Daniel arrived at the gates of Femininus on a numbingly calm and milk morning. He had written in his most recent letter that he would be arriving that day. He came dressed in his white dress shirt and black slacks. He was made to wait for nearly an hour upon his arrival. As he waited, he listened to the faint sounds of the goings on of the city just beyond the wall. He found the cool calmness of the morning wind unsettling as he anxiously waited. He had knots in his stomach and hope in his heart.
The gates finally opened and Isabella appeared, wearing a seductive, sheer white gown. The gown was made with a revealing low cut deep V neck. Daniel leered at her huge, smooth breasts, which were mostly exposed to him. The thigh-high slots on the sides of her gown flashed her curvaceous thighs with each step she took. He watched her sexy legs, entered by their every movement as she approached him.
“Hello, Supreme Goddess Isabella. It is so very good to see you once again,” Daniel said.
“That is not how you shall greet me. You shall do so properly, upon your knees,” Isabella said.
“Yes, Supreme Goddess,” Daniel said, quickly and obediently falling to his knees for her.
“Tell me, why have you come to Femininus?” Isabella asked.
Daniel frozen, searching for the words and yet having an overabundance of words flooding his mind. Isabella tapped her heel impatiently.
“Well, let’s have it then. I haven’t all day. Tell me everything. Tell me why you are here,” Isabella said.
“Because I want to see if I have what it takes. Because I seek a Mistress. I seek a Mistress who is sensitive and yet strict, who is kind and yet sadistic. And because,” he paused and then continued, “Because I just want to find out who I am.”
She looked him over, up and down, as he humbly stood upon his knees. And in that moment, she very much looked forward to using him.
“So, you have come here to prove yourself worthy of being a slave of Femininus? We shall see. In the meantime, you shall make for a fun plaything. In fact, I believe that is what we shall call you. From now on, you are Plaything,” Isabella said.
“Yes, Supreme Goddess,” Daniel said.
“Today you shall begin your training, Plaything. You will be stripped, worn, collared, and fitted with a chatity cage,” Isabella said.
Daniel’s face washed over with fear and lust and elation. He became excited at how casually Isabella had explained the impending degradation which she was about to subject him to.
“Now, rise and follow me,” Isabella instructed.
Daniel stood up, the knees of his pants scuffed and covered in dirt. Isabella turned away from him, her gown flowing in the morning wind. Then she walked through the large doorway entrance, heading in the direction of the city. Daniel followed her through the entrance. He looked over to see a completely nude Servant Stud standing on the inner side of the wall beside a rickshaw. Isabella walked over to the rickshaw then she offered her hand to Servant Stud and he took it. Isabella used her other hand to hold up her gown as Servant Stud assisted her into the rickshaw. He then stepped into position at the front of the rickshaw and took hold of the handles. Isabella grabbed her lunch whip, the lash of which was long and intimidating.
“You shall follow us to my castle now, Plaything. And do try to keep up,” Isabella said.
She then struck Servant Stud upon his back with the lunch whip and he quickly took off. Daniel hesitated for a moment as Servant Stud darted past him, with Isabella sitting comfortably in her rickshaw. Daniel realized he would be expected to chase after them and so he did. He stumbled a bit as he took off behind them. Daniel was surprised at the high speed with which Servant Stud could run while pulling the rickshaw. Daniel ran with all his might, trailing just behind them. It was a long and arduous trek all the way to Isabella’s castle. The city flewby in the corner of his eye. He caught a glimpse of the clay houses, the sunbathing Mistresses, and the signs for Truma Farms, which he knew as the most successful farming corporation in Femininus. As Servant Stud ran farther down the winding dirt roads and up the demanding hills, Daniel found it increasingly difficult to keep up. Daniel trailed farther and farther behind. His lungs ballooned, the muscles in his legs melted, the bottoms of his feet burned. He wheezed and sweated profusely as his pace slowed down to a sluggish jog. He could desperately see the rickshaw up ahead as it stopped at Isabella’s castle. Daniel limped closer.
By the time he reached them, Isabella had already exited the rickshaw. She waited impatiently with her arms folded across her chest and her browser furrowed. With his last vestige of strength, Daniel stumbled towards her and he fell to the ground at her feet. He looked up, panting, nearly hyperventilating, with his face covered in dirt and defeat.
