But I Like Switching!
The clip was called “Princess Porpentine being incredibly Dominant” and was linked to Justine’s Mindworm page. She knew what it was going to be as soon as she clicked on the link that took her to Heavy-R, but that didn’t her make her any less angry that Arianna had put it online. She thought she looked pretty good in the clip of Dylan eating her out as Jared buggered him, but she didn’t want that footage online, even if it wasn’t linked to her find page. Not that Arianna had done that deliberately: a paypig she’d given the bum’s rush after he’d refused to pay her had found the clip and added it to some shitty and unfortunate comments on her channel, with a link titled “May I Really Come, Mistress?” She’d deleted the link straight off, banned him from her feed and sent a complaint to the moderators, but the clip was still there on Heavy-R, and had pulled in a couple of thousands views and Christ only knew how many downloads.
Justine witnessed and started composing an email to Lydia. This wasn’t going to help her cause any, but it might be a bit less of a catastrophe if she told her monitor about it herself than if she left it to be discovered. She was also going to have a word with Arianna and make sure that she’d put the clip online rather than Dylan or Jonelle doing it on their own initiative. She was sure that Dylan hadn’t, but wouldn’t put it past Arianna to claim it was Jonelle.
Dominatrix Catfight!
Justine had thought she was slapping Arianna with an open palm until she felt a shock travel up her arm from her knuckles and heard Arianna scream as her chair went over backwards. It wasn’t until she raised her hand and saw blood on her knuckles that Justine realized just how hard she’d hit Arianna. Jonelle was on her feet as well. Justine looked at at her and didn’t like the sound of her voice as she said: “You want some too?” Jonelle took a step backwards, shook her head and spread her hands, then went to where Arianna was struggling to rise. The coffee shop, an expensive place in the big shopping centre in town rather than on campus, had gone quiet the second Justine and Arianna had started raising their voices, but there’d been a dead silence after the blow.
“You fucking bitch,” Arianna said, as Jonelle helped her to her feet. “You vicious fucking bitch. I should find a Fed.” Her lip wasn’t split, but there was blood on her face. Justine wondered if she’d chipped a tooth or something.
“You do that, Ari,” Justine said, as coldly as she could. “Just be sure you want to risk me telling them that I hit you because you’ve put revenge porn of me online. And I’ll be sure to mention it at Uni as well as telling the confidential.”
Arianna went white. “You wouldn’t dare,” she said. Justine wondered Whether she found the threat of legal action or the threat of exculsion more worrying.
Justine looked at her, hoping that the fury she felt showed in her face. “If that clip isn’t off that porn site by the time I get home and check,” she said, “I’m going to Dibble this evening. Believe it.”
Arianna was obviously worried by that thought. “You wouldn’t dare,” she said.
“Why not? Because I’m worried about you embarrassing me? You’ve raised the bar for that a lot already. Hell, if I didn’t want to risk the authorities getting involved, I’d have busted a few dance moves on your pig ugly face after I put you down, wouldn’t I?”
Arianna was getting angle now. Remembering, Justine supposed, that she fancied herself a Domme and the three other customers in here this afternoon had just watched a woman she fancied her inferior punch her in the face hard enough to lay her out and threaten her with legal action. If she was less angry herself, Justine supposed she might find that amusing.
“You think you could take me you bitch?”
Justine slipped on the cold, cruel smile she’d been practicing on Anastasia’s clients for weeks. “I know I can take you, you gobby little fuckwit,” Justine said. “You just proved it by folding up like origami the second I laid a finger on you, didn’t you? Take that fucking clip down and I’ll never have to both with you again. I think we’d both prefer that. The law is one thing, and I’d prefer to keep the moral high ground and go through them, but if you want to play victim, we both know I can take you apart without breaking a sweat, don’t we?”
“Fucking bitch,” Arianna said and swept out, as relatively as she could manage with her bloody mouth. Jonelle shrugged, looked apologetic and followed. Justine felt pretty bad about embarrassing her, and hoped Arianna wouldn’t subject her to some sort of tantrum later on. Still, she was a big girl and if her Mistress did get out of hand with her, maybe she could demonstrate some switchery herself. Of course, if Jonelle had ever put her foot down like that even once, it was possible Arianna wouldn’t be going around acting like she did in the first place.
