Chapter 4 Not a “Bored” Meeting
The next day was Friday, the day of the board meeting. Emily wore a black skirt, with a white blouse. This time she had a red belt, and red strappy high heels with sheer black stockings and, as always, a garter belt. She had painted her fingernails red to match her toenails. She even applied red lipstick, which was agenda for her. She usually wore lipstick Only when she was going out at night.
When she walked into the office she could see that Martha was not pleased. She frowned and, without words, made it clear that she did not approve of Emily’s appearance.
Emily ignored Martha’s attitude and stepped into Steve’s open office. He was sitting at his desk and looked in her direction. His mouth dropped open as she confidently strode around his desk and moved right beside him. She leaned her butt against his desk. Her sex appeal was undeniable. Today she was wearing an alluring perfume that Steve hadn’t noticed before. She smiled and said, “Good morning Mr. Harris. Are you ready for our big day?”
He looked to her face and said, “Our big day?”
She smiled and raised her eyesbrows. Finally she tilted her head and said, “The board meeting silly.”
“Oh, right, the uh, the board meeting,” stammered Steve. He looked away from Emily for a moment to collect his thoughts then said, “Right, um, I don’t have the financials yet but I should soon.”
Emily smiled and turned around and moved out from behind his desk. Steve’s eyes immediately went to her slim wait then down to her stockings. Today she was wearing stockings with seams down the backs of her legs. His eyes followed the seams down the backs of her sexy legs to her red heels. She sauntered over to the couch, placing her laptop bag on it. She turned to face Steve and sat down next to her bag.
She raised her right leg and crossed it over her left knee. Of course Steve’s gaze went to her right foot as she slowly bobbed it up and down. Shewatched him star in silence at her sexy high heel. Finally she said, “Do you want something Mr. Harris?”
“Do I want something?” he repeated her question as his eyes moved back to her sexy high heel, then slowly went up her stocking to her skirt.
“Well, I have a good idea what you want,” said Emily as she smiled coyly, “What I mean is, what do you need for the meeting.”
Steve was clearly flustered. He closed his eyes for a moment to clear his head. Emily knew he was uncomfortable and she was really enjoying herself. She waited for Steve to say something but he didn’t.
Just then Martha walked in. She was carrying a dozen takeout menus from a local sandwich shop. She walked over to Emily and said, “Bagels and coffee are in the conference room. Emily, Take these lunch menus and pass them out at the first break. You’re in charge of getting a list of names and menu choices.”
“Got it,” said Emily.
Steve stood up and said, “Thank you Martha.” He honestly didn’t know if he was grateful for the interruption or dismayed that Martha had disrupted his conversation with his gorgeous, confident intern.
Martha looked at Emily and frowned. She turned back to Steve and said, “The financials just came in a short time ago. I put them in the secure folder on the server.”
“Thank you Martha,” said Steve and Martha walked out. He turned to Emily and said, “Why don’t you power up your laptop. I’m going to get another cup of coffee.
Steve returned and sat at the table with Emily. He logged into the secure folder and showed her how to retrieve the figures to paste into the presentation. Then Steve quickly went through every slide to make sure it was correct. Finally he had Emily save and close the file.
There wouldn’t be time today for her laptop battery to rundown and have Steve plug it in. Emily would have to think of a new way to toy with Steve. Little did she know that she’d get her opportunity in just a few minutes.
Steve said, “Okay, I need to run to the restroom quick, I had too much coffee,” he said as he chuckled. He hurried off to relieve himself and returned to his office in record time.
He said, “Ok Emily, you’ll need your laptop and power adapter. The conference room tables all have power plugs right in the top.” He thought for a moment and continued, “The presentation is ready, I think I’m all set for the meeting.”
Emily looked at him and saw that she had hit the proverbial “jack pot”. She said, “Yes sir but… there is one thing you still need.”
She stood and walked up very close to him, standing face to face wearing a mischievous smile.
While keeping her eyes on his, she reached down and grasped his zipper then pulled it up with a restoring, Zip! She slowly patted his crotch twice and said, “There you go Mr. Harris, now you’re ready.”
Steve felt his penis thicken at Emily’s actions but she had already stepped back. She obviously could have simply told him hispants zipper was down but she chose to close it herself, and openly grope him.
He smiled at her bold move and said, “Thank you Emily.”
