The Dream

How she found herself looking down at this man was beyond her. She knew him from the office, but now he was tied to her bed. How did this arrive at this point? She looked at herself in the mirror and saw a reflection of a woman she hardly knew. Dressed in all leather, her breasts bound tightly against her chest, only her pink little nipples poking through.

She admired herself and once again felt the pain in her head. She withdraw from the mirror, returning her gaze to the naked male on her bed. Her lips watered as she looked at the horror on his face. He knew he had gone too far.

She advanced towards him, a glazed look in her eyes. Her hand reached for the paddle she kept in the top dresser drawer and shook it in front of his pale eyes. She looked deeply into those eyes, and momentarily paused.

She lifted the paddle over her head, and brought it down hard on the man’s thigh. He flinched, scanning against the straps binding his legs to the bottom posts. She laughedand brought the paddle back up for the other thigh. She paused again, only slightly and lowered the paddle once more, hitting squarely on the inside of his other thigh.

This time he didn’t flinch, but lay motionless, his face red and his eyes bulging. She looked at him, anticipating the reasoning jolt he would soon experience. He did not move. His face was nearly purple now and she started to worry. Still he did not move.

Panic began to dwell inside her as she moved from his legs to his torso. She let the paddle fall on the ground and moved her hands quickly to the gab in his mouth. She untied it, and throw it half way across the room. He still did not move.

She shook him softly at first, then a little harder. Finally he moved, or did he? His mouth was open, but she could not feel any breathing. Did she kill him? It was all in fun after all. Suddenly, he let out a shriek so loud that it shoot every nerve in her body.

Anita shot up out of bed.

“Again?” sheasked herself. She was trembling terribly, and sweat poured out of every pore on her body.

“That’s three times this week I have had that dream…” she throw the covers back and walked to the washroom.

Turning on the light, she was momentarily blinded by it. Adjusting to the brightness, she looked herself over in the mirror. She slept in the nude, yet she was soaked from head to toe. She ran the basin water and splashed some of it on her face.

She tried to relive some of the thoughts she could remember from the nightmare, but it only brought more sweat. She didn’t quite know why she kept having the same dream over and over, but now she was determined to find out.

Although it was still early in the morning, roughly around three thirty, Anita decided to cool down by taking a shower. She was already here, so she turned the shower taps on and let the soft spray fill her ears with soothing music.

Peering over her shoulder to glance one last glimpse of herself, shelet herself into the shower. The water cascading down her supple skin felt nice. She reached for the soap and attempted to wash away the uneasy feeling she had in the pit of her stomach.

She was later herself and accidentally brushed a finger a little too long on one of her nipples, and that sent a peculiar sensing to her crotch.

“Oh why the hell not!” she said to no one.

Pulling the showerhead off its cradle, Anita sat on the back edge of the tub, spreading her legs slightly and aiming the soft jet to her pussy. The cooling of the water against the heat from her lips fight against one another, with her pussy winning in the end.

She arched her back as the waves consumed her. She dropped the showerhead into the tub, and held securely to the sides. Anita fumbled with the taps, and turned the water off.

Taking a few moments to regain her composition, she lay in the tub, pushing the waterless shower head aside. She had almost replaced her breath wheren her telephone rang.

“What the… Who would be calling at this bloody time of the night?”

Quickly grabbing a towel and throwing around herself, she ran out to the living area and grabbed the ringing receiver.

“Hello!” she said excitedly. She was not only mad that it was early in the morning, but also that she had been disturbed after one of her favorite pastimes.

“Ah, hi Anita…it’s Jim. Sorry to call you so early, but I had to call you.”

She recognized the voice immediately. It was Jim from the office, the Jim she knew so well, the Jim from her nightmare.

“Ah yes Jim? What can I do for you?” she relaxed and felt the air fill her lungs again.

“Is everything okay with you? I mean, are you alright?” he asked hesitantly.

“Yes Jim, everything is fine. Why do you ask?”

“Well, I am kind of embarrassed to say this, but I just dreamt of you and well, it was a strange dream. I was tied down to a bed, and you were dressed all in black.”

He started to remember the dream she had just had herself. She stood there, half naked with only a towel around her and listened to how he described in detail the exact same scenario she had experienced moments earlier. Her breath grew deeper as she wondered how possible two people could possibly share a dream when they weren’t even in the same house.

When he finished, she could hear him on the other end apologize for calling her so early in the morning. She breathed a sight of relief as he finished.

“It is weird that you mention it Jim, I just had the same dream. It was so erotic, yet then when you didn’t move, I was scared. I woke up in a cold sweat. I just got out of the shower.” She remembered was she was doing, and blushed a deep red.

He was speechless on the other end for some time. She called to him, and she could hear him cought.

“I’m sorry Anita, I hope you don’t mind, but I was simply thinking about your shower. I have to admit that I have thought about you many times. And this dream of ours didn’t help.” He finally said.

She could feel the twitch in her pussy again, even though she had just finished the job before being rudely interrupted by the phone call.

“Well Jim, if that’s the case, why don’t you come over here and help me get over my fear of going back to sleep.” She had wanted him for some time now, but never knew how to approach the subject. This was her opportunity.

“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” Jim replied hanging up the phone.

She replaced the receiver on its cradle and squealed with joy. Seeing that she had just gotten out of the shower, she left a small puddle of water where she stood. Yet it wasn’t the only wetness she felt. She reached down and felt her pussy. It was on fire and very soaked. Her fansy was going to finally realize itself.

Almost exactly fifteen minutes later, Jim stood at her door as she answered it still wearing her towel, her long blond hair still partly wet, clinging to her soft face. He looked at her, and advanced to take her in his arms. They kissed passwordately, his tongue searching her mouth for hers. They stumbled backward into the living room, Anita kicking the door closed as they went.