Justine righted Arianna’s chair and turned to the other customers. “Enjoy the show?” she asked. They stopped rubbernecking in a hurry. At least the role-player hadn’t broken her cup, Justine thought. The crockery in here was from Staffordshire, and probably the fancy stuff as Justine didn’t get the impression that it was the quality of the coffee pushing the prices up, rather than expensivebe stoneware. Still, she doubted that she’d be coming in here again anyway. She sat back down, and finished her own overpriced latte before leaving. It was only fair to give Arianna as much time as possible before setting the confidential on her, but she wouldn’t do that until the morning anyway.
Much to Justine’s satisfaction, the clip was gone by the time she got home. Of course, it had probably been on a download site for at least twelve hours, so it was bound to pop up again, all over the internet. Justine surprised, and fired up Thunderbird on her laptop. She had no idea how to phrase herapology to Anastasia, but she supposed she’d better make it good as she had a horrible suicide that Arianna had just handed the conversation over to Malificent.
Juliette looked less happy about her impending victory than Justine would have expected. “You can’t be sure you’ve lost,” she said. “There’s a whole month to go before the end of term yet.”
As it wasn’t Tuesday morning, they were sitting in a pub. It was a grimy old man’s pub, old fashioned enough to have both a saloon and a public bar, which means they were unlikely to run into any other students here, and had the saloon bar to themselves as the weekday regulars were all camped out in the cheaper room.
“I’m just surprised Malificent didn’t have anything to do with this,” Justine said. “I wouldn’t put it past her to approach Arianna and suggest this.”
“Maybe offer her the supporting role in her next Domme off challenge if she delivered? I wouldn’t put it past her either, and she wouldn’t tell me if she had, but she hasn’t spent all day struggling her Moustache and laughing evilly, so I reckon she doesn’t know about it yet. She does not strike me as a woman who does that whole noble in victory thing, put it that way.”
“You’re probably right,” Justine said. “Oh well.”
“How’s Anastasia taking it?” Juliette asked.
“She’s not happy,” Justine said, with massive Understatement, “but at least she isn’t taking it out on me, which is something. Did you know this was some sort of best of three things and she’s already won one?”
“So she can still win if she finds a baby Domme who hasn’t been filmed in really heavy bonding to be allowed to orgasm while a gimp with a cock up his bum eats her out next time?” Juliette asked.
“Please tell me it’s not popped up again on Xhamster or Pornhub or somewhere already,” Justine said.
“Chill, baby Domme,” Juliette said. “The second you told me what you’d found online I downloaded a copy. It’s actually kind of hot,and Dylan looks like he knows what he’s doing dialling on the little pink telephone, so that’s kind of cute. And I am not going to show it to the wicked witch, so you’re safe from me on that one.”
“I’m surprised she doesn’t have Teamviewer on your phone,” Justine said.
“If she had any idea how it worked, she probably would. Anyway, don’t worry, the clip’s on a stick, Not anything that might be cracked or hacked, and I’m happy to wipe it for you. I just wanted to see it while it was still there, dig?”
“No, that’s cool,” Justine said. “You keep it.”
“You think Lydia would have noticed it if you hadn’t told her? I don’t think Arianna’s an early riser, so it’s unlikely to have been online for that long.”
“She spents her time online on California time,” Justine said, “so it probably went up in the small hours last night, and had already been there for ten hours before I noticed it. Okay, it was gone four hours later, but even so…”
“And you’re thinkingthat if you hadn’t mentioned it, she was guaranteed to find it even though she didn’t know about it when you did. I know how you think, Teenie.”
“Yeah, at the moment, I rather think you’ve won,” Justine said, and finished her purple nasty. Juliette looked at her sternly.
“If you’re going to go around thinking like that, I’ve already won, babes. Cut it out.”
Justine spent the weekend divorce. Eventually she decided that It was pointless blaming Arianna. She’d fucked up herself. She could have refused to get into these one sided shows of submission to a California skank who wanted to be Malificent when she grew up. She could have mentioned the skeleton in her closet to Anastasia when she was first approached instead of deciding that this was something she really wanted to do and going charging in.
Being Juliette’s slave might be fun, particularly if she decided that owning a bisexual might be an opportunity to experiment with her own sexuality a little, and at least Anastasia would have another chance to win, hopefully with a proxy who didn’t have any footage online of her submitting big time. The Hell with it all, Justine decided. In the morning she’d apologise to Anastasia again and then go to Lydia and ask how she went about invoking the resignation clause to quit the content. She wasn’t up to this, and she had been fooling herself thinking that she ever was.