She smiled back and said, “You’re welcome Steve.”
He was shocked that she had just grope him. Actually a better word may be grateful. He was thrilled that his gorgeous young intern was obviously flirting with him. Plus, she had called him by his first name with so many people within earshot in the neary conference room. He stood in silence, smiling at her, imagining her in just lingerie. She raised her eyesbrows and said, “Steve.”
He snapped out of it and said, “What?”
“Run along,” said Emily as she made a shoeing motion with the back of her hand. Steve felt a stir in his pants again. Emily’s confident demeanor had definitely struck a chord with him.
The board meeting was scheduled to last the entire day. Emily did not have a seat at the table. She had her own small, task table off to the side where she could documentt the proceedings. Steve managed to get a seat facing Emily, with a good view of her feet and legs. She was too smart to assume that Steve’s seat location was happenstance. After all, one quarter of the attendees had their back to her and another half had their sides to her.
As the meeting progressed she paid careful attention to Steve. She saw him looking in her direction quite often. Whenever she caught his eye she would smile at him.
It occurred to Steve that Emily’s presence was improving the meeting for him. What was usually a boring meeting had become exciting with his sexy intern nearby.
At nine AM they took a break and Steve introduced her, “Okay everyone, it’s time to take our first break. I’d like to introduce our summer intern. Her name is Emily Stone and she’s a Senior here in town at Boston College. She’s studying Business Management with a minor in,” he turned to Emily and said, “What’s your minor?”
“Behavioral Marketing,” said Emily.
Steve smiled and said, “That’s right, so everyone better behave.”
A couple attendees chuckled but, for the most part, his quip was a flop. “Okay, anyway,” he continued, “Emily is going to pass out menus and then circle a request sheet. Just write your name and which box lunch and drink you’d like and Emily will take care of it.”
Emily stood and began carrying out her task. Several of the men in the room were obviously taken with her. Once everyone had made a selection she took the sheet out to Martha. She returned to her seat and read herself to document more meeting minutes.
Around noon Martha wheeled in a cart full of drinks and lunches. When they began eating, multiple conversations broke out in the room.
The meeting continued well into the afternoon. Emily took detailed meeting minutes Despite the glaring boredom. After the meeting everyone slowly filed out, leaving Steve and Emily alone in the conference room. When the last person left, Emily remained to clean the room. She was standing at the side table, collecting empty food boxes and placing them in a trash bag. Steve had been fantasizing about her for most of the day. After her blatant groping of him that morning and all of her sexual playfulness, he decided to take a risk and show her that he could play her game.
She had obviously been flirting with him and he decided to call her bluff. He moved close behind her and said, “I Really like your outfit today Emily.” He cupped his hands under backside and squeezed her ass with both hands.
In one smooth motion she spun around and slapped his face hard, then glared at him. He recoiled and held his cheek. She said, “You should be careful Mr. Harris. An allocation of sexual harassment would be very damaging to your career.”
He stared at her in shock, his cheek burning in pain. He assumed all the foot rubs and her teasing, along with her action that morning of pulling up his zipper and patting his crotch was a clear signal that she was interested in him romantically.
He said, “But Emily, what about this morning?”
She smiled and said, “Oh, did you like that Steve?”
He stammered, “No, I uh, I just thought…”
She stepped close to him. Holding her eyes on his with a confident stare she reached down and cupped her palm fully under his crotch and began rubbing. He stared at her in Shock but he made no attempt to stop her. His penis quickly erected in his pants, then she squeezed and held it firmly through his dress slacks.
She said, “It seems to me that you’re thinking with the wrong head Steve.”
His mouth dropped open but he didn’t know what to do or say. He simply stood there in shock as Emily held him by his penis.
Emily squeezed his penis harder and said, “Keep your hands off me Steve or you’ll have problems that you really don’t want to deal with.”
Finally she released his erection, patted his cock twice, then turned around and continued cleaning. She placedThe last of the trash in the bag and turned back to see Steve staring at her, dumbfounded.
“You look confused Mr. Harris,” said Emily playfully.
“I am confused,” said Steve, with an edge of announcement in his voice.
Emily smiled and said, “You’re a smart man. You’ll figure it out.” She turned, walked out and went down the hall to the kitchenette.
