The Duchess

“And you’re sure you want Duchess?” Mistress Mertle asked me for a third time, partly confused, partly concerned as I stood there butt naked, fully locked into the ball busting stocks at the bottom of the New York dungeon, Yolo Contendere.

Yolo Contendere is a known entity in the hedge fund industry. Powerful men travel from as far north as Greenwich, Connecticut just to have their balls crushed by the greatest doms this side of the Mississippi.

“Go big or go home!” I responded all nonchalant. Up to this point, I’ve only ever had my wife squeeze my balls on occasion at home. But she has squeezed hard enough for her hands to hurt and I’ve always been able to handle it. So how much crazier can this really be I thought. Besides she came recommended by my chief investment Officer. I’m way tougher than that pussy.

“Oh hon!” Mistress Mertle, responded while shaking her head. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. Our most experienced subs can’t handle the Duchess. She’s will absolutely fuck up your balls–“

“I’m not a sub,” I interrupted her.

Mistress Mertle opened her mouth wide in utter shock while letting out an “Oh ho” laugh. “YOU-DID-NOT-just interrupt me!” She yelled out sternly as if I had offended her god. “I really hope one day you come back here and ask to see me personally. I dare you to ask for me. You’ll be choking on your balls before I’m done with you.” She paused for effect and then continued. “You won’t though,” she added in a disinterested tone while looking at her nails. “Ten seconds with the Duchess and you’ll be rethinking your life choices.”

Just then, another lady dressed in full business casual walked into the room carrying some paperwork. No doubt the waiver I had signed twenty minutes earlier with a different hostess at the entrance.

“What is he doing in here?” She asked Mistress Mertle, clearly annoyed by the situation.

“He asked for the Duchess, by name,” Mistress Mertle respondedWhile nodding in my direction.

“He’s a NEW CLIENT!” The hostess yelled out.

“Well whada you want from me?” Mistress Mertle responded impatiently.

“I want you to use your head,” the hostess fired back while lightly tapping Mertle on the forehead with the paperwork. “How does it help us if he quits after just one session?”

“Well, I already called her,” Mertle responded. “She’s on her way down now. Look, he already signed the waiver right? And he’s a big boy. I tried to warn him but he won’t listen. Let him learn the hard way.”

The hostess then walked around the stocks and bend down a bit sideways to face me. “Sir, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to have a session with Duchess Sybill. She’s generally reserved for our, um, most experienced clients. You might be better off having an appointment with Mistress Siphi, Lydia or Rae.”.

“Look lady. I know all about the Duchess and I want what I want,” I said to her. Can we please get on with it now,” I added impatiently.

The hostess rolled her eyes, handed Mistress Mertle a small ziplock bag and then stromed off.

Mertle giggled and shook her head as she watched the hostess exit the room. She then opened the bag, pulled out a small object and then came around to the front of the stocks to face me.

“Open your mouth,” she said in a semi-serious voice. She was holding a mouth guard.

“What is that?” I asked rhetorically. “I don’t need that. I’m fine.” I said confidently.

“Trust me, hon,” she quickly responded. “We’re here to break your balls. Not your teeth. We know what we’re doing. You’re going to want this. Now open up.”.

Reluctantly, I let her shove the mouth gaurd into my mouth. I also began to wonder whether Maybe I had bit off more than I can chew. But the thought was fleeting. “Nah” I said to myself as my cock became rock hard. “I can handle this.” I’d never been more turned on in my life.

The light in the room was dimly lit and the wallspainted grey and black to resemble a medieval dungeon. The large enclave contained all manner of BDSM toys and devices for the discerning New York elite.

A massive mirror stood fixed a few feet away on the wall directly in front of me. I assume it’s to give the clientelle a nice view of the ball beating they were about to receive.

Before I could even finish fully taking in the environment, she finally entered the room. The Duchess had arrived. She was all dolled up in spiky high heels, with matching black bra, thigh high lacy hose and a garter covering a red thong. She was strikingly beautiful and she was here to bust my balls.

I could not believe it. She was right there in the flesh. The mistress of my greatest fantasy.

She walked towards a black dresser set in the middle of the room and completely ignored my presence. She oepned a drawer that was ominously embroidered in a pinky flowery font that read “Sybill’s Balls! and pulled out a few items. The Duchess nodded to mistress Mertle who nodded right back at her. Mertle gave me a wink, cracked a different smile and then left the room.

The Duchess then began wrapping white boxer’s tape around her right knuckles. “Did they mention our rule on the use of a safe word,” she asked me while wrapping her knuckles.

“Uh…yes maam,” I gargled nervously through the mouth guard.

