Chapter 3 Confidence is Sexy
It was Monday morning; the start of Emily’s second week. Steve arrived at work and walked into his office. He found Emily sitting in his chair with her feet on his desk. She was reclining with her hands behind her head and wearing a confident smile. He was caught off guard by the fact that Emily was bold enough to just sit in his chair with her sexy high heels right there on his desk.
She was wearing a red blouse and black skirt with red shoes. She had intentionally allowed her skirt to slide above her knees revealing more of her legs than he had ever seen. He realized he was staring and had to say something normal. He presumed that if Martha had been there, Emily would not be sitting in his chair. He said, “Where’s Martha?”
Emily said, “She just left. She said she had to go down to the mailroom to get a package.”
Steve said, “Did she says when she’d be back?”
Emily said, “I’m not in charge of Martha. But I know whereyou are.” She smiled up at Steve.
Steve looked at her blankly as he considered her implication. He wasn’t sure what to say to this confident sexy young woman sitting at his desk.
Emily said, “So how was your date night?”
Steve said, “Well, it was okay, I mean…”
He thought for a moment and said, “Actually Emily, I don’t really think that’s any of your business.”
Emily made an exaggerated frown and said, “Wasn’t so good huh?”
Steve was obviously annoyed but Emily didn’t care. She fished for information, “Didn’t get any did you?”
“Of course I got some, I get sex whenever I want it,” retorted Steve.
“Oh, I see the problem,” said Emily. She put her feet down on the floor and sat up. She crossed one leg over the other, her posture perfect and her breasts full and inviting.
“What’s the problem?” queried Steve.
Emily looked up at him flatly and said, “It’s just sex. You’d prefer something more, how should I put it? Something more integerresting.”
“Like what?” said Steve, with geneine confusion in his voice.
Emily continued, “I’m guessing you two just have plain old sex. It’s not exciting for you, in fact, it’s boring. I know how your mind works Steve. You’d prefer that she was more, oh I don’t know, assertive. You’d like it better if she made you earn it. Maybe if she was a little bit… strict.” Smack! She slapped her hand loudly against her thigh.
Steve’s mouth dropped open and he felt his manhood responding. Every time Emily spoke to him like that, his body responded physically. He quickly reached into his pocket to try to avoid a tent in his pants. Suddenly Martha walked in with a small box. Steve turned away from the women to adjust himself.
Emily was still in Steve’s desk chair and she thought quickly saying, “Yeah, I see what you mean Mr. Harris, this is the most comfortable office chair I’ve ever sat in.”
Steve looked nervously at Martha then Emily. She looked squarely at his crotch, watching his attempt to hide his erection then she smiled at him and stood up.
Martha said, “I got the promotional laptop pins with the international women’s day logo. I got them at a discount because women’s day was months ago.” She placed the box on Steve’s desk and opened it.
Emily stepped over and removed one of the pins. It was a pink female symbol with a circle and crossed lines with a flower inside. She said, “Nice, I like this.”
Martha said, “We’ll make these available to all office associates for this Wednesday which is our women’s diversity hiring event.” She turned to Steve and said, “Do you need anything else right now Mr. Harris?”
Steve looked at her and said, “Uh, no, Martha. I’m good for now. I just need a while to get settled in here.”
Martha nodded and left his office. Emily slowly walked over to Steve with her mischievous grin, turning the pin over in her hand. She pulled the back off, placed the back of her hand against his jacket, slid it up his chest and slipped her fingers behind his laptop. She applied the pin, then smoothed it in place and petted his laptop a few times saying, “There Steve, I think you should wear this every day.”
He looked down at the pin then back to her uneasily.
She continued, “Just a nice little reminder to lift me up… I mean, to lift all women up, but especially your intern who… likes to play games and, isn’t boring.”
She reached up and straightened the pin slightly, then patted his chest again. She turned her sexy gait as she swayed her ass back and forth. She turned her back to the couch and sat down. She crossed one leg over the other and extended her arms along the back of the couch. Steve sat down at his desk.
Suddenly Martha rapped twice on the open door. She said, “Excuse me Mr. Harris but we just got the sample logos from the marketing department. They have combined elements from Driftstone’s logo and Kenoro’s logo to represent the joint venture. We’ll be choosing one at the board meeting this Friday.
