Chapter 7 Collars Aren’t Just for Dogs
The next day was Saturday and Emily was going to have lunch with Mark. She was still in bed at 8am and she texted Mark, “Meet me at the Panera Bread in Watertown, 11:45. Have my lunch waiting. You know what I like.”
Her text roused Mark from sleep. He read it and quickly replied, “I’ll see you There.”
Emily arrived at Panera at noon. She intentionally arrived late because she didn’t want to have to wait for Mark. She wanted to be low key so she wore comfortable, loose-fitting jeans and a loose sweatshirt. She had her hair tied back in a ponytail and she wore a Boston Red Sox baseball hat with no makeup.
Mark was thrilled to see her. He had her favorite lunch ready, a Mediterranean Veggie sandwich and iced tea. She walked towards Mark and he stood to pull out her chair.
He moved her chair back in as she sat. He took his seat opposite her and she smiled at him. She said, “Thanks for lunch.”
He smiled backand said, “You’re welcome.”
She took a sip of tea and said, “So how is it working at McDonald’s?” She took a bite of her sandwich.
He shrugged his shoulders and said, “Honestly it kinda sucks. It’s nice to have a paycheck but the hours are bad. I have to work tonight from 3 to 11pm.”
She nodded and said, “What would you say to working eight to five, Monday Through Friday with no weekends.”
He nodded and said, “I guess it would depend on the pay.”
She took a drink of tea and said, “I’m not sure what the pay would be but,” she turned at him, “You’d be working with me.”
His eyes lit up and he said, “Really?”
She nodded and said, “Yes, at least until I go back to BC in the fall. But even then I’d Want to see you on the regular to keep up on what’s happening at Driftstone.”
Mark liked the sound of that. The main reason he stayed at Boston College so long with failing grades was that he liked being near Emily.
Mark said, “How do I apply?”
Emily said, “Don’t worry, I’ll figure that out.”
He said, “What’s the job anyway?”
She said, “You would be the personal secretary to the CEO.”
He frowned then said, “A secretary?”
Emily nodded and said, “Yes, a secretary. Is there a problem?”
Mark said, “Uh no, not really.”
“Good,” said Emily.
They spent the rest of lunch chatting about what it was like for Emily working at Driftstone but she didn’t let on how she had been manipulating the CEO.
A couple hours later it was time for the annual company picnic. It was an event for company associates and their families. There were games for children and adults and the festivals were well underway.
Emily had dramatically changed Her appearance. She carefully applied makeup to enhance her natural beauty without seeming slutty. She chose a summer outfit that she was sure would turn heads and get Steve’s attention.
Steve saw Emily walking across the park. She was wearing cutoff jean shorts, a pale pink crop top with spaghetti straps, and pink contrast shoes that matched her top. Her small top revealed a slider of her flat stomach and a general amount of her ample cleavage. Steve was talking with Veronica Dover as Emily walked up. Veronica looked her up and down and was burning with envy. Veronica said, “That outfit does not meet the company dress code.”
“Okay Martha,” retired Emily in her best bitchy voice.
Veronica scowled at Emily then looked at Steve. She said nothing as she turned and walked away. Steve looked at Emily and quietly said, “I don’t think she likes you.”
Emily said, “Well that’s just fine because she’s a bitch.”
Steve smiled and said, “Like I said, you’re a threat to her, both professionally and just as a woman. I’m mean, you look amazing.”
Emily smiled at him and said, “Thank you.”
He leaned over to her, lowered his voice and said, “Although, I think Veronica is right. Your shorts are too short and your top is uh, too revealing.
Emily acted surprised and said, “Really? Do you want me to leave Steve?”
He shook his head and said, “Absolutely not.”
Emily smiled and said, “There’s my playful CEO.”
Steve was looking past Emily and said, “Oh, it looks like you get to meet my, soon to be, ex-wife.”
Emily saw that Steve was looking over her shoulder. She turned around to see Sarah walking towards them. Steve said, “Emily, I’d like you to meet Sarah. Sarah, this is my uh, I mean our, summer intern Emily Stone.”
Emily extended her hand and Sarah looked at it but did not reciprocate. She looked Emily up and down and said, “I don’t remember Steve mentioning anything about an intern.”
Steve retorted, “I don’t remember you mentioning anything about your boyfriend.”
It was suddenly awkward and Emily tried to lower the tension. She glanced quickly at Steve then back at Sarah and said, “Oh, well, Mr. Harris and I don’t really work that closely. I don’tKnow why he would mention me.”
