The Domme Intern Ch. 09

Chapter 9 An Acquired Taste

The next morning was Friday. Steve got into work early. He was carrying his briefcase which he typically only carried if he was traveling.

He went directly to his office and closed the door. He placed his briefcase on his desk and opened it, revealing Emily’s instrument of punishment. He picked up the heavy rubber phallus with the black rubber harness dangling from it.

Just a couple months prior he would have never dreamed of being in this situation. He examined the realistic dildo and he pictured his sexy dominant intern wearing it and little else. Inexplicably his penis stabilized in his pants. He had a frightening thought. Could the idea of ​​Emily using this strapon dildo to violent him actually turn him on?

He fully opened one of his lower drawers and placed it at the back, next to the remote-control butt plug. He reached back into his briefcase and took out a small box of condoms. Placing them with the dildo, he closed thedrawer then closed and put his briefcase under his desk. With that, he tried to erase the mental image of his beautiful intern donning a realistic looking cock.

He sat down at his desk and a moment later there was a knock at his door.

“It’s open!” he called out.

The door opened and he saw that it was Emily. She was glorgeous as ever with a red blouse and black skirt. Her long sexy legs were accentuated by her sheer black stockings and tall black, high heeled shoes.

“Good morning Mr. Harris,” she said with a smile on her face.

He said, “Good morning Emily, uh I mean, good morning Miss Stone.”

She looked over her shoulder, confirming no one was around. She stepped in Steve’s office and left the door open. She walked over to his desk and said, “So how’s your bottom? Are you sore?”

He could see the mischief in her sparkling green eyes. He cleared his throat and said, “Yes, I am a little.”

She held up her left hand and wiggled her pinky saying,”Let me see.”

Steve raised his left hand, displaying her black pinky ring of submission. She smiled with approval and said, “Did you do as you were told?”

He immediately knew what she means. He reached down and fully opened his drawer. She stepped around his desk and looked in, seeing her strapon dildo and the box of condoms next to the butt plug.

She reached down and closed the drawer then said, “Very good Steve. It pleases me when you do what you’re told.” He looked up at her and got a chill of excitement at her confident attitude.

She smiled at him, turned around and walked towards the couch. Steve’s eyes roamed over her inspiring physique as her ass swayed. She turned and sat on the couch.

Emily had been reviewing Steve’s schedule and found that he had vacation on his calendar. She wanted to verify his plans so she could decide how she would spend her time while he was out.

She said, “I noticed on your calendar that you have vacation scheduled the week after next.”

Steve eyes grew wide and his mouth dropped open. He said, “That’s right I do. My wife and I…” he stopped speaking. He collected his thoughts and restated, “My uh, ex-wife and I, we had plans to go away for the week. I forget to cancel.”

She smiled thoughtfully and said, “What’s the destination?”

He said, “Oh, we were just going to spent the week on Nantucket Island, just off the coast. We, or I guess I, own a modest little house there.”

He looked out the window and said, “It’s where we went for our honeymoon. We liked it so much we built a vacation home there.”

Emily had a thought and smiled. She said, “You can still go. I’ll let you take me.”

Steve looked at her and said, “Oh, Emily I don’t think that would be uh…”

She stood and walked over to his desk and said, “Tell me Steve. Who makes the decisions involving me and you?”

He claped his hands together and fingered the black silicane ring. He responded quietly, “You do. You make decisions about you and me.”

“Exactly right Steve,” said Emily smiling triumphantly. She thought for a moment and said, “Tell me, do you like the idea of ​​spending a week with me; together every minute of the day… and night. I presume you’d be open to sharing your bed with me?”

He looked at her sexy body and nodded, saying, “Yes, it’s a king size bed. Actually it’s a four poster, canopy bed.”

“It sounds wonderful,” said Emily thoughtfully, “Are we flying or taking a ferry?”

Steve was stunned. The idea of ​​sharing a bed with Emily was an impossible fantasy. He could barely think clearly to answer her question. “A ferry,” said Steve, “It’s a car ferry that way we don’t need to rent a car.”

“Perfect,” said Emily, “No need to change the name on a plane ticket right?”

Steve paused uneasily and said, “Uh yeah, that’s right.”

She smiled and said, “Yay, this will be so much fun. We can portray a wealthy CEO and his young girlfriend.”

