it to you of course.
Amy: You have a lot of talent. I just helped bring it out of you. You’re a natural Female Superior. And I can tell you want this one bad. So you can have him.
Alisha: Thank you so much! This is a labor of love. I won’t let you down.
Amy: I know you won’t. This one sounds fun and I’m looking forward to the indoctrination, as is Madeline. She hasn’t whomped some male ass in a couple of weeks and she told me she’s pre-menstrual.
Alisha: Oh dear, just make sure she doesn’t break him too badly.
Amy: Well, you know how I feel it’s an important first step. It sounds as if his attitude is good and he is teachable, albeit has much to learn.
Alisha: Yes, exactly! You’ve hit the nail on the head as usual.
Amy: Great! It should be a great induction. It’s only 5 minutes to the hour so it’s just about showtime. I’ll see you in there. Remember,please keep Annie in the loop during Jason’s training, assuming he enters the program, which we both know he will.
Alisha: Ah yes, thank you doctor! I can’t wait!
Back to our proteinist….
I woke up with a lump in my throat. I knew something was afoot and that I was probably going to be taken advantage of. I had my suspicions as to just how bad it might be, but it didn’t stop me from moving forward with the appointment. In my mind I felt as if they were going to try and sell me into their “program,” whatever it was, and I was willing to go along with some things if it means I got to spend more time with Miss Alisha and Miss Ling. I figured this seemed like good clean fun and if I actually could reform some of my bad habits then why not give it a try, right? It’s hard not to look back on this morning a few months later and laugh at my own naivete.
Throughout the morning as I got ready, my dick keep getting hard and it was all I could do not to touch it. Finally, the time of my appointment arrived and I found myself walking up the stairs to the ENP headquarters, looking down at the aged brown carpet, heart pounding.
Miss Alisha answered the door and she gave me a geneuine smile, her eyes meeting mine and causing me to blush. “Welcome back, Jason! Please follow me and we will get started.”
We entered a separate room from where I had been yesterday. Rectangular tables were joined together to form a panel or committee-style set-up. Once Miss Alisha joined them, five women sat behind the tables and facing me. Two I recognized as Miss Alisha and Miss Ling. The other women were older, in their 30s or early 40s I was guessing. Two of them were in business casual attire with one of those being a striking blonde who was a 9 out of 10 on the beauty scale and the other a heavyset brunette with long curly hair and bangs that went across her forehead. The fifth woman was in a doctor’s outfit. She was thin and attractive with angular, pointy features, and had her black hair in a ponytail. She wasn’t gorgeous I wouldn’t say, but certainly fuckable and had a long, graceful neck and wore library glasses. I also noticed she sat in the middle chair of five (one was empty) and so I wasn’t surprised when the first one to speak up.
“Hello Jason. I’m Doctor Amy Taylor. You can refer to me as Miss Amy, keeping up with the theme here.”
“Nice to meet you, Miss Amy,” I said.
“Nice to meet you as well. I have heard good things from Miss Alisha and Miss Ling.” She competed to the heavyset woman. “This is our program director, Miss Madeline.” She then adjusted to the greous blonde and she said, “I believe you two have met on the phone. This is Miss Sara.”
“Miss Sara without the H,” she added, smiling at me and making my heart skip a beat. “It’s nice to put a face to the name, Jason. I don’t normally attend these things, but Doctor Taylor invited me and I thought it would help me become more effective at my job.”
“You’re already extremely effective, Lady,” said Miss Amy, turning to me. “Sara without the H is being modest. She is our star customer service liaison and is being treated to lunch for her good deeds.”
I wasn’t sure how to reply. I mean, there I was, standing in the middle of the room, facing a committee of five women. I could feel my face burning. This was amazing and extremely terrifying. I wanted to ask them what this was all about, but I knew it was probably best to just keep my mouth shut.
Miss Amy then launched into a speech where she told me about the purpose of the program.
The gist of what she had to say was that I had many problems and her program was the cure. She first talked about my weight and informed me that I was “clinically obese.” Then she discussed my admission that I drank and smoke too much. Finally, to my great embarrassment but titillation she talked condescendingly about my porn and masturbation habit.It was here where she seemed to really embellish things, as my face surely turned redder and redder.