The Happy Ending
Justine felt a lot more nervous walking into the inner Circle’s hidden and kinky common room for the second time. She’d spoken to Lydia and asked how she could surrender, and was told to attend a meeting that afternoon. She screwed up her nervous and descended the stairs into the pseudo cafe, and was shocked at what she saw there.
Everybody from the initial meeting was present. To her surprise, Arianna was also there, sitting next to Malificent. Madame Morticia’s face was like thunder, but Arianna looked like she was enjoying herself. Juliette, who was sitting on the woman’s other side, looked nervous and smug in equal measures. Lydia, Charlotte, Lord Kelvin and Roderick all had their poker faces on again, and Anastasia, to Justine’s surprise looked pretty happy. Justine didn’t didn’t think it was a whistling past the graveyard sort of smile or something she’d put on just to wind up her vitality. A possibility occurred to Justine. It seemed very unlikely, to put it mildly, but could she be sure Juliette wouldn’t do that? Justine didn’t know, but she gathered all her self control and descended the stairs down into the room as calmly as she could manage.
“You,” Malificent barked out as Justine sank into the empty chair next to Anastasia, “are going to regret this.”
“Threats aren’t going to help your case any,” Roderick said. “And dragging this outsider in definitely hasn’t.”
“The footage on these drives…” Malificent said. Lord Kelvin cut her dead.
“Is no longer relevant because the content is over.” He turned from Malificent to Justine. “As you may have guessed, your vitality had already resigned from the content at the point when you approached Lydia intending to do so.”
“Why? Justine said. “You’d won.” Juliette surprised.
“One, I’m not sure that I had. Yes, I’m sure you did get a great big demerit when that clip went live, but how far were you out in front at the time? Did you even think about that?”
“No,” Justine admitted, “I didn’t.”
“Two, the second Malificent hear about the clip, and I promise I didn’t tell her…”
“Your boyfriend did,” Malificent said. She was obviously seeing about Juliette calling her that in public.
“Did he?” Juliette said. “The little shit. Well, we’re done anyway Now. No way a slave can own a slave herself, can she?” Malificent sat still listening, obviously biting her tongue and struggle to contain herself. Justine hoped Juliette wasn’t trying to goad the woman into taking a pop at her as a hard blow to the mouth mightt tear her shark ring out.
“As I was saying, Malificent went harding off after Arianna to see if she had any more footage of Teenie acting subby. Turns out that she did, and was happy to hand it over because Teenie had, quite rightly, belted her a good one in the mouth over the clip she’d put online. Now, that may be allowed by the rules of the conversation, but it still struck me as cheating, and I don’t approve of some ageing slag who can’t bear to lose stitching up a friend of mine like that either. It’s dead offensive to my delicate and refine sensitivities, innit?”
“That isn’t how your boyfriend describes me, you snotty little cow,” Malificent said. Juliette beamed at her like the Dalai Lama, which she was obviously hoping Malificent would find much more annoying than a scowl, and replied in a calm, even voice that was likely even more annoying.
“Does he call you ‘Lady Slaanesh, greatest of the ruinous powers’ in bed as well?” Juliette asked, smiling sweetly. “Have fun with him, but I’m sure you can’t trust him any more than I could. He’ll be off as soon as he’s finished crossing ‘sex with a porno actress who’s older than my mum’ off his bucket list.”
Juliette stretched and switched her smile to something that was less radiant and more snarky. “You can probably all guess number three,” she said. “I just plain don’t like this woman and really really didn’t want her to win. Initially I was thinking, ‘well, she might be an evil bitch, but she is showing me some stuff that’s worth knowing so I should try to put up with her funny little ways,’ but that didn’t last. I might well have wound up doing this even if she hadn’t cheated, and the fact that she’s apparently shagging my former boyfriend doesn’t really make me feel bad about throwing the conversation for her either.”
“You cuntbubble,” Madame Morticia hissed at Juliette who grinned at her. If Juliette was doing that to wind up Malificent, it was working magnificently.
“If you’re gonna call me that, smile,” Juliettee said, and then turned away from Malificent, completely blanking her, to address Lord Kelvin. “Now, do I have to sign some sort of slave contract or are we done?”
Justine surprised herself, and everybody else around the table, by leaning over and kissing Juliette. Juliette surprised her even more by responding. “Later for that, Mistress,” she said when they broke contact. “We have a whole year, don’t we?”
