The Drive

I look at Nick for a long moment before raising my eyesbrows and looking away “Yep.” I reply, drawing out the last letter of my response.

He knows something is wrong. To be fair, I couldn’t be making it any obvious and I can tell that I’m starting to dance along the line of his patience, but I don’t care.

Nick takes a long slow breath and exhausts, trying again “I was thinking we could pull in to one of the parking areas on the drive up? Maybe go for a walk?” he suggests, the teasing hint to his voice suggesting the opportunity for more.

Looking back to meet his eyes, I open my mouth to tell him, to say the words ‘you hurt my feelings last night’, the very idea sending spikes of embarrassment through me and I shut my mouth. “If you want.” I answer, deliberately injecting as much disinterest into my tone as I can.

That hits a nervous, and a small twinge of guilt passes through me, but I ignore it, re-focusing my attention on his words from the previousnight. Picking up the tray from the table, I walk away without another word, heading towards the bins. By the time I get back, Nick has left, heading back out to the car. I follow slowly, the idea of ​​returning to the tension filled car filling me with dread.

My gut twists as a quiet voice inside my head points out that I am the one making it tense. I shake my head slightly, avoiding that thought. Slipping into the passenger seat, I pull my phone out my bag, switching between messaging apps and social media, anything to avoid looking at him.

“Are you going to sulk for the rest of the drive too?” he finally speaks, the tension in the car seeming to increase.

I can’t look at him, hot tears prick at the back of my eyes and I turn towards the window, watching the trees and bushes grow thicker at the side of the twisting road. The silence in the car grows and I can feel my heart beat faster as thoughts race around my mind. ‘Just fucking says it! Just tell him that you’reupset because of what he said last night and take it from there!’ I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping to disrupt the rising feeling of guilt, I can feel Nick glancing over at me and focus on the fact that I’m annoyed.

“What?” I snap “Just stop looking at me like that!”

His fingers tighten their grip on the steering wheel, but he says nothing. He rarely replies when he’s angry and Suddenly, that pisses me off even more. “So what? Are you just not going to say anything?” I try to keep the fire I feel in my voice, but it doesn’t come out the way I want it to.

“I don’t think there is much to say right now. Your behavior is really disappointing me” he says, the cool tone he uses doing little to mask his announcement.

“Fuck off!” I practically spit, the rising Guilt heavy in my chest.

My hand is shaking as I pull it away from my clip, writing on top of the sheets, my left hand balling up as the frustration sears through me. My jaw aching and the leather strapsof the gag pressing painfully into my cheeks, even though I’m alone, every trickle of drool down my cheek or neck sends shards of embarrassment through me.

Still. Only one more edge to go. I pick up my phone and relay that message, the blue ticks showing me he’s still reading what I’m sending. I’ve recovered enough that I slide my hand down to my clip again, using my middle finger in a slow circle, closing my eyes while I picture and plan what our romantic weekend away will look like, maybe he’ll let me cum this weekend, I add my index finger, pressing harder, moving faster as my hips buck off the bed. I want this so badly, I want to just keep going and have an orgasm, the sensing builds through me and I’m so fucking close, my hips tilt off the bed again and I move my hand faster, pulling it away just as the feelings peak and groaning in frustration as my clip throbs with the denial.

‘Completed the edges’ I type; it’s a slow night at work for Nick so he gave me some iconstructions. My stomach clenches with excitement as the app tells me he’s typing.

‘Good girl. You can get cleaned up; but before you do that, I want a picture of you gagged, I want to see how much you’ve drooled all over yourself.’

I freeze, staring at the message. I hate sending him pictures like that, hate when I wasn’t expecting the instruction, I know I’m a mess, my mascara half way down my face, make up smeared from the drool that’s ran over my cheeks. I know he wouldn’t show anyone, well, I don’t think he would show anyone but what if he did? I pull up my camera, desire to please warring with nervousness as I reluctantly raise my phone, taking the photo.

He’s obviously judged my lack of reply correctly as another message comes through.

‘You can use a filter.’

My eyes scan the message a couple of times, my heart beating faster as I feel the hurt rise, a filter?! I’m not sure what to reply, would he rather I used a filter? I take a deep breath and leanforward slightly, raising my phone again and take the picture, sending it without looking at it.

