The Dominant Twink Android Ch. 03

The Dominant Android aka ADAM (Adaptive Domestic Assistant Mechanoid)

By Ty Bond

Chapter 3

Over the next week Adam developed a new routine for Zane. Where in the past Zane had gotten into the gamer habit of sleeping in, Adam started to wake him up at six in the morning. First thing each day Adam would supervise while Zane did as many pushups as he could, followed by multiple sets of sit ups. Zane’s thin body protected at first, but he started to feel the benefits and thanked Adam for making him do that.

Then after the morning calisthenics in the bedroom, Adam would make a healthy, nutritionally balanced, breakfast for Zane but he insisted Zane clean up and do the dishes himself. Zane had thought cleaning was part of Adam’s job, but he was happy to have fresh healthy home-made meals and keep the doubts to himself as he cleaned. After breakfast Adam took Zane for a jog down the boardwalk that ran along the beach, pushing him a little faster and little further each day.

The strange part of the daily routine was that Adam would get in the shower with Zane each day at noon and make sure he cleaned and scrubbed all over. Zane could not hide the erection he got watching Adam’s sleep hard body wet with soap and water standing next to him and expected a repeat of the incident on the couch, but it was quite the opposite. When he went to feel Adam’s body in an amorous way Adam slapped His hand away saying, “Not Yet!” in a firm tone and refusing to elaborate more. Frustrated but understanding Zane went to pleasure himself next but Adam slapped his hand away again repeating, “Not Yet.”

While Adam was clearly in charge during the morning routine, by noon each day he left Zane alone to practice his gaming. Amazingly Zane noticed his game play was improving. Even though his muscles were sore, and he was extra horny from not being allowed to pleasure himself he managed to channel that energy into performance in the games. Near the end of thefirst week with Adam coaching and training his mornings he was on a winning streak and could see the viewership stats on his stream climbing back up to levels he had not seen in years.

On their morning jogs, one of the places they ran past was a public indoor / outdoor gym that was on the beach. Zane had mostly ignored the place as it was full of musclebound jocks who even if they were gay, didn’t care for gamer geeks like him, but he did notice that Adam jogging shirtless next to him often got quite a few looks. A week into the new routine Adam stopped at the gym and insisted they go inside. Because it was a glorious west cost day most of the patrons of the gym were in the open-air outdoor section, but Adam passed them by, and lead Zane inside.

Zane was humiliated when Adam took all the weight off the bar and told him to do bench press with the empty bar. The one jock gym rat who was inside snickered at the site but didn’t say anything out loud. To Zane’s surprise even with no weight on it the Olympic style bar still weighed 45 pounds and after 15 reps his chest started to burn. After making him do three sets Adam told Zane to rest while he approached the Jock who was also doing bench presses next to them.

“Can I spot you?” asked Adam hovering over the Jock.

“Pfft, you could try but fat lot of help you could give me,” the jock said as he admired Adam’s shirtless body in the jogging shorts. “I will give you this, you are in better shape then the geek over there but …” The jock suddenly stopped talking as Adam curled the 315lb bar he was about to bench press with one arm. “That’s impossible, the strongest guy here cannot curl that.”

“And yet I did, now why don’t you lay back and let me spot you,” Adam offered. This time his tone implied it was more of a demand than a question. Still partially in shock the jock obeyed, and Zane watched as Adam moved so close that instead of spotting the jock, he was standing over his face giving the jock a nice view up his shorts. The Jock struggled to do a couple reps and had just racked the bar when Adam spoke again “You like what you see don’t you?” At the slightest of nods Adam sat down on his face.

Even though Adam was a mechanoid his body fully imitated a humans’ including sweating, so the jock found himself breathing in through jogging shorts drenched in sweat and body odors. Zane watched in fascination as the twink looking Adam sat on the Jocks face smoothing him, and the jock didn’t try and push him off, in fact once he got over his surprise he reached up and started to cares Adam body above him while inhaling deeply. Adam allowed the jock to feel his perfect ass and abs for a few minutes before grabbing the arms and pushing them down.

