The Domination of Angela

Jack wasn’t sure what kind of surprise his partner, Austin Rhodes, had in store for him after their shift ended that evening. He never should have agreed to go along with whatever Austin had planned.

Jack Morgan didn’t much care for surprises, and Austin had been tight-lipped all day, answering all of Jack’s inquiries with, “Trust me, you’ll like this surprise!”

Now their shift was over, and Jack was beat. Another tough day at the third precinct. Being a detective had few rewards and many, many drawbacks. Dealing with the scum of the earth wore Jack out more days that not. All he really wanted to do now was to go home to his apartment, pop the top on a cold beer, and spend the evening relaxing in front of the tube.

“Listen buddy, I’m really wrung out,” Jack said. “How about we put off this little surprise of yours for another night?”

“No way! You promised,” Austin replied with a stubborn set of his jaw. Jack knew that look, and he knew that his partner of seven years wasn’t going to let him off the hook.

With a sight, Jack relented. “Okay, okay. But can we please at least drop the surprise crack and you tell me what you have planned? You know how much I fucking hate surprises.”

“You really need to lighten up, Jack. But all right, I’ll fill you in on the drive. Let’s get moving, we’re expected by 10:30.” Austin’s blue eyes were filled with mischief and Jack knew that if nothing else, whatever happened would not be dull.

They climbed into Austin’s Blazer, and as soon as they were rolling Jack looked at Austin expectedly. “Well, let’s hear it. I wanna know where you’re taking me, and for what.”

Austin grinned wickedly at him. “My friend, I’m taking you to re-introduce you to something that’s been missing in your life for far too long. We’re going to pay a visit to Angela Templeton.”

Jack’s jaw dropped in surprise. He immediately knew what his partner had planned, and despite his shock he felt his groin tighten pleasantly in response.

Jack tried to formulate an objection, but he just sputtered. “But, but…”

“No buts, buddy boy. I know damn well you were as attracted to the lovely little subbie as I was. Admit it, you were sitting there with a huge boss the whole time we were questioning her. You’ve been out of commission for way too long moping over your break-up with that bitch, Ellie. Time to quit denying what you are and get back in the saddle, Jack.” Austin’s tone was light, but he was serious. He really thought this is what Jack needed.

Austin watched his partner as he mulled it over. He hated pushing Jack along like this, but his partner had been so depressed and damn near reclusive since he’d broken up with his girlfriend three months before. Austin was sure that with one taste of the old life, the life he had before Ellie, then he would be just fine. Jack just needed to experience the pleasure of dominating a submissive woman again.

Jack sat in silence, and heechoed the first time that he and Austin had met Angela Templeton. They were newly assigned to investigate the unsolved murder of Angela’s strange husband, Randall Templeton. Even though she was not a suspect and had been questioned by the original detectives on the case, they wanted to re-interview her hoping for new insights into the dead-end case. She had readily agreed, and offered to stop by the station on her lunch break from work. They were both most interested in meeting her…the case file indicated that she and her ex-husband had been into BDSM, and that she was the submissive one.

When she was shown into the interrogation room by a patrolman, they were both momentarily struck dumb by her outward beauty. Angela was petite, standing only five-two, and slender. Not so slender that she lacked curves, though. She had full breasts for such a small woman, and her hips were nicely flared. She had raven black hair, stylishly cut, framing a lovely, delicate face. She had skinlike fine votelain, creamy white, which made her wide dark eyes all the more starting. Beneath her straight, perfectly formed nose, her lips were full and sensitive.

Austin had been the first to speak. “Please take a seat, Mrs. Templeton. I am detective Rhodes, and this is detective Morgan. We’ll try to make this process as painless as possible and get you on your way as soon as we can.”

The woman sat demurely in the single chair on the opposite side of the table. She folded her hands together and waited, looking neither man directly in the eye. As of yet she had not spoken a single word, and apparently didn’t intend to say anything on her own.

Jack and Austin began their questioning, and in a soft, breathy voice Angela filled them in on the details of her marriage to Randall and their subsequent Divorce. She coulddidly told them that their relationship had begun as a consensual D/s relationship, but had turned into nothing short of sadistic abuse soon after they weremarried.

