Kyle sprinted hard for the shelter of a ruined building 20 yards in front of him, reaching a safe spot he reloaded his M16 before poking his head round the corner to get a view of the derelict street; 3 rounds bounced dangerously close to his head and made him jump back and crouch, he pulled the pin on his flash-bang grenade and launched it as far down the road as he could manage. Hearing the exploration he ran out and spotted his victim stumbling out from behind a burnt out car, placing 3 well aimed bullets in the guy’s temple he spotted another enemy in a window, with the reflexes which earned him his fire report he killed the man in a volley of fire that throw him back across the room and into the far wall. Kyle crouched down behind the car to take stock of the situation when a sharp and fast knife strike found its way deep into his spine, he fell forwards Just in time to see his killer disappear into building.
“What the fuck? Where the fuck did he come from?”
Kyle punched his controller in rage, he wasn’t used to being killed, he had played this game for hours and was practically unbeatable. He re-spawned and switched to a sniper rifle. Using his superior knowledge of the map he found his way to an excellent sniping spot, high atop a church tower, picking up 2 kills with his sidearm on the way. He laid mines at the entrance as he passed through and scanned the entire battlefield for More kills. A shadowy figure passed under an archway across to the west and with the precision which made him so feared Kyle punched a hole in the guy’s leg just before he disappeared out of sight. Reloading as fast as possible Kyle looked east when another knife struck his back, killing him instantly.
“What the, how the fuck did they get in here?”
He switched to a shotgun on his next re-spawn and made His way to a staircase he knew well, as he reached the top someone else was already in position, he launched a fragment onto the landing and blew the enemy clean out of the window before laying down at the top of the stairs, it wasn’t long before his first victim came hurtling up the stairs with all the grace of a new born giraffe, Kyle laughed to himself as he watched him fly back down the stairs from the brute force of a well placed shot, 4 more came and went the same way quickly before Kyle decided to make a move, he jumped up and ran down the stairs, when he reached the bottom he stopped to look out the doorway when the same knife again pumped deep into his back and ended his life for the third time in as many minutes.
“Seriously, what the fuck? They would have had to be upstairs with me??”
It made no sense whatsoever, if they were upstairs why not just kill him, how could this be happening? He pulled up the stats to get a look at his assailant.
Name: “Duchess of Death”
Number of Kills: 3
Number of Deaths: 0
“Oh my god it’s a fucking noob!”
Kyle throw his controller down in disgust and got upout of his seat, passing the rows and rows of computers with gamesrs buried deep into the screens, he made his way to the café area. He had been coming to this particular gaming café for a couple of years now and was well known for his skills, all around him people were plugged into their own worlds playing people from all across the globe, he enjoyed the setting, it was relaxed but slightly dark and moody. Roughly 50 gaming stations took up most of the front but at the back was a café bar and a couple of tables and chairs, meant for socialising but the only person that ever spoke in here was the Lady who served the drinks and took payment for the gaming.
“Cashing out already Darling?”
Susan was as friendly as ever, she had worked here before Kyle even knew about the place and knew everyone that came in here, she always made an effort to talk to her customers even if most of them could hardly string a sentence together in her company. She was tall and elegant, long dark hairswept down past her shoulders and the clothes she chose to wear always compiled her tall, sleek figure, most of the cyber geeks that came in here simply froze on the spot from even the slightest smile.
“For now yeah, can I grab a coffee as well please Suze?”
Kyle had never had that problem, Susan had always been very nice to him so he was always very nice back, he wouldn’t argue that she wasn’t attractive in the traditional sense but she was too tall for his liking and in general Kyle had always had a little bit of a way with the women, he exuded confidence in most situations and had a slightly cocky attitude that allowed to get away with being cheese which he had often used to his benefit. In Kyle’s mind if he wanted to fuck her, he would. Susan returned with his coffee.
“Here you go sweetie.”
He paid for his time at the computer and thanked her before making his way out of a back door with his coffee and into the smoking area.