Steve’s mind drifted to the idea of ​​traveling out of town with his sexy and dominant young intern. He involuntarily smiled. She noticed and said, “You like the idea don’t you Steve?”

He was silent for a moment then he nodded and said, “Well, if I’m being honest, I do like it.”

“Good,” said Emily with a broad smile on her face, “I like it too. I’ll put the vacation on my calendar. Thanks for inviting me.”

Steve nodded and said, “Okay; uh, yes, you’re welcome.”

He was replaying what just happened. Did he invite her, wasn’t it her idea? He was happy they were going together but he wasn’t sure it was appropriate. Then again their relationship had left past appropriate, long ago.

She walked over to the open door and stopped in the doorway. She turned back to Steve and said, “I’ll be at my desk if you need me… sir.”

He looked at her and she turned. Her term of respect was obviously a thinly veiled obfuscation of the truth. They both knew that she was actually the superior.

Steve set about his day and tried to pretend everything was normal. He realized he was living a new normal. Of course, he was still the CEO of Driftstone and had vast responsibilities regarding the businesses. His “new normal” involved his personal life. His sexy intern had him squarely under her thumb. Just the thought of it caused his penis to stir.

Out of necessity he managed to shift his thoughts to work. In the meantime Emily was at her desk, preparing for Monday when her other toy, Mark, would be at her disposal. She realized she would have to decide how Mark should spend his time while she and Steve were out of town. She decided to fill up his week with training; some necessary but much of it just to keep him busy. It occurred to her that she could have him clean her apartment as well. After all, he worshipped the ground she walked on and would do anything she said.

As the day dragged on, Steve had difficulty being productive. After all, he had essentially been raped the night before, and not even been allowed to have a proper orgasm. Plus, he had two different sex toys in his desk, a strapon dildo and a butt plug. Those alone would result in significant humiliation if they were discovered. He thought to himself, “Is there a company policy against having sex toys in your possession?” He shook his head and said out loud, “Damn, I need to focus.”

Around 4:30pm he had reached a lull in work and he walked out to Emily’s desk. He stood there and waited for her to acknowledge him. He was hoping for some “personal interaction” with her. The idea of ​​Emily rubbing her stocking covered foot on his tormented cock sounded good. He knew it would leave him with blue balls, but any attention from Emily was worth a little disappoint.

Finally, Without looking up she said, “Yes?”

Steve said, “Um, how has your day been?”

She looked at him and said, “What do you want Mr. Harris?”

He looked at the ring on his pinky and nervously squeezed and rotated it with his other hand. He looked to her and said, “I was just wondering if you would want a uh, a foot massage or something?”

She looked up at him, smiled and said, “Yes, that would be nice. Go wait in your office. Let me wrap up here and I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“Okay,” said Steve. He hurried back into his office.

Five minutes later Emily came in and closed his door. She walked directly to his couch and took a seat. He stood up from his desk and walked over to her. She looked up at him and said, “I’m ready for my foot rub.”

He smiled and dropped to his knees then settled with his butt on his heels. He skillfully removed her high heeled shoes and set them aside. She lifted her right foot to His hands and he began rubbing. He kept his eye on her left foot as she moved it up and placed the warm sole of her foot on the top of his thigh. As the foot rub progressed, he waited for her to slide her left foot closer to his crotch but she didn’t. She simply leaned back into the couch, cast and closed her eyes.

Even though she wasn’t specifically teasing him, he was still erect. She enjoyed the massage for a good five minutes. Then, without opening her eyes she said, “Massage my calm.”

That was new. Typically Steve had only been allowed to touch her feet in this context. He happily slid his hands up the back of her leg, kneeing as he went. “Oh, that’s so yummy Steve,” cooed Emily. He went as high as her knee, then slowly worked his way back down. Emily voiced her approval as certain pressure points felt particularly good. She enjoyed her massage for a good ten minutes. All the while Steve’s desire was growing. Finally she said, “Ok, switch feet.”

She placed her right foot on top of His left tigh and offered him her left foot. Again she remained still as he worked. He hoped she would allow her free foot to roam but she just relaxed. The way she was ignoring him was somehow makinghim more frustrated than if she were deliberately teasing him. It was more proof that she understood Steve better than he realized. She knew he enjoyed being teased but she wanted to reinforce the idea that she was in control. She alone decided what did and did not happen.

She instructed him to massage her left calm as he done her right. Steve got lost in time and before long he could feel the wetness of precum at the tip of his penis.

