This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
The Dragonness’ Slave
Aquilan would have squawked indignantly – or in horror, one or the other – as he was dragged into the labyrinth of huts if his beak had not been bound the very moment they decided that he was a little too noisy for their liking. The dragonness tribe seemed to live simply and yet effectively in their home on the edge of the mountains but their ways were so far apart from the world of knights and ladies and castles that he was used to that he could, perhaps, be forgiven for falling so easily into their trap.
Already abused on stage as the female-dominated tribe’s newest plaything, the eagle was hauled, naked down to his feathers with his hard cock bobbing all the way. To keep him ready for them, they’d tied a loop of leather around the base of his shake to act as a cock ring, his length throbbing with raw desire that a faith part of his mind that had completely and utterly succumbed to their will hoped, desperately, would be released.
Dragonesses pinched and gropeed him as he was dragged to the largest hut in the spraying village, feet scrapbling to stay upright as they moved too quickly for him to really keep his balance. The blue dragonness who had begun his whole ordeal of humiliation and use stood before him, legs spread apart for balance and power on an elaborate rug in the very centre of what he could only presume was the hut in which she lived. On one side was a plethora of sleeping mats, denoting that she was a dragonness who rarely slept alone. Aquilan shivered. She probably had her choice of males in the village. Were all of them slaves?
Maybe he didn’t have to be one of them. Drawing himself up as tall as he could as they thrust him to his knees, the eagle tried to look as impossible.
“Sairsyn,” he grew, clacking the edges of his beak together, working out the soreness. “Release me! This is absurd to treat a knight of the realm in such a manner!”
The dragonness only smiled erily, her own confidence in her power and stature intimidating in itself.
“Oh, little bird,” she crooned, Tipping his beak up to her as she towered over him. “There’s no jurisdiction of your realm here and you are not a knight to us. You are not to be respected and you are not to be treated as anything higher than the lowest of the low slave you already are.”
Baring her teeth in a feral grin, Sairsyn flicked her tail as she disrobed the leather skirt from her lower half.
“Just be thankful you have all the lucky dragonnesses in our tribe to satisfy any need you may have.”
She laughed, throwing her head back even as he scowled, eyes darkening in a mixture of arousal and distaste for his new position, though he didn’t quite believe that they were going to go through with it. Aquilan Shook his head. Just what did the dragones think they could do to him? He was a knight! He’d escape and then they’d have nothing but maybe a stray feather left behind in his wake!
The dragonness slowly removed the leather jerkin from her torso, the more casual garment than her metal armour slipping down oh so slowly. If he’d been in any other position, Aquilan would have wanted to see more, but the slave eagle grunted and turned his beak pointedly away even as her possession of dragones closed in eagerly, paws twitching as if they long to close around his wrists and ankles, draw him out for the dragonness, Sairsyn.
Claws bit into his feathers, hauling him back.
“Ladies… Ensure he’s bound for my pleasure. He’s hardly fit to receive me.”
They worked quickly. Leather bonds were exchanged for an intricate harness of rope, Aquilan helpless as he was pinneddown and turned around, wrists tied neatly out of the way so that any objects were swiftly quiet. The eagle shuddered as his cock was stroked, the tip glistening with pre-cum, but it only weakened his already futile struggles. What avian could ever fight back against so many after his body had already been depleted of all strength and energy, his head spinning and need rising from the mere touch of careless fingertips on his cock.
“On his back.”
Adjusting the harness, they lashed his ankles out to posts set into the floor of the hut, arms similarly stretched above his head so that the eagle was laid out on display. The rope crisiscrossed his feathers and drew the eye down to his cock, still hard and throbbing as Sairsyn prowled around him in a tight circle, surveying the slave that was there for her pleasure first and fortune. A smile quirked at her lips. Although she wouldn’t mind offering the others a little pleasure too.
Just a little sharing.
“My, my, my,you are a fine specimen of a slave, aren’t you?” She murmured appreciatedly, letting him soak in her lean, muscled body as she appraised his suitability. “I don’t know if you’ll last thought. You are rather scratchier than the slaves I usually get back here.”
Closing his beak, Aquilan refused to look at her, but that suited Sairsyn just fine. If she didn’t gag them, she’d put their muzzles to other uses, but a quiet one suited her just fine too. All she needed, for the moment, was that pleasantly hard cock of his to get her started.
Straddling the avian who turned away from her still as if he could ignore what was happening to him, Sairsyn teased his cock with her pussy, grinding his length through her pussy lips as her arousal slicened him ever so lightly for her attention. The eagle clinched his beak together, fighting the urge to look even as his cock throbbed, pulsing pre-cum onto her scaled snatch.
“Look at him resist…” Another of the dragons commented, her eyes clearly riveted on the lustful scene laid out before her. “How long do you think it’ll take to break him into a true, willing slave?”
Never, Aquilan thought, but he didn’t know what he could do to retain his sense of self. It was impossible to not feel like nothing more than a sex toy below her and he couldn’t fail to give her his attention in a snap as she took the head of his cock into her pussy. The eagle huffed and panted as she slip down on his cock as if he was a living dildo, the sudden burst of pleasure nearly enough to make him cum right then and there.