Sarah looked at Emily skeptically then she handed Steve a large sealed envelope. She said, “I’ve signed everything. I’ll be at the house tomorrow to move out.”
Steve took the envelope and Sarah took one more look at Emily, then Steve and walked away. A short distance away was the man who had been in bed with Sarah. He was staring at Emily.
Steve took the envelope and Sarah took one more look at Emily, then Steve and walked away. A short distance away was the man who had been in bed with Sarah. He was staring at Emily.
Steve said, “I can’t believe she brought her boyfriend with her to drop off the dividend papers.
Steve kept watching him and he said, “Either that guy knows you or, he wants to know you.”
Emily pursued her lips and said, “His name is Nick.”
Steve was surprised and said, “You know him?”
“Not well,” said Emily, “I know his roommate.”
“Oh?” said Steve.
“Yeah,” continued Emily. She pursued her lips thoughtfully then said, “Well, Nick, is a uh, he’s a personal trainer.”
“He is huh?” said Steve.
“And,” continued Emily, “I heard that he was sleeping with one of his clients. A uh, wealthy woman. I didn’t know she was your wife.” She fibbed a little. She reasoned there was no point in telling Steve she knew about Sarah and Nick.
Steve nodded and stared off into the distance. He saw the young man get into the driver’s seat of his wife’s Mercedes and Sarah got in the passenger side. They drove away.
Emily saw Steve watch his wife drive away. She said, “I’m sorry that you’re going through this Mr. Harris.”
He looked at her and frowned. Then he said, “Thanks Emily.”
Emily suddenly thought of a way to move things to the next level in her “relationship” with Steve. It was important for her to get him alone and she had a thought.
She said, “Mr. Harris, I have an idea.”
“Oh? About what?” queried Steve.
She said, “A way to help you now that your wife is uh…. I know a good cleaning service. Why don’t I see if I can get them scheduled to clean your house. They are very good and reasonably priced.”
Steve thought for a moment and said, “That’s actually a good idea. Sarah used to take care of the cleaning and I don’t know where to begin.”
“Leave it to me,” said Emily. I’ll get something in your schedule for them to visit you at home and quote you a price.
“Thank you Miss Stone,” said Steve sincerely.
Emily smiled at him and said, “You’re welcome Mr. Harris.”
Steve noticed the growing crowd of people and said, “Well, it’s time for me to give my speech.” He pulled a folded paper out of his pocket.
Emily looked at it and said, “Did you double check it for any, extra, naughty comments?”
He looked at her and said, “Do I need to?
“Do you even know me?” retired Emily.
He smiled and said, “Yes Emily Stone, and I’m enjoying getting to know you better every day.” She gave him a wink.
Steve made his way over to the temporary podium, delivered his speech and he found that it was verbatim to what he had dictated. Emily hadn’t changed a word but sheachieved her goal which was to keep herself at the forefront of Steve’s thoughts. This time it was, as he was speaking to the employees. She was standing neary and Steve made frequent eye contact with her throughout his speech.
After his “official” speech he announced that, after 30 years with Driftstone Inc., his secretary Martha was officially retired and that he will be lost without her on Monday. Martha was there and received a round of applause.
Emily had already decided that her friend Mark would be perfect to replace Martha. She knew how beneficial it would be for her to have a close ally in the CEO’s office to keep tabs on things for her.
After about an hour, Emily decided to leave the picnic and she worked her way back over to Steve. She made sure no one was in earshot and she said, “So Steve now that Martha is retired, you’re all mine, aren’t you?”
Steve saw the confidence in her eyes and his penis stood in his pants. He said, “Uh yeah, that’s whatit looks like.” He felt nervouss in his stomach. He didn’t know if he was excited or scared.
Emily said, “Good, very good. I’ll see you Monday Steve.”
“Right, I’ll see you Monday Emily,” said Steve. She turned at him, then turned and walked away. He looked down at her silky muscle legs and perfect ass in snug blue denim. Her sexy sway was so ecleculating. His mind drifted back to the amazing handjob she had given him in his office the day before. Now that Martha was gone he would have to be more careful. He feared he could fall for her but that would be entirely inappropriate and possibly career ending; at least the end to his time at Driftstone.
On Monday morning Emily got into work early. Now that Martha was gone she decided to update her wardrobe. She had purchased some new outfits after she left the picnic. Nothing slutty, but definitely eye opening. This morning she was wearing a black, long sleep dress that was cut lower than usual, revealing enough cleavage that she seemed to be braless. The dress was a treat below as well. It was cut above the knee with a slit on the side.