Kyle sat on the benched table which took up almost the entire space and looked down at the ground, he liked coming out here to chill out when he was frustrated, it was always quiet and no-one else really used it. A tiny little area with one table and a view of four walls and a door wouldn’t be appealing to many people but he liked the stillness, the sun was just starting to set and the stars were beginning to flash bright in the sky. He pulled a spliff from his inside pocket and sparked it up leaning forward onto the table with his head in his hand.
“Tut tut, naughty boy.”
Kyle spun round to see where this sensitive female voice had come from. It was soft and playful but carried a certain confidence, as he turned to look he was met with the sight of a beautiful young Lady looking directly into his eyes. Her blonde hair was bobbed seductively round her smooth, pale face and drew Kyle’s gaze directly into Her deep, bright, intriguing eyes almost hypernotically.
“I think I’ll take that.”
She moved gracefully to Kyle and stood in front of him, the black, high boots she was wearing made her tower over him sitting on the benchmark. Slack jawed and awestruck he had only just been able to tear his eyes away from hers and take in her full beauty: stood proud and confident her young, stunning body was held with a grace which believed her years and Kyle was absolutely positive she was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his life. He meekly extended his spliff and watched as she raised it slowly to her full and luscious lips, pulling long and hard on it whilst staring down at him from high above.
Kyle went to speak but couldn’t think of a single thing to say, it felt to him as if nothing he could say would interest her in the slightest, she radiated an air of control as she continued to smoke his joint.
“So I guess this is why you call yourself erbalist?”
“How does she know my gamertag?” He asked himself, she smiled at his confused look.
“You’re pathetic I fucking owned you in there!”
Kyle looked up at her as she let out a little laugh.
“You mean your Duchess of Death?” he asked
“That’s just Duchess to You Kyle.”
“What the fuck,” thought Kyle “how does she know my real name too!?” He sat puzzled as she continued to hover above him, surveying him like a black widow spider enjoying watching her prey becomes helpless and trapped in her different web.
“So what’s your real name?”
Kyle started to ask but was answered with a harsh back handed slap across his cheese before he had finished the first word, the same hand grabbed both his cheeses tightly together and pulled his face just inches away from hers,
“You talk when I talk to you bitch and you always, and I mean fucking always, call me Duchess.”
Kyle was shocked into silence by the speed she had moved at and he felt his cock grow hard in his jeans, Duchess continued to hold his face close to hers and spat in his mouth.
“Open your mouth slut.”
Kyle found himself obeying her without thinking, opening his mouth as she spat at him again, his cock growing harder and harder with every drop of spit that hit his face and mouth and he thought he might cum in his boxers when she allowed a long slow drip to fall onto his tongue. He could hardly believe how incredibly sexy she was, he had only known her 5 minutes and already he was infatuated with her, he felt as if he would do anything to be with her, to please her, just to be near her!
Duchess moved her booted foot to his now rock hard cock and started to tease it a little, still holding his face close to her she flicked the ash from the spliff into his waiting open mouth and followed it up with more of her spit.
“Like I said bitch I owned you in there and now I own you completely, you are my slave, my pet, my very own plaything” she continued to tease his cock with her boot bringing him closer to the edge “Just look at you, rock hard for Your Duchess already, you crave me slut, you year for me, you lust after every single part of me, everything about me turns you on, even my spit.”
She spat at him again as she finished speaking, this time ignoring his mouth and allowing it to splash all over his face making Kyle reach the absolute edge of an orgasm, unfortunately for Kyle his Duchess noticed too and pulled her foot away with expert timing leaving him hanging right on the verge of cumming.
“Isn’t that right little slave?”
Kyle was desperate for her and answered quickly.
“Oh Yes, Yes Duchess I do, I want you so fucking bad.”
Duchess smiled to herself, this wasn’t the first time she had heard those words and it would certainly not be the last.
“Then you will do everything I say from now on slave, Without hesitation and without fail, do not piss me off or I swear to god you’ll fucking pay, understand?”
Kyle nodded urgently.
“Then get on your knees whore,” Duchess immediately throw him to the groundusing the grip she held on his cheeks “naked.”