Soon they found themselves on the floor, her towel long abandoned by the front door, and Jim was busy sucking her pert nipples. Her head rolled from side to side as tiny moans escaped her lips. His tall body lay next to her, and she fumbled with his belt. He helped her unfasten his buckle then returned to sucking her breasts.

Her hands worked the fly of his pants and soon she found what she had been anxiously looking for. His cock was fully erect, its enormity dwarfing her small hands. She stroked him gently, caressing his shake with all her fingers.

“Let’s talk about this dream of ours.” She said.

He was momentarily stunned that she would bring this up in the heat of password, but as she led him into the bedroom, his anxiety soon faded. He was standing in her room, where various contractions lay scattered around. He smiled as she walked him over to the bed, stripped him and laid him down.

She lifted his arms towards the bedpost and started tying his wrists.

“I heard the best way to get over your fears is to meet them head on… so what do you say?” she asked him.

He smiled as she tied his other wrist. He did not speak a word, yet she knew he was willing to try her experiment. She moved carefully down the bed, and proceeded to bind his feet.

Once she was content that he was securely bound to the bed, she excused herself and walked to towards her closet. Stepping inside, she removed the leather outfit from its hangar and climbed into it. She adjusted her top so her nipples showed through the small openings.

She walked back out to him, and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. His cock twitched at the sintily dressed object of his desire as she appeared before him. She walked to him andgrabbed something off the dresser as she moved closer. She straddled him, resting her exposed bottom on his tummy.

Anita held a pair of nipple clamps in front of Jim’s face. He watched her as she leaned her head down to his nipples and bit down on them, making them stand erect.

“Perfect!” she exclaimed.

She lowered the first clamp on his right nipple, tightening it slowly until it squeezed it slightly. Watching her lover’s face, she gave another quick twist and the clamp closed tighter. His face spoke volumes of the slight pain he was experiencing, and her pussy became slightly wetter.

She proceeded to his left nipple, his head turning to follow her every move. Again she tighten the small metal clamp on his nipple, and then tightening it till he moaned again.

She looked at her lover; his eyes rolled back, his head moving from side to side. She felt his breathing becomes shallow, and she could tell he was enjoying the minor torture she was giving him.

She slide down his tummy until the head of his cock brushed her ass. She stopped and let it linger there for a few moments. She could feel it twitch on her ass, and she loved the feeling.

She stood up, looked at her latest victim and smiled at her luck. She ran her hands down her sides, adjusting the tight fitting leather around her curvy body. She glanced at her lover, lying bound to the bed, and ran a finger across her exposed nipples.

“Do you want these?” she purred.

He looked at her, his eyes roaming her glorious body, stopping at her breasts.

“Yes please.” He replied.

She purred once more as her fingers rubbed her nipples hard, then shot a look at Jim. She wanted to feel his lips around them, but the game must go on.

She reached for her dresser again and this time came back to the bed with a gag for his mouth. She strode over and placed the tiny ball into her lover’s mouth. Tying the strap behind his head, she let one of her nipples brush his cheek. Once the strap was in place, she stood up before him and smiled an evil grin.

“Now I guess that will have to wait, now won’t it.”

She had a flashback to her dream as she stood in front of the floor length mirror once again. She saw the reflection and wondered how she had gotten herself to this point.

She returned to the man strapped to her bed. He looked so helpless, yet so enormously hot at the same time. His cock was fully erect and twitching as she moved in closer. Her fingers traced a line from the base of his shake to the tip of his cock, drawing a drop of precum from the opening. She licked it off her finger as she turned away.

Anita found the small paddle on the dresser, took it in her right hand and slapped it against her left. It made Jim jump when he realized that the moment they both feared was about to take place. He was nervous, but highly excited at the same time.

Anita raised the paddle above her head, losing sight of her fears and brought it down hard against his inner thigh. He moaned loudly as the red mark grow fiercer on his pale skin. She let out a small laugh as she raised it again. The second blow was more intense, and Jim let his eyes close, squeezing out a tear of joy.

Anita lost herself in the fantasy, feeling more pleasure from each hit that she inflicted on him. She had moved from one side to the next, bringing the singing sensing to each leg in twos. He was bucking wildly when she came up to him again on his right side. The marks were bright red, and she momentarily thought she should stop.

Recent she lifted the paddle high and brought it down, slapping his inner thigh. This time he didn’t flinch, but his eyes were open wide. She recognized the moment as the one from her dream. She started to panic, but the excitement was too intense to stop. She paddled him again and again no response. He didn’t grab any air, and she was seriously worried now.

She moved quickly to him, the fear of her dream haunting her. Anita removed the gag from his mouth, expecting the worse. She shook him, yelling his name, and then it happened.

His body went tense, his eyes rolled back in their sockets, and his face was pale. He suddenly spasmed quite ferociously, his body quivering as some unknown force had taken over. She sat up from the bed quickly as his eyes met hers. His cock throbbed and twitched uncontrollably, as he came with such force that it coated Anita’s tits from some distance.

He let out a yell that could have hurt the dead, and he became for her to come closer to him as the orgasm he was experiencing was more intense than he had ever achieved before. He kissed her hard, his tongue twisting inside her mouth. This sent waves of electricity through her body, cumulating in her pussy. She reached orgasm herself, bucking wildly against his chest.

They collapsed against one another, as she let her lover’s wrists free. They looked at each other and laughed an uneasy laugh, realizing that the dream they had both experienced was now behind them, and the journey to fulfillment had only begun.


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