Steve was completely flustered and confused. He stepped out of the conference room and looked down the hall to see Emily’s sexy swway as she took the trash away. She turned and disappeared into the empty kitchenette and smiled in self-satisfaction and said quietly, “Am I going to have fun with you Mr. CEO.”
She left the kitchenette and returned to the conference room to collect her laptop bag. Steve was still there but he said nothing. He simply looked at her in silence. She began walking out but stopped in front of him. She pulled out her phone, unlocked it and opened a picture. She turned the phone to him. It wasa picture of her in a sexy club outfit in a store changing room. She was modeling a red miniskirt with a tiny, black button up halter top that revealed her stomach and a general amount of cleavage. Steve’s mouth dropped open as he stared at the tiny image of her.
Click! She locked the screen and it went black. Steve looked at her and she said, “It’s my new club outfit. Maybe I’ll see you Saturday night?”
Steve stared at her. She smiled at his lack of words then walked away.
As Emily drive home she realized how turned on she was. She was actually getting sexually aroused at the fun she was having manipulating the CEO of a major corporation. As soon as she got home she stripped down and took a shower. The hot water felt great on her naked breasts and stomach. She thought about how she had just groped Mr. Harris and squeezed his erection, owning him in the process. She slide her soapy hand down to her wet pussy and fingered herself to a marvelous orgasm.
Later she was relaxing on her couch. Now that she had saved her sexual urge she thought more about what she had done. Then it hit her and she said out loud, “I fucking rubbed Steve Harris’ cock and grabbed his hardon right in the damn conference room. Am I fucking crazy?”
Emily had surprised herself with her bold, forward behavior. She knew she enjoyed sexually controlling men but she didn’t want to go too far, too fast and ruin her efforts to teardown Steve’s defenses. She realized that, if she moved too fast he may resist. He may realize that her true goal was manipulation rather than playful sexual fun.
That was the beauty of her inviting Steve to the dance club. If he didn’t make an appearance it would let her know that he was cautious and that she should move slower. On the other hand, if he showed up, it would be a green light for her to ramp up her meticulous teardown of his common sense.
On Steve’s drive home he was feeling multiple emotions. He was confused, frustrated and even angle. He began thinking about Emily’s bold groping of his manhood. Then he realized how absolutely thrilling it was. When he met Emily he would have never dreamt that such a gorgeous young woman would openly fondle him like that, at work no less.
As he drove he realized he was horny. Unfortunately his sexy wife was gone for the weekend and, for some inexplicable reason, he had promised Emily he would stop masturbating because it would somehow be cheating on his wife?
He wasn’t so sure about that. After all it was his body. It wasn’t as if he was sleeping with someone. On the other hand, Emily obviously had no problem questioning him about very personal details of his life. Steve was not a good liar. He was sure that, if he did “take care of himself” and Emily asked, he would not be able to deny it.
To top it off, Emily had invited him to a dance club. Why in the world would he ever go there? He made up his mind right then that he was not going.
He picked up Chinese takeout on his way home. He made himself comfortable in the living room with his food and a beer. He put on Netflix and browser the movies. He put on a comedy to take his mind off Emily.
After eating, he drifted off to sleep, right there in his recliner. He woke up in the middle of the night. He had to pee and his cock was hard. He got up and put his empty food container and beer can in the kitchen, then he went upstairs. He stripped down to his underwear, peed and went to bed. He lie in the dark, of course thinking about Emily. She had successfully taken over his thoughts. He lamented his age difference. If only he were twenty years younger, but then again no. He had Sarah who, at Emily’s age was nearly as attractive, and he was happy.
Well, relatively happy. Sarah was pretty but, she was different. She didn’t have Emily’s addicting, confident personality. There was something about Emily that was so irresistible. He decided it was good that he was married, otherwise he may fall for her.
On Saturday morning he decided that he would take advantage of Sarah being gone. He texted a few friends until he found one that was free to go golfing.
He got a one o’clock tee time at his country club and met his friend Dave at the clubhouse for lunch.
Dave said, “So how have you been? What’s been going on?”
Steve glanced around for eavesdroppers and looked at Dave. He said, “This is so wrong but, I have a smoking hot intern and she’s coming on to me, and I mean hard.”
“Really?” Dave smiled.
“Well,” said Steve, “It seems like she is.”
