The Dom you Want

The two scariest words

If you ask a group of submissive women for a list of scary words you will usually hear whip, cane, crazy, sadistic and so on. I have done just that a few times through the years and while it has led to several fascinating conversations the two words that I think should scare them the most have never made the list.

We met on the BDSM section of an adult bulletin board. My last submissive and I had parted more than a year before and my profile was honest about the fact that I was interested in playmates but mostly looking for my perfect woman. It was also clear in the fact that I wouldn’t send private messages to any woman who didn’t contact me first. Anna found both statements interesting and contacted me leading to three weeks of messages, emails and conversations before we made a date.

The first of the two scariest words should be “observant.”

By the time she came over for dinner I knew what sort of woman she was, what she liked, whatshe hated, what she needed and what warmed her passages. I also knew that she was nowhere near as experienced as she pretended and above all I knew that she was a generally sweet and giving person which, I found very appealing. The one thing I didn’t know was what she looked like. Of course, we had traded multiple pictures but in the world of Instagram filters that’s not to be relied on. If I had seen her at the grocery store, I would have found her pretty and handsomely built. Seen through the natural filter of budding affection I found her beautiful and deliciously status.

Dinner was much more about relaxing her and getting to know each other than eating but she found the simple far delicious and was impressed that I love to cook and do it well. I did most of the talking while we ate, not out of ego, but because it let Her enjoy the conversation more. Most men have no idea how hard it is for a woman to be charming and ladylike with a virtual stranger under any circumstances. Dominating the conversation also allowed me to use the two secret weapons of seduction, a good sense of humor and a decent vocabulary. Over a desert of home-made key lime pie, she shared the fact that in all the times she had pictured our first meeting she had never once pictured herself giggling. Wearing my best deadpan, I told her that she was always welcome to laugh in my presence as long as she wasn’t pointing at anything. It took her about three seconds to see the humor then I discovered that she had a laugh so feminine and geneuine that it gave me an instant erection.

I consider undressing a woman right after you feed her rude. Since it was a milk evening with at least an hour of daylight left I suggested a tour of my yard assuring her as I did that her shoes would not be harmed. A free tip for any man who happens to read this; if you find cold shows appealing you can guarantee a pthora of them by allowing harm to come to a woman’s nice shoes, a bra that really fits orher hairdo before she has to go out. Three mistakes that I do not make. We walked slowly along the flagstone path that winds through my back yard with me pointing out interesting plants and flowers and even bragging a little about growing most of my own spices. After about ten minutes we wound up at the two-person swing on my back porch. As we sat down, I pulled her close but not too close and for a few minutes we quietly watched the sunset together. After a time, she thanked me for the nice dinner then asked, “Are you really going to do all the things we talked about to me?”

I smiled and replied, “All of them would be a bit much for one night but you are about to have a memorable experience.”

“Are you going to hurt me?”

“That’s kind of a fuzzy term for people like us but I don’t think I will do anything you won’t enjoy.”

“What if I change my mind?”

“I’ll walk you to your car and kiss you goodnight then take a sleeping pill after you text me that you gothome safe.”

“Why a sleeping pill?”

Another smile, “Well, the only other choice would be to beat my dick to death, or I won’t get any sleep.”

That got me another of her beautiful laughs and she snuggled in a little closer before asking “What happens if I can’t” She paused for a moment searching for the right words, “finish the way you want?”

“I will understand that sex is about much more than that and not cruele your most delicious spot trying.”

She moved even closer then addressed her last worry, “Will you use zip ties to restrain me? The last Dom I was with used zip ties.”

“No, I won’t, and he was definitely an idiot.”

She gave me a puzzled look seeming to wonder if she should be offended and asked, “What makes you say that?”

“I knew he was an idiot when he let you get away. The fact he used a restraint that can easily cause an injury was just icing on the cake.”

That got me a smile and “You don’t have to wait until I leave to kissme.”

I kissed her softly and sweetly. Then I kissed her passwordately. Then I put my hand on the back of her head and kissed her like I owned her. The third one left her breathless. She was already becoming soft and compliant as I led her into the house.