AsIsabella gazed upon his adorable, dirty covered face, she felt a certain degree of sympathy and even affect towards him. But she could not admit that to herself, or least of all to him, and she felt compelled to display a completely cold demeanor towards him.
“Couldn’t keep up, huh Plaything? I have my doubts that you have what it takes to be a slave of Femininus. Perhaps you should just give up Now and leave,” Isabella said.
“There’s no place else for me to go,” Daniel said as he stood up and used his shirt sleep to wipe the dirt from his face. “And there’s no place else I truly want to be.”
She was deeply turned on by his determination and devotion. She studied him as he winced and panted.
“Take a moment to collect yourself. Then Servant Stud shall escort you to my private dungeon,” Isabella said, then she left him.
Daniel entered Isabella’s dungeon, and he felt the cooling in the air from the large stones which made up the dungeon’s walls. He foundIsabella poised alongside a dozen other Mistresses. The Mistresses were dressed in revealing, seductive, sheer white gowns styled exactly the same as Isabella’s. The Mistresses appearance was serene and surreal to him as the light from the torches glimmered upon their eyes and their breasts and their legs. The Mistresses surrounded him and approached him from all sides. He shifted his head around in all directions, surveying the Mistresses as they glided towards him. The Mistresses circled around their helpless, innocent prey and moved in.
He felt a dainty hand embrace his shoulder and then move down his arm. Isabella approached him from the front and reached out and placed her hand against his breast. She felt his heart as it pummeled against his chest. More delicate hands moved across his body, entrancing and comforting him. Isabella Suddenly grasped his hair and pulled, forcing his head backward. He felt the Mistresses’ hands seize and tug on his dress shirt. Daniel began to sTruggle. He felt several of the Mistresses grab him by the wrists and the biceps. The Mistresses pulled at his shirt with greater force, jerking him all around. He heard a rip.
“Please, no,” Daniel whispered.
The potential mixture of intimidation and sensitivity aroused him with urgency. The Mistresses yanked and tore at his shirt. Isabella grabbed him by his crotch, leaving him with a dull throbbing pain in his balls. She unbuttoned his pants as he continued to struggle. The Mistresses clawed at him, leaving his shirt in tatters and his chest marked with scratches. The Mistresses moans and wicked laughter echoed through the dungeon as they dug their nails into his skin and slowly scratched down the length of his chest. They stripped him of his pants and tore off the remaining rags that were once his shirt, leaving him wearing nothing but his tight fitting black cotton boxer briefs. The other Mistresses held him tight as Isabella forced her fingers inside the waistband of his boxer briefs. Daniel gave up his struggle, holding his head downward, falling into the Mistresses arms. Isabella savored the moment, observing him in that state of complete surrender. She slowly pulled his underwear down to just right above his cock. She leered at the bulge that had formed in the front of his boxers. She then quickly forced his underwear down, and his hard cock sprang up from out of his Underwear like a hungered burst of energy. Isabella slowly bent down and removed him of his underwear, further torturing him by giving him an exclusive view of her large gorgeous breasts in her low cut deep V neck gown. Daniel soon composed himself and stood erect.
At that point, the Mistresses all stepped back so they could observe their new plaything. Over a dozen pairs of beautiful, exotic eyes gazed at him, looking over every exposed inch of his body. He stood naked and objective, with his cock sticking straight out and twitching with overwhelming vigor and desire. The faith coolness radiating from the dungeon’s stone wall turned frigid, and it felt as though the cool air wrapped around his nude body. He felt humiliated, nervous, nearly on the verge of panic, as he found himself completely naked in front of a room full of gorgeous women.
Isabella studied Daniel’s blushed face and his trembling body, and she delighted in his humiliation and degradation. She looked him over, studying his tall, portly frame. He was thick and broad-shouldered, and yet soft and pleasant. Isabella was excited to see the cock that was once hidden, that had been poking out underneath his pants towards her at the Kink Show, was at that moment now completely exposed to her. His cock was lean and long, it stood stiff and robust like a struggle wooden cane. Isabella shot him a contemporary glare.