Suddenly Emily said, “Look at that, it’s already after five o’clock.”

Steve didn’t want to stop. He said, “Well, I don’t need to be anywhere. I can keep going if, if you want.”

She looked down at his obvious arousal, smiled at him and said, “You love this don’t you Steve.” She moved her right foot to his erection and gently pressed the ball of her foot against it.

He nodded and said, “Yes I do and it’s just that, well, you know…” he stopped speaking and looked down at her foot in his hands.

She smiled and said, “No, I have no idea.” She obviously knew that Steve’s balls were aching.

He looked back to her face and said, “Well you told me I can’t orgasm without you and well, I’d really like one.”

“Well we’re not going to do that here, and anyway I have plans tonight. I have to go,” said Emily. She pulled her feet back and placed them flat on the floor.

The sad look on Steve’s face made Emily think. She was smart enough to know that she needed to occasionally allow Steve relief to keep him happily under her thumb. If she made him wait too long between releases, he may get resentful about how one sided their relationship was.

She thought for a moment and said, “What does your tomorrow look like?”

Steve looked up at her hopefully and said, “I’m free. I have the whole day, the whole weekend in fact.”

She smiled at his eager response and said, “How about this; you take me to lunch tomorrow and then shopping. I need some new clothes for our little getaway. Then we cango back to your place and maybe you’ll get uh, a little reward.” She lifted her leg and held the sole of her foot to his erection and rubbed gently as she waited for his response.

“Yes, yes, let’s do that,” responded Steve immediately.

She smiled at him and said, “Put my shoes back on Steve.”

She moved her foot back to the floor. As he put her shoes back on and buckled them she said, “I’ll come over to your place around noon tomorrow and we’ll go from there.”

“That sounds great,” said Steve with a big smile on his face.

That night Steve picked up dinner on his way home. After eating he spent an hour trying to pick out what he would wear on his shopping trip with Emily. He decided on some casual khaki pants and a white, short sleep cotton button up shirt. Before bed he took his time shaving his genitals in hopes that he would be allowed relief. As usual, the process was quite arousing and he finished with a cold shower.

The next day was a nice warmday and Emily decided to dress sexy for Steve so he could feel like he was “showing her off”. She wore a short white pleasant skirt that was cut well above her knees. Her top was gray with short sleeves, cropped to reveal a sander of her tummy with a deep V neck revealing her tanned, youthful cleavage. Her shoes were white, low heeled basic sandals that revealed most of her small cute feet.

Emily arrived at Steve’s home just after noon. He opened the door and he was thrilled, as always, to see her outside of work. She wore understated makeup that highlighted her natural beauty. She skipped lipstick but she used lip-gloss to call attention to her full lips. She added a little eyeliner to accent her striking green eyes.

She smiled and said, “Hello Steve! Are you ready to take me shopping?”

He stepped back and said, “Absolutely, yes, please, come in.”

Emily stepped into the foyer and Steve

watched her walk in. Her finger and toenails were bare. Her usual largepurse was hanging from her shoulder.

He said, “Lunch, then shopping, right?” He closed the front door.

Emily said, “I’m hoping we can also fit in a mani-pedi. I’ll let you pick the color.”

“That’s great,” said Steve.

He looked down at her feet and said, “I think I’ll have to go with a shade of red.”

Emily nodded and said, “Sounds good.”

Steve said, “What sounds good for lunch?”

She thought for a moment and said, “Actually, I’m in the mood for brunch. Do you think we can find one?”

“Of course we can. We can go to my country club,” said Steve.

“Your country club huh?” exclaimed Emily, “Sounds fancy.”

“Well, I am Steve Harris, the CEO of Driftstone, aren’t I?” said Steve as he looked at her confidently.

She strutted close to him, grabbed ahold of his crotch and said, “I seem to recall that you’re my little bitch. Don’t you remember what happened right over there on your dining room table?”

His cock instantly hardenedand he got a chill at her pure confidence. He smiled, looked in her eyes and said, “If I live to one hundred years old I’ll never forget that. Therefore I’ll never forget my place with you.”

She smiled a geneuine smile and said, “That actually makes me really happy.”

He smiled and said, “Good.”

She gave his crotch one more squeeze then released it and said, “I’m ready when you are.”

“Let’s go,” said Steve.