“Mistress,” she Corrected me. “Yes. MIS-TRESS.” She added a second time while momentarily pausing what she was doing.

“Yes Mistress,” I responded in kind.

There was a long pause before she came up behind me, knelt down, wrapped her hand around both of my balls without warning and yanked them way up past my buttchecks.

I jumped and turned a bit on the yank.

She then began to silently tie a hairband around the base of my balls.

“Well…personally…I don’t like to use safe words,” she said while using a few more hairbands to tie off each of my balls separately. “But if you insist. I chargea $1000 penalty every time you use it.”.

I sat there silently and didn’t respond.

“Understand!?” she said loudly as she squeezed my left testicle harder than my wife had ever squeezed. Searing pain shot though my abdomin as I felt that bone breaking sensing one feels when a testicle is compressed to the limits.

Snot involentarily shot through my nose and my eyes began to water. I was baring down so hard that my teeth were grinding almost right through the rubber mouth guard. I know right then that maybe this was more than I can handle.

I chased out a “yes mistress! Through my grinding teeth.”

She then placed each testicle in each of her hands and squeezed even harder this time with her nails digging right into each of my balls. “Thats good! Real good!” She said ignoring my reaction to having my balls crushed in her bare hands.

I knew right then I had never experienced anything like it in my entire life. I was in so much agoning pain that I couldnt even remember the safe word. I yelled out a STOP once I was able to catch my breath.

“And that’s one thousand dollars!” She yelled out. “Dude! We’re just getting started! You are not cut out for this you big fucking pussy!”

She then grabbed my balls with her left hand lifted them way up and squeezed them even harder this time. She dug her middle and index finger in my left ball and her pinky and ring finger into my right ball. As each testicle was separately tied off, I honestly thought they were at the precipice of breaking. I felt my heart skip a few beats. This was on several magnitudes worse than what I had just felt a moment earlier. I didnt think it could get any more intensity. But boy was I wrong.

Before I could even speak a word, and with her still digging each of her fingers deep into the middle of each testicle, she smashed her right fist squarely into my balls throwing blow after merciless blow. This while maintaining a vice-like squeeze of my separated balls. They were each essentially pinched down in half.

Searing paint shot through my entire body as it felt like each punch was breaking my already deeply compressed testicles. I screamed out high pitched screams with each blow as if I had been burned alive. I could not even speak to say the word “stop.”

Hit after hit, they kept coming and I was paralyzed unable to speak.

Finally by the 15th punch, I was able to catch a breath to yell out the safe word and she merely yelled back $2,000…$3,000…$4,000 and continued wailing on my balls giving me no time to recouperate.

By the 30th punch, my mouth gaurd had fallen out of my mouth and I beared down as they kept coming one after another. It must have been sometimes around the 50th punch that she stopped and began to unwrap the tape around her fists.

Her knuckles were bright red and she started to waive her hand a bit as she winced in pain.

“I think your balls might have sprained my pinky,” she said in a nonchalant voice as I sat there groaning in agoy unable to talk or even function.

She then walked to the black dresser and brought back a small vanity mirror to show me her handy work.

“Take a look at your balls now!” She demanded.

Each testical was completely bruised black and blue with veins bulging from where her fingers had penetrated my balls. And each one ached from the simple touch. I swore one of them must have ruptured. My only thoughts were (1) help I’m done having kids anyway and (2) how am I going to explain this to the wife?

“Every time you walk or sit down and feel a jolt of pain in your frail balls this week, I want you to think of me. And I want you to get hard doing so…if you can that is.”

She then began to unlock me from the stocks which was the only thing holding me upright at this point. “Time for your next treatment. I do something special for my new subs.”

I didn’t dare object to her use of the word “sub” this time.

“Since I own your balls now…I like to…how do I say this…put them in my drawer, so to speak. I call it place your balls in Mistress Sybill’s drawer.”

After she finished tying a dog collar around my neck, she then dragged me over to the dresser drawer that has “Sybill’s Balls” embroidered on it.

“Alright, in they go,” she commanded, nodding in the direction of the open drawer.

I looked at her like she was a crazy person. But she simply shook her head at my astonished expression as if I was the crazy person for questioning her.

“I said put your balls in MY drawer right fucking NOW! You don even want to know what I do for disobedience. If you think your balls are black and blue now, you have no idea.”

“I-I am scared mistress,” I said.

“Thats What you get for all that pussy safe word bullshit! Fear! I want you to be fearless. What can be more fearless than placing your balls in a drawer to be crushed by girl? Oh and you can bet I am not holding back. I’m going absolutely crush those balls. You have seen nothing yet.”

