The Disobedient Toy :Punishment

I lay over a rough hewn table with my arms and legs restrained to each end spread wide. My body trembling and sweat soaked as I awaited my punishment. The coldness of the room amplified my whimpers of knowing what was to come. A metal tray on wheels was rolled in and placed within eye sight distance the tools on top leaving fear in its wake as the heavy steps echoed out of the room. I know that the quietness would not continue and that soon the meter of His steps echoing with disappointment would be heard walking back over to me and that I wouldn’t hear “babygirl” or even “my beloved toy”.

While laying there panting I wondered how I had let myself come to this state. A sob caught in my throat as I pondered my naughty deeds that angered Him. Remembering the warnings given to me by my minder, Miss Dani when Daddy was away. Shivering as I thought of her anger from hearing my relative issues of not eating when I was supposed to, teasing and playing with those that I know aren’tand would not be approved by Him, as well as mouth off and letting my mouth get me into further trouble.

Breaking the ultimate rule, letting another man touch me (even if it was just a brush across my breast along with a gentle kiss on the chef) was the last straw as far as she was concerned. Although my pleading, Miss just gagged me, placed my arms in a binder then locked my ankles to a spreader bar before Taking my punishment book to Him showing the increasing amount that I had been allowed to get away with due to her not wanting to go over His rules on my punishments.

Even though Miss Dani, being a switch, was allowed to punish me she still submitted to Daddy on occasion and she took her job of making sure that i stayed in line very carefully cause she could get paid herself. I heard her and Master discussing the last couple of pages in my book and knew that I would probably get a whipping. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, feeling the table beneath me, I knewthat I deserve whatever punishment Daddy decided to give me and that Miss would also get her chance as well.

The quietness finally gave way to hearing their footsteps entering back into the room. Daddy’s strong measured steps stopped as I felt His gaze raking over my trembling body. My head turned to the side seeing something trailing from his hand as he walked further up to the front of the table and a whimper left my lips. Daddy stopped having heard my whimper and pulled my head up by my curly ponytail with a stern look in his eye. “Slut, did i hear you make a noise without permission” I started to shake my head no but instead thought better of it.

Daddy smiled then lowered His head whispering “good slut” before letting go of my hair and walking to the front placing the cane on the table in front of me before walking back to the cabinet and pulling out a leather whip, two leather belts with heavy buckles, and of course my punishment paddles. He made sure I could see each item as it was brought to the front of the room. After bringing the last item to the front, Daddy asked Miss Dani to tilt my head back so that I could kiss each of the items before receiving my punishment.

Daddy picked up both the belts, testing each by snapping them against the table, the sound carrying to my ears. I squirmed against my bindings with a delicate flinch as the next snap then crack of one of the belts landed across my ass once then twice then again a third time each time in a different space. Breathe hissed through my teeth from the initial sting as I felt Their hands began to rub over my bottom easing the pain a bit.

Miss Dani brushed a kiss across my neck beneath my collar while still rubbing my bottom only moving her hands as i heard the swish of the cane right before i felt the crack of fire from the two quick strokes on the untouched portions of my cheeks adding to the lingering redness and welfares caused by the belt. A scream escaped my throat from each crack then subsided into whimpers as they too were rubbed by Miss Dani.

Face wet with tears and sweat , when I felt Daddy brush a kiss on my forehead having tilted my head back using my hair whispering “good slut for taking your punishment so well” before letting go and stepping back to retrieve the black paddles studied with Daddy’s name on one and the word cunt on the other. I braced myself for the impact as I felt the first paddle slam against my left cheek embedding it with “Daddy’s” then before the pain had a chance to fade I felt the other paddle embedding “cunt” on my right. Daddy and Miss Dani smiled as they heard my soft whimpers while Daddy continued to redden my bottom with the paddles causing the words to stand out more.

When Daddy finished padding my sore bottom, He and Miss Dani untied me from the table allowing me to stand. Sir wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead whispering “that’s my good girl” before sliding his hand down over my burning welted bottom causing me to softly hiss as He smiled.


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