“Allow me to cut to the challenge. Like a lot of men these days, you are an added compulsive masturbator, Jason, who can’t control his base impulses and as a result have not had any recent meaningful relationships in your life. Part of the reason my program has been so successful and popular is that this is epidemic in Our society. More and more men like you are taking the easy way out and becoming chronic wankers who are solely focused on pleasure themselves to the detriment of society.” She paused to let that sink in. “You can probably hear some disdain in my voice, Jason, and it’s not specifically disdain towards you. It is more a feeling of disappointment that society has turned out so many of your type. You might also hear something else in my voice: resolve. I started the ENP to address this particular problem, and I know our program can help you get unstuck and become productive again. Don’t you want to get back to a place where you are actually pleasing the women in your life rather than only pleasure yourself?”
I just stood frozen as she read me the riot act. I could feel the sweat beads and the sense of complete embarrassment. And yet, something also felt kind of queasy-good about the whole thing. I spoke haltingly: “I-I don’t really like hearing those Things, Miss Amy. But I think you’re right about a lot of stuff. I came back today in the hopes that you can help me.”
Miss Amy now issued a broad smile and I realized she was pretty than she let on, with her pointy nose and pointy chin and pasty white frozen complexion. “That is great, Jason. If most of our clients showed this kind of self-awareness, this whole process would be so much easier. So let me tell you about the program:
“Our program is based on the underlying belief that the best way to cure males such as yourself is through the judicious and through application of Female over male domination. On that note, we believe in Female intellectual, mental and, especially — as I think you have already witnessed — sexual supremacy. My organization takes great pride and joy in the practice of this art. You’re already aware of one of the main precepts, CFNM. But the program goes well beyond this. You will be assigned to a Superior, and in your case Miss Alisha has already volunteered to take you under her wing, which makes you extremely lucky.”
My eyes met Miss Alisha’s. “I’m really looking forward to this, Jason,” she said with a smile.
Miss Amy continued. “I have tremendous confidence in Miss Alisha. She has already helped six different men reform in the year she has been here. Her track record is excellent. Once per week you will have a two-hour meeting with her and at times Miss Ling here at the clinic, and she will conduct your training and put you through your paces. I won’t get into those details because we give our Superiors a certain amount of creative license in their programs, but I can assure you it will be effective and you will begin to reform. She will also conduct a spot test for drugs and alcohol. With today’s technology we can get instant results with a pin prick. Any questions so far?”
“No,” I said.
“No, Miss Amy,” she corrected, raising her eyesbrows and glancing at me with suspicion.
“No, Miss Amy.”
“Good. Now payment. As with any effective treatment, this isn’t cheap, but it’s not that expensive either. We know from our pre-selection process that you have financial wherewithal. This is an initial 13-week treatment at a cost of $500 per week. Paid up front. We have found that increases the motivation of our subjects to complete the program. Any questions?”
“No, Miss Amy.”
“Fabulous. When you see the benefits I believe you will look at the cost as the best investment you ever made in your life. So you agree then that you would be a good fit for this program and have no concerns or issues thus far?”
“No, Miss Amy. I think I’m ready for a change,” said with all sincerity.
“Good! I can tell you myself and the other ladies agree you are in desperate need of one. Now there’s one other thing I should mention, which is that you will be fitted with a male chatity belt straight away. Your orgasms are to be regulated by your Female Superiors. Understand?”
It felt like a dagger to the brain. Of course I knew what male chatity was! It was a fun fantasy at times, but to actually give up control? Hell no! Fuck no!
“I-I think that might be a deal breaker,” I said.
Miss Amy didn’t miss a beat, turning to the other ladies and I saw the portly Miss Madeline roll her eyes. “It’s like clockwork,” she said, her round face registering disgust. Miss Amy then addressed me: “I understand your concern but you need to get past that. Chastity is an essential part of the program, for obvious reasons I might add.” Her eyes seemed to focus onmy crotch.
“I-I can’t,” I said, my eyes turning towards the door.
“Amy,” said Alisha suddenly. “May I have a private word with Jason?”
“Of course.”
Miss Alisha strode confidently over to me as I stood as though in quicksand. She took my arm and said, “Come with me.” And so I did.
She escorted me out of the room and into the reception area. I noticed Miss Ling followed, but hung back, closing the door from the room with the other ladies and keeping her distance, observing.
To my surprise, Miss Alisha nudged me rather firmly into the corner of the room and got up close to me. “I’m cornering you so you can better see the reality of your situation, Jason. You’re really at a key decision point right now, Jason, and I’m going to give you my unfiltered views because I would hate to see you screw this up.”