“Now this The Mistresses grabbed hold of Daniel and led him to a chair. The Mistresses forced him into the chair and shackledHis arms and his legs, rendering him immobilized. Isabella approached, carrying a straight edge razor and a saucer filled with shaving cream. He submitted with trepidation. He had received more compliments about his tousled, bushy hair than any of his other attributes, and it had come be his most defining physical trait.
“You will be shaken now, Plaything. This will strip you of your individuality. You will no longer look or even feel like your former self,” Isabella said. “Now, put your head down. Submit.”
Daniel closed his eyes and bowed his head. The shaving cream was warm. The razor blade was cool. Everything happened so quickly. He watched the clumps of his hair fall quickly to the floor in a seemingly endless abuse. Once Isabella had completed shaving him, she and several other Mistresses took the shaving cream and his clumps of hair from the floor and they rubbed the disgusting messing all over his face. Daniel’s protests were met with their wicked laughter. They further degraded him by rubbing more of the filthy clumps of hair mixed with shaving cream all over him. The Mistresses continued to laugh boisterously at him. Daniel was left feeling disgusting, humiliated, subjugated.
Daniel was led outside. The Mistresses proceeded to dump bucket after bucket of water over his head until they had thoroughly cleansed him. He stood shivering, with the sun gleaming off his wet body, humbled by the degradation the Mistresses had administratored upon him, yet proud to be considered as their service.
That night Daniel and 15 other new male servants were led to the courtyard just outside Isabella’s castle. The torches in the courtyard were lit, the night being so dark that not one star shined in the sky, and Daniel could not see even a center beyond the lighting of the torches. All 16 Servants were nude, with freshly held heads and exposed cocks. Isabella and the Mistresses stood aligned just inside the perimeter of the lit torches, dressed in their semiconductor, sheer white gowns with low cut deep V necks and thigh-high slots on the sides. The winds were strong that night, causing the Mistresses’ hair to flow and their sheer white gowns to flutter in the flickering light of the torches. The ritual commenced as Isabella spoke.
“On this first night for all of you in Femininus, you will be fitted with chatity cage and collar. Right from the beginning it shall be enforced upon you that we control you. We own you,” Isabella spoke. “We own your pleasure. We own your arousal. We own your orgasms. We own your will.”
Daniel glanced down the line of slaves and saw Worm. It confused Daniel as to why Worm, who he had seen serving Isabella years ago, would be participating in the Servant Initiation. Then Daniel saw Servant Bull approach, pushing a cart filled with steel chatity cages. Servant Bull was followed by Servant Stud, who pushed a cart filled with thick black leather collars all of the same size and dimensions. Isabella walked down the line, eyeing the young men’s cocks.
“Those things between your legs make you weak, weak for us. The more control we have over those pathetic cocks of yours, the more control we have over you. Control the cock, control the slave, it’s really that simple. So first off, each of you will be fitted with your chatity cage,” Isabella said.
The Mistresses each picked up measuring tape from the cart. A young Mistress with curled, strawberry blonde hair by the name of Rachel approached Daniel. She stood with the measuring tape in hand as she smiled. She surprised Daniel as she took hold of his dick with her dainty hand. She wrapped the measuring tape around the base of his flaccid cock. She next proceeded to measure the circuitry of the head. She then measured the length of his penis, shrugging Her shoulders and sighing with an independent “Hmm” as she examined him. That gesture stung him. He always thought, in fact he told himself that he knew his size was bigger than most, and yet her simplistic mocking of his penis humiliated him to his core.
Once she had finished taking his measurements, she walked over to the cart filled with chatity cages. She returned to Daniel with a chatity device in her hands. The device was a three ring design chatity cage made of steel with a bronze lock and key. She grabbed his manhood and began sliding it into the chatity cage. He shivered from the touch of the harsh, cool steel against his sensitive skin. Daniel groaned uncomfortable as the Mistress forced his cock into the cage. She worked his cock into the device with finesse, maneuvering his head and then his shake through each steel ring. Once his cock fit nice and snug into the chatity cage, the Mistress turned the key, locking him up for good.