We worked together to remove her clothes and I made sure she knew that I was very pleased with what that revealed. She didn’t have a Perfect body, I’m not sure any woman does, but she was all woman. Soft where she should be soft and curved where she should be curved and very very real. I ran my hands all over her both to enjoy the feel of her and to start getting her used to my touch. When I touched her intimately, she gasped just a little at the intrusion, probably slightly embarrassed that she was already becoming moist, but she relaxed when I made my appropriate clear.

I let her see the wide leather restraints before I put them on her wrists and ankles and took care to adjust them just right before I used a snap clipto bind her wrists together in front of her then I pointed towards the hallway and told her to go use the restroom and come back. When she returned, I led her to the den which I use as an exercise room and bound her to my heavy bag. I positioned her with her arms around the bag and stretched up tall but not on her tip toes. As I positioned and bound her, I used my gentlest voice to explain that she would be here for a while and that she was allowed to speak but I would prefer that she keep it to a minimum. I then reminded her of her safe word but told her that she would not need it since she could simply tell me if something was too much. I also told her that I admired her courage. She could tell from my voice that my admission was geneuine, I can’t imagine letting someone make me helpless like that, much less doing it knowing that they were going to beat me.

An observer might have wondered why I keep my voice gentle and my words completery. In books and movies Doms are alwaysyelling at their slaves and calling them names. In real life, a sane submissive is already scared half to death when you get ready to play and scaring her further isn’t going to lead to a good result. By the same token, if surrendering total control to you isn’t enough and you need to build your ego even more by insulting her, she isn’t the problem.

The first scary word was observant. The second is patient.

I began with a soft suede flogger with wide heavy straps and slowly took her down into submission as the skin of her back developed as lovely light pink glow. After about 30 strokes I stopped and ran my hands over her skin giving a measure of comfort as I made sure that she was going where I wanted to take her. Switching to a lighter and stingier suede flogger I continued pinking her skin and taking her down to that place where she wanted to be. After each new toy I caressed her skin and checked her head space, more than once I backtracked and made sure that she was wherere she should be before I proceeded. By the time I finished she was a lovely deep pink from her head to her tighs and her body was so flooded with endorphins that she was soft and floating in a very happy place.

As I loosed her bonds she was unsteady on her feet. I knew that this was the deepest she had ever been and I made sure that she had a good grip on my arm as I walked her to the bedroom. When I put her face down on the bed and bound her in the classic X position, I’m sure that what little of her brain was still working thought that I was about to sodomize her. If I had liked her a little less that’s exactly what I would have done.

When patient and observant come together the submissive doesn’t have a chance.

The classics are classics for a reason. I laid a rattan cane, a leather strap much Like a belt with a nice handle and a Hitachi magic wand next to her on the bed. Holding the powerful vibrator in my left hand I pressed it softly to her cliporis and waitedfor a few seconds as she neared orgasm. When she was close, I used the strap in my right hand to deliver five singing strikes to her rump. That drive the orgasm back for several seconds, when it neared again, I pulled the vibrator away for a few seconds then pressed it to her again, taking her teasingly close before I denied her.

Setting the toys down for a moment I removed my own clothes then lay down beside her and pressed my body against hers for a few minutes gently struggling her as I did. When we were both ready to continue, I whispered in her ear, “I’m going to play with your body for a while now, just relax and enjoy.” With that I gently put a blindfold over her eyes then began flooding her body with a deliberately confusing stream of sensings. A nice should rubb followed by ten stern cane strokes. Lotion on her aberrated skin followed by two fingers inside her as my thumb caressed her clip. A soft kiss on her lips as a finger explored inside her ass. The strap followedby the vibrator followed by a kiss followed by the straw. Soon she had that totally accepting stillness that told me she was down as deep into submission as a woman can go but I still keep playing with her body.