“You do,” Lord Kelvin said. “There is some other business to take care of before you go, though and yes, we will want you to sign a slave contract. You might enjoy some of the other stuff as well, so stick around.”
“Yes, sir,” Juliette said.
“First off, both of you girls are now full members of the inner circle. You both went on the official list last night when Juliette phoned Charlotte. We’ll get you both a listing of the closed events and vendors and an ID card. Normally you won’t need that and just giving your name will be enoughh. There’s some other schmutter as well, but that can wait until all the other business is done. Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” Justine said.
“Now for the part you girls weren’t allowed the details of earlier. The challenge between Madame Morticia and Mistress Anastasia has just finished its second, and possibly final, stage. Losing the first stage led to Morticia being barred from all Circle events and vendors, and any dungeons munches or other places that we have an influence on. She wasn’t having that and choose to escalate, so now, having lost again she is officially Anastasia’s slave unless she chooses to escalate further. If not her contract will be a lot heavier than the one Juliette is about to sign…”
“Is ‘heavy’ a legal term?” Justine asked. She thought she’d better jump in with that one before Juliette opened her mouth again.
“In this context, my dear, it might as well be,” Roderick said. “Entirely non-consensual isn’t a legal term either. ‘Open ended but enforceable employment contract with severe penalty clauses for breach of contract’ is rather more correct legale for this matter.”
“And as well as heavy, the contract will also be permanent. No set duration like Juliette’s,” Lord Kelvin continued once he was satisfied that the interruption was over. “Short of Anastasia releasing her, or suffering some sort of accident which renders her incapable of keeping a slave, Morticia will remain Anastasia’s slave indefinitely.”
“Not Morticia,” Anastasia said. “That name has to go. I have a few slave names in mind already. Just call her Kay for now, though.”
“I’m rather fond of Morticia,” the bearer of that name snarled. “And I plan to keep it.”
“Are we to take it, then, that you’re intending to go to the final level rather than accepting defeat?” Lord Kelvin said.
“I am,” Malificent said.
“Do you accept this, Mistress Anastasia?” Lord Kelvin asked.
Anastasia smiled smugly. “I do,” she said. “I’ve already beaten her twice, so why not go best of five? I only need to beat her in one contest now to win, but she has to win all three. I quite like those odds.”
“I wouldn’t be too overconfident, Mistress Anastasia,” Justine said.
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing,” Anastasia said. “And I’ll be very careful to make sure that my next proxy doesn’t have any clips online of her acting all submissive as well.”
“Just what does the next level involve that’s worse than full time non consensual slavery at the owner’s pleasure?” Juliette asked.
“That’s a good question,” Lord Kelvin said. “Rod, would you like to fill the young ladies in?”
“In addition to the permanent slavery contract, which does include legally enforceable and quite nasty stuff already, the loser of a third level contest signs a number of waivers. The slave is now open to whatever surgery, mutilation and modifications the victor desires. Permanent and extreme modifications including major or even heroic surgery. Very few, in fact almost no, contests ever escalate to this level. I think the last one was eleven years ago?”
“It was,” Kelvin said. “Of course, no extreme action was taken against the loser of that case. It’s been suggested that he just wanted to really go all the way down and completely lose, rather than having a desire to be radically modified. That obviously doesn’t apply Here, as this is a grudge match.”
Justine really didn’t like the sound of that. She turned to Anastasia. “You can’t just turn this down?” she asked.
“I can, but then Kay walks. The ban from Circle events will still apply but the slavery won’t. She can still use dungeons elsewhere and is unlikely to ever shut up that I bottled this.”
“And she is kind of loud, Mistress Anastasia,” Juliette said.
“Indeed she is, slave girl,” Anastasia said. “Has all this gone on record, confirming that we’re doing best of five?”
“It has, Mistress Anastasia.”
“Then I can split.Stay in touch, Justine, and remember that you’re always welcome to work a few sessions at my dungeon if you need some cash. Yvonne might be able to use Juliette as well, come to that. I think the last resident slave girl she had in the videos has taken off to the ‘States with some guy who owns a production company there, so there’s a vacancy, and I think she’s quite keen to put you in another video. The one with Calum in the vacbed has just gone on the website and it’s doing rather well. You didn’t hear it from me, but she wants you going the full Dominatrix next time.”
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