Daniel looked over at Isabella. He watched her as she locked one of the other male servants into chatity. Daniel noticed the manner in which her breasts teasingly flowed out from the V neckof her gown. She turned away from him, and the flickering light from the torches glemed on the back of her sheer gown just right, allowing Daniel a glimpse of the outline of her plump ass cheats, as well as the curve of her ass crack as the fabric clung to her. He became insatiably excited, but his cock could not get completely hard. That feeling of being suppressed in such a way, of not being allowed the pleasure of arousal when tempted by the sight of his luscious Goddess, caused his lust to rage on all the more.
Once all of the servants had been fitted with their chatty cages, Isabella ordered them all to knee upon the ground. Next Servant Stud passed out scrolls to Daniel and the remainder of the new servants. They opened up the scrolls as Isabella walked in front of them with her riding crop in hand.
“Written upon these scrolls is the Servant Oath of Femininus. You shall recite this oath to yourself every day upon awakening. And you shall recite the oath for us now,” Isabella said.
The servants began to recite the words in unison, “I awaken every day with the sole purpose of serving the Goddesses and Mistresses of Femininus.”
Daniel spoke softly and humbly as he recalled the words. Isabella walked behind him and took notice of his nearly inaudible murmuring. She abruptly swatted his bare ass cheese with her crop.
“Louder, Plaything,” Isabella commanded.
He then spoke loudly, recalling along with the group, “My desires and needs are of no consequence. My only concern and complete devotion is to satisfying the desires and needs of my Mistress, as well as the rest of the Mistresses of Femininus. I shall ache and suffer for my Mistress as she sees fit. I shall serve my Mistress. I shall worship my Mistress. I shall obey my Mistress.”
Isabella could tell that Plaything was quite embarrassed by her singling him out in front of the other servants, and his humiliation made her pussy quiver with pleasure. And she only became incReasingly turned on as the Servant finished their oath, “A male slaves’ sole purpose is to serve his Goddess. A male slaves’ sole purpose is to serve his Goddess. A male slaves’ sole purpose is to serve his Goddess.”
For the final act of the Servant Initiation, Isabella personally collared each service; and once she finished collaring the servant, he was then ordered to bow to her and kiss her foot. Daniel’s pulse and breathing both raced as Isabella made her way down the line to him. He studied her delicate feet, which were mostly exposed in her brown leather sandals. After collaring the other servants, Isabella finally stood before him, holding the thick leather collar in her hand. Daniel bowed his head, casting his eyes to the ground, and Isabella meticulously placed the collar around his neck. She tightened the collar and he felt it wrap around His throat. Isabella made certain not to fasten the collar too tightly, leaving it to the point that he could still swallow and breathe, but it felt restrictive enough so as to remind him of his place.
Daniel caught his own reflection in the window of Isabella’s castle. He was nearly unrecognizable to himself. His bushy hair was replaced with a coarse, shacked head; the collar changed the general appearance of his chin and shoulders; his cock, which had once hung long and proud and free, now appeared modest and restrained inside the chatity cage. His Individuality, his sense of self, slowly began to slip away. He was depersonalized, merely one of a long line of nude, worn, and collared slaves. And with the feel of the collar around his throat and the cold look in her eyes, he fully realized the power that she had over him; that all women had over him.
“Plaything, you need to display your appreciation for me allowing you this privilege, the privilege to attempt to prove yourself worthy of serving Femininus. Now bow before me, kiss my foot, and then you shall thank me,” Isabella said.
No matter how many times she had experienced it before, having a fresh, nude playth on his knees, obediently kissing her feet, always made her pussy wet. She felt his rugged mouth press against the top of her bare foot. He then withdraw his lips, keeping them close to her foot. She felt his breathe cascade across her foot along with each sylable of those soothing, beautiful words, “Thank you, Goddess Isabella.”
The following morning, Daniel made certain to pass Isabella’s castle as she exited. She was headed to that morning’s Council briefings, dressed in her grey pantsuit. Daniel called to Isabella as she rushed alongside Servant Bull towards her rickshaw. Daniel hurriedly followed, his nude body sprinting towards her, his cock locked in chatity. He called out to her once again.
“Goddess Isabella please wait a moment,” Daniel said.
Isabella stopped and stood beside her rickshaw.
“What is it, Plaything? I haven’t much time,” Isabella said.
“Please Goddess; I havetraveled all this way to serve you. And I wish to be one of your personal slaves,” Daniel said.
“Why do you want to be my personal slave? And make it quick, Plaything,” Isabella said.
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