“I’m pretty tired, I’m going to shower, and I might be asleep by the time you get home” I send quickly, my brain still focused on the filter comment.

I’m pulled from my moping as I realize, we are slowing down, the clicking of the indicator breaking through my thoughts as we ease off the road and into one of the parking places.

‘I am not going to speak first.’ I think stubbornly, keeping my eyes focused on the window.

“Get out.” He says finally, his tone calmer, more measured, back in control.

That calm measured tone puts me in a worse mood and I throw the door open, my fingers fumbling to release the seatbelt, slamming the door shut behind me. I force myself to meet his eyes, “What?” I snap at him again, leaning back against his car, folding my arms.

He meets my gaze, “Are you going to tell me why you are being like this?” he asks evenly.

I scowl at him, “I’m not being like anything!” I shoot back

“Julia.” His voice is low, quiet but there is a dangerous tone present

“Nick.” I answer back but annoyingly, my voice cracks and I have to look away as I can feel the tears burn at my eyes. I dig my fingernails into my palms, the sharp sensing of pain helping to dull the tension I feel rising in my chest.

He looks at me for a moment, letting the silence rise between us, I know he’s giving me space, an opportunity to talk to him. I don’t.

Nick raises his eyesbrows and turns away from me, walking further into the thick woods. I debate not following him for a few seconds, I know if I don’t, he’ll come back and try to talk some more but that’s not what I want, it’s not what I need. So, with a frustrated sight at myself, I follow behind him.

After a long time of silent walking, he finally stops and turns around to face me. “Hands.” He says, nodding to a thick tree, gesturing with his fingers to show howfar apart he wants.

I look at him for a long moment, sing loudly before I walk past him, putting my hands out in front of me and then press my palms against the rough bark. I jump as I feel his arm circle round my hips, pulling me backwards. He hits the back of my tighs with his hand and I spread my legs, pushing my hips back more. Nick moves his hand and pulls my dress up to my waist and I grit my teeth, determined that I’m not going to make a noise.

He takes a few steps back, the sound of him loosening his belt fills my ears. “I want you to count. Out loud” he specifications, and I want to groan, counting makes it so much harder to stay in my head and not make noise.

“Do you?” is all I say but I have to grit my teeth quickly as the belt connects with my mostly bare skin, my pink lace underwear providing no protection and I press my lips together hard, ensuring I don’t make a sound. The sharp inhale of air through my nose is the only sign of the singing pain radiating through my ass.

Nick pauses for a few seconds, waiting for me to speak. He makes a noise, that I think is half amused and half annoyed before he flicks the belt forward, and then again, and again. I press my lips together, squeezing my eyes shut as I fight not to make a single sound, even as the singing pain increases across my skin. He’s on his sixth lash of the belt before a whimper breaks from my mouth.

“Any time you want to start counting, I’ll begin” he calls out, a definite edge of satisfaction to his tone. His next lash draws a high pitched groan, the singing pain rushing through me. I want to pull my hands from the tree and cover my ass, but I know better, and I don’t want to let him know how much I’m struggle.

I scowl at the tree, crying out as the belt cracks off my ass again and again and then I relent “Fine! One.” I call out, my breath hitching in my chest, my eyes squeezing shut as I try to maintain my composition. The heat is building across my ass as Nick lets the belt fly faster, cracking it against my skin and sending waves of pain and heat through me. It’s hard for me to count and to focus on not making noise so it doesn’t take long before I’m squealing out, struggleling to stay still, pushing my palms firmer against the bark. I should out ‘eight’ and my voice cracks, tears spinning down my face.

Nine, ten and eleven come in quick succession and I can’t stop crying out, struggle to focus on shouting out the numbers. I’m shuffling on the spot, switching my weight foot to foot as I try to stay still, pressing my hands harder against the tree.

Nick pauses for a second and I think he might stop but another four lashes cross over my ass and by fifteen, I’m shouting out the number. I’m panting, my ass feels like it’s on fire and my face is streaked with tears, my breath coming in shuddering gasps as I wait, my dress up, my red ass on show as I wait for him to tell me to move.

I feel his hand on my back, pulling mydress down and I know that we’re finished, Nick pulls me round, hugging me for a few seconds before I push back away from him, “y…you told me to use a filter” I mutter, keeping my head down.

