The prince rode his horse through the gate. The guard saluted absolutely. It was bad enough just being a prison guard, but this wasn’t the usual prison. Every few months, the prince selected a few of the female prisoners to be sent here to be his toys. Sometimes the prince would even see a girl on the street and have her arrested on false charges so he could have her sent here. And so, the guard was envious. The girls here were beautiful, and every few nights, the prince would have his way with any of them that he wanted.
After passing through the gate, the prince reigned in his horse and dismounted. A page took the bridle and the prince walked through the massive oaken door of the small castle. His eyes took a few moments to adjust to the darkness inside. The stone room, and the passageway beyond were lit only by small torches in the wall.
The prince walked down the passageway. He removed a small iron key from a chain on his neck and fit it into the lock on a metal door.He opened the door and started descending the stairs behind it. The stairs led to the dungeon where the princes were kept. It wasn’t the main door—it was the prince’s private entrance. It led to a larger cell where the prince enjoyed his girls.
There were only two doors—the one at the bottom of the stairs where the prince came in, and another in the far wall. This second door led to the cells where the princes were kept. It was disguised to look exactly like the wall at the back of the cell-block so that any visitors to the prison wouldn’t be able to see it. All the girls knew what would happen if they talked about what the prince did, and the guards were kept quiet with bribes from the prince’s large fortune.
The walls of the cell were stone, as was the ceiling. The ceiling was quite high—easily twelve or fifteen feet. The walls weren’t bare. There were chains hanging from metal rings. There were shelves containing all manner of things: from handcuffs and menacles andropes to whips and blindfolds. There was a bed in one corner and a metal table against one wall. The room smelled of sex, and while it wasn’t as dark as either the cells or the passageway that led to it, the dark stone of the walls, floor, and ceiling soaked up most of the light created by the many torches in the walls.
The prince walked into the cell, closing the door behind him. He took off his cloak and hung it on a peg in the wall. He walked to the other door and opened it. As he strode into the cellblock, he started looking around at the girls in the cells. He was looking for one girl in particular. A week before he had seen her with a basket in the marketplace in a local town. Three days later had had her arrested for conspiracy against the crown. She had arrived in his special dungeon two days later and this was his first visit since the. He was dying to try her out—to meld her to his will and make her obedient to his every wish.
But he couldn’t start with her—it had been too long since he had been with a woman. He had to start with another girl—she would slake his lust so that he could focus on his new girl. And so he looked around the cellblock for a few moments before his glance crossed one of his old favorites. She was not quite five and a half feet tall. She wasn’t thin or even slender, but fat or stocky wouldn’t describe either. She had straight dark brown hair that hung to her shoulders but no lower. Her face was beautiful, but she wore an almost permanent expression of gravity or sadness. She did occasionally smile, and when she did, her face lit up as though illuminated by the sun. Her breasts were full, and her hips flared beautifully into her smooth thighs.
She had been a prisoner in the dungeon for many years. Unlike many of the girls, she had actually committed a crime; she had stolen the watch of a local magistrate and then tried to seduce him in order to escape jail time. She had been in prison since she was fifteen. Four years into her sentence, she had caught the eye of the prince. There were still several years left on her sentence, and the prince planned on enjoying them. Her name was Kathryn.
The prince stroke to the door of her cell, unlocked it, and flung it open. She knew what that means. She stood up and walked swiftly out the door and through the secret door into the prince’s larger cell. Her cotton dress flowed behind her, and the prince watched her shaped legs where the dress flapped up revealing them. He wasn’t planning on fucking her, but there were other things she could do for him; things that would make it possible to have a longer playtime with the new girl.
After Kathryn left, the prince followed her. He closed the secret door behind him. Kathryn was in the middle of the room, standing with her hands behind her back. She wore an off-white cotton dress. It was fairly low cut, exposing her cleavage, and it fit her well. If she jumped up and down, there was a good chance that abreast could pop out. The dress reached almost to the floor, but it was slit up both sides to just above her knees.
The prince walked up the Kathryn. He started running his fingers through her hair. He let his hands wander down her neck to her shoulders. Kathryn closed her eyes. He slide his hands under the straws of her dress. He slide the straws gently off her shoulders, and they hung loosely on her arms. prince’s hands wandered forward, and he began struggling her chest. She still hadn’t moved her hands, but suddenly, the prince stopped and walked over to one of the shelves. He fumbled around for a brief moment, and then pulled out a pair of handscuffs. He walked behind her and cuffed her hands. Kathryn still hadn’t moved. He put his hands on her shoulders and pulled her close to him. He looked over her shoulder and enjoyed the view down her dress.