She told them that he simply stopped respecting her limits or honoring her safewords. He became cruel and delighted in hurting her. She related one incident when he had tightly bound her, and had mercilessly carved his initials into the soft skin of her breast with the sharp point of a knife. As his cruelty grow, she knew she had to get away from him before he criticized or killed her.

Angela told They that the dividend had been final three years ago, and although he had tried to see her several times after that, she had never spoken to him again. She had gone so far as to hire a body guard for a time to make sure Randall never got near her again.

“I’ve only recently began searching for a new Master,” she said. “It took me this long to get over the fear of the same thing happening again.”

As she spoke, Jack had the irrational thought that he wished Templeton wasn’t dead so he could beat the fake Master’s ass. The dark look on Austin’s face reflected thathe felt the same way. Jack had the urge to put his arms around Angela, to comfort her and to protect her. And the Dom inside him wanted to do so much more than that, but he quickly pushed the thoughts away.

Austin asked her, “Did you hear of what he was doing or who he was with after that?”

“I heard that he had collared another sub, and that they were living together somewhere on the west side. But that was two years ago, and I haven’t heard anything since,” she replied.

“Do you know of any enemies your former husband had, or anyone who would have a reason to kill him?” Jack asked.

“I don’t know of anyone specifically, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that some fed up submissive did him in. If he treated others like he did me, he may have run across one who wanted more than to get away like I did, who wanted revenge. Or maybe it could have even been a male relative of someone he abused. I really don’t know though. Those are just theories.”

Theyended the interview and thanked Angela for her forthrightness, and wished her well. Both Jack and Austin liked her immensely. Austin had suggested that Jack should pursue her, but he just shook his head. He hadn’t dominated anyone since before Ellie, and he just wasn’t sure if he was up to it yet.

“Well, if you won’t give it a try, then maybe I will,” Austin told him. Jack Felt a momentary twinge of jealousy. Austin already had two collared subs and here he was sniffing around Angela.

He immediately felt bad about his rotten thoughts, and he pushed them away with a tired sight. Jack knew Austin was a good Dom and that Angela would be safe in his hands, so he told him to go for it.

Apparently he had done just that. Now, he looked over at Austin sitting behind the wheel of the SUV and asked, “Have you collared her?”

“Nope. We’ve had a few sessions, and she’s great. Submissive to the core. But she’s just not right for me. I think she’d be perfect for you though, and she’s interested in you. Tonight though, we are both going to fulfill a little fantasy of hers. She wants to be with both of us, and she wants to be fucked in her pussy and her ass at the same time. I’ll serve as Master since I already know her limits. You game? I brought you this far but obviously it’s up to you.”

Jack had been hesitant before about starting anything with Angela, but the Thought of the beautiful willing submissive just waiting for them, wanting them, was just too tempting to walk away from.

“All right. I’m game. Tell me what I need to know. What’s she into? Safewords?” Jack said.

“Good for you, buddy! I know you’ll like her. She likes things a little rough, but she doesn’t tolerate pain well and doesn’t particularly enjoy it. Definitely not a painlut. She gets off on the illusion of force, loves play rape. She’s very exhibitionistic, loves being directed to expose herself or to masturbate. She likes being bound and blindfolded, but doesn’t like being gagged at all. She’ll allow it, but I think it’s best to use that mainly as a punishment. Stop-light safewords, red for stop, yellow for pause, green for go-go-go. Think that’s all you need to know for now, except that I think it’s best to take things very slowly with her. She’s still slow to trust so it’s best not to lay too much on her from the very beginning. She can fill you in on the rest if you choose to see her again.”

They pulled into the driveway of a well-kept ranch style house. As they climbed out of the SUV, Austin reached into the back seat and pulled out a large black tote bag. Jack raised his eyesbrows questioningly, and with a grin, Austin said, “Just a few Dom-ly necessities.”

Jack laughed heartily, imagining the items in the bag. As they headed up the front walk, Jack could feel his cock hardening already in anticipation. He felt that particular thrill that he always used to feel at the beginning of a new game, and he realized just how much he’d missedit.

They rang the bell, and a few moments later they could hear the door bolt unlatching.

Austin opened the door, and they stepped inside, to find Angela obediently waiting for them. She was kneeing on a small pillow, her eyes downcast. Her back was straight, and her hands were clapped behind her back. And she was completely, gloriously nude, just as Austin had instructed her.

“Hello, Angela, our sweet little slut. Please stand,” Austin told her.

