The orange globe was sinking fast in the western sky as Sampson pulled into the driveway… It had been a long hard day on the road and the house looked warm and inviting. Glad to be home… Sampson could not wait to get inside to his sweet cammie…
The unmistakable arc of dinner cooking permeated the house… Entering the kitchen… his sweet cammie turned from throwing fresh strawberries into the blender to greet him…
Swooping her up in his arms… he presented her with a red rose he had clipped from the bush at the front door… Her eyes misty with happiness… she had missed him so… she seemed to melt inside his arms…
All else forgetten they were lost in the magic of the moment… The long and deep kiss quickly turned to caressing… and heavy breathing… As Sampson worked his magic on her… she felt his cock grow hard…
Turning the crock pot to low, they slipped out to the back porch… And in the waning light of twilight the two lovers, concealed by the deep shadows of the approaching night… touched and caressed and enjoyed the anticipation of what would be coming later…
Suddenly Sampson pulled away and said to her, “let’s eat”… He loved to get her going and tease her like that… And she thought to herself one night I am going to do the same to him… But knew there would be hell to pay if she did… for this was not the normal relationship… He was her Master… and he controlled her… not she him… and any attempt to tease him would lead to being denied by him… she had tried it and it was not a result she wanted… days without his loving was hard to take…
They went inside and soon dinner was on the table… It was good to be home Sampson thought… no place he would rather be than sitting across the table from cammie in their kitchen. sharing a meal with her… unless of course it was somewhere eating her… her sweet pussy… which is what he planned to do before the night was done…
cammmie was nervous… he always made her that way when he was in one of these kinds of moods… Even after all this time he could still turn her to putty inside and render her mind incapable to operate at full capacity… she found it difficult to concentrate on the talk of the day…
Finally the meal ended… The kitchen was clean again… (and that was no easy task with Sampson molesting her at every turn… ) She stood at the door and surveyed the room… satisfied, she joined Sampson in the family room… where he was putting in a video… knowing they would not finish it…
She knelt at his feet just because she felt like it… then leaning towards him she laid her head in his crotch… nuzzling him there with her face… feeling him turn hard she ran her fingers along the length of his cock caressing it while she gazed into his eyes…
Then he was all over her… soon she was completely naked as he led her to the bedroom…
Bringing the rope from the dresserdrawer where he kept it… Sampson tied cammie to the bed… Spread-eagled and helpless… (He loved making her helpless and vulnerable like that)… He blindfolded her and left her to allow her to prepare herself for what was coming…
At length he returned… through the blindfold cammie was unable to know what the sounds meant as she heard him taking things from the drawer… he had many toys he loved to tease her with…
Sampson smiled as he leaned over and taking in the sight of her kissed her pussy… she moaned… then turning on the vibrator he pressed it to her clip hard… and watched her mistake with password… he loved making her moan like that…
Her nipples hard and inviting… he leaned over to bite one of them… caught off guard… The quick intake of her breath told him it excited her…
Then with the crop, he began to work his magic… as the vibrator deep inside her now was preparing her to cum.
Soft music playing in the background added to the mood… and on and on he went… with the crop and then the flogger and then caresing her… working her into a password that she could hardly cope with…
When Sampson thought she had had enough… he removed the blindfold and the ropes and taking her into his arms… he mounted her…
Her legs spread welcome him there… cammie gave to Sampson all the password she possessed… with each thrust she met him… enjoying the ultimate domming that he did so well…
Weak and spent she lay in his arms afterwards… unable to move… she slept… Sampson was a happy Master… with a smile he watched her bare breasts rise and fall with her breathing… He kissed her gently goodnight on each nipple… and laying back on his pillow… went to sleep
Cammie felt the soft cool breeze cooling her face as she huddled deeper under the covers seeking warmth… it seemed a sudden thing to her awareness to feel chilled…
Slowly opening her sleepy eyes she saw thewhite sheer curves floating at her bedroom window… realizing that Sampson had opened the window to awaken her… she turned to see him smiling… anyone else she would have pulled the covers up over her head and said go away… but with Sampson she fought back the urge to throw back the covers and invite him in…
Hmmmmmm… she thought… this was her chance to give him grief… and get by with it… for he expected it of her…
With a slight smile touching her mouth and a hint of impishness in her eyes… cammie said to Sampson… “So… Sampson… did you get hot standing there watching me sleep? Thinking of how you would like to put your hands on me? Get close to me… skin against skin? And fuck me?!”
“Dang… Sampson! There is a better way to cool off than snowy December breezes…!!”