She stood straight and put her hands on her hips, surveying me in such a way that reflected impatience a woman might have with a child. “If you leaveNow, all of this will have just been a waste and I think that it would end up being a mistake you regret for the rest of your life. Come with me on this journey. It won’t be easy for you, I understand that, but not only is this going to be good for you, Jason. We are going to have an absolutely wonderful time. I’m so excited to be taking you in hand and I know it’s going to be great for you. Do you really want to see what it’s like to actually live Jason, as you were meant to live, or do you want to go back to the loser lifestyle of drinking and porn and wanking yourself all of the time? What’s it going to be, Jason?” She stared at me challenging me with her eyes.
I swallowed and for a moment I felt like I might break down and start crying. The idea of chatity was horrifying to me, but I also knew deep down everything Miss Alisha was saying to me was true. I felt a little like Keanu in The Matrix when Morpheus gave him the choice of the red of the blue pill.
“Jason, look at me.” Miss Alisha had her hand on my chest and now she brought it up and gently took my chin so that I was forced to look at her. She was beautiful and animated. I have always been the visceral type, and I felt mesmerized by her pretty, determined face, and her scent.
“Come on this journey with the ENP. I think you’ve known deep down for a while that something like this will be great for you. Excuse me for being crude, but as logical as it might sound with chatity in the offing I know this program will do wonderful things for your penis,” she glanced down before meeting my eyes again and smiling seductively, “and your life. All you need to do is submit — and let’s face it Jason — whether you have come to accept it or not — you’re naturally submissive.” For Emphasis she reached out and gripped my chin, tucking her pointer fingerprint beneath and tickling my neck with her long fingerprintnail.
I felt light-headed and confused. I never realized my neck could be an erogenous zone but it sure feel like one at that moment. She had me, and yet I was still having a hard time wrapping my mind around chatity. As if Miss Alisha could read my mind she said:
“You will get used to being in chatity. It’s a central theme to the program. It might be challenging at first but over time you’re going to love it and your orgasms will become infinitely more meaningful to you. Stopping drinking won’t be easy, but you’ll find it much easier to contemplate when the women in charge of you don’t allow you any relief unless you test clean.”
“But how often will I get released?”
“It depends on a number of behavioral factors, none of which should be the least bit surprise to you. Assuming you succeed in reform you will be eligible for release each time we have our one-week meeting.”
At that point I started feeling like I might cry again. Everything felt a bit overwhelming, but then something kicked in. “Ok, I’ll do it,” I said.
“Good!” said MissAlisha, “but I need you to take one more step than that. I want you to ask me politely if I will accept you as a formal sub of the Eastern Nursing Program. Do it on your knees actually. That will be fun and suitable formal.”
I immediately kneeled down and put my arms up in a praying motion. If it were possible, Miss Alisha looked even more gorgeous from this angle. I became more aware of her lower body, her toned legs and slender build with that beautiful and natural hip and crotch curvature. She folded her arms across her chest and gazed down at me expectedly. With my voice cracking, I said, “Please Miss Alisha accept me as a formal sub of the Eastern Nursing Program.”
She nodded victoriously down at me. “Consider yourself officially ACCEPTED, Jason. Now doesn’t that feel wonderful? Let’s celebrate and formalize the proceedings by paying your tuition! And then we can get started.”
She had me stand and I followed her over to the desk where Miss Ling was sitting next to a computer and one of those new charge machines you only need to wave your credit card at. Miss Ling had this smug little smile on her face. “Welcome to the ENP, Jason. I’ll need your credit card.”
And poof. $6,500. No big deal though in the general scheme of things. And for the first time in as long as I can remember, I was feeling nervous and excited about a great journey in front of me.
“Well, no need to waste time, Jason. Please follow Miss Ling to the other room so you can disrobe and then we can circle back with the rest of the ladies.”
I swallowed.
“Don’t look so surprised,” she said mockingly. “I already anticipated you would be joining the program and had a chatity belt overnighted for the occasion. We have a busy hour ahead of us. We need to do the induction ceremony and then get your genitals properly exfoliated before fitting you with your new belt. We don’t have time to waste!”
“Follow me,” said Miss Ling, crooking her finger inan unspoken order as she moved towards the bathroom area. And as I moved to follow her she turned back with a smile on her face, looking past me as if I wasn’t there toward her senior counterpart. “That was masterful, Ali.”
“Thank you, dear! We are just getting started! I’m going to use the ladies and see you back in there for the indoctrination. Oh, and Jason. I’m sure you realize this but in case it isn’t clear you are to follow Miss Ling’s instructions to the letter. I probably didn’t need to tell you that but I’m telling you that anyways. She and I communicate in full and I expect you to show her proper respect when I’m not around.”
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