I think it takes him a few seconds to grap what I mean because he doesn’t say anything but then exhales loudly “Because I know that you worry about it.” He answers, a tinge of frustration to his voice. “Julia, you should have just said! I thought using a filter would make you feel better” he reaches for my hand and we start walking back to the car, making up on the way.

At the car he opens the door for me, but I swear I see the hint of a smile on his face as he turns. I feel like crying again as I look down at the seat “how much longer is it until we get to the cabin?” I ask

This time he definitely smiles “an hour or so”.

I take a deep breath and force myself to get into the car, a loud moan bursting from my mouth as I sit down. I shift uncomfortable and whimper softly asI try to hover above the seat, bumping down hard and crying out as we start to drive over the rough ground.

Nick places his hand on my tigh as he navigates the car back onto the road, his thumb absentmindedly struggling the outside of my leg. The atmosphere in the car a million times better than it was before we stopped, even — or especially — with my intermittent gasps or winces as the car turns sharply round bends in the road.

“Stop!” I half laugh, half groan after a while and he glances over, “you have such a smug look on your face” I add, tilting my hips forward and lifting my bottom from the seat for a few seconds relief.

“I’m just picturing how I’m going to continue this when we get there” he replies, keeping his eyes on the road but a wicked smile on his face.

“Continue?” I ask, my mouth open “You already paid me!” I protest

He raises his eyesbrows slightly “That was for your attitude today. We haven’t touched on the multiple lies, swearing atme, not telling me what was wrong…” he trails off and throws another glance my way “unless you think all of that was acceptable today?” he asks

My stomach clenches and I look out the window again, the throbbing in my bottom seeming to intensify and I shake my head slightly “No, Sir” I answer quietly, my face heating.

“Ah so we agree” he replies, his tone light “and what happens to naughty girls?” he asks teasingly, his words chosen deliberately to heighten my embarrassment.

I close my eyes and feel my face grow redder, I know he won’t move on until I reply and let out a soft groan, shifting uncomfortable on the seat, taking a quick intake of breath through my teeth as the car hits an uneven patch of road “they get paid” I mutter quickly, knowing even as I say the words it won’t be enough.

“Mmhmm” he replies, “but you can do better than that.” He adds, his tone slightly sharper and I know better to keep pushing it when his patience is already wearing thin.

“They get spanked” I answer reluctantly but anxious to continue as Nick grows “over your knee Sir” I add in barely more than a whisper, embarrassment shooting through me. I hate the position, it feels so humiliating to be over his knee and I squirm from the thought, hissing as a bolt of pain shoots through me.

He nods, looking at me with mock sympathy, “and your ass is already sore too” he teas as he navigates the road. After what seems like eternity, we finally arrive and park, and I can’t get out of the car fast enough and whimper as I run my hand over my ass. He grabs my hand as we move towards our cabin, my heart beginning to race as we approach the door. I’ve been in this situation enough times to know that when we cross the threshold into privacy, it’s going to move quickly. Sure enough, Nick barely waits for me to take my trainers off before he pulls me upstairs and points to the corner of the room “you can wait there until I’m ready to discuss this with you.”

My heart sinks and I just manage to stop myself from rolling my eyes, ‘I hate waiting!’ I want to scream at him, but of course he knows that, it’s exactly why he’s making me do it. I exhaust slowly, the only reaction I’m going to give him, as I walk forwards, pressing my forehead into the wall. I don’t know how long he leaves me for, I swear it’s at least half an hour.

The creak of the stand makes me stand straighter, my heart racing again as he speaks “Come here, Julia.” His firm tone has a lace of amusement to it, but my mouth is still dry as I turn around. He is standing over by the table, smiling at me as he sits on one of the chairs, patting his thigh.

Reluctantly I walk over, throwing him a pleading look as I hesitate which is completely ignored. I don’t dare hesitate for too long, my ass still feeling hot and painful under my dress and slowly lower myself over his lap, squirming forward slightly. He lifts one of his legs, trapping my calves between his legs. I can feel him pull my dress up again and I close my eyes, embarrassment rushing through me as I feel his fingers dance along the lace trim of my underwear.

“So, Julia…why are you currently over my knee and about to get spanked?” he starts, his teasing tone sending spears of shame through me. He runs his hand lightly over my already sore ass and I wince, taking a sharp intake of breath through my teeth.