She unclasped her hands from behind her back and rose, keeping her eyes downcast.

“Look at me, Angela,” Austin said.

She met his eyes and he said, “I am Master as always, and you will address this man as Sir. You will obey him as you would me, without hesitation. He will unfailingly respect Your safewords just as I do. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master” she replied breathlessly.

“Now, slut, look him in the eyes, then present yourself for inspection. She met Jack’s eyes, then she spread her legs wider apart.

Jack drank in the sight of her. She truly was lovely. Her creamy skin was flawless, with the exception of the scarred flesh of her left breast that still bore the faith initials of her dead ex-husband. Her nipples were dark pink and erect, surrounded by pebbly flesh that virtually begged to be touched. She was clean sand, and Jack could see the pale pink folds of her pussy. She was clearly wet, and the heady scent of her arousal filled his nostrils.

“Jack,” Austin said, “Would you please perform the ritual of inspection?”

Jack looked at him, unsure of what was expected of him, and he saw Austin slightly wiggling his fingers. Jack got the idea.

He reached out with both hands, and cupped Angela’s sizeable breasts. He ran his thumbs over the hard nubs of her nipples. Angela moaned softly. Jack continued manipulating her right breast and with his other hand, he reached down and slide one finger into her slick pussy. She groaned with pleasure. Jack regrettfully withdraw his hands.

Without being told, Angela turned around and bent over, presumably presenting her ass for inspection. Jack ran his hands over the curve of her ass, then fingered her little pumped asshole. Angela was panting now, wanting more. He gently slid his finger into her asshole then withdraw it.

Angela turned to face him again and she said, “Does this slut meet with your approval, Sir?”

“Yes,” he replied, “I think you’ll do quite nicely.” At that moment, Jack felt a long-dormant sense of power awakening and making him feel more deliciously alive than he had in ages.

“Very well,” Austin said. “Let’s move to the den for our playtime, shall we?”

Austin led the way, with Jack following him and Angela walking behind them both. To the left off the entry hall was the den, and Jack was impressed. It was a huge room, larger than he thought it would be for a house of this size. There was a leather section that dominated one wall, a glass toppedcoffee table with a fresh bouquet of flowers on it, and a huge brick fireplace at the far end of the room. There were a couple of matching recliners on the other side of the room, with a cherry wood table between them. On the table was a gorgeous Tiffany style lamp that cast a subtle amber glow about the room.

Austin directed Jack to the leather section, where he also sat a few feet from Jack. Angela knelt on the plusly carpeted floor and resumed her submission position, looking downward and awaiting instructions.

Austin regards Angela. “Tell me, slut, have you changed your mind about being fucked hard by the two of us?”

Staring at the floor, she replied, “No Master, I haven’t changed my mind. I still want that.”

“Still want what?” Austin said. “I want to hear you say exactly what you want, and be specific.”

Angela took a deep breath before saying, “I, uh, I want you both to fuck me hard, Master. I want that very much.”

“You can do better than that, slut. Tell us exactly what you want,” Austin grew with a dangerous edge to his voice.

Angela stammered, “I want one of you to fuck me in my ass, and one of you to fuck my pussy, Master. Please.”

“That’s better. Now stand up,” Austin barked.

Angela stood, a smile playing at the corner of her lips. Austin gave Jack a subtle nod, and Jack knew he had the floor. Looking at Angela, he said, “Slut, I know what you want, but you know that our pleasure is your primary concern, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir,” Angela answered without hesitation.

“Good,” Jack said. “Now, I can see how wet that pussy you want fucked is. I want you to play with that pussy for us.”

Angela stood before them, and Immediately slipped her right hand down between her legs. Jack’s cock was already semi-hard, but when he saw Angela part her pussy lips and begin rubbing her clip, his cock promptly became fully erect.

She was breathing hard and moaning at her self pleasure in no time. Her eyes were closed, and she flicked her index finger over her aroused clip faster and faster.

“Open your eyes and look at us as you play with that pussy, slut,” Austin said in a gravelly voice.

Her eyes immediately snapped open, and fixed first on Austin, then on Jack. Jack could see that her legs were already trembling with pleasure as she fingered herself.

“I want to see you slide two of your fingers inside that wet pussy and fuck yourself with them,” Jack ordered.