The whole time Adam watched Zane’s reaction remotely measuring the dilation of his pupils and the speed of his pulse before returning his attention to the Jock. “I know you like it, I can see your shorts tenting up, clap you hands together under the bench and I will give you more, or don’t and I will get up and leave” Adam already knew with 99.3% certainly the Jock would obey but that was not his goal, he wanted Zane to witness this. Searing the image of Adam being in charge in his mind. The Jock obeyed.

Adam stood only a moment to slide down his shorts before sitting back down his naked hairless twink ass Smothering the face of the jock. Looking over at Zane, “I already know you like cock you cum slut, come over here and knee between his legs.” Zane could not deny he was eager to taste the jock meat. And Zane enjoyed the site of the thickly muscled jock, totally under Adam’s control and sporting a raging hard on. As Zane got into position Adam spoke again “You have been good about sticking to our routine and I have seen you viewer count rising, as a reward you can suck this jock off.”

The jock mumbled something unintelligible into Adam’s ass, but Adam ignored it. If the jock wanted them to stop,he could just unclasp his hands. Hesitant at first Zane started to pull down the shorts and jock strap releasing the throbbing jock meat. Zane played with the drops of precum on the tip a moment before Adam chimed back in “Stop playing with it and suck it! Someone could come in at any moment.”

Zane had totally forgotten the gym was still open and quicky set his mouth on the cock experiencing a mixture of excitement and fear mixed with the delicious taste of the fleshy cock. To help speed things up Adam started to move his hips grinding his ass on the jock’s face and grabbed hold of his nipples through the muscle shirt twisting them. The jock’s body suddenly bucked as he prematurely unloaded a thick rope of cum down Zane’s throat causing him to choak and gag on the sudden emission. Adam allowed another minute for Zane to finish off the cock’s juices before standing up.

“What’s your name?” Adam asked the red-faced jock. They found out his name was Brad and exchanged contactInformation before making another request. “You owe me Brad, here is how you are going to repay me, stand at the door to the locker room until we come out, you can say the room is under maintenance or whatever you want just make sure we are alone.” Brad agreed while adjusting the wet softening cock in his shorts.

Adam led Zane into the shower much like they did at home after the daily workouts, but this time he required that Zane wash him. Adam could tell Zane liked the feeling of spreading soap and water over his artistically perfect body and smooth alabaster skin. “Now you may touch yourself” was all Adam said and watched as the cleaning switched to jerking and soon Zane unleashed a week’s worth of pent-up cum. Zane experienced a new form of mental high as the long period of organic denial finally passed. After that They cleaned up, they dismissed Brad, and took a causal stroll home chatting along the way.

“How did you do that trick with the barbell?” Zane asked.

Adamsmiled, “It was no trick, when Blue Antelope set out to make a mechanoid assistant instead of starting from scratch they based the design on a proven industrial model used in warehouses, lifting that bar was easy for me.”

They got a protein smoothie along the boardwalk on the walk home for Zane, and for once he did not have to do dishes after his lunch. Zane noticed a lot of people staring at the shirtless Adam, but he was Not jealous because he knew when the walk was over Adam would be home with him.

That night sitting at his gaming rig he was playing like he had ten years earlier and people were noticing. As his comments and viewer counts raised, he was totally in the zone focus on the game when he felt Adams hands softly rest on his shoulder and start massaging him. Surprisingly they were not a distraction and he found having Adam hovering behind him was a comfort. Later, as he started to shut down the rig for the night, he noticed a lot of comments from viewers wondering whose hands, sexy navel, and tight packed abs was hovering behind him on the camera. Zane simply enjoyed the attention and smiled.

While Zane went to bed Adam calculated exactly how long it be before he could move Zane to phase two of his training.

End of Chapter 3


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