“Because I told you to fuck off Sir?” I mutter, squirming over his knee, my hands gripping the legs of the chair.

“Mmhmm” he makes a noise of agreement “but that’s not the only reason, is it Julia?” he asks, his tone deliberately patronising which sends a bolt of announcement through me

“I don’t know” I reply sulkily.

“Oh, you don’t? Well, let’s see, I asked you at least ten times today if you were okay, or what was wrong, and you replied yes or nothing every time. So that’s lying. You’ve gone out of your way today to be disrespectful and disobedient. You swore atme, twice. Most importantly, you didn’t even try to communicate with me, and you promised last time” his tone grows slightly sharper on ‘last time’ “that you would try and not pull this immature bratty behavior”

The guilt that I’ve been ignoring all day rises up in me and I bite my lip, there’s nothing I can say because I know he’s right. I can feel my cheeses heat with his lesson and grip the chair legs tighter. His fingers are still trailing along the lace of my underwear, my bare thighs pressed hard against the rough denim of his jeans. I squeeze my eyes shut as embarrassment spreads through me, even as I resist the urge to grind against his knee.

“Didn’t you?” he asks sharply, punctuating both his words with strong smacks to my ass, pulling me back to the present.

“Yes Sir!” I answer quickly, the pain sends a bolt of excitement through me, but it’s quickly overridden by the absolute humiliation I feel as Nick pulls my underwear down my thighs.

“If you moveYour hands, I will start again” he warns me before slowly starting to spank my ass, alternative between each chef, his blows gathering in intensity. It doesn’t take long before I’m squirming over his knee, and I can feel Nick tense his leg, trapping mine and stopping me from being able to move.

“Owww!” I squeal as his hand comes down hard at the sensitive spot where my tights meet my ass. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” I cry out as I try to wriggle, try to move away from the constant singing of his hand. The heat building, the skin across my ass and tights so sensitive that even the slight breeze in the room causes a ripple of pain to shoot through me.

“You will be” is the only reply I hear as I feel him reach to the side.

As the cool leather is laid on my skin, I twist round to look up at him “Sir please, I’m already…” I trail off at the look he gives me and reluctantly turn back round.

The first hit of the paddle makes me cry out and Nick presses down hard against my legs, stopping me from squirming as the leather connects again and again with my ass, the tears spill down my face and I don’t even know what I’m saying as I babble apologies and promises, squealing out as the paddle continues to bruise my ass. I don’t realize when he finally stops, only that his hand is gently struggling my ass, asking if I’m going to be his good girl.

Sniffing, I nod gingerly raising myself to my feet, wiping the tears away as I do so. He pulls me into a hug, kissing my forehead before I push him back. Glancing up at him, I smile slightly “seems painful” I say sympathetically as I run my fingers along the hard, tight bulge in his jeans.

Nick nods, his own face mirrored in a smile “get on your knees” he instructs

I sink to my knees, hissing slightly as the raised red and purple skin hits off my heels and I pull up slightly. My hands going to his belt, loosening the buckle and freeing his hard cock which springs out, my hands resting onhis thighs as he pushes his jeans and boxes down for me.

Leaning my head forward slightly, I stick my tongue out using the underside of my tongue to swirl around the tip of his cock, enjoying the low groan he lets out. Continuing the movement, I close my mouth around him, enjoying his reaction as I slide my warm mouth down a fraction of an inch and then pull back.

Nick’s fingers tighten in my hair and I moan slightly at the pain as he roughly pulls my head back as he sinks to the couch, spreading his knees. Scrambling forward, I take his cock back into my mouth, bobbing my head further, back and forth along his length, extending my tongue, following it until I feel him hit the back of my throat. I hold it for as long as I can before gagging slightly, pulling back as tears gather in my eyes. Starting the process again makes him groan, and I smile round his cock, enjoying the teasing, his fingers tightening against my scalp.

“You’re my good little slut” he growls, andI squeeze my eyes shut as the pleasure and embarrassment spikes through me. “But enough teasing” he adds as a command, his hips suddenly thrusting forward as he holds my head still, every jolt of his hips powerful, his fingers painfully tugging on my hair as he fucks my throat.


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