“There’s no way they won’t rupture,” I said as I looked towards the door and wondered whether I should call it quits.

“Look, if I really wanted to rupture your balls, I can easily do so. This is simple. You can place your balls in my drawer or else! If you stay, you’ll be punished for disobedience. I’m going to slam even harder now. It’s the last time I ask!”

Reluctantly, I slowly tiptoed to the dresser and very tenatively placed my balls in the drawer. And before I can even look up at her….SLAM!”.

“My BALLS!” I yelped!

“MY BALLS!”. She yelled out in victory.

I fell to the ground and cupped my testicles which had swollen tremendously as I squirmed in ago.

“Oh get up you big baby! I’ve done far worse in this room. You all act the same way when I place your balls my drawer for the first time. If you get up in the next ten seconds, you’ll get a treatment. If not, more punishment!”


I rolled over and tried to stand but stumbled as my strampach cramped up.


I tried again and got to my knees this time.


And just before she said “1,” I managed to draw the strength to stand up.

“Good boy!” The Duchess yelled out in excitment. “Time for your treatment,” she added with a few sedastic claps and big smile.

The Duchess took a very frim grip on my balls and lead me towards the ball standing chair. I know this chair. I’ve seen it in ball busting clips before.

She sat me down on the chair and tied my legs wide open to have full ungaurded access to my balls. She then handcuffed my arms behind my back so I couldnt possibly protect my balls from whatever sadistic plans she has for them.

“I noticed you lost your mouthgaurd there, hon,” she said, while pulling down her red thong which was dripping wet and soaked in her sweet juices. “We don’t want you losing any teeth now do we?” She added as she crumpled her thong, stuffed it in my mouth and then tapped my mouth shut for good measure.

As I sat there with my eyes wide open, wondering how I can possibly use my safe word now, she slowly removed each of her heels while stairing strictly into my eyes.

“How the hell is this a treatment?” I thought to myself. My balls cannot possibly take anymore. I’ve hit my limit. Hell they hurt to the touch.

The Duchess then rolled down her left thigh high silk hose exposing her beautiful bare feet which had been carefully pedicured with pink nailpolish.

“Like my feet,” she asked me as she brought her foot up and then down hard onto my balls. “Take a closer look. I had them done just for you,” she added as she drove her foot down harder into my separately tied balls.

“The-they’re nice, misstress,” I garagled through my taped mouth while my stomach cramped up again.

“Thank you, I’m glad you like them,” she said pretending to understand me, as she pulled down her otherer thigh high.

She then stood up onto the plank where my balls were resting on the ball standing chair, turned around and planted her ass right into my face. As my mouth was taped shut, I could only breath by sniffing her ass and pussy. I was so ridiculously turned on that my cock had gotten hard again. She had a butt plug with a crystal cap implanted into her butthole. It was an amazing view.

But the pleasure was fleeting as the duess positioned her left and right heels just above my left and right testicles. She then slowly added more and more pressure taking weight off of her toes and placing them squarely onto my balls.

The pressure was absolutely intense. One wrong move and I’m certain my balls would give out.

She then started to alternate pressure pushing down on one ball and letting up on the other while grinding her ass up and down on my face.

“Stick out your tongue,” she said, apparently forgetting that my mouth was taped. “I said stick out yourtongue,” she said a second time as she brought her foot down stomping on my trapped testicles.

I started snorting and cought and felt like I was going through my nose from the pain.

The Duchess then kneeled down and ripped the duck tape off of my mouth and removed her soaked thong. “Now stick out your tongue!”. She commanded again.

I immediately obeyed.

She then turned Around, removed her buttplug, spread her asscheeks and proceed to use my tongue as an anal dildo. She pressed her ass hard against my face shoving my tongue a good three-four inches into her gap. She then rotated ass to pussy, violently changing direction while yelling at me to stick my tongue out further.

After a few minutes of that she then rested her ass on my face and began focusing on my balls again. Alternating pressure on each ball. The pressure and pain was enormous.

But then soon I began to notice the pain had shifted into something else entirely. I couldn’t believeve it. I feel myself coming closer and closer to orgasm. The Duchess was an absolute pro. She had somehow figured out how to give men orgasms from straight ballbusting.

She kept increasing her rhythm and added more and more pressure. She could feel my balls filling up under the soles of her feet.

I feel as though my balls would give out at any moment. But I was too turned on to stop.

She continued harder and harder until just as I reached climax, she jumped down and squeezed my each of my balls as hard as she could. Driving her nails deep into my balls. Absolute rivers of cum shot out several feet in the air. It was the most intense organsm I had ever felt in my entire life.


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