Welcome to my second story arc on Literotica. The idea for a female domination love story came to me all at once. I wrote four chapters in one sitting. I am in the process of editing them while also moving my other story arc forward.
I hope you enjoy this story. My story contains lesbian, female domination, female submission, male submission, exhibitionist, erotic and BDSM themes. If you don’t like these themes, please skip this story.
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or incidents is purely coincidental.
Bill, 65, widower. Diane was his wife, who passed away 18 months ago.
Alison, 62, single, Primary Care Doctor and next door neighbor. Has been a close friend of Bill and his family for decades.
Betty, 42, Head nurse at Alison’s practice.
It was mid Tuesday morning when Alison looked out her front window at her next-door neighbor, Bill, walking back to his house after getting his mail. She took another sip of her coffee and spoke aloud to no one, “That’s got to be a week’s worth of mail. It’s been a year and a half, but he is not coming out of his depression from Diane’s death. If something isn’t done soon, he will follow her into the grave.”
At 62, Alison was three years younger than Bill. Diane and Bill had been her close friends since Alison moved in next to them 29 years ago in the coastal town of Ventura. It did not take long after she moved in for her to become like one of their family members. She ate dinner with them at least once a week and spent all the holidays with them as there were no relatives near by both homes. She was invited along on all of their vacations.
Alison became an active participant in Bill and Diane’s kids’ lives as they grew up. She attended the kid’s games and their performances. The kids had especially enjoyed using Alison’s pool in the warm months. Bill had added a gate to the fence between their yards to make pool visiting easier. She was still close with all three kids, even though they’d grown up, moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, and started their own families. Bill and Diane’s three grown kids introduced her to others as their Auntie.
Over the years, she had observed how Diane “wore the pants” in their household and made all the decisions for their Family. Diane had shared that Bill hated making decisions and was very shy. During a discussion of how Bill and Diane met, Alison learned that in college, it was Diane that started their relationship. Bill shared that he was too shy to ask out a woman as beautiful and intelligent as Diane. Diane had been the one to propose marriage. Bill regularly remarked that he was happy to have been claimed by Diane.
Alison had observed that Bill was happy with Diane’s leadership. It is what gave his life direction.
Diane was a stay at home mom, and Bill worked as a computer engineer. Bill avoided becoming the lead on any project. He preferred figuring out how to accomplish what others told him to do.
When Diane decided to get season tickets to a local theater group and a traveling Broadway group, she naturally included Alison in the subscriptions as all three loved live theater. The three-way conversations they had as they went to dinner together before the shows and then discussed the shows afterward were Always enjoyable.
Before Diane’s death, Diane had made Bill promise to still attend the shows with Alison after she died. Alison enjoyed going to the shows with Bill, even though she had to keep the conversation going. Bill’s old spark was gone. However, going to the shows was Bill’s only interaction with anyone outside work. Bill slipped into a more extensive depression after retirement a few months Earlier. Alison invited him to dinner regularly, but he decided, saying he wasn’t feeling well. Bill had even tried to skip going to the shows, but all Alison had to say was that he had promised Diane then Bill would agree to continue their tradition.
Alison had never married and had no children of her own. To most, Alison’s and Diane’s closeness had been a strange pairing, given that Diane had been a stay-at-home wife and mother while Alison was a busy high-powered Primary Care Doctor. She and two other female MDs had started their own medical group thirty years ago. She had become Bill and Diane’s family doctor shortly after she moved next door.
Diane and Bill had tried to match her up with different men and women they knew, but none of those matches had worked. Mostly, that was because Alison had a secret that she’d never shared with Diane or Bill. She was a dominant bi-sexual woman who enjoyed BDSM play. Alison’s basement was set up as a BDSM dungeon with multiple rooms with different themes. Alison often would invite a submissive male or female and play with them for hours. She needed to dominate her sexual partners before she got aroused. She enjoyed tying them up and either spanking, flogging, or delivering other forms of light pain. She especially liked pegging bound males.
Occasionally, Alison would invite a group of dominant women and their submissive males and females over for an afternoon or even of group play. She attended DomCom conventions in Los Angeles and New Orleans most of the time and never missed the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco. She carefully kept this part of her life secret from her neighbors.