Emily decided she needed to take a more active role in the office. It was obvious that she was sexy and had won Steve’s favor but she also wanted to show that she had the skills to move up in the company. It was one thing to coerce her boss with sexual manipulation but another to convince other employees that she was a worthy Driftstone employee.
Sexual manipulation may work with Steve but she wanted to prove herself on merit as well. That way, should the time ever arise when Steve wanted to hire her for a permanent role, she would be viewed as qualified.
She arranged her things on Martha’s old desk, making it her own. Steve arrived at his usual time and was surprised to find Emily already settled in, Sitting at her new desk. He said, “Good morning Miss Stone how are you?”
She smiled up at him and said, “I’ve never been better Mr. Harris.”
Stevesaid, “What’s on my agenda today?”
Emily clicked several times with her mouse and pulled up Steve’s calendar. She read off the events of the day. She noticed an email that had come in the previous evening requesting a Teams Meeting between Steve and Hiroshi the CEO of Kenoro Corporation.
She opened it and she read the details aloud, “Hiroshi will be in London at a Kenoro Division. He would like to take advantage of the closer time zone to have a one-hour Teams Meeting to review progress on the joint venture. He will not have a translator available so we can only proceed if Driftstone can provide one.”
Emily smiled and said, “You’re in lucky Mr. Harris, I can be your translator. I told you I was the best intern ever.”
“Yes you did,” agreed Steve, smiling at her, “What hat time is the meeting?”
Emily replied, “Eight AM, eastern time.”
“Very good, send an acceptance notice,” said Steve.
She clicked the screen and said, “Done.”
Steve said, “Thank you Miss Stone.”
She smiled up at him and said, “You’re welcome Mr. Harris.”
He turned toward his office and Emily called to him, “Oh, Mr. Harris.”
He stopped and turned back, “Yes?”
Emily slide a small piece of paper and a pen across her desk towards Steve. She said, “I need your home address.”
Steve was surprised. He said, “My home address? Why?”
Emily calmly replied, “I’ll need it to schedule a meeting between you and a representative from the cleaning service.”
“Oh,” said Steve as he walked over to Emily’s desk and began writing.
“What day would work for you this week? They do half hour consultations from one to six PM, Monday through Friday.
Steve finished writing, slide the paper back to Emily and thought for a moment. He said, “Well, I guess any night this week, say five o’clock. The sooner the better.”
Emily looked up at Steve and said, “I’ll arrange it and let you know.”
He smiled and said, “Thank you Miss Stone.”
She nodded and he turned and walked away. She picked up the slip of paper and looked at it. She smiled wickedly to herself, folded it in half and tucked it away in her backpack.
A couple hours later she mentioned to Steve, “I was able to get the cleaning service scheduled for tonight at 5:30pm. Does that work?”
Steve thought for a moment and said, “Yes, yes, I should probably Leave at four though.”
“I’ll block out your schedule,” said Emily.
“Thank you,” said Steve.
“You’re welcome sir,” said Emily. For a moment Steve wondered why she was being so formal. After all, the previous Friday she had given him a handjob right in his office. He reasoned she was just overcompensating for their “questionable” interaction the previous week.
Steve left just before four PM and Emily left a short time later. She didn’t have much time and she needed to get ready.
Steve went home and changed into comfortable clothes consisting of jeans and a tee shirt. He had a quick dinner then cleaned up. His doorbell rang at 5:25pm. He got up and went to the door to meet the representative from the cleaning company. He opened the door and was surprised to see Emily. She was wearing a dark gray overcoat with a large black leather pursuit hanging over her shoulder.
He immediately noticed she was wearing heavier makeup than usual with black eyeliner, red lipstick, and matching red fingernails.
Steve’s mouth dropped open and he said, “Emily, I wasn’t expecting you.”
She smiled and said, “Surprise.”
Steve noticed her extra height and looked down to see her sexy siletto, lace up boots. While he was processing the situation Emily untied her belt and grasped the sides of her coat. She swung her arms, opening her coat and revealing her outfit.
Steve’s eyes opened wide in shock. She was wearing her black leather mini skirt with a new, sexy red lace up halter top. It was small and made of soft leather that completed her skirt. Her perfect breasts were bulging and the laces strained to keep them contained. Her nipples were visible in the soft leather. Her flat stomach was fully exposed. He looked up and down at the sexy goddess standing before him.
Emily said, “You weren’t expecting me, but you’re glad to see me, aren’t you Steve.”