Martha placed the large sheet of artwork on Steve’s desk. She turned to walk out, then stopped and looked back at Steve. She said, “You know Mr. Harris, you don’t need to wear the laptop pin until Wednesday.”
Emily grinned behind Martha and nodded slowly while silently mouthing the words, “Yes you do.”
Steve glanced at Emily nervously then at Martha and said, “Uh, yeah, I know.”
Martha walked out. Steve left the pin on his jacket. He rolled his chair close to his desk and looked closely at the sheet of logos.
Emily stood and subtly unbuttoned the fourth button down on her blouse as she walked over to the front of Steve’s desk. He was looking down at the twenty different versions of the logo. Emily bent over at the waist and placed her elbows and palms on Steve’s desk
She said, “Do you see anything you like?”
Steve looked up at Emily and her blouse had fallen open, fully revealing her glorious cleavage cradled in a sexy, black lace demi-cup bra.
Emily watched him star at her breasts with his mouth agope for several long seconds. She smiled and said, “Obviously I’m talking about the logos Steve.”
He looked to her face then back down to the artwork. Emily said, “It’s okay if you like these too.” He looked back up at her silky tan cleavage and his face reddened.
Emily said, “You are so cute Steve. I love your innocence. Look at you, all embarrassed, it’s just a bra,” she stood up, held her blouse wide open for a moment, then closed it and retreated her fourth button.
Steve cleared his throat and said, “Well I like them a lot. I mean, these logos. I like them all.”
Emily smiled and said, “You like the logos better huh? I bet you’d change your mind if I let you feel them.”
To Steve’s chagrin his penis stabilized in his pants again. Emily was so sexy and she knew it. She continued, “Then again, I can’timagine a scenario where I would ever allow that. You would, really, have to earn it.” Emily was openly flirting with him and it was turning him on. He looked at her and she was smiling broadly.
“So,” said Emily, “What’s on our agenda today? Visiting different departments? Working on presentations? Rubbing my feet? Teasing your penis?”
Steve shot her a look and said, “What?”
Emily grinned and said, “I said… Seems no one’s seen us… you, rubbing my feet I mean.”
Steve was clearly flustered again. He needed to change the subject. He thought for a moment and said, “Actually we have two high profile visitors coming in from Kenoro corporation tomorrow. Their CEO and their head of legal will be here with a translator.”
“Ooh, that’s exciting,” said Emily.
Steve continued, “We need to finalize the agenda for their visit and make sure everything is ready. They are starting the day with us and we’ll be together through lunch, then we’ll be visiting our production facilities in the afternoon with our product development manager.”
“So is this your first time meeting the CEO?” queried Emily.
“Yes, we want to make a good impression. Our expansion into Japan will really help grow our business into Asia.”
Emily smiled and said, “I’m excellent at first impressions. I’ll make you proud.”
Her comment made Steve a little nervous. He knew she could very provocative and he was worried she would be inappropriate in front of their business partners. He knew he couldn’t exclude Emily. After all, they had hired her partially due to her Japanese language skills. He decided to set his worries aside and have Emily help him put together an agenda that included an all-American lunch.
After they had everything planned they worked with Martha to get the agenda Established. Steve was scheduled for a meeting that went through lunch and well into the afternoon. By the time Emily and Steve were back in his office it was after five o’clock.
Emily sat down on the couch and said, “This did turn out to be a busy day didn’t it?”
Steve nodded and said, “Yeah, it did.”
She slide her skirt above her knee, crossed her legs and said, “One of your expert foot rubs would feel wonderful right now.”
Steve took a long look at Emily’s sexy feet and legs then looked at his watch and said, “It’s way past five. I need to get home.”
Emily stood and slowly walked over to Steve with a pouty look. She reached up and gently grasped the pin on Steve’s laptop and pivoted it back and forth. She looked up at him and said, “You have to get home to the missus huh?”
Steve looked at her nervously and said, “Yeah um, she expects me at five thirty every evening.”
Emily said, “Are you a good boy and always do what you’re told?”
She smiled up at him but he remained silent. Her comment excited him unexpectedly. She decided to let him off the hook. She said, “Well, I don’t want to get you in trouble, but tomorrow we’re knocking off early so you can give me a nice, long, foot rub.”
She smiled at him and said, “Deal?”
He nodded silently and Emily moved closer and pressed him to say it. She repeated, “Deal?”
Steve said, “Deal.”