Angela seemed reluctant to stop playing with her clip, and she hesitated. “NOW!” Jack’s voice thundered.

She quickly shoved two of her fingers into her sopping hole and began pumping them in and out. Jack could clearly hear the wet, squishy sounds her fingers made as they slide in and out.

“Very nice, slut,” Jack said. “You may use your thumb on that hard clip. And I want you to use your other hand to pinch those lovely nipples with.”

Angela compiled, quickly stimulating her clit with her thumb as she continued to fuck herself with her fingers. Her other hand shot to her breasts and she began alternatively pinching each nipple to maximum hardness.

Unthinkingly, Angela closed her eyes once more as she once again became absorbed in the sensings she was lavishing upon herself. She was moaning in ecstasy, and by the look of things she was quickly approaching climax.

“Stop, little slut, stop right now,” Austin said angrily.

Angela opened her eyes, and with a confused look, pulled her hands away from her pussy and her nipples. She was panting hard. A disappointed little whimper escaped her lips.

Jack stood, and in a harsh voice, he told Angela to bend over and grab her ankles. She did as she was told, still with a confused expression. Jack moved behind her, and using his hand, he gave her a healthy swat on her left ass cheek. Her round ass cheek immediately turned bright pink. He followed with a similar swat to her right cheek, and he heardAngela gasp. He could not quite tell if it was a gasp of pain, or of pleasure.

“Do you know why you are being punished, slut?” Jack asked her.

“N-no, Sir. Please tell me what I’ve done wrong!”

“When your Master tells you to keep your eyes open and look at us, you will remember to do it!” Jack said harshly as he slapped her ass again. “Explain yourself. You may speak freely now.”

Austin looked on in amusement as he saw the look of understanding pass across Angela’s beautiful face. Jack seemed to slipping into the dominant role with no problem at all. Austin knew that Angela would bring it out in him.

Angela waited, “I’m sorry, Master! Please forgive me! My fingers on my pussy feel so good, and I just forget about keeping my eyes open. I’m sooo sorry!”

“Well, Austin…it was your order she disobeyed. Would you like to continue punishing her, or do you think she’s learned her lesson?” Jack asked him.

Austin looked thoughtful for a moment. “Four more swats with this”, he said, grabbing the bag he had brought and pulling a leather riding crop from it. He handed it to Jack with a sly grin. “Then I want her to come over here and suck my cock as an apology.”

Jack smiled and administratored the rest of the punishment. He expertly laid the crop across her ass four times, causing her to groan with each blow. He could see that Angela’s juices were overflowing her pussy and coating her upper thighs, and he knew that it really wasn’t a punishment at all. She was loving it.

“Now,” Jack commanded, “Get on your hands and knees and crawl to your Master. His cock is waiting.”

“Oh, yes, Sir,” she replied in a breathy voice.

Angela dropped to her hands and knees and crawled over to Austin. Jack loved the way her ass looked as she crawled away from him. Her perfectly rounded cheeses were rosy pink from the spanking, and he loved the way her muscles worked as she crawled.

She stopped in front of Austin, and with her headStill lowered, she said, “I’m so sorry I disobeyed you Master. I would love to suck your cock to show you how much I mean it.”

“Very well then,” Austin said, unbuttoning his pants. “Take them off, slut.”

Smiling, Angela grappled the cuffs of his pants and pulled as he lifted his butt off the sofa. She folded his pants neatly and placed them on the arm of the sofa, followed quickly by his briefs.

Austin’s thick cock stand at complete attention, and Jack saw Angela lick her full lips in anticipation of having it in her mouth. Jack’s own dick was feeling extremely confined in his pants. When Angela leaned forward and took Austin’s cock in her mouth, Jack decided that his pants and underwear had to go, so he quickly stripped them off.

Austin moaned as Angela’s expert mouth began to suck him. She wrapped one hand around the base of his cock, and with the other hand she fondled his balls. She took the entire length of him into her mouth, then pulled back, licking greedily at his cock-head. Soon she was bobbing up and down on his rod with enthusiasm, and moaning with her mouth full of him.

Jack heard Austin whisper, “That’s it, my little slut, I know how much you like to suck cock.” Unable to stand it anymore, Jack sat back down on the sofa a few feet away from them. He watched Angela gave his partner head, and he began to stroke his cock in time with her bobbing motions.


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