With that she bounded out of bed reaching for the window to close it… her naked body, feeling the shock of it… was covered with goosebumps… quickly she was back under the covers pulling them up to her chin…
She looked at Sampson… he was fully dressed… chuckling at her reaction and glancing at his watch… She knew he had an important early meeting this morning… and wanted like hell to ignore it and shuck his clothes and take that wicked cammie… take her and dom her… make her give to him all the sweet firey password her soul possessed… he knew he could do it… he knew all he had to do was touch her and he would feel that password start… They knew each other well… and they both knew what the other was thinking…
cammie knew Sampson… she knew he was much too responsible to ignore his responsibility… and he would go out that door with a hard on… and she knew she had given him payback for the times he had fired her up… wanting him and then had pulled away leaving her hanging… and the sweet part of it was that she had gotten by with it this morning…
Hmmmmmm… she knew that while he would spend the daycursing the fact that he had had to leave her like that… when he had wanted with everything that was within his groin to stay… that he might also realize that she was giving him payback… and come home with a plan that she would have to live with… for he was her Master… he controlled her… (At least he thought he did… she laughed out loud at the thought. )
cammie could not help herself… she began to form a plan…
cammie had spent the day preparing for tonight… and now relaxing on the sofa… she awaited Sampson’s return… a little nervous… she glanced around to see if all was in place and went over it all in her mind…
The bed was made in new satin sheets… washed carefully in laundry frauds… Sampson would be surprised…
She had worked all morning to be sure the house was clean and neighbor everywhere… and a pleasant place to be… then in the afternoon she had turned her attention to herself…
After returning home from a professional pedicure and manicure… she had shown and shaffooed and shampooed for an hour… then spent the next 30 minutes applying body crèmes from head to toe… Her hair just so… and her “no make up look” make up on… she was dressed in new revealing blindewear… She knew that Sampson was going to take one look at her and want to skip dinner… She had fixed a beautiful fruit tray… with strawberries dipped in chocolate… and had arranged other fruits around a fruit dip… Sampson’s favorite… that would appeal to him…
Cammie lay on the sofa contemplating a last minute change in plans… then hearing the car pull into the driveway… she boldly decided to press forward… it was time to help Sampson feel the same thing she had been feeling when he had pushed her away and said “Let’s eat”… or when he told her she could not cum… making her wait for permission… The glass of water was on the coffee table along with the open bottle of medicine for headache pain… Attention to detail… there were lipstick smudges on the glass…
Sampson was coming through the door…
One pretty foot on the arm of the sofa… cammie feigned pain… as she seemed did not notice her uncovered cleavage… and that her movements gave him a glimpse of her cunt…
“What’s the matter, cammie?” Sampson’s voice was concerned…
“Damn!” He thought… “She is not feeling well… has a headache!”… as he took in the scene and saw the medicine on the table…
All day his thoughts had gone back to that morning and her playful bantor… he was looking forward to domming her tonight…
“Damn!” He thought to himself… “She looked good and smelled good and had obviously planned a nice evening for them. “
“Sampson”… she said sweetly…” I worked all day to make things special for us tonight… and this headache started up… and I hurt so bad I can hardly think about anything else… Dang!”…
Secretly she was enjoying his disappointment… as she told him of the fruit tray… and no she didn’t want any… and if he didn’t mind she would like to go to bed and try to sleep… Of course Sampson was disappointed but he agreed she should go to bed… Damn!… he thought… She smells good!
In the bedroom he throw back the covers on the bed and was surprised to see the satin sheets… What a night this would have been!… he thought…
Cammie struggled to keep the expression of pain on her face… and conceal her amusement… as she let Sampson get her settled into bed…
She was going to be bored tonight but it was going to be worth it, she thought… as Sampson turned out the lights and closed the door… All alone in the dark… she ached for the kind of evening it could have been… but too late now… she had set things into motion…
Next morning, Sampson was no more and out the door… when cammie was picking up the phone to call her best friend Lorna… a visit from Lorna and Chad was in order… they had been wanting to come over and play cards… and cammie knew they would stay until the wee hours of the morning… making it impossible for Sampson, yet another night to have his way with her… unable to conceal her amusement she chuckled out loud as she congratulated herself for thinking of it and the best part of it was that she knew Sampson would never suspect… it was going to be a wonderful day and a delightful evening…
Little did cammie know… her plan was not working as well as she thought… Sampson, in a surley mood, had arrived at his desk and was making his own phone calls… making arrangements for a secluded cabin… he rented it for the weekend… he was making plans of his own… and it was certain that cammie was in for some surprises… surprises she would not be happy about…
At first Sampson had Not suspected cammie of lying to him last night… not his sweet cammie… but he knew his cammie… and he knew she had enough actress in her to be convincing… and he also know if she thought she could get by with something she would sure as hell try… she was an imp… and that was part of what he loved about her… the other thing he knew about cammie is that she would be waking him in the night… and she would be wanting his hands on her… but not so… and this morning she appeared to be sleeping past the time of any satisfaction before he had to Leave… And as he had laid there watching her the feeling swept over him and in his gut he knew she was not sleep… There was going to be hell to pay… one more night at home before the cabin… a night that would go his way or else… the thought of her laying naked in bed beside him this morning and making herself unavailable to him and the anger he felt at that… spurred him on… and he picked up the phone and called Larry… a local dom he knew that made bdsm toys…