She knew it wouldn’t take much to get Bill to enjoy submissive BDSM play. She had tried to bring it up with Diane after the book ’50 Shades of Gray’ came out. Alison knew that Bill would become a willing submissive if given a little push in that direction. However, Diane Just wasn’t interested in kink. Alison later tried to bring it up again with a Female Domination Romance novel, but that conversation also went nowhere.
Diane’s cancer had taken two years tokill her. She continued to tell Bill what to do around the house until she slipped into her final coma.
It was fortunate that Alison was also Diane’s Primary Care Doctor. When Alison was hospitalized and the Pandemic shut down hospital visitors, Alison could still see her daily for extended visits as she was Diane’s Doctor. Alison had been alone in the hospital holding Diane’s hand when Diane asked. “Alison, you’re my best friend. I am worried about how Bill will do once I am gone. Could you please keep an eye on him?”
She replied, “Yes. You know I will.”
Diane continued, “He will need a firm hand as he hates making decisions on his own. As you know, he gets overwhelmed when he has options. Please push him to move ahead in all areas of his life. It would make me very happy if you and Bill married after I am gone. I know that you would make each other so happy. You deserve to be loved by a man like Bill. I love you as much as I love Bill, and I know Bill loves you as much as he loves me. I regret I never got you into Bill’s and my bed for a three-way night of lovemaking. Another favor I would like to ask is for you to use your domination skills to bring out Bill’s Kinky submissiveness.”
Alison began to speak. Diane raised a hand and said, “Alison, I know you think you’ve completely hidden it from me, but I know you’re a dominatrix. I know about your kinky adventures in your basement that you think I have never seen. By the way, I have. You tried to get me interested in sexually dominating Bill, but it wasn’t my thing. However, it is Bill’s. He hinted about it more than once that he wanted me to be his dominatrix during some of our sexual games. I know he watches Female Domination porn. You have some of the same furniture in your basement that his porn videos do. I regret that I didn’t help him live out his kinky fantasy. I’d love you to bring Bill into that world and give him what he wanted with me if you’re willing. He has been a faithful husband, but I feel I let him down. Please make it up to him for me.”
Alison had cried and then promised she would continue to be a good friend of Bill and drag him into her kinky world.
That had been almost 18 months ago, and she’d done nothing except watch Bill slowly fall apart. He’d retired three months ago and had just stayed home since. His job had given him some direction, but now that was gone, and he was rudderless.
Last night, Bill’s elderly had called and asked her Aunt Alison to try to help stop Bill’s slide into an even deeper depression. “Auntie Alison, I know Dad loves you, and I think you love him too. We’re all worried about his depression. We three kids are all hoping that you and Dad move beyond friendship, that you acknowledge you like each other. I think that could help him snap out of his funk.”
Alison resolved to honor her friend by getting Bill out of his funk. She called her nurse Betty, a frequent guest in Alison’s basement dungeon. Betty was a delightful 42-year-old bisexual switch who enjoyed Alison’s BDSM play. Betty had been her sub at DomCom a few times, including the one she had attended a few weeks before in LA. Sometimes, she and Betty would dominate a submissive male. She fondly remembered their time at Folsom Street Fair in 2019, when she and Betty brought a submissive male along and rocked some fabulous dominatrix outfits.
Together they developed a plan to take advantage of Bill’s natural submissive tendencies to get him living again.
Later that day, she noticed Bill in the backyard. He was sitting on a chair with a beer in his hand, staring at the ground. He wasn’t even drinking his beer.
She quickly changed into the outfit she thought would get Bill’s attention so she could start her effort to dominate and save Bill. She wore tight black leather pants, a white blouse with a black leather vest, and black boots with 3″ heels. She looked in her mirror and liked what she saw. She was still fitand trim. Bill had also been fit and trim, but he’d let himself go since he’s retired. That was one of the things she was going to change. Bill would get back in shape.
She left her house and went through the gate between their yards. “Bill, how are you? “
Bill looked up with a forlorn expression and said in a voice that sounded like Winnie The Pooh’s friend Eeyore. “Oh…. Hi Alison, I’m not doing well. I have no energy… My kids call me and tell me to get off my ass, but I’m doing my best… Even simple tasks seem impossible.”