“Uh, yes, yes, I’m very glad, I mean look at you, Christ you look…” he interrupted himself, his voice trailing off and his mind wandering as he looked her up and down again.
Emily waited a long moment then closed her coat and tied the belt with a single knot. Finally she raised her eyesbrows and said, “Well Steve, are you going to invite me in?”
“Yes of course, I’m sorry, come in, come in Miss Stone,” said Steve as he stepped aside.
She stepped very close to him, looked in his eyes with a mischievous grin and said, “I told you to call me Miss Emily.”
This time her request gave him a chill. She wasn’t just a college intern, she was a confidentent, sexy, woman. Steve noticed she was wearing an exclusivecing new scent. He felt an urge to kiss her but he frozen, looking blankly at her sparkling green eyes. He said, “Please come in Miss Emily.”
She turned up at him and continued into the living room. Steve closed the door and joined her. He said, “Uh welcome to my uh, my bachelor pad I guess, Miss Emily. Um, do you want a tour?”
“Maybe next time,” she said. She stepped over to the couch and set her purse on it. She turned to face Steve, opened her belt again and removed her coat. She held it out to Steve and said, “Hang this up.”
He took it and quickly walked over to the closet in the foyer and put it away, then he returned to Emily. He took another look at her outfit. He couldn’t get over her sexy aura. He already knew she was attractive but he was floored at her immense sexuality in this outfit. She sat down on the couch next to her purse. Her short skirt and siletto boots made her legs seem extra-long.
“Right,” said Steve, “Well um, do you want A beer or wine or something?”
“I don’t drink,” said Emily.
Steve was normally in control and always knew what to say but his sexy intern dressed in leather in his living room had him totally flustered. He thought for a moment and said, “Well uh, what can I do for you?”
Emily looked up at him blankly and said, “You can strip.”
Steve’s eyes grew wide then he chuckled nervously and said, “What?”
“Steve,” said Emily, acting annoyed as she continued, “If this is going to work between us you need to pay attention to me. Now what did I say?”
“You said strip,” said Steve.
“Yes,” said Emily, “So why are you not fucking naked?”
Steve was shocked at Emily’s arasive attitude but the reality was, he had heard Emily’s command and, his penis was already hardening. He said, “Emily, I can’t do that, and, and anyway, the cleaning service will be here any minute.”
She laughed and said, “Oh Steve, I do love your innocent naivety.” She sat back and stretched her arms out along the back of the couch emphasizing her large breasts.
He stared at her and thought for a moment then said, “There is no cleaning service, is there?”
Emily smiled and said, “Of course not, I just wanted to get you alone, here in your house.”
Steve’s mouth dropped open again, then he tried to reason with this sexy young woman. He said, “Look, Emily, you are a very attractive young woman and I’ve had fun with the sexual games we’ve played but I have to ask you to leave now. But don’t worry, I’ll allow you to complete your internship. We’ll just keep all this between us but, make no mistake, it ends right now.”
Emily smiled confidently and said, “Oh Steve, that’s where you’re wrong. We’re just getting started.”
Steve said, “How do you figure?”
She said, “Wait until it comes out in the media that you seduced your twenty-one-year-old intern, right in your office; while you were happily marriedno less. I’m sure there’ll be speculation that our relationship broke up your marriage. That would probably affect your dividend settlement.”
Steve was appalled. He said, “Emily, I did not seduce you! We never had any form of sex! Besides, if anyone was seduced it was me!”
“Oh Steve,” said Emily smugly, “Listen to yourself. Who’s going to believe that?”
“Well who’s going to believe I seduced you?” retreated Steve.
She grinned evilly and stood up. She stepped close to him and said, “Everyone will, when I show them your DNA all over my stockings.”
His mind jumped back to the handjob she had given him when he was kneeing before her in his office. He became angry and he couldn’t hide his emotions. He said, “Listen bitch, a false accusation of rape is a criminal offense!”
Emily kept a calm demeanor and stepped closer to Steve. She reached up and placed one hand on his stomach and said, “Oh no, no Steve, you didn’t rape me, you seized me. You even reassured me you wouldn’t get me pregnant which is why you pulled out at climax, covering the tops of my stockings with your semen.”
Steve’s mouth dropped open and his mind raced. Emily’s sexy perfume and red lips again made Steve want to kiss her. A thoughtful look came over her face and she said, “Hmmm, let me see, how did the seduction unfold?”
She stepped away from Steve and walked over to the front door. She said, “I was sitting on the couch in your office and you closed and locked your door.”
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