Kyle looked up at her in disbelief but she gave him a stern and bitchy look back that almost dared him to disobey her, he lowered his eyes and started to quickly strip. Duchess hoped up on the table part of the benchmark, placing her boots where Kyle had been sitting and watched as he took all of his clothes off, only pausing very briefly on his boxes, she smiled as she saw how wet and hard his cock was for her already.
“On all fours bitch.” She sneered at him when he dropped onto his knees causing him to drop further and place his hands flat on the floor.
Kyle tried to look up his Duchess but she used her boot to push his head back down before placing it back on the bench inches away from his face.
“You may clean my boots slave while I finish this joint.”
Kyle wisely decided to keep his eyes lowered this time and instead started laying soft kisses and tongue strokes on her boots, Duchess puffed happily on thejoint as she watched him, it made her so horny to see him knelt at her feet exactly where he should be. She started to rub her pussy a little under her skirt, feeling herself growing ever wetter, she planned on having a lot of fun with this new pet.
She moved her boot around to allow him to clean the underside and as she watched him lick and suck on her heel she felt her excitement growth, she continued to play with herself as he finished one shoe and moved onto the other without her even having to tell him, muttering a small “good boy” under her now heavy breathing.
Duchess finished the joint and flicked Kyle’s face away with her boot.
“Up on the table slut.”
She stood and walked behind him and giggled when he climbed and kneeed on all fours on the table top.
“Ha ha, I mean on your back slave! What a filthy little whore you are wanting to be bent over all the time.”
Kyle laid on his back and Duchess pulled him back so his head dangled off the edge,he could see her full beauty towering above him from upside down now forcing the blood in his body to try and shoot to his cock and his head at the same time. Duchess turned round, lifted her skirt and bent over pulling her panties down and off, her ass was just inches from her slaves face and he watched with shock and joy as she wiped her already wet knickers all around her pussy and ass, she bent over a little further so she was spread wide and slowly wiped them up and down her ass crack before turning round and stuffing them in his mouth, she turned around again this time spreading her legs a little and positioning Herself directly onto Kyle’s face so his nose was inside her tight ass.
“I want you to smell and taste your Duchess slave and nothing else until I cum.”
Kyle’s cock bulged and twitched at the combination of her sweet juices trickling into his mouth and her heavenly scent filling his nose, he saw her hand move between her legs to her glistening pussy and watchd in pure ecstasy as she started to eagerly work her clip. She wriggled around a little on his face in happy excitement feeling his nose pressing in and out of her tiny hole and imagining his needy mind being filled with her addictive aura, she quickly built her speed and brought herself to a powerful orgasm, exploding in a burst of pure bliss all over her slaves face, she shuddered and bucked as her juices started to run all over him and leant back into him to allow herself to relax and enjoy the full force only slowly lifting off when she was fully satisfied, Kyle breathed the fresh air in his nostrils and immediately craved for her cent to return.
“Back on your knee’s slave, and you can put those panties on, I do love a whore in knickers.”
Kyle obeyed instantly jumping down from the table and pulling the pants up over his hard cock. Duchess took her seat on the table again
“Very nice slave, don’t you look the proper little wench now”
Kyle looked down at theground in the realisation that her words turned him on so much.
“Do you have any more spliffs slave?”
Kyle nodded.
“Hand them over then, in fact you can hand everything over, wallet, keys everything, you’ll have to earn them back.”
Kyle obeyed silently, literally handing his life over to her.
“Good boy, now put your clothes back on, we’re going shopping.”
Kyle dressed himself and then got back on his knees as Duchess went through his belongings, placing them one by one into her bag.
“Right, we are going to buy me some new underwear and since your wearing mine, you will be paying, but don’t worry slut we’ll get you some pretty ones too.”
Kyle blushed as she spoke to him but if he was honest he was enjoying the feel of the panties pressing against his cock.
“You will walk 2 paces behind me at all times slave, you will come to my side when I call you and you do not speak to anyone unless I say its Ok first, do you understand.”
Kyle answered Yes” and was met with another fierce back hand slap.
“That’s yes Duchess you little bitch.”
Kyle hung his head “Sorry Duchess, yes Duchess.”
she strolled around him angrily.