Bill then noticed her outfit. As his eyes roamed up and down her body, she saw that it was having its desired effect on him. A smile formed on her lips as she saw a slight bulge growing in his pants.
Alison He knew this was the opening she needed to kick off her plan. She would have to carefully tell Bill what to do without making him aware that she was directing him. So, she replied, “Bill, you are a dear friend. There may be a medical reaton for how you feel. With your permission, I’d like to take off my friend’s hat and put on my doctor’s hat.”
She made a motion of changing hats, and Bill laughed and nodded yes.
She continued, “I will ask you a few questions and do some quick evaluations. You are to answer me truly. Do you understand?”
Alison saw a little spark in his eyes as he replied, “Yes, Alison.”
It was clear that Bill liked being given a little direction. Now she just needed to see how far she could push it.
Alison frowned and continued. “I’m doing this as a doctor. You will address me as Doctor. Do you understand?”
Bill quickly replied. “Yes, Doctor.”
Alison commanded, “Stand up.”
Bill put down his beer and stood up.
“Follow me,” Alison said as she walked to the gate to her home. Bill followed on her heels. Alison was sure that Bill’s view of her butt in the leather pants would help move him into an aroused state.
Alison led Bill into her living room, where she kept her medical bag. She got Bill’s blood pressure information and then took his pulse. She then put his finger into an oxygen saturation meter. “These are not good numbers, Bill. How are you sleeping?”
“Poorly, Doctor,” He replied, “My mind never settles down enough to let me get to sleep.”
“Umm,” she witnessed. She grabbed a Stethoscope and instructed, “Take off your shirt. “
Bill quickly compiled.
Alison had Bill breathe in and out several times while, with one hand, she moved her stethoscope around to listen. She placed her empty hand on his chest and made small massage-like motions. She felt Bill’s body shudder as her hand came to rest on his bare chest. She smiled, knowing that he was getting aroused. She needed to build on his arousal and expand her actions to some tease and deny until he was overwhelmed with desire for her. Then she’d be able to set her hooks in him, and he’d be hers.
To keep him off balance, she said, “Bill, I don’t like what I am seeing. You have me a little worried. You are to go to my office immediately. I will arrange for you to get some blood work done and run some other tests. Then when I get the first preliminary results, I will review them with you. There may be a serious medical problem. Do you understand what I require you to do?”
Bill nodded his head yes.
“Bill, say it,” Alison commanded.
“Yes, Doctor.”
Bill got up, put on his shirt, and headed back home. A few minutes later, he got in his car and headed out.
Alison called the office and got Betty on the line. “Betty, my plan is working. I have sent Bill to the office for tests. You know what to do.”
Bill arrived at the small female-owned medical group where Alison worked three days a week. When he got to the front desk, the receptionist looked up and said, “We were expecting you. Stand over there until Betty comes for you.”
Bill was a little taken back. Typically, he had some pleasant chit-chat with the receptionist as Alison was his regular Doctor. But today, he had been ordered about. After a brief pause, he realized he was not upset about it. It gave him a peaceful feeling.
The receptionist was also a little confused. They usually were required to make people feel welcome by engaging in chit-chat, but Betty had told her that Bill was suffering from depression, and what he needed was clear, firm direction. Betty had even given her the words to say. The receptionist had known Diane and Bill for years, and she was willing to do what was necessary to help Bill.
Betty walked up to Bill and, in a stern voice, said, “Follow me, now.” and took off at a brisk pace into the treatment room area.
She entered one of the exam rooms and commanded, “Put your phone on the counter, remove Your shirt and stand on that mark until I return.”
Bill put his phone down, removed his shirt, and stood on the mark. He started wondering what was going on when Betty did not quickly return. He did not notice the hidden camera next to the sink. Betty was watching from the room next to Bill’s, and Alison was watching him from her home. They had decided Betty should wait for either ten minutes or until Bill moved off the mark; whatever came first before she came back in.
After eight minutes, the camera showed Bill leaving the mark and grabbing his phone. Betty immediately entered the room, catching him off the mark. She let out a long sight and asked, “Are you going to follow directions so that Doctor Alison can help you, or are you wasting her time?