The prince reached around her and pulled her dress down. Her ample breasts emerged, and he placed his hands around them. Kathryn started to move her hands until she found the bulge in his trousers. She took it in her hands and started massaging it. The prince fondled her breasts and enjoyed what her hands were doing. The bulge in his trousers grew. Finally the prince moved away from her. She didn’t move. He walked around her and stood in front of her. Then, he reached out and grabbed her nipples. She gasped and struggled briefly against the handcuffs, but they held firm. The prince began pulling downward, and she was forced to follow. Eventually, she wound up on her knees in front of him.
She knew what was coming next, so she was not surprised when he unbuttoned his trousers. His cock sprang free, and he let it brush her cheek. Kathryn still didn’t move. He grabbed a handful of her hair, making her gasp again, and he started moving her head so that her cheek continued brushing against his cock. A small streak of wetness began to form on her cheek.
The prince thought for a moment, and then walkedback to the shelf. He rummaged around until he found what he wanted. He came back and knelt in front of Kathryn. She hadn’t moved. The prince fastened a leather collar around her neck, and then attached a chain to it. Kathryn looked a little less calm—this was something she hadn’t experienced before.
The prince once again stood in front of Kathryn and allowed his cock to brush her cheek again. The smoothness of her face felt so good, but he knew it was about to get much better. He let his cock moisten her lips. The head of his cock was sensitive that her lips were almost too much to take.
“Open your mouth,” he ordered.
Kathryn obeyed, and the prince allowed his cock to rub her lips some more before sliding it slowly into her mouth. She started massaging it with her tongue as he slide deeper into her mouth. Suddenly, the prince ran the chain from her collar around his waist and attached it to the collar again. Kathryn tried to back away, but the chain kept her from removing is cock from her mouth.
He began stroking her hair, enjoying the sensing of her tongue on his cock. The fact that she struggled a little against the chain just made it more enjoyable. He began pulling the chain tighter little by little, forcing his cock deeper into her mouth. He felt his cock growing bigger, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He pulled her hair hard, forcing her to take his whole cock in her mouth. Her tongue kept swirling around him. The tip of his cock rubbed against the back of her throat, and he knew he was about to cum.
She had been a prisoner in the dungeon long enough to also know that he was about to cum. She knew how he tensed up and pulled her close. She knew that his cock swelled even more than usual. She knew he stopped thrusting right before he came. She closed her lips tightly and tried to make him feel as good as she could. He was good to her, and he’d made her feel very good in the past, so she wanted to do the same for him.
She kept her lips closed as he came, letting the cum drip down her throat. He let go of her hair and let go of the chain. He unfasted the collar and slide his cock out of her mouth. She licked the last drop of cum off his cock as he removed it. Then she shut her lips and swallowed. He walked away from her, taking pleasure from the sight of watching her swallow his cum, and put the collar and the chain back on the shelf.
He walked back to her and grabbed her nipples. He pulled on them until she was forced to struggle to her feet. He fondled her breasts again, but then moved around behind her and unlocked the handscuffs.
“Put your dress back on,” he instructed.
She obeyed wordlessly, sliding the dress back up until she was no longer exposed. She moved the straps back on to her shoulders and then stood with her hands behind her back.
The prince opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and a small glass. He poured a drink and carried it to her.
“Take it,” he offered.
Kathryn took the glass from him. “Thanks.” She raised it to her lips and took a sip. She swirled it around her mouth before swallowing it. She enjoyed the warmth of the liquor as it flowed down her throat. He watched her enjoy the drink. He had intended to put her back in her cell after she blew him, but it felt so good that now he wanted to return the favor. She tossed back the rest of the drink and held out the glass.
But he didn’t take it. “Hold on to it,” he instructed. “But don’t spill that last drop, or I’ll punish you for it.”
She lowered her hand, but allowed the glass to stay upright, preserving the precious last drop. He took her other hand and led her towards the wall. He had the handscuffs still, and when they reached the wall, he cuffed one hand to a ring in the wall.
He grabbed her hair and pulled her face to his. Their lips met and they kissed deeply. She opened her mouth as her eyes closed. She cooed softly as he slid his tongue into her mouth. He could taste the smokey flavor of the whiskey she’d just had. He touched her cheek and stroked her neck, his other arm around her. He could feel her body relaxing in his arm.