Thingking of an orgasm as an event is misleading, it’s really a process. Most people follow the process only as long as needed to trigger the event. If you keep following the process while denying the event you can build a level of intensity that no one who hasn’t seen it can believe. When I didn’t think her body could produce any more hormones or endorphins I lay down beside her again and took the vibrator in my right hand and pressed it to her clip for a slow count to three then removed it for another slow count to three. I did that over and over, three slow seconds on and three slow seconds off. By the seventh time I Thought she would make it, after the ninth time she managed to say please which was absolutely glorious to ignore. At the last moment of the eleventh timeShe pulled incredibly hard against her bonds and buried her mouth in the mattress. I left the vibrator pressed against her and used my free hand to grab a handful of her hair and pull her head up so I could enjoy her scream. It lasted ten or twelve seconds which probably felt like an eternity to her then her entire body relaxed and melted into the mattress.

I left the vibrator against her for a few more seconds just so it’s removal wouldn’t be jarring then put it down and untied the ropes that held her down before laying down beside her again. She was totally still for a few seconds then slide over to me and wrapped herself around me in a surprisingly childlike total embrace. It took some time for her to catch her breath and collect herself. Her first words when she had were, “Holy Shit!” Followed by “What did you do to me?” I put my best deadpan back on even though she was still blindfolded and said, “I’m suspicious you had an orgasm.” She shook her head and said, “No, I don’t kNow what that was, but it was a lot more than an orgasm.” Still deadpanning it I said “Hmm, sounds like whatever I did must have worked.” She answered that with a full body head to toe hug then asked, “May I do something to please you Sir?” “When you are ready to move, I would like to have you on your knees and elbows with your rump at the side of the bed so I can stand as I take you.” Her mouth split into a huge smile, one of the reasons I liked her was that she was the type of woman who liked to be pleasure. As she began to move and feel for the edge of the bed with her hand, she said “please do anything you wish Sir.”

She couldn’t see my smile but I’m sure she felt it. If I had only liked her a little, I would have taken her offer and used her ass for my pleasure then sent her home. I liked her a lot, so I adjusted her position a little then slowly filled her pussy. She gave a deep moan that somehow communicated the fact the she was surprised to discover that she wasn’t as satiated as she thought. I went slowly at first giving her body time to stretch to accommodate me then used my “Masters voice” the order her to come for me. Just as she was about to tell me that she couldn’t I began taking her hard. It took a few seconds to find just the right rhythm and angle then I was pulling her head back so I could enjoy another scream. I slowed for a few seconds then did the same thing again with the same result. She lowered her upper body onto the bed, her elbows no longer steady enough to support her.

It’s an irony of male anatomy that if you delay your own orgasm it takes much longer to achieve it and it was definitely my turn. I began taking her a bit slowly and a bit roughly which is to say exactly as I wanted. She reached back with her hands and I knew that it wasn’t From disappoint, she just wanted them held. For a timeless time I held them then when I feel myself nearing I used them for leverage as I forced one more intense orgasm from her. When it wasdone, I withdraw from her body which made her whimper for a moment until she felt my freshly lubricated member pressing against her tightest opening. There are many pleasures in being a Dom, but I can say without the slightest trace of embarrassment that my favorite is entering a woman’s ass for the first time. There isn’t a word for the sound she made as I filled her but it hasted the process mightily. I took her hands and squeezed them as I began to move inside her. She squeezed my hands harder when I began to swell and soon my seed was inside her.

I leaned against her for a few minutes, my knees were a bit unsteady, then I heard her phone ring. Feeling grateful that it had waited until now I got it from the living room and hit the answer button as I handed it to her. The fact that she was still blindfolded, naked and on her knees with her bum in the air added a slightly comical dimension to the conversation.

“I’m sorry, I forget to text.”

“Oh yes, I’m a lot morethan fine.”


“Sir, what time should I say I will be home?”

“One o’clock Sunday.”

She smiled brightly and repeated the time then handed me her phone to hang up. I put it away then turned off the lights then removed her blindfold and slide into the bed and motioned for her to come lay next to me. She put her head on my shoulder and her leg over me then asked, “Did I please you Sir?”

I said that she had, then I touched her softest spot and asked, “What is this?”

“My pussy Sir.”

I gave her a playful swat on the rump, “Who’s pussy?”

“And this?”

“Your breast Sir.”

My last thought as I went to sleep was by Sunday I would have her completely and happily enslaved.

Send questions or comments to my profile.


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