She looked up to his eyes, held her right hand to her mouth and kissed her two fingertips. Then she pulled her fingers from her lips and moved They went to Steve’s lips but lowered them at the last second and applied her “kiss” to the pink pin on Steve’s laptop.
On Steve’s drive home his mind was filled with thoughts of Emily. She was, hands down, the most exciting, sexy, provocative, woman he had ever met. He wondered how far she would take her sexually charged flirting. He realized he was excited to find out.
The next morning was Tuesday. Steve and Martha were both in the office early. The visitors from Kenoro Corporation in Japan were expected at eight am.
Emily arrived at quarter to eight. Martha was pleased with her conservactive outfit. She was wearing a dark, loose-fitting bloom buttoned up to her neck with a scarf. She also wore a long skirt that was loose fitting and extended well below her knees and her shoes fully covered her feet.
“Good morning you two,” said Emily. Steve and Martha both greeted her.
She said, “Is everyone ready to impression?”
Steve smiled and said, “Indeed we are.”
Emily smiled and said, “Good.”
Just then Martha’s desk phone rang and she answered it, speaking just for a moment. She hung up and turned to the pair. She said, “Our guests are here. They are down at reception. Shall I escort them here?”
“Sure, thank you Martha,” said Steve.
Martha walked out and Emily turned to Steve. She said, “It’s time for a lesson in Japanese. Say, Konnichiwa, watashi wa Steve desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.”
Steve said, “What does that mean?”
Emily said, “It means, hello, my name is Steve, pleased to meet you.”
“Okay, I’ll give that a try,”said Steve.
Emily spent a couple minutes with Steve helping him memorize the greeting. Finally he had it memorized.
Emily said, “I think you’ve got it.”
Steve smiled and said, “Okay, they should be here any minute.”
Emily frowned and said, “I feel like a grandma in this outfit.”
“Nonsense,” said Steve,” You look great and, you are dressed Very appropriately.”
Emily smiled slyly and said, “What you see is appropriate, but what you can’t see, is extremely naughty.”
Steve’s mouth dropped open. The truth was, Emily’s undergarments were no different than any other day. She was just trying to make Steve’s mind wander.
Just then Martha returned with their guests in tow. The CEO was a small, gray haired man named Hiroshi. The lawyer was a middle-aged man named Ren and the translator was a cute young woman named Sakura.
Steve attempted the greeting Emily taught him, “Konnichiwa, watabee wuh Steve desu. Yorkshire onegashimass.”
Emily covered her mouth and chuckled quietly. Then she stepped up, bowed and said, in perfect Japanese to the CEO, “I’m sorry sir. Mr. Harris wanted to greet you properly and I’m not a very good teacher.”
He smiled and replied to her in Japanese, “It’s completely fine young lady. Fortunately he and I both have bilingual associates.”
Emily smiled and bowed her head again. She had intentionally flustered Steve which, in turn, caused him to blunder his greeting. That was not her intention. Fortunately she was able to smooth it over.
Emily, Steve, and the Japanese visitors moved into the conference room to discuss business. They were joined by the head of Driftstone legal counsel and by Veronica Dover. Emily spoke for Steve and the other translator spoke for her CEO. They went over the examples of the logos and they narrowed it down to three. Next, they moved on to the legal issues of their joint venture. It was an interesting meeting for Emily and she was glad she had studied Japanese.
After a couple hours they took a break. They had some snacks and engaged in small talk. Emily and Sakura were sitting off to the side and speaking quietly in Japanese. Sakura said, “Your CEO is quite young,” the pair looked in Steve’s direction and he noticed. She continued, “It’s impressive that he has risen to such a high station. Our CEO Hiroshi has been with Kenoro for over thirty-five years and did not achieve his position until age sixty-five.”
Emily replied, still in Japanese, “I’ve only been with Driftstone for a short time but I do know that Mr. Harris is a great leader and he’s well liked. I know that he’s very interested in making this joint effort a success.”
Sakura looked over at the two CEOs talking to their own colleagues. Then she turned back to Emily and said, “I can tell by the way he looks at you, he’s very attracted to you.”
Emily was caught off guard and said, “Well, I uh, I don’t know what you mean.”
Sakura smiled and said, “You are obviously very intelligent and understand human nature. Japanese culture today is very similar to American culture. Confident, beautiful women have an easier path to success than ever before.”