She reached into her large purse and pulled out her cell phone, then zipped it shut. She set her purse on the table by the front door and it made a noticeable clunking noise. She said, “I won’t need this stuff until we get back.”

She noticed Steve star at her purse and she enjoyed his obvious curiosity. “Ready?” said Emily, jarring him back into the moment.

He said, “Ah yes, follow me.”

She followed him to the garage where they got into his car and left.

A short time later they were enjoying brunch at Steve’s country club. They had just began eating when a man stopped at their table and said, “Hi Steve.”

Steve looked up and was flustered. He said, “Hi Dave, how have you been?” He was nervous, being out to brunch with his intern.

Steve looked at Emily and said, “This is my good friend Dave.” Then he looked at Dave and said, “This is my uh, this is Emily.”

She extended her hand and said, “Hi Dave, it’s nice to meet you.” Dave was shocked at how grogeous Emily was but he didn’t want to let on that he and Steve had discussed her. He shook her hand as he drank in her beauty then he said, “So Emily, you must be um…” he stopped talking, released her hand and looked at Steve.

Emily smiled and said, “Oh, it’s not how it looks.”

Dave looked back at her and she continued, “I’m just Dave’s intern at Driftstone. Our relationship is strictly professional. Mr. Harris offered to spend some extra time with me, outside of work, to talk shop.”

Dave looked at Steve and nodded, then said, “Isthat so? Well, as you must know, Steve is extremely successful. I’m sure he can help you get your career on the right track.”

Emily looked up at Dave and said, “That’s what I’m counting on.” She glanced at Steve then back to Dave and said, “He’s already taught me a lot… about business I mean.” She smiled broadly.

Dave was at a loss for words and he Just stared at Emily for an awkward moment. Steve cleared his throat and Dave looked at him then snapped out of it. He said, “Anyway Steve, you and I will have to go golfing again soon.”

“Sounds good,” said Steve, “See you soon.”

“Yeah, see ya,” said Dave. He turned to Emily and said, “It was nice to meet you Emily.”

She said, “You as well Dave.” He walked away.

When he was out of earshot Emily said, “Well that was interesting.”

Steve said, “You’ll have to excuse Dave. I’m sure he’s surprised to see me having brunch with a such a beautiful young woman. I mean, the last time I saw him I was just telling him about my dividend.”

Emily frowned and said, “Huh, I see.”

She thought for a moment and said, “Do we need to come up with a better story to tell people?”

He thought for a moment and said, “I don’t know… maybe.”

She listed off some ideas. She said, “Well, I could be your niece.”

He shook his head and said, “That’s from Pretty Woman.”

“What’s that, a book?” asked Emily.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, “No, it’s a movie about a guy sharing his luxury hotel room with a hot, much younger hooker.”

“Nope, not a hooker,” snapped Emily.

She thought for a moment said, “Ok, what if I was a just… your girlfriend.”

He smiled and said, “I like the sound of that.”

She scowled and said, “I’m sure you do, but it would obviously be fake.”

Steve thought for a quick second and said, “What if we run into someone from Driftstone?”

“Huh, right,” she said, “We couldn’t be dating.”

“Exactly,” said Steve.

Emily said, “I think we’ll need to be flexible. You know, play it by ear, depending on the situation. For now, let’s stick with what we have. I’m your intern and you offered to spend time with me to give me career advice.”

“That could be fun,” said Steve, “We simply adjust our story to the situation.”

“Agreed,” said Emily.

Steve said, “We could also get outta here and avoid places I normally go. It won’t be an issue if we don’t run into anyone I know.”

Emily smiled and said, “Okay, shopping it is. You don’t hang out at Victoria’s Secret, do you?”

Steve chuckled and said, “Nope, never been.”

“Well, that’s our first stop then,” said Emily with a big smile.

A short time later Steve was following Emily around among racks of lingerie. He was extremely nervous and excited. Emily stopped suddenly and picked up a black strapless plume back corset top demi-bra and checked the size. She said quietly, “34D, perfect.” She handed it to Steve. She movedSome hungers around and found the matching string bikini panty. She handed them to Steve as well and said, “I’ve had my eye on a little black dress and I’ll need these to wear under it.”

She looked at him and said, “Are there any little black dress worthy restaurants on Nantucket Island?”

He smiled and said, “Definitely.”

“Yay!” said Emily in a mock scream. She continued to the panties. She said, “Which do you prefer, briefs, bikinis, or thongs?”


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