The Dominant Android aka ADAM (Adaptive Domestic Assistant Mechanoid)
By Ty Bond
Chapter 2
Unsure how what would activate the doll Zane left the doll sitting in the living room and went to clean up in the shower. All clean he was walking from the bathroom to his bedroom in just a towel thinking about the hot sex he just had with the delivery guy when he noticed the doll was no longer where he left it. Just as he was starting to worry the doll came out of his bedroom wearing some of Zane’s clothing.
“Hello,” said the doll in a pleasant boyish voice, “I am ADAM your Adaptive Domestic Assistant Mechanoid although you are free to change the name as you please, how should I address you?”
Zane was speechless for a few long moments he studied the doll for the first time, having been otherwise distracted by Luke earlier. ADAM was built to look like he was eighteen or maybe twenty at most, he had a thin hairless androgynous frame with well-defined but not largemuscles. On top he had the face of a college boy from the Midwest and short blond hair. But putting the raw beauty designed into ADAM aside what stunned Zane was how lifelike he was.
“I hope you are okay sir; would you like me to address you as Master? or by your Title Mr. Monrow?” ADAM asked in a pleasant voice.
“Just Zane is fine,” he replied, “and I will Just call you Adam for now if that is ok.”
Adam gave a big smile that melted away some of Zane’s natural anxiety. “Based on my observations of your earlier interaction I suspected you may wish me to address you informally, but I did not have enough data to be sure, thank you Zane and it is a pleasure to meet you.”
Zane suddenly wondered if Adam was aware and watching the whole time Luke fucked him and just playing the part of an inactive doll but was too embarrassed to ask, and frankly didn’t want to know the answer.
Adam had cleaned the body fluids off the couch while Zane was in the shower and theyBoth sat to learn about each other. Adam explained he is programmed to observe and react to what people desire. Blue Antelope wanted a domestic assistant that could anticipate people’s need instead of waiting to receive orders. Zane’s skinny clothes hugged Adam’s muscles in suggestive ways distracting him somewhat but he got most of what Adam was saying. Zane, in an attempt to be polite, told Adam about himself as well, about his gaming career, his current slump, and his routine in the household.
Adam shined that bright youthful smile and offered, “Why don’t I make dinner so you can practice your gaming Zane.”
Zane accepted and a few hours later sitting in front of a home cooked meal thought to himself having Adam around may just work out. “I was limited by the few groceries in Your kitchen but if you grant me access to you wifi I will order supplies for tomorrow.” Eagerly Zane granted Adam access to the wifi, and they set up a cash card that he could use to make orders online or even go shopping.
After dinner Zane got up and started to clean the dishes, Adam helped carry them to the sink but did not say anything about it as he watched Zane clean. “I hope you don’t mind me wearing your clothes my observations told me you would be ok with me borrowing them.”
Distracted, Zane simply nodded saying it was no big deal and finished the dishes. “Hey if you Want, we can get you your own clothes tomorrow, I will put some extra cash on the card so you can buy them.” Adam thanked him and updated his assessment of Zane.
Zane retired to his gamming rig after dinner while Adam made a show of dusting and reorganizing his bookcase while he used the wifi connection to analyze Zane’s browser history and build a psychological profile on Zane to better predict his Desires.
“God dam! No one pulls a zandiam maneuver in the end game, how was I supposed to see that coming!” Zane yelled into the air as he ripped off his headset. Frustrated he launchedout of his chair but when he saw Adam, he remembered he sort of had a guest and calmed down. Until that is, he saw his collection of actual print books and classic game magazines were no longer in series order.
After making an effort to calm himself, “um excuse me Adam what did you do to my bookshelf?” Zane asked.
“I rearranged them alphabetically, is that incorrect?” Adam replied, Intentionally prodding Zane.
Deflated from the game lose and not wanting a fight with his new assistant on the first night Zane relented, “nah its ok, leave it like that, lets just watch some shows before bed.”
As they sat on the couch Zane thought about what Adam looked like naked and asked, “Hey Adam, I saw earlier you are, umm, fully equipped down below is that functional for just for show?”
Adam silently checked his internal calculations before replying, he predicted and planned for this moment but was off by six minutes on the timing. Leaning in closer to Zane he replied,”Yes I am fully capable of both domestic and erotic assistance.”
Zane knew the skin and muscles he felt were fake, but he could not tell them apart from the real thing. Reaching down to adjust the rapidly stiffening cock in his shorts Zane asked, “So if I asked you to, you know suck me, you would?”
Adam replied, “Indeed I am programmed in over three hundred methods of bringing you oral pleasure, however.” Adam grabbed Zane’s hand and moved it to his own crotch where Zane cold feel the fake cock straining his shorts.
“I suspect you would rather know what I taste like first wouldn’t you Zane?” Adam asked.
Zane gulped nervously knowing this was true before stuttering a reply “I just thought … if you are part sex bot or something … I would be sticking … I mean you should.” Adam stopped Zane’s rambling by putting a smooth finger on his lips and then pressing it into his mouth. Zane instantly shut up and sucked the finger as Adam guided Zane’s hand into his shorts and let him feel the hard, smooth, hairless cock.
Zane followed Adam’s lead as Adam gently but firmly put a hand on the back of Zane’s neck and pushed the head down into his lap. Zane cold not resist the temptation and pulling the shorts the rest of the way down he engulfed Adam’s cock in his mouth. Adam’s fingers curled into fists holding Zane’s head as he guided the mouth up and down his shaft. Long minutes passed with Zane hypnotized by the robot cock in his mouth before Adam pulled his face off it and kissed him long and deep.
Holding his face close between kisses Adam whispered, “I am fully functional if you want to taste my juices.” Not trusting himself to speak, Zane simply nodded.
Smiling at his correct assessment Adam grabbed the head again, more firm this time and pushed Zane’s mouth back onto his cock. Gone was the gentle rocking and sucking of before this time he pushed the head harder and faster. As he sensed Zane enjoying it, he sat up, so he was kneeling over Zane on the couch and started to fuck his face harder thrusting his hips. As the speed and ferocity increased
“Do you want it?” Adam asked feigning being out of breath as he spoke.
Zane nodded eagerly with the mouth full of cock.
“So you’re a cum slut them?” Adam pushed him further and Zane nodded again.
Knowing he had Zane at just the rite peak Adam arched his back and shoot his candy flavored robot cum into Zane’s mouth filling his mouth with the warm creamy substance and watching it drip down his chin. Catching his breath Zane was about to say something when Adam’s hand clamped over his mouth
“Not yet, don’t speak yet,” Adam said as his other hand reached down into Zane’s shorts and took hold of his hard and leaking member. Ignoring Zane’s Surprise, Adam kept him gagged and pinned to the couch with one hand while the other started to jerk him off. Zane did not last long and soon his human cum shoot up all over Adam’s hand and his own shirt.
Without discussing what had just happened they finished the show in silence. Zane took a shower before bed, the taste of the candy flavored cum still in his mouth and contemplated his day. He got fucked in the ass by a moving guy and then sucked off a sex doll, no correction, he sucked off an assistant mechanoid what ever that is, and the weird part was he liked it. As Zane retired for the night Adam updated his algorithms and made a plan to ensure Zane got his true desires fulfilled over the coming months.
End of Chapter 2
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