The Door Ch. 02

She heard the buzzer and the commentator announcing the end of the first period. She also tasted something in her mouth. She did it! Was it in time though? She looked up and smiled weakly to the look of delight in his eyes. He seemed pleased; too pleased in fact. Her heart sank as she realized she was probably too late.

“Did I make it?” she squeaked to him.

His head moved; he nodded. Then why did he have ‘the look’? The one he got just before she was punished.

“Do I get a reward?” She asked eagerly. He nodded again, but the look in his eye did not waver.

“Why are you smiling?” She asked almost accusingly. Her mouth was running away on her and as the last syllable left her lips, her hands came up and clasped over them, eyes wide in disbelief of herself.

“What were you doing when the buzzer went?”

“I was…” she trailed off and hung her head. “I was sucking while they were playing,” she says just above a whisper. “But I get a reward?” she asks puzzled.

“Yes, you do, and a punishment.” He rises and motions for her to follow him into the other room. There is a bed with a table nearby. On the table is laid out a collection of floggers, canes, crops, clamps, and other toys.

Her eyes roam over the table and a small whimper is emitted. How could this possibly be a reward? With her head down, she watched him from the top of her eyes. He waved his hand over the collection, trying not to let her see the shaking as he forced his voice to be stronger.

“Your reward is you get to decide which toy is used on you. The punishment will be that I get to decide how it is used.” He smiled that his voice did not waver and in fact caused a mixture of trepidation and excitement in her eyes.

She looked, carefully, intently, and scared. There was an association of items. Some she could tell right away that they would hurt and should be avoided. Others she tried to figure out how they could be used in a nasty way and finally settledon a bag of clothespins. What could he do with those really, she thought?

The look in his eye showed that maybe she had selected the wrong item. He motioned for her to lie down on the bed and he went about securing her arms over her head and her ankles to each corner at the bottom. Her mind rolled over the possible things he could do. She had been done up with clothes pins before, but mainly on her breasts. Actually, Only her nipples she thought again and a small shiver went through her.

His fingers trailed over her exposed flesh and he smiled as he thought of what he could and would do with the bag of pins. He took one out, looked at it as if it were a fine piece of machinery before taking her breast in his hand and squeeze it, forcing the nipple to stand up. He opened the jaws and rubbed either side of the nub before closing around it.

She hissed and arched. It was not the first time she felt the pinching burn on her nipple, but every time it still brought the same result. She closed her eyes and will herself to breath slower, calmly. This was the beginning and it would not help to be worked up now when there was more to come she was sure.

He took her other breast in his hand and repeated the process, squeezing to make the nipple stand up, and then teasing the nub before clamping the clothespin on. The result was the same as well; she arched, hissed, and calmed her breathing. The question in her mind was what else could he do with them? She had some experience, but not with clothespins. Oh why did she not go with the soft looking flogger instead?

He looked over her body and resisted the urge to go right for her spread lips, or some other ‘sexual’ place and focused on his task. He traced around her areola before pinching the skin and attaching another clothespin at the 12 o’clock position, one jaw on the darker skin, and the other jaw on her alabaster flesh. She arches again and groans, he had other places he could use she realizedd and started to tremble just a little at the prospect of where and what he could do to her with just these pieces of wood.

He completed the cardinal directions on her left breast before moving to her right; she now squirmed as he pinched the skin to add another set of pins at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock. When he had them all in place, she was whimpering and sniffing at the pinch to her skin. She looked at him pleadingly as he picked up another clothespin and trailed his fingers down her stomach, her stomach pulling back from his touch. He pinches the skin near her belly button up and attaches a clothespin to the northeast direction. She sucks in her breath through her teeth and stars at him intently, not saying what is on her mind.

He runs his finger around her belly button, the sensing tickling to add to the pinch from the clothes pin and soon she has a pin in each of the mid-directions, shaping an X instead of the cross on her nipples. She pulls on the straws he used to hold her hands above her head and emits a little growl, her eyes shooting daggers at him though she still bites her tongue, fairly certain calling him names would not bode well at this point.

Standing up he looks over her body and nods in agreement with himself. His contained his excitement, his nervousness and focused on what he had to do. His fingers start trailing lower again and now they pass over her Surprisingly sensitive lips. Her hips shift and rise to the touch as she gasps first then lets out a small whimpered moan. It takes a moment for her to register what is coming and her eyes get wide, oh god not there! She makes a sound, a protest, but does not say no, yet.

His fingers toy with her cares her tender skin and probe down to find her super-sensitive clip. She lets out a soft moan mixed with a whimper as she feels the berry grow under his fingers. She misses the movement that brings the first clothespin between her legs and over her labia. Her back arches again and a yelp erupts where she was just moaning. Her eyes open wide and lock on him as she hisses cocksucker hoping that it was quiet enough for him not to hear.

His lips curled into a smile as he clearly hears what she said. He ignores it for now, his fingers continue to play in her sex, teasing her and dipping into her tunnel as he brings a second clothespin to attach to her labia on the other side. She hisses again and mutters, “fuck!” not risking calling him something a second time so soon. He openly grinins at the curse and picks up a third clothespin.

The jaws close on her labia again, and again. Soon there are four pins on each lip and she is squirming and cursing with each one, “Jesus fuck!” she calls out on the last one applied. Her sex throbbed with a mixture of desire from his fingers, and pain from the clothespins. She found herself mixed and confused at the blending, sitting on the edge of the precipice of orgasm. He was back to toying with her clip, teasing, rubbingit. She felt it swell more and pulsate. Her hips rose, her breathing ragged. She moaned and whimpered; he was going to do it, she could tell, he was going to let her reach that climax. Suddenly the rubbing stops.

Her eyes open and she sees a clothespin moving between her legs again. With the other ones holding her lips open, her berry is fully exposed and she shakes her head, “no. Oh god no! Please no! Don’t please no, no, no” she begged him. He just smiled and looked her in the eye as the clothespin was applied to her clip; the wooden jaws closing slowly around the hard tender bud. It bulged under the torque and obviously pulsed.

“Holy Sweet Mother of Fucking God Dammit Cocksucking Bastard!” she screamed as the bite shot through her body. He froze. He looked at her with geneine fear in his eyes. He had done it; he pushed too far too soon and blew it. He moved to take it off, certain that she would never talk to him again let alone play again. Suddenly he hears from her lips a long low moan, then another. Her hips start to move in that sultry way hips move before an orgasm rips free.

He lowers his head to her ear and whispers, “call me a cocksucker huh?” he grins and stands back up. His fingers start to tease her slick passage and press deeper, “do you think you deserve to cum?”

She nodded quickly, “p-p-please, let, let me cum. Please!” she begged him. Squirming as his fingers hit the mark and pushed her faster towards the edge. Fearing what may come if she did not get permission first, she held back with all her might. “PLEASE!”

“Well my little toy, I suppose the answer will have to be…”

[To be continued]


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