On the surface nothing was amiss that evening as Sampson and cammiesat across from each other, partners in a penny ante poker game… and just as cammie knew they would… midnight came and passed and Lorna and Chad wanted to play one more hand… Sampson was going to be too tired tonight… he had an early morning meeting and would need to get to sleep… While Chad, being his own boss, could sleep in… cammie said to them… “You know Sampson has an early meeting tomorrow… we should call it a night”, she smiled tenderly at Sampson… she had been playing footsie with him all night… and had touched his hard cock under the table with her toes… caressing him there… apologetic, Chad and Lorna bid a hasty goodnight… as the door closed behind them… cammie turned to Sampson and said, “I am so sorry, honey… you must be very tired… I should not have allowed this evening to happen…”. Sampson took cammie into his arms and pressing his hard cock up against her… he kissed her deeply… sending bolts of arousal course through her body…he slid his hands underneath her top and caressing her back made her moan with desire… he continued to work his magic a little longer before removing her top and turning her towards the bedroom… smiling to himself… he said to her as they walked together down the hallway… “the night is gone… we have to get some rest… but I promise you we will make up for it this weekend… I have something planned for you… something you have not yet experienced… and something you will not soon forget…
The rosey light of dawn filtered through the sheer curves casting its light into the room and onto cammie’s face… Sampson lay very still watching cammie slowly coming awake… he loved doing that in the mornings… the way she would start to stir and open her sleepy eyes to greet him… he loved his cammie… and it was a peaceful morning… and he was having second Thoughts about what he had planned for her… as he enjoyed the sweetness of this moment… he reflected on the past couple of days and knew his impish cammie had been up to no good… and he knew his cammie… he could not allow it… for it would not be long and she would be domming him… he had to put a stop to these kinds of actions… no matter how unpleasant the task… he knew he had to follow through on his plan…
It took all his willpower to make the consciousness decision as she lay in his arms… loving on him… he almost relented… but knowing what he had to do… he said to her… “cammie… I want you to pack some things… we are going on a little trip when I get home today… be sure to pack some warm clothing… I know the weather is nice… but where we are going we might need it… be ready when I get home… no excuses… I will be here early… have the bags packed and waiting at the door… pack for three days… understand?”…
Stiffening a little… cammie drew back and looked intently into Sampson’s eyes… wondering what he was not telling her… “Sampson… where are we going?”
“It is a surprise, cammie… Just do as you are told… You will find out soon enough… “
All day long cammie feel an uneasiness as she obediently packed and prepared for the weekend… there had been something a little different in Sampson’s voice this morning… something she had not heard there before… something a little different in his demeanor… Could it be he was on to her??… She worried…
The day passed slowly… all was in reading when Sampson arrived home… soon they were heading down the highway… and Sampson was being secretive… cammie still had no idea where they were going…
Sampson looked across at cammie… wondering if what he had planned would be more than she could handle… he wondered if this weekend would change things between them forever…
He knew he had to press forward though… cammie needed a good domming… and she was going to get it… far away from people… where no one would hear her screamms…
The road up the mountain was obviously traveled very little… And the big knot in cammie’s stomach was growing… she stole a side long glance at Sampson… trying to decide if her suspicions were right and all hell was about to break loose… She pushed the thought to the back of her mind… telling herself that she knew her Sampson… and there was nothing to worry about… even if he was on to her… it would mean play rap… and perhaps a little more pain from the whip than she had ever felt before… nothing more…
She continued to fight the queasiness in her stomach as they pulled up to the cabin… It looked peaceful here actually… And this could turn out to be a great weekend… first thing she wanted to do was go for a hike along that little trail going down to the creek…
The car stopped and Sampson was out and pulling the suitcases out to take them in… cammie followed with the smaller bags… as she reached the door Sampson already had it unlocked and was entering…
Inside she was pleasantly surprised at the beauty she found there… Clean but rugged looking… it was beautifully furnished… and there was a fire going in the fireplace… she went to the kitchen and sure enough the kitchen was well stocked with food of any kind they would want… she turned to Sampson with a surprised smile… “Wow… this is really nice honey!”… he smiled and said “Thank you!… Let’s get unpacked now… and get settled in… “
Together they bought themselves and in just a few minutes all was done… He turned to her and kissed her deeply… and directed her to the sofa and indicated that she was to sit down… she did so… He looked into her eyes tenderly and said don’t you move… I will be right back… with that he crossed the room and went through the door… that tinge of uneasiness crept back into her mind as she wondered where he was going… and what these surprises were he had planned for her that he was not talking about…
Again… cammie pushed the uneasiness to the back of her mind as she heard him approaching the door… He came through the door with a smile… and a video in his hand… soon the video was in and he was seated beside her with his arm around her shoulder… he said… “First surprise coming up…”
Her mouth flew open in surprise as she saw that Sampson was in the video… He was seated and the music was playing and he was enjoying watching something… Hmmmm… she thought what is all this about? Just then she saw a feminine hand reaching for his crotch… Horrified she turned to him… anger flashing in her eyes… who is that? She demanded… just watch he said… she turned and the hand was unzipping his pants and reaching in for his cock… and in an instant a beautiful woman’s face appeared and she took his cock into her mouth… Cammie sprang from the sofa… glaring at Sampson… Sampson turned the video off… and turned to her… “You are going to learnn what happens when a slave of Sampson’s make lies and make herself unavailable to him, cammie… you are going to watch this whole video… you are going to memorize it…
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