Emily glanced at Veronica who gave her a stern look. Emily switched to English and said, “Uh, Sakura, perhaps we should speak English to include everyone in the conversation.”
Sakura looked at Veronica then replied in English, “Ah yes, that may be best.”
Emily was instantly dismayed that she had stifled her own conversation with Sakura. She was curious about the direction the conversation may have gone.
Later they had lunch in the cafeteria and invited more members of the team to meet the guests. Emily managed to sit next to Sakura. She wanted to continue her conversation. She obviously had her own opinions of how she could use her feminine charms to help her in her career but she wanted to understand how it was in Japan.
Speaking in English she said, “What did you mean when you said that, beautiful women have an easier path to success than ever before.”
Sakura looked at Emily and smiled. She glanced around to see who was near then spoke quietly in Japanese, “I said you are intelligent and understand human nature. If I’m right, then you know what I mean.”
Emily smiled at her thoughtfully then said, “I have an idea what you mean but I don’t want to assume, and be incorrect.”
Sakura took a bite of her food and smiled. Finally she said, “You must know that it’s not uncommon in Japan for people to speak English. In fact around ten percent of Japanese speak English at a functional level.”
“Yes, I was aware of that,” said Emily.
“Well, the point is,” continued Sakura, “That my job had many applicants, and yet I secured the opportunity.”
She continued eating as Emily waited for more detail. Finally she said, “So how did you get the job?”
Sakura smiled and said, “Simple… I took it.”
Emily switchedto English to make sure she understand, “You took it? You just took the job?”
Still speaking in Japanese Sakura said, “Yes, it’s about attitude and confidence. You see, Hiroshi is a well-respected older gentleman. He is accustomed to being in charge and having women play a submissive role. However, I sensed that he longed to interact with a confident woman. A woman who would challenge him, even dominate him.”
Emily clarified, “So he wanted someone else to be in charge?”
“Exactly,” replied Sakura, “Of course he will always be in charge of business matters but the idea of someone else taking control is exciting to him. Especially a much younger, attractive woman.”
Emily looked at Sakura and saw that she was smiling. She said, “You?”
Sakura smiled and said, “Yes, me. From the moment I met Hiroshi I made it clear that I was in charge and he responded immediately.”
Emily nodded and said, “Very interesting.”
Sakura held up her finger and said, “I must caution you. There is one, very important factor.”
“What’s that?” queried Emily.
“Perception,” replied Sakura.
Again Emily replied but in English to make sure she had the correct word, “Perception?”
“Yes,” said Sakura, “You must ensure that your social superiors remain just that, superior to you, in public. Never disrespect or demean your superior in front of anyone. But in private, in private that is much different. In private is when you remind them that they desire you and you know it. Further, the only way they’ll be allowed to fulfill that desire is through submission.”
Emily smiled broadly and said, “This has been the best conversation I’ve ever had Sakura.”
She smiled and responded, “I suspect you’ve always known these things; you simply needed encouragement to cultivate them.”
After lunch, Emily and Steve joined the guests and the product development manager as they toured the production areas.
The guests left a little after four o’clock in the afternoon. Finally Steve and Emily were alone in Steve’s office.
Emily walked over and sat on the couch. She took a deep breath and said, “Wow, that was interesting. Plus, it’s surprisingly tiring to speak so much Japanese. I have to think first in English then translate in my head. One of my professors told me that, if I speak it enough, I would start to think directly in Japanese.”
Steve joined Emily on the couch. He said, “Hey Emily, at the first break you and Sakura were talking, in Japanese.”
Emily said, “Yeah.”
Steve said, “It kind of looked like you were talking about me.”
“Yes, we were,” admitted Emily.
“What were you talking about?” asked Steve.
Emily said, “Oh, Sakura said that you were quite handsome and she asked if I had slept with you yet.”
Steve was shocked. He said, “Really?”
Emily giggled and said, “Oh Steve, I’m just kidding. She said you are young to be a CEO.”
Steve paused for a minute andsaid, “Is that a joke too?”
Emily shook her head and said, “No joke. In the Japanese culture they put more credence on age than in the US. It’s rare for someone in your position to be younger than say, fifty-five or so.”
“Really?” said Steve, “Well that’s interesting.”
“Yes,” agreed Emily, “It also demonstrates that a young woman from an entirely different culture finds you young and handsome.”
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