The moment was interrupted by the sound of the shot glass closing on the stone floor. Kathryn had become so relaxed that she forget to hold the glass. It didn’t break, but it rolled around on the floor, spinning the last drop. The prince broke the kiss.
“I told you not to spill any, and you drop the glass?” There was no anger in his voice, but rather a playful tone.
“I’m sorry,” she replied. There was no remorse in her voice either. She hadn’t intended to drop the glass, but now she was interested to see where the punishment might lead.
“Well, now that you’ve dropped it, you’re going to have to pay the price.” He held her face in one hand, while his other hand reached down and grabbed her ass. It was firm, but not hard. He let go of her face and slide his hand down her neck and grabbed her breast. He fondled it for a moment and then let go of her and walked away.
He walked to another shelf and came back with more handscuffs and some chains. Kathryn watched in anticipation. He walked back and stood in front of her.
“Hold out your hand,” he ordered. When she obeyed, he put another handcuff around it, and then forced her arm back over her head, and put the other cuff through another ring in the wall. Now both her hands were raised above her head, but she looked more relaxed than restrained.
The prince reached down her leg until he was able to touch the soft skin of her calm beneath her dress. He forced her leg backwards until it found a restraint in the wall. He locked it around her ankle and then stepped back for a moment. Kathryn stood with her les together (though one was anchored to the wall) and her hands over her head.
He put his hands on her breasts and watched her expression. Her eyes closed. She enjoyed feeling his hands on her body. He let his hands run down her sides and down her legs. When he reached the hem of her dress, he reached under her dress and ran his hands up the smooth skin of her legs. Her dress started riding up, and he enjoyed watching her legs appear from underneath.
None of the girls in the prison wore anything under their dresses, so when the prince’s hands got high enough, he could feel her pussy. He stroked it a little, and she exhausted with pleasure. But his hands didn’t stay there. He ran them both down her free leg until her reached her ankle. He cuffed her ankle, and attached a chain to the cuff. He ran the other end of the chain through a ring high on the wall. When he started pulling on the chain, her legs started spreading as the one leg was forced into the air. When her foot was as high as her waist, the prince anchored the chain to the wall.
He walked towards her, and slide her dress up until her pussy was exposed. He teased her clip with his finger. Her eyesremained closed and she started to breath more heavily. He slide a finger inside of her. She started to moan.
“Does that feel good?” he asked.
“Mmmmm. Yes it does,” she murmured.
He stopped and went back to the chain. He pulled on it some more, forcing Kathryn’s leg higher into the air. If she hadn’t been so flexible, she would have been in considerable pain. Her legs were now spread wide. Her foot was over her head, but her leg was still straight. The prince ran his hand down her leg. She was very exposed, and it was turning her on even more. He could see her pussy beginning to drip with pleasure.
He started touching her pussy again. She moaned louder. He slide a finger into her, making her moan more. With his other hand, he gave the chain one last tug and then anchored it, leaving her foot almost directly over her head. He slide a second finger inside her. He teased her clip a little He spread her pussy lips apart and pinched her clip. She squealed with pleasure.
He could feel her pussy being to tighten on his fingers. He kept touching her inside, and she began to shake with pleasure. That’s when he stopped. He took his fingers out of her and walked away. There was a bowl of water in one corner, and he washed his hands. He left Kathryn where she was. She was clearly frustrated. She had been so close, but just as she could tell when the prince was about to cum, he knew her well enough to know the same about her. He looked at her. She looked back.
“You still want me, don’t you?” Her voice cut through the silence in the room.
“But you’re not getting anything else tonight,” he replied. “That’s your punishment.”
She looked disappointed. She squirmed a little. But the prince seemed unconcerned. There were plenty of girls in the cells, and he still hadn’t seen the new one. He walked over to her and took the handscuffs off her hands. He stroked her pussy one last time before releasing the chain, letting her leg down. He took both restraints off.
“No touching yourself either,” he ordered. “If you do, I’ll find out, and then I’ll really punish you.”
“I understand.” She looked disappointed; as if he had guessed exactly what she had planned on doing.
The prince walked to the secret door and opened it. Kathryn understand and walked through it and into her cell. The prince locked her in. The he looked around at the other prisoners until his eyes fell on the new girl. It was going to be a good night.
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