“I don’t think you do slave, I think you need constant reminders of who you belong to”
She grabbed his coffee cup, tore the lid off and poured the now cold coffee away before placing the empty cup on the ground in front of Kyle, she slowly squatted over the cup grabbing his hair to maintain balance and Kyle watched open mouthed as she started to fill it with her piss, when she finished and the cup was almost full she put the lid back on and handed it to Kyle.
“You will drink my divine piss as we shop slave as a reminder of my control over you. I don’t want you drinking it all at once though, you will take a sip every few minutes but I want the cup almost empty by the time we finish. you may start now.”
Kyle took a deep breath before taking a large sip from the cup, the sweet taste hit him hard he reeled back a little.
“Don’t worry bitch you will learn to love and worship my beautiful piss just like you love and worship everything about me. On your feet slave.”
Kyle followed his Duchess as she led him back through the café, ignoring Susan when she bid him goodbye. He concentrated hard on matching her pace as she led him around the town centre, fairly busy with late night shoppers, and into a lingerie shop. Two female attendants served the till in the small shop and they watched him follow her around as she picked out a pair of pink, silk panties and a tiny black thong.
“Alright slave takes these to the counter and tell them we want to use the changing room.”
Kyle looked at her in terror, freezing slightly on the spot but quickly realized disobeying his Duchess in here would not a good idea, he took a sip of his drink before taking them from her.
“Hi, can I help?” the girl at the counter smiled at Kyle as he appropriatehed.
“Erm yeah we’d like to use the changing room please.”
Kyle sweated, half expecting the girl to freak out but instead she simply said “I see,” and turned to get the key from the wall.
Duchess approached and grabbed it before Kyle had a chance and walked quickly to the changing room leaving him to practically jog to catch up to the sounds of two girls giggling knowingly, he sipped at his drink again as he followed into the small dressing room.
“Right get them panties off slave and try these ones on for me” Duchess ordered without locking the door, Kyle tried on the new knickers and paraded them for his Duchess at her instruction, she had him twirl and bend over for her, placing a little slap on his ass as he did.
“I’m not sure slave I think there’s something missing.”
She went into her bag and produced a rubber butt plug, bending him over she lubed the plug with her spit and slowly pushed into his ass, Kyle had never had anything in his ass and produced a little squeal, placing his hands on the wall to try and allow it to enter him, Duchess kept up the pressure until it finally popped in with a satisfying moan from her slave.
“Hmm, very nice slut now you’re ready, put your clothes back on.”
Kyle dressed again trying to get used to the pressure in his ass, sipped his drink and watched Duchess pull on her thong and put the old panties into her bag. She exited the room quickly and Kyle followed her to the desk standing just behind as she spoke to the assistant.
“We’ll take them.”
Duchess produced some cash from Kyle’s wallet and paid the girl, Kyle just stood and blushed, he daren’t even look at the girls while he followed Duchess out of the shop, instead just sipping his drink and trying to ignore the giggles.
Duchess led him around women’s shops for the next hour only acknowledging him for split seconds to hold a dress up to him and make a comment about how much of a whore he would look in that or to try a bright red lipstick on him stating it was the right colour for a slut like him. Kyle felt ridiculous walking around with it on but did not dare wipe it off, now every time he sipped his drink he was greeted with the red smudge on the cup and reminded of his humiliation.
Duchess picked herself some clothes and new shoes and paid for it all with Kyle’s money before finally leading him out of the shopping centre and out of the town altogether, Kyle followed behind slightly confused, she entered a grotty area of the city and eventually stopped outside a run down, back street pub.
“I’m thirsty slave, your’e going to buy me a drink.”
Kyle was confused why she had picked such a shitty pub, there were plenty of nice bars in town.
“Let me see how you’ve done with your drink slave.”
Kyle handed her the nearly empty cup.
“Very good, you may finish the rest now.”
Kyle quickly downned the rest of the drink, he was much more used to it now and found it easy to take.
“Don’t worry slave I’ll probably need another after this drink, in fact you can go and wait for me while I drink it. You will go straight to the ladies bathroom and strip down to your panties, you will knee in the middle of the floor facing a corner away from the door and wait for your Duchess.”
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