“How so?” Said Dave.
Steve knew better, than to tell Dave about the foot rubs and Emily crushing his hand so he jumped right to the “normal” part.
“Well,” continued Steve, “Yesterday morning I went and took a piss but I left my fly down.”
“So you were fishing?” asked Dave.
“No!” said Steve, “It was totally accidental, I was in a hurry. Anyway, she saw it, and rather than tell me, she walked up to me and pulled my fly up, then she patted my crotch.”
Dave’s mouth dropped open and he said, “Are you shitting me? You should bang her on your desk.”
Steve gave him a look and said, “What, do you think we’re living in a 1980’s porno movie?”
Dave said, “That would work for me.”
Steve laughed then paused. He said, “Me too. Guys are pigs, aren’t we?” They both laughed.
“So what else happened?” asked Dave.
“Well, at the end of the day, I grabbed her ass,” said Steve.
“Really?” said Dave, “What’d she do?”
“She slapped me, hard!” said Steve, “It really hurt.”
“Well there you go,” said Dave, “Just be glad she didn’t run to Human Resources. Besides, you have Sarah at home. It’s a good thing you’re married, otherwise you may be tempted to uh, make a poor choice.”
“Yeah, right,” Steve said with a chuckle. He didn’t mention Emily’s invitation to the dance club. After golfing Dave asked Steve ifhe wanted to get dinner later. Steve made an excuse that he was just going to stay in.
He really did plan on staying in. Around 5pm he ordered a pizza. By 6pm his pizza was half gone and he was full. He flipped on the TV and searched for something to watch. He settled on an action movie. He had already seen it but he liked it. Around 8pm the movie ended and, of course he began thinking About Emily again. He remembered the picture she had shown him. He had only seen it for a few seconds but it was burned into his mind. He really wanted to see Emily in that microscopic mini skirt with most of her breasts hanging out.
He said out-loud to himself, “I cannot go to that dance club.” He was trying to stay strong because he knew he should not go.
A short time later he pulled out his phone and googled, Elysium. He looked up the address and saw where it was located. It was only a fifteen-minute drive from his house. There were pictures of people smiling and drinking and dancing.
He locked his phone and put it down. He said to himself, “I don’t even know what I’d wear.” A short time later he was looking through his closet to see if he had any clothes that seemed right. He knew he’d be older than the majority of the crowd. He chose dark dress pants with a gray button up shirt, no tie with a jacket.
By 10:30pm he had officially lost the battle with himself. He said, “You know what, fuck it, Emily is right. Sarah takes off for the whole damn weekend and a long one at that. I’m not going to sit here like a loser. I want to watch Emily dancing.” He got ready and left.
Meanwhile, Emily and her friend Zoe were dancing at Elysium. Zoe leaned into Emily’s ear so she could talk over the music. She said, “Let’s go over to the bar. I need a drink.”
Emily nodded and the two young women weaved their way through the people bouncing to the music. They got to the bar and Zoe said, “I can’t believe you don’t drink.”
Emily said, “I just don’t like to lose control. I want to stay sharp.”
Zoe smiled and said, “That’s exactly why I drink, so I can lose control!”
Emily smiled and said, “You’re lucky I’m driving.”
Zoe got a tall Long Island ice tea and Emily got an ice water. As soon as Zoe paid, a new song started. She said, “Oh! I fucking love this song! Come on!” She took Emily’s hand and pulled her out into the sea of smoking, gyrating bodies.
Around 11:30pm Steve arrived at the door and the bouncer looked him up and down. He said, “It’s a $20 cover pops.”
Steve pulled out his wallet and gave him a twenty. The bouncer stepped aside and Steve went in. He immediately felt out of his element. It was loud and everyone in sight looked half his age. He stepped in and stood by the door for what seemed like five minutes but it was less than one.
He was a bit uncomfortable and thought about leaving but then he saw Emily in the crowd. She didn’t seehim. She was smiling and dancing. He couldn’t believe how short her skirt was. It seemed she could bend over just a smidgeon and reveal the curve of her ass. Her legs were impossiblely long, her thighs were muscle and her stomach was flat and toned. He enjoyed seeing her long smooth, bare legs after seeing them so much in stockings. He looked away for a moment. He couldn’t resist looking back and staring at her. Next he noticed her inspiring chest.
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