Bill stammered out his reply, “No, Ma’am. I don’t want to waste her time. I’m sorry. “
Betty frowned at him and said, “You’d better be. Doctor Alison needs your body calm for the tests. Put your phone back on the counter. Then stand on that mark and wait. Do not move off that mark.”
Betty left the room and texted Alison an update. “Bill appears to be submissive. He is reacting as you hoped.”
Alison texted back, “That interaction was perfect.”
The hidden camera showed that Bill was standing perfectly still.
After seven more minutes had passed, Betty stated, “Three minutes to act two.”
Alison texted, “Break a leg. LOL.”
At the ten minute mark, Betty entered the exam room and was instructed. “Sit on the exam table, Now.”
After Bill got on the exam table, Betty began to draw a blood sample. She labeled each tube and placed them in a small plastic box.
Betty said, “I’m going to test a medicine that Doctor Alison is considering using that goes on your skin. She wants to ensure that there are no side effects before using large quantities on you. She must really care for you, disrupting the office schedule to quickly get these tests done and taking this precaution for this cream. Be sure to thank her as she is calling in many favors to get this done quickly.”
Bill replied, “I am so grateful for what she is doing for me. I’m not surehow I will be able to repay her.”
Betty smiled and thought as she smeared the cream on a small patch on Bill’s back where there was some hair. “He has no clue how much paying her back will cost.”
She handed Bill a urine sample jar and said, “I will clean off the cream in a few minutes. But first, fill this at least half full, but not more than two-thirds full.”
Bill looked in bewilderment and asked, “Shouldn’t I go to the restroom to do this?”
Betty surprised and said, “The restrooms are all in use. We are swamped right now, and I’m squeezing you into all the other tasks Doctor Alison has me doing. Now, go ahead. I’ll wait while you go.”
Bill exclaimed, “You’re staying in the room while I go?”
Betty responded, “Yes. I told you. Now pull your pants and underwear down to your knees and go. Now! I have other patients to see.”
Betty positioned herself next to the sink so Bill would have to expose himself to her to pee and crossed her arms.
Billreluctantly undid his belt, unzipped his pants, and pulled his pants and briefs down to mid-thigh.”
Betty barked out, “I said below your knees. We need a clean sample!”
Bill pulled his pants down below his knees, and just before he started to pee, Betty said, “Stop! I need to clean your penis.”
Bill was a little surprised and stood still as Betty grabbed his penis in one hand and cleaned the tip of his penis with a wipe. She then moved her hand to his balls and spent a good thirty seconds cleaning his entire penis.
Betty let go of his balls and said, “Pee now.”
Bill’s penis had gotten hard, so it took him a while before he could start peeing into the jar.
When he had filled it over halfway, Betty said, “That will do it. Stop peeing. Stand still so I can clean your penis before you put it away.”
Bill stood still as Betty took a few minutes to clean his penis and balls by rubbing a wipe up and down his penis with one hand, while with the other hand, she massaged his balls with a separate wipe. Bill’s penis slowly became hard.”
Betty shook his penis and commented, “That is taking too long to get hard. I will report that to Doctor Alison. Let me check the cream on your back.”
Betty removed the cream, and the hair came off with it. That was expected as Betty was testing Bill’s skin for sensitivity to Nair hair remove.
Betty then commanded, “Your skin did not react to the cream. I will report that to Doctor Alison. Now get dressed and leave. Doctor Alison will contact you later.”
Bill pulled up his pants, put on his shirt, and walked out to his car. He thought, “That was the strange Doctor’s visit ever. But I trust Alison. I know she only wants my best.”
After Bill left, Betty labeled Bill’s blood and urine for not just the routine testing but also for a full STD test.
That night, after Bill had eaten another microwave dinner alone. His cell phone rang, it was Alison.
“Bill, I have some preliminary results. Come over to my place right now.”
Bill hurried over to Alison’s front door, and Alison let him in. She was wearing her white medical coat and had a clipboard.
“Good evening Alison.”
“Bill, how are you to address your Doctor?”
“Good evening, Doctor.”
“Excellent, Bill. Don’t forget that you are to call me Doctor when I am interacting with you as a doctor. If you keep forgetting, we’ll need to take some corrective action.”
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