Twisting in his rope bonds, the eagle groaned and rolled his head back, eyes still firmly closed. Paws on his chest, Sairsyn moaned softly as she pleasured herself on him, hind paws tucked beneath her as she rode the muscled knight of the realm, the thrill of debasing him, thrust by thrust, swelling intotoxicatingly through her mind.
“There’s a good little slave,” she himself lowly, slamming down on his cock with increasing need and force. “You think you can hold out? You think we can’t turn you into a willing pleasure slave, crawling beneath our banquet tables to please every dragonness who wants your attention? You’re wrong, little one, so very, very wrong.”
Aquilan groaned. Maybe he was. What could he do beneath her? Pleasure washed over his mind, unwilling and unbidden, but there was nothing he could do to hold it off as she rocked on him, using him whether he got off in the end or not.
Sairsyn, however, had more than one trick up her figurative sleep to break a poor little slave that needed to show his place.
“Kyra,” she purred, crooking a finger at a white dragonness with black stripes slashed through her scales. “Why don’t you join me?”
Sashaying over with lightness in her hind paws, the dragonness flitted down and swung a leg over Aquilan’s head, pussy a few inches from his beak.
“A little breaking always whats my appetite,” the petite dragonness murmured, nude from head to foot already and gyrating her hips tantalisingly just out of his reach. “Do you think he’ll beg for it?”
Sairsyn ground her hips down, sending a sudden rush of pleasure to the eagle’s mind. Inhaling sharply, Aquilan sucked in a breath full of the dragonness’ hormones, ‘nares tingling with the scent of her.
“No…” Sairsyn pressed her lips together, wings flaring out. “Better to force him. He’ll soon learn. But this is about the breaking. He’ll soon submit. Or else.”
The implication in her words was clear but Aquilan didn’t manage to do more than part his beak before she crushed her pussy to it, demanding attention even as Sairsyn bounced on his aching length.
“Lick, eagle, if you know what’s good for you,” Kyra hissed, grinding her cunt down on the curve of his beak.
And, like the good little slave he was slowly becoming for them, Aquilan ran his tongue along her pussy lips, tasting her sweetness. Kyra moaned and rocked on him, head lolling back as she gropeed her own breasts, taking pleasure from the slowly lapping tongue beneath her. He could not suckle on her clip like slaves of other species that she had taken in the past, but the tongue was good enough, at least for the moment.
He couldn’t escape. He tried to justify his position, but the scent of a dragon’s sex and Sairsyn grinding on his shake sent his head spinning. He’d been teased for so long on stage, held in a mockery of flight as the dragones took advantage of him in every debasing way they might could have, though he had not once been permitted orgasm up there, on complete and utter show.
And he was needy, oh so very needy. Aquilan’s head throbbed with lust, the need to cum rising and rising. Sairsyn’s paw groping the base of his cock only worsened the need, Aquilan grunting and whimpering into Kyra’s dripping pussy as he tried and tried so very hard to hold back.
If he climaxed, it would mean that they’d won.But he couldn’t even hold back as Sairsyn untied the cord around the base of his cock, allowing him the one thing that he couldn’t justify in his own, twisted mind.
Luckily, a slave didn’t have to think for themselves. And sometimes it was a relief to be controlled too. At least that was what he told himself. He had to make it ‘right’ in his mind somehow, after all, no matter how weak the Justification was. It was still there and it served at least a little purpose for the horny and needy knight eagle.
“Cum for me, little bird,” Sairsyn grew. “You’ll be under our control for the rest of your life so you may as well give in now.”
And he couldn’t hold back, couldn’t resist the lure of her. With a tough screech as the dragonness’ pussy pressed down on his tongue and beak, Aquilan tried to buck and understand through climax, but the ropes held him too tightly in place to move more than a little, a pretence at lust shining through his motions. His cock throbbed and spurted up into her even as the dragonness hissed through her own orgasm, head twisting back and forth as she howled her climax to all watching.
They had to come down sooner or later, however, even if there was plenty more night in which to have their fun with the dragones watching on, an ever-hungry ground. Aquilan panted heavily against Kyra’s sex, head spinning as he paused in his licking for but a moment.
A very noticeable moment. No translation was left unpunished as Sairsyn’s cunt suddenly clenched around his shake, sharply regaining his attention.
“Keep licking, slave,” Sairsyn panted, though her eyes were fierce, his cock softening slowly within the hot tightness of her pussy. “You’ve got a long night ahead of you and every last one of these dragones left to please.”
Heaving for breath, Aquilan couldn’t see the dragons surrounding him, but he knew they were there, watching and waiting for their turn with him. Digging herfingers into the feathers atop his head, Kyra snarled and called his attention forcibly back to her, the dragonness’ clip throbbing against his tongue as he flickered it rapidly against the small, tight bud, the need for more, still more, clawing at his mind like a curse